View Full Version : ATF shows up at mans door wanting to see his guns. He calls police. Great Video.

08-01-22, 12:41

08-01-22, 13:17
There's your Feelgood Story of the Day to get your through Monday, right there. :)

08-01-22, 13:19
Damn... that ATF agent was an idiot.

Coal Dragger
08-01-22, 13:20

Screw that guy.

08-01-22, 13:36
Did a info dive on ATF @sshole. He had been arrested I think prior to this incident for shoplifting $200 worth of wine

08-01-22, 13:47
That was painful. I told someone once, if an officer or multiples show up and tell you get on the ground, you comply. Regardless of who you are, until the officers have figured out the scene. Fighting with them will just make it worse. Turns out according to the end of that, the idiot tried getting inside the apartment after the wife asked for the warrant and/or told him no until her husband was home.

08-01-22, 14:06
Ah yes... that was good!!
Thank you sir may I have another??!!

08-01-22, 15:29
Did a info dive on ATF @sshole. He had been arrested I think prior to this incident for shoplifting $200 worth of wine

I recall reading that when the incident first broke. What a douchebag.

08-01-22, 15:55
This has been going around for months. Didn't it turn out that the guy who called the police was a felon in possession of firearms?

08-01-22, 15:57
This was posted on Youtube last year with more footage of the afternath, "Just let 'im yell." "God please! I'm just trying to do my God damn job!"


08-01-22, 16:20
This was posted on Youtube last year with more footage of the afternath, "Just let 'im yell." "God please! I'm just trying to do my God damn job!"

Yep old

Coal Dragger
08-01-22, 16:22
This has been going around for months. Didn't it turn out that the guy who called the police was a felon in possession of firearms?

Don’t care.

He handled that very poorly, and evidently had no warrant.

08-01-22, 16:25
In case anyone hasn't heard, the ATF guy is suing the Columbus police dept.

08-01-22, 16:36
Like I posted when this video first came out... when you are plain clothes or under cover, uniformed officers always are in charge. That's common knowledge.

I also like this video/story as a counter point whenever I hear people talk about local cops bending to the will of or being afraid of the Feds. Especially how the video apparently circulated around Ohio departments to be laughed at. Any cop that has been around long enough has realized the Feds are not what tv and movies make them out to be. Not only are they just not that good at basic police work, most cops don't like them bringing their DC bullshit into our communities.

The only federal agency that I have had routinely good interactions with are the US Marshalls.

08-01-22, 16:39
What if the Agent had a bead chain necklace on displaying his badge?

08-01-22, 16:40
Don’t care.

He handled that very poorly, and evidently had no warrant.

He doesn't need a warrant to investigate, and might not even need one to search, make an arrest, etc. depending on the circumstances. This is a very old case, so I'm operating off of memory here, but if memory serves it seems like he was there to notify the occupant that he was required to surrender his guns after a recent felony conviction.

08-01-22, 16:51
He doesn't need a warrant to investigate, and might not even need one to search, make an arrest, etc. depending on the circumstances. This is a very old case, so I'm operating off of memory here, but if memory serves it seems like he was there to notify the occupant that he was required to surrender his guns after a recent felony conviction.

I'm not understanding why they would send one unarmed person to confiscate a felons guns.

08-01-22, 17:36
I'm not understanding why they would send one unarmed person to confiscate a felons guns.

I think it was one of these “Show me the guns to prove that you aren’t a straw purchaser…” deals.

“I have a medical condition”
“My wife is pregnant”
“I have these forms”

Hell, all that crap makes me thing he is bogus. I’m fine with announcing who you are, but frankly does that really carry any more validity than me saying “I’m a good guy” or “I’m a citizen”. Follow the commands or ride the lightning..

At a range once I remember a local/state cop telling a story about pulling over a car going high speed on I75. Get the car pulled over and the driver gets out and starts to reach around his back- and the cop telling the story says he had his hammer half back before he realized that it was an FBI agent reaching for his credentials. The FBIs were late for a flight and the driver thought that it would expedite things to go to the cop car….. His partner was an older FBI guy and just said “I told him not to do that…”….

08-01-22, 17:40
What if the Agent had a bead chain necklace on displaying his badge?

He did, but it wasn't being displayed because he had it tucked inside his shirt, claims he "forgot" it was there.

08-01-22, 18:02
I'm not understanding why they would send one unarmed person to confiscate a felons guns.

Again, I'm trying to recollect details from a year or more ago, so take this with a grain of salt...

If I remember correctly, he was there to inform the guy he was no longer allowed to keep the guns and give him the option of surrendering them.

ETA: Yes, apparently my memory is better than I thought:


I can't remember, but I'm guessing this had something to do with an SBS. I can't imagine how else the ATF would know he was in possession of it unless it were a registered NFA weapon.

In any case, this has nothing to do with what's going on now regarding straw purchase inspections. That agent was well within his authority, and those officers should have stood down the moment he identified himself as a federal agent. I do enjoy seeing the government eating its own, though.

08-01-22, 19:12
What if the Agent had a bead chain necklace on displaying his badge?

You can F around and find out. I know of a few instances where legit plainclothes cops got zipped by uniforms simply responding to the same call. They had badges on belts or neck chains and it still happened because some cops see "gun with uniform = good guy" and "gun without uniform = bad guy." Most cops do not start out the day wanting to f around with other cops, so if you got one that is questioning your creds, comply THEN confirm.

That whole thing could have been resolved in 5 minutes without serious incident. If civies can do it, Fed dudes should have enough elementary school education to accomplish the same.

08-01-22, 22:23
Like I posted when this video first came out... when you are plain clothes or under cover, uniformed officers always are in charge. That's common knowledge.

I also like this video/story as a counter point whenever I hear people talk about local cops bending to the will of or being afraid of the Feds. Especially how the video apparently circulated around Ohio departments to be laughed at. Any cop that has been around long enough has realized the Feds are not what tv and movies make them out to be. Not only are they just not that good at basic police work, most cops don't like them bringing their DC bullshit into our communities.

The only federal agency that I have had routinely good interactions with are the US Marshalls.

Generally speaking, the only feds who are good at police work are those who are former local cops, and those federal officers who do actual patrol work (Border Patrol, Park Police, etc.). The only place where the feds have a clear edge over local LE is in counterterrorism, as few, if any, local SWAT teams, even the big full time ones, have the capabilities of units like FBI HRT, USBP BORTAC, etc. But as for most of your agents, from what I understand, most federal agencies are usually more interested in hiring people with backgrounds in accounting or law as opposed to law enforcement. So while they may be good at following paper trails, they aren't necessarily good at street work of any kind, at least compared to a local PD detective who did years in patrol before going into investigations.

Coal Dragger
08-02-22, 00:09
He doesn't need a warrant to investigate, and might not even need one to search, make an arrest, etc. depending on the circumstances. This is a very old case, so I'm operating off of memory here, but if memory serves it seems like he was there to notify the occupant that he was required to surrender his guns after a recent felony conviction.

I’m still having a very difficult time generating any sympathy for agent JB. Maybe I can find some, let’s see here….

Ah yes there it is….

In between shit and syphilis in the dictionary.

08-02-22, 03:12
I agree 100% with the local officers.

ATF guy had plenty of time to produce his credentials from the time he saw the marked cars pull up. He didn't and then was a jerk, and got what was coming to him.

I would really like to know how he kept his job after being arrested for shoplifting?

I also would say the only Feds I had good luck with were the Marshal's. My dealing with FBI, not so good and I can't remember any real issues with ATF other than they declined to go after a guy that tried to kill me with a SBS.

08-02-22, 09:51
That was painful. I told someone once, if an officer or multiples show up and tell you get on the ground, you comply. Regardless of who you are, until the officers have figured out the scene. Fighting with them will just make it worse. Turns out according to the end of that, the idiot tried getting inside the apartment after the wife asked for the warrant and/or told him no until her husband was home.

It's stunning how many people do not understand the role of LEOs!

All that guy had to do was lay down and he'd have been on his feet in 30 seconds with a pat on the back and laughs all around!

But I love how it turned out with us having laughs all around!

08-02-22, 15:34
It's stunning how many people do not understand the role of LEOs!

All that guy had to do was lay down and he'd have been on his feet in 30 seconds with a pat on the back and laughs all around!

But I love how it turned out with us having laughs all around!

The irony is delicious... like a fine filet mignon wrapped with bacon, slathered in butter, and lightly dusted with sea salt and fresh-cracked black pepper.

08-02-22, 15:58
The irony is delicious... like a fine filet mignon wrapped with bacon, slathered in butter, and lightly dusted with sea salt and fresh-cracked black pepper.

Yep, USDA Prime Filet de Schadenfreude!

08-02-22, 16:12
I’m still having a very difficult time generating any sympathy for agent JB. Maybe I can find some, let’s see here….

Ah yes there it is….

In between shit and syphilis in the dictionary.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm always tickled to see jackboots fall victim to their own tyranny. I just wanted to clarify that this wasn't what people were making it out to be. As far as I know, the guy who called the cops was a legit felon and the agent there was well within the constitution. The guy had had his day in court.

Hopefully though this will be a lesson to the ATF to start giving local PDs a heads up before they go knocking in plain clothes. A little professional courtesy could have prevented this whole thing, on both sides.

08-02-22, 21:36
Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm always tickled to see jackboots fall victim to their own tyranny. I just wanted to clarify that this wasn't what people were making it out to be. As far as I know, the guy who called the cops was a legit felon and the agent there was well within the constitution. The guy had had his day in court.

Hopefully though this will be a lesson to the ATF to start giving local PDs a heads up before they go knocking in plain clothes. A little professional courtesy could have prevented this whole thing, on both sides.

Almost doesn't matter. Feds need to be professional with their interactions with both the public and LE. One person in this video forgot that role. You could have swapped him out with 500 plain clothes cops from any local department and it would have resulted in a 5 minute nothing burger.

Federal officers, more than any other kind of LE, should be more professional, not less. This guy is a grade A example of why ATF is still viewed as F Troop.

08-03-22, 06:40
I can say that anytime a neighboring jurisdiction had to serve a warrant, conduct an investigation, etc, they always contacted the dispatcher and we would decide if we should assist or not. Most always did unless it was obvious it served no purpose. FBI would always request marked car and uniformed presence, for one it made sense to prevent question on ID. They were always professional during encounters, DEA the same. Even the state boys would ask for assist even though they were usually in uniform. The only time I had direct dealing with ATF, guy was ok, just didn't listen to my instructions and ended up over a railing and into the rose bushes.

In this thread, the agent should've called for local PD presence and in my opinion, a good street cop with communication skills most likely could have diffused it before getting to far as it did. It's the most underused, underrated and lacking skill most PEOPLE have. On the other side, not necessarily in this occurrence, the "recipient" most always lacks the same and usually has some axe to grind, typically in this world, the bro, muh rights chump.

08-03-22, 07:44
If a uniformed officer specifically orders you to xyz, you WILL comply either voluntarily or by force. Your choice. In this situation the Fed acted no differently than George Floyd or any number of idiots that learned the hard way.

08-03-22, 08:01

Wow, the ego on that ATF agent. He knows better then anyone his actions were bad mojo and as he reached toward his side, I was almost expecting him to get shot. Not that it would not be viewed a very iffy shoot, but do you wanna take that chance a nervous cop let's one go because he thinks you're going for a gun and on your grave stone it reads "...but it was a bad shoot"?

Refusing to get down knowing procedure as well as anyone? Seems like another example of ATF agents assuming they are above local laws and local LE. Over reaction by the locals? Maybe, that's for the LEOs here to comment on, but once that's in play, follow commands like the other plebs and call them names after it's sorted out.

08-03-22, 08:07
If a uniformed officer specifically orders you to xyz, you WILL comply either voluntarily or by force. Your choice. In this situation the Fed acted no differently than George Floyd or any number of idiots that learned the hard way.

But he's above you guys cuz he's ATF and you're supposedly magically know that and accept what he says. Obviously, when they act like a whiny bitch and tell you they have a medical condition, you don't cuff them and hugs praise all around.

I don't want to cause loss of employment for good guys doing difficult work, but the ATF and DEA at least, need to go away. Obviously the FBI needs a serious revamp, but that's another topic for another day.

08-03-22, 08:26
This was posted on Youtube last year with more footage of the afternath, "Just let 'im yell." "God please! I'm just trying to do my God damn job!"


Glad you posted that. I really wanted to see how it all played out, and that agent just went from bad to worse as to his behavior and responses. Do they send their least popular and or least experienced agents to to do the crappy (and Unconstitutional...) job of annoying legal gun owners?

What's astounding if he was just your every day idiot type getting arrested and acting like that it would be cringe-worthy to watch, but as a federal agents? Holy F! I'd hope at the very least he got a serious reprimand and chit stain added to his record, if not let go.

Do we know the final outcome of all that?

08-03-22, 10:38
I should've added that the agent should've complied and it would've worked out better. Our standing orders were strict-100% compliant to the uniformed officers if in plain clothes and not recognized. It has happened more than once with other agencies that an UC was shot or had a serious ass adjustment.

08-03-22, 19:39
I was almost expecting him to get shot.

Honestly, if the idiot atf goon was reaching for his side while continuing to act like a dumbass I’d of shot him, especially if I saw a holstered weapon.

Maybe a solid teaching moment for other atf morons. Here’s how to not get your ass lit up by RO’s in uniform.

08-04-22, 06:42
Honestly, if the idiot atf goon was reaching for his side while continuing to act like a dumbass I’d of shot him, especially if I saw a holstered weapon.

Maybe a solid teaching moment for other atf morons. Here’s how to not get your ass lit up by RO’s in uniform.

And I suspect few would blame you.

08-05-22, 09:13
So instead of being embarrassed, he files a suit. No surprises, the agent is a delusional person totally, so of course he thinks they did him wrong and he learned nothing from the event. This vid claims the agent was there to retrieve a gun that was not legally possessed, but not sure where that comes from. I'd hope that worthless agent loses, and this guy in the vid gives him a C-. Obviously, should be an F:


08-05-22, 19:47
So instead of being embarrassed, he files a suit. No surprises, the agent is a delusional person totally, so of course he thinks they did him wrong and he learned nothing from the event. This vid claims the agent was there to retrieve a gun that was not legally possessed, but not sure where that comes from. I'd hope that worthless agent loses, and this guy in the vid gives him a C-. Obviously, should be an F:


He's in hard competition with the DEA guy who shot himself in the foot for "most profeshiunal." That guy tried to sue YT under the premise that the viral video prevented him from being able to work undercover.

08-05-22, 19:49
They are both still losing to FREE INHABITANT GIRL.


08-06-22, 12:59
They are both still losing to FREE INHABITANT GIRL.


I've seen this video about a dozen times or so and I LOL every single time.

08-06-22, 14:52
They are both still losing to FREE INHABITANT GIRL.

Always painful vid to watch but for some reason I have always wanted to know what that total wack job looks like. She sounds like she's 12.