View Full Version : Finally, after 21 years Al-Zawahiri gets whacked

08-01-22, 17:00
Egyptian pediatrician my ass. I must say that if America puts you on it's shit list, even under a worthless Democheat and libtarded administration and over two decades later your ass is toast! Love it.


Hmmm, in Afghanistan you don't say? :rolleyes:

08-01-22, 17:15
Boo- yah!

08-01-22, 17:21
Industrial Institutional Organized violence with a ‘to-do’ list.

Did no one pay attention that when you try to get your college transcripts 20 years after graduating, if you have a $1.05 late fee at the school library, they won’t release your transcript. That should be a clue…

I wonder if Vietnamese prison guards ever get the ‘spooks’…

08-01-22, 17:28
Industrial Institutional Organized violence with a ‘to-do’ list.

Did no one pay attention that when you try to get your college transcripts 20 years after graduating, if you have a $1.05 late fee at the school library, they won’t release your transcript. That should be a clue…

I wonder if Vietnamese prison guards ever get the ‘spooks’…

Considering they weren't part and parcel to the murder of 3K Americans, probably not. This is one instance where the MIC excels, and I will give a reserved nod of approval.

Caveat: the inability to indefinitely hide from the all-encompassing surveillance state is kind of scary. Al-Zawahiri I have ZERO problems with, but one wonders if that monstrosity can be turned inwards, if it hasn't already (minus the drone strikes.....for now).

08-01-22, 17:36
Hmmm, in Afghanistan you don't say? :rolleyes:

Nonsense, al Qaeda is 'gone' from Afghanistan, just ask Brandon.

The Dumb Gun Collector
08-01-22, 17:41
This is amazing! Enjoy Hell scumbag!

We can enjoy this.

08-01-22, 17:47
Burn in hell, mf ****er.....

08-01-22, 18:11
Nice to see that the drone strikes on strategic targets are still going on. Good job and kudos to those involved.

08-01-22, 18:30
Got a couple of Haqqani’s too.

08-01-22, 19:08
Before the midterms. How about let's see the body and DNA. This is just another Google AI generated news report. Remember your watching a TV, little is fact nowadays

08-01-22, 20:01
All about mid term posturing...

08-01-22, 20:09
Burn in hell, mf ****er.....

I hope Satan has an extra bag of coal to place in his lap when he arrives. :)

08-01-22, 20:23
The cynic in me thinks Brandon's puppetmasters were saving this for a moment when they needed a poll-bump or a diversion to take the masses' eyes off something.

My question is, what don't they want us to see that they're using this to cover for, when Pedo Joe was actively protecting Osama by trying to spike the kill missions whenever they came up until (IIRC) finally Panetta saw an opening for Executive Decision and made the most of it?

08-01-22, 20:46
We knew where he was, since the beginning of the year. Hmmmm!!!

08-01-22, 21:24
We knew where he was, since the beginning of the year. Hmmmm!!!

While I'm not saying political timing doesn't happen, simply knowing the location of somebody doesn't equal a green light unless you are willing to kill a lot of people. Even with a drone strike you need to make sure the people feeding you information are protected.

You also need to be absolutely sure of your intelligence, lots of bait out there.

08-01-22, 23:26
So, for him, is the the new abode just where he has to trade places with the goats? That feels appropriate.

08-02-22, 04:57
He deserves it. I would bet they have known all along where he's been. But to be honest, I believe it was done for political expediency to distract the negative things going on in this country and to give the ccp a "look what I can do daddy" nudge so that Nancy can go to Taiwan and not get scaret of getting blown out of the sky by a ccp mig.

08-02-22, 09:05
Though #1: Rest in peices and pink mist chit head

Thought #2: Note where he was killed. Didn't see anyone mention that, but it indicates full circle, Afg has become a haven again for Islamic terrorists who feel perfectly safe to go there. Considering how we left, as expected, told the Afg and the world, we'd never go back there and any goat F-er could return to train and plot for terrorism on us. Does the death of that goat f-er send the message we will at least be keeping an eye on the place and will convert targets of opportunity into pink mist - or preferably face shoot - so that "biz as usual" as before will not be accepted?

I have my doubts...

08-02-22, 09:06
Biden's tough guy speech was very impressive. He's like John Wayne!

08-02-22, 09:07

This is from 2020 saying he died of natural causes...SM is kinda blowing up saying this drone deal is nothing more than a weak attempt to help biden??

Another article questioning the timing...I don't care as long as he's in the depths of hell. Just throwing it out there.


B Cart
08-02-22, 10:20
Good riddance!

That being said... the timing seems pretty "coincidental", with mid terms right around the corner and dems knowing things don't look good for them. Makes me wonder how long he's really been dead.

But great kill either way. The world is a better place without him.

08-02-22, 12:15
Good riddance!

That being said... the timing seems pretty "coincidental", with mid terms right around the corner and dems knowing things don't look good for them. Makes me wonder how long he's really been dead.

But great kill either way. The world is a better place without him.

Poopy pants couldn't hold off on his Corn Pop tough guy act, so I'm pretty sure it just happened.

08-02-22, 13:10
Apparently he got the Ginsu treatment, the Hellfire with blades sticking out of it so as to not kill bystanders.:


08-02-22, 13:21
Considering they weren't part and parcel to the murder of 3K Americans, probably not. This is one instance where the MIC excels, and I will give a reserved nod of approval.

Caveat: the inability to indefinitely hide from the all-encompassing surveillance state is kind of scary. Al-Zawahiri I have ZERO problems with, but one wonders if that monstrosity can be turned inwards, if it hasn't already (minus the drone strikes.....for now).

Don’t forget the informants. Nothing happens without paid informants.

08-02-22, 13:29
Apparently he got the Ginsu treatment, the Hellfire with blades sticking out of it so as to not kill bystanders.:


Good, a little slower than an explosion.

B Cart
08-02-22, 15:56
Poopy pants couldn't hold off on his Corn Pop tough guy act, so I'm pretty sure it just happened.

Valid point.

And glad to hear he got the Ginsu! Somehow that makes this even better

08-02-22, 17:50
Does Biden know about this yet?

08-03-22, 14:32
Good riddance!

That being said... the timing seems pretty "coincidental", with mid terms right around the corner and dems knowing things don't look good for them. Makes me wonder how long he's really been dead.

But great kill either way. The world is a better place without him.

And Nancy P boldly going where no other dare go?
This is a lot of staged drama running up to the elections.
The Dems sold out to China years ago, this is all an act to make them look strong and bold.
Just remember that they got our Strategic Oil Reserve.

08-03-22, 22:39
And Nancy P boldly going where no other dare go?
This is a lot of staged drama running up to the elections.
The Dems sold out to China years ago, this is all an act to make them look strong and bold.
Just remember that they got our Strategic Oil Reserve.

I agree. I just hope the bad guy really is dead.

08-05-22, 21:06
I agree. I just hope the bad guy really is dead.

Right, remember biden also swiftly droned the planer of the Kabul Airport attack during his hasty withdrawal. Then it turned out to be a vehicle full of children.

08-06-22, 21:31
Right, remember biden also swiftly droned the planer of the Kabul Airport attack during his hasty withdrawal. Then it turned out to be a vehicle full of children.

That’s what I was remembering. Disgusting.