View Full Version : Trump Backed Candidates Are on Track to Get Smoked in General

08-03-22, 15:37
Not So Fast: MAGA Media Celebrates Primary Wins, But Extreme Candidates Are on Track to Get Smoked in General


The story of Trump’s influence on these Republican primary elections is a legitimate one. But it only tells half of the story — or more like 25% of the story, depending on the actual size of Trump’s base. The other and more telling part of this political narrative? The majority of extremist far-right and MAGA-friendly candidates look likely to get smoked by Democrats in the general election in November.

The Political Environment Might Be Improving For Democrats


08-03-22, 15:53
This coming from a site that is notoriously leftwing. Another is I glanced at the article from 538, but saw polls but nothing about the polling metrics or questions.

Coal Dragger
08-03-22, 16:00
The GOP probably doesn’t take the Senate this time. Idiot Republican primary voters have nominated weak candidates who will probably lose.

08-03-22, 16:02
Just Setting the stage for more election shenanigans...they are always guilty of what / where they lay blame.

Trump endorsed candidates are extreme where the left side is not...it's all bs.

08-03-22, 16:07
Because putting America first is an extreme radical concept.

08-03-22, 16:10
The GOP probably doesn’t take the Senate this time. Idiot Republican primary voters have nominated weak candidates who will probably lose.

You misspelled Trump backed weak candidates....

Coal Dragger
08-03-22, 16:11
The truck as W.F. Buckley put it is to nominate the most right leaning candidate who can actually win in the general election.

Would you rather nominate an right wing idealist who can’t campaign for shit and loses, or a center right candidate who will win?

08-03-22, 16:12
We’ve been here before... as long as fools keep supporting this clown he’s going to keep screwing things up.

Trump Loses the Senate


08-03-22, 16:21
The truck as W.F. Buckley put it is to nominate the most right leaning candidate who can actually win in the general election.

Would you rather nominate an right wing idealist who can’t campaign for shit and loses, or a center right candidate who will win?

That's my belief. The problem is that Trump and his hardcore supporters are spending more time waging war on "traitors" within the party than they are on beating the Democrats. The Trump wing of the party also throws around "RINO" the way the Democrats throw around "racist". RINO used to mean a liberal Republican like Romney or McCain; now it means anyone who is not a yes-man for Trump.

They can nominate very conservative people in very conservative states and districts, but they need to stick with center-right in purple areas. That should have been abundantly clear after the GOP won the VA elections last year, but nope.

08-03-22, 16:25
We have a sketchy Governor's race coming in AZ. A whacked out left wing kook, Katie Hobbs, won her current position fraudulently on last minute provisional votes which set her up to oversee the election where Trump was screwed on fraud.

Trump's candidate, Keri Lake, is portrayed in less than good light for openly campaigning on the election fraud. By any reasonable measure, Hobbs, who also lost a battle over unjustly firing a black woman (libs can hate blacks... it's ok for them to do so), should lose in a landslide against Lake.

But with the fraud machine already in place, it will be interesting to see if these lunatics rob the same train thrice!

The massively interesting thing is that NOT ONE political add for either party in the primaries involved anyone campaigning on anything other than center or right. Liberal bull shit is WILDLY unpopular, yet we're expected to believe that these lunatics are in contention to win???

It's so crooked, it's disgusting.

08-03-22, 16:38
At this point I'm not sure it makes any difference. We might as well wedge the throttle wide open, throw it in (D) and watch it sail over a cliff and into the void.

08-03-22, 16:47
It’ll be interesting, for sure. The dude is a very polarizing character. Some people (Rs included, but pretty much all the Ds) won’t vote for anyone associated with him. Some people (nearly exclusively R) won’t vote for anyone NOT associated with him. Of course, some are in the middle. I don’t know for sure which group is larger, but if I was running as an R, not being endorsed by him might be the safer bet. I would think there is little to be gained, and much to lose. Basically, I suspect that most voters that prefer a Trump-endorsed candidate are going to vote R, with or without the endorsement, so why risk it?

08-03-22, 16:50
At this point I'm not sure it makes any difference. We might as well wedge the throttle wide open, throw it in (D) and watch it sail over a cliff and into the void.

It's already a big mess, and people can see that Dem policies are crap.

I can tell by the campaign adds. NOT ONE add aimed at any left wing ideas at all. Most of them calling their rivals liberals... or penis head, Mark "Howard Walowitz" Kelly, trying to appear center aisle.

They damned sure know they CAN NOT win on their policies and ideas, so it's back to vote fraud.

08-03-22, 17:03
My apologies for my state being unwilling or unable to clean House and shitcah Newhouse and Herrera-Beutler. :(

08-03-22, 17:28
I'm over Trump and his narcissism. I voted for him twice and would hold my nose and vote for him a third time if he won the primary, but I'm NOT voting for him in the primary (I didn't in 2016, went for Cruz). I will readily admit that he should be POTUS now but for FRAUD by the Democheats, so I'll give him that.....but he's not so I would like to see DeSantis run.

08-03-22, 17:56
Hell, I'm voting for him for the entertainment reasons alone...watching the left & TDS'rs heads explode is just a bonus.

08-03-22, 18:00
Anyone on the Right who stays home or votes D just because of DJT again needs their head examined after seeing what that has gotten us the last two years.

The Dumb Gun Collector
08-03-22, 18:01
I'm over Trump and his narcissism. I voted for him twice and would hold my nose and vote for him a third time if he won the primary, but I'm NOT voting for him in the primary

This is me. I voted for him last time because, despite all the craziness, I still thought he was better than Biden (which I still stand by). But good Lord, the dude is old as hell and the Presidency isn't owed to him. We have to bring in some younger blood. Definitely hoping for DeSantis this time.

08-03-22, 18:04
Trump backed candidate for Gov of Maryland recently won the Republican primary. :cool:

Coal Dragger
08-03-22, 18:58
So he can lose the general election. What purpose does that serve other than pleasing mouth breathers?

08-03-22, 18:59
My hope is that the America first candidates smoke the establishment candidates in 22 and 24 and then begin the deconstruction of the administrative state.

Mauser KAR98K
08-03-22, 19:01
Not So Fast: MAGA Media Celebrates Primary Wins, But Extreme Candidates Are on Track to Get Smoked in General


The Political Environment Might Be Improving For Democrats


So we need to go back to voting McCains and Romney's...the ****ers that lost?

08-03-22, 19:11
Every poll I've seen asking if the primary was held today has trump with 50% & desantis with 20% or less & the rest with single digits...I don't put much in polls generally, but unless something really crazy happens I would at least start trying to psych yourself up for another Trump vs the swamp 2024.

08-03-22, 19:33
I would at least start trying to psych yourself up for another Trump vs the swamp 2024.

Who you think he’ll pick as his running mate?

Kanye West, maybe one of the Kardashians? I mean if we’re going full blown President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho retard level here...

Mauser KAR98K
08-03-22, 21:48
Who you think he’ll pick as his running mate?

Kanye West, maybe one of the Kardashians? I mean if we’re going full blown President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho retard level here...

Tulsi would be interesting.

08-03-22, 21:51
Tulsi would be interesting.Tulsi is an anti gunner.

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08-03-22, 22:13
Tulsi is an anti gunner.

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Trump: 'Take the guns first, go through due process second'


08-03-22, 22:18
Trump: 'Take the guns first, go through due process second'

https://www.politico.com/video/2018/02/28/trump-take-the-guns-first-go-through-due-process-second-065189That looks bad too, but I don't know the context. Not supporting any anti gun rhetoric, certainly not tulsi.

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Mauser KAR98K
08-04-22, 05:39
Tulsi is an anti gunner.

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Some recent twitter posts in the aftermath of Uvalde seems she is changing her position.

08-04-22, 07:18
If 100 candidates are backed by Trump and one loses, you will never hear about the other 99 from the MSM.

I literally don't care one way or another if Trump endorses or doesn't endorse a candidate and imagine the majority of Rs feel the same way. Since no D will ever vote R, it does not matter in the least what they think of Trump's endorsements.

I know its a shock, but the MSM media lies. Its easy to detect - if their lips are moving or they put something in print regarding politics, its either a lie or half truth.


08-04-22, 08:08
Who you think he’ll pick as his running mate?

Kanye West, maybe one of the Kardashians? I mean if we’re going full blown President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho retard level here...

Never can tell with trump but I'm sure it will cause the msm & tds'rs explosive diarrhea...it's apparent you should start your kegel exercises now because there is no avoiding it.

08-04-22, 11:07
Silly never Trumpers, still don’t get that Trump is the result and not the cause. We understand now that you hate us, you can’t stand us smelly Walmart people any more than liberals can. We are over your weak, controlled opposition, liberal but with tax cuts, old GOP. That doesn’t mean the New Right is going to always or immediately win everywhere. But it does mean that you are going to start loosing, because now WE HATE YOU BACK.

But do go on and tell me how much more “electable” Presidents Romney and McCain were…

08-04-22, 11:51
Two of them one the primary in MI. I am less than confident that they will win in the general.

The Trump backed choice the foolish voters here made for the governor spot is laughable at best, she is a RINO and just as antigun as the guy that backed her.
I voted for Trump twice or should I say I voted against Hilary and Burden, but at this point I wish he would just go away as he is going to cause more harm than good.

08-04-22, 14:00
I'm very happy Trump is backing Cheney's opponent in my state. She is such a loser. Honestly, I'm done with any of these "legacy families" in politics. It only breeds corruption.

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08-04-22, 14:30
I'm very happy Trump is backing Cheney in my state. She is such a loser. Honestly, I'm done with any of these "legacy families" in politics. It only breeds corruption.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

WTF is wrong with this state's so-called "conservatives" that we can't rally around ONE challenger when we need to Primary some RINO piece of walking dogshit like Newhouse or JHB?

Oh well, one dude I actually respect won Tuesday, too bad he's running in a CD where if the tickets were "R Mother Teresa - D Hitler" the D's in the Concrete Jungle would rather have the D banner no matter who carries it.

08-04-22, 14:35
WTF is wrong with this state's so-called "conservatives" that we can't rally around ONE challenger when we need to Primary some RINO piece of walking dogshit like Newhouse or JHB?

Oh well, one dude I actually respect won Tuesday, too bad he's running in a CD where if the tickets were "R Mother Teresa - D Hitler" the D's in the Concrete Jungle would rather have the D banner no matter who carries it.

Wow, not sure what happened there. I posted on my phone and it didn't come out right. Cheney's opponent is what I meant to say...

08-04-22, 14:35
if the tickets were "R Mother Teresa - D Hitler"

They both liked to see people suffer so I'd have to abstain.

08-04-22, 15:17
Wow, not sure what happened there. I posted on my phone and it didn't come out right. Cheney's opponent is what I meant to say...

Oh, you mean Wyoming... mini-profile on top of your post said SW WA, which had me think you were in Herrera-Beutler's (aka "Liz Lite") district.

08-04-22, 15:21
They both liked to see people suffer so I'd have to abstain.

Even if you said Jesus v Hitler, same dynamic about "vote blue NO MATTER WHO." If Keith Swank's still the same guy as he was when we met at County GOP Convention back in '04 while he was trying for WA-8 in the race ultimately won by Reichert... well, back then he was a straight shooter and while people can change over 20 years if he has stayed true he doesn't deserve the bus he's about to get hit with.

And then you have the Resucklican mayor of Wenatchee endorsing the D over her R challenger... WTF?! Wenatchee's collective head is usually screwed on better than that, at least back when I was regularly over there working on Special Olympics.

08-04-22, 17:04
Oh, you mean Wyoming... mini-profile on top of your post said SW WA, which had me think you were in Herrera-Beutler's (aka "Liz Lite") district.

DOH! Fixed that too....thanks.

08-04-22, 18:18
DOH! Fixed that too....thanks.

Passed through there many years ago, before the Fossil Cabin museum closed... nice country and good people, might be a good place to set up "base camp" for a Permanent Traveler RV. Winter sounds like a big bucket of ick for us who have trouble functioning outside the 50-80-degree range though.

08-04-22, 20:03
Passed through there many years ago, before the Fossil Cabin museum closed... nice country and good people, might be a good place to set up "base camp" for a Permanent Traveler RV. Winter sounds like a big bucket of ick for us who have trouble functioning outside the 50-80-degree range though.Yeah, it gets a bit cold, but I like it....keeps the homeless away. LOL, a lady at the post office was griping that there are too many republicans here.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

08-04-22, 20:05
Yeah, it gets a bit cold, but I like it....keeps the homeless away. LOL, a lady at the post office was griping that there are too many republicans here.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

Did you tell her "Then move back to Commiefornia, Karen"? :D

08-04-22, 21:03
"vote blue NO MATTER WHO."

Got that part. Just disagree with the trite use of Mother Teresa and Hitler as the archetypes good and evil.

08-05-22, 11:16
Got that part. Just disagree with the trite use of Mother Teresa and Hitler as the archetypes good and evil.

Dude, I'm with you. **** Mother Teresa. She was a sadistic, evil, little witch. If she could have gotten away with it, and especially if she would have been able to watch as they suffocated and died, she would have happily marched people into a gas chamber.

She's closer to Hitler than not...

Anyway, to the topic at hand, I'm afraid Team R is about to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. I suspect they'll gain a small margin in the House, but fail to take the Senate.

08-05-22, 11:38
I would enthusiastically vote for Trump.

As far as so-called experts predicting Trump-backed candidates getting smoked...

Headline two days ago:

Trump vs. Pence in Arizona: MAGA candidate Kari Lake trails ex-VPs pick Karrin Tayor Roboson.


Trump ally Kari Lake wins.

08-05-22, 13:19
Dude, I'm with you. **** Mother Teresa. She was a sadistic, evil, little witch. If she could have gotten away with it, and especially if she would have been able to watch as they suffocated and died, she would have happily marched people into a gas chamber.

She's closer to Hitler than not...

Anyway, to the topic at hand, I'm afraid Team R is about to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. I suspect they'll gain a small margin in the House, but fail to take the Senate.

Point already taken, challenge in reply is find me someone to cite with a strong positive "brand image." Hell, Gandhi was a raving anti-Semite whose "non-violence" was only because the British imposed gun-control on India or he would have gone full-on 1916 Easter Uprising if not 1990s Balkans...

The only reason I don't go straight to saying Jesus is the many rabid anti-religion zealots, anti-Christian bigots in particular, infesting the entire Left Coast.

08-05-22, 15:51
Silly never Trumpers, still don’t get that Trump is the result and not the cause. We understand now that you hate us, you can’t stand us smelly Walmart people any more than liberals can. We are over your weak, controlled opposition, liberal but with tax cuts, old GOP. That doesn’t mean the New Right is going to always or immediately win everywhere. But it does mean that you are going to start loosing, because now WE HATE YOU BACK.

But do go on and tell me how much more “electable” Presidents Romney and McCain were…


My support is on DeSantis in the primary, but if Trump wins that I'll sing his praises and vote for him all day long. We simply can't afford 4 more years of this crap we have now! :mad:

08-06-22, 18:05
Today's headline

"Trump easily wins Texas CPAC 2024 GOP presidential nomination straw poll; DeSantis second
Trump captured 69.1% of ballots cast, DeSantis received 23.7% in the anonymous CPAC straw poll."

08-06-22, 18:23
I would enthusiastically vote for Trump.

As far as so-called experts predicting Trump-backed candidates getting smoked...

Headline two days ago:

Trump vs. Pence in Arizona: MAGA candidate Kari Lake trails ex-VPs pick Karrin Tayor Roboson.


Trump ally Kari Lake wins.

And I would reluctantly hold my nose and vote for him in the general (for the third time). He needs to STFU and be a king maker, not king. DeSantis is where it's at; younger, Trump-like in many ways but without being a bombastic NY asshole with piss-poor personnel choices. Look at some of the recent stuff DeSantis has done with Disney and that lefty prosecutor in Tampa.

I would bet my paycheck that if DeSantis runs and wins he would NOT appoint swampy fvcks on the ill-gotten advice of his other swampy advisors.

08-06-22, 20:23
Desantis for pres and Trump becomes press secretary. That would be hilarious and drive the dems insane.

08-06-22, 21:00
I'm over Trump and his narcissism. I voted for him twice and would hold my nose and vote for him a third time if he won the primary, but I'm NOT voting for him in the primary (I didn't in 2016, went for Cruz).
Same here. For Trump it's all about fighting the last election and getting back at anyone who's not loyal to him. I find the last part ironic considering that he's not so loyal himself. I'd vote for him in the general election again too, but it makes no sense to vote for someone who can only serve four years. We need someone who can win and stay there for eight years.

When it comes to the senate elections here in Georgia, it seems like everyone is trying to screw things up. It started back in 2016 when senator Isakson decide to run for another 6 year term in spite of the fact that the was old and feeble as hell. Well, he couldn't make it four years. Fortunately, we have a Republican governor, so he was able to appoint a replacement. Unfortunately, he decided to choose the next senator based on the criteria of having a vagina and living in the suburbs. She was a solid conservative. I'll give her that. Unfortunately, her campaigning skill were poor. She lost in the general's first round to a pajama wearing leftist boy. However, in Georgia you have to get 50% in the general, so there was a runoff. Meanwhile, our senator Purdue did win the most votes in his election, but he also had to go through a runoff because he didn't hit the 50% threshold. Enter Trump who decided it would be a good idea to discourage Republicans from voting in the runoff. What we got out of all this was two senate election losses that should have been pretty easily won. Now two years later we have a chance to take out the Commiecrat fake preacher who won the remainder of Isakson's term. Former senator Perdue decides that he doesn't want to run for senate. No, this time he'll take on our sitting Republican governor. No other elected Republicans stepped up to run. We ended up with three guys running who didn't have any experience at all. The guy who won, Hershel Walker, is a solid conservative. However, the Democrats have dug up dirt on him and are running all sorts of attack ads. He's unfortunately not very charismatic. I'm hoping he can win, but it's going to be an uphill battle. If he decides to have Trump campaign for him (they're friends from the USFL days), it's over.

Think about this. The Republican nominees for senate in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Arizona all have zero election experience. All of these seats should be slam dunks this year (perhaps with the exception of Pennsylvania), but we're fighting an uphill battle of inexperience.

08-07-22, 07:26
Same here. For Trump it's all about fighting the last election and getting back at anyone who's not loyal to him. I find the last part ironic considering that he's not so loyal himself. I'd vote for him in the general election again too, but it makes no sense to vote for someone who can only serve four years. We need someone who can win and stay there for eight years.

When it comes to the senate elections here in Georgia, it seems like everyone is trying to screw things up. It started back in 2016 when senator Isakson decide to run for another 6 year term in spite of the fact that the was old and feeble as hell. Well, he couldn't make it four years. Fortunately, we have a Republican governor, so he was able to appoint a replacement. Unfortunately, he decided to choose the next senator based on the criteria of having a vagina and living in the suburbs. She was a solid conservative. I'll give her that. Unfortunately, her campaigning skill were poor. She lost in the general's first round to a pajama wearing leftist boy. However, in Georgia you have to get 50% in the general, so there was a runoff. Meanwhile, our senator Purdue did win the most votes in his election, but he also had to go through a runoff because he didn't hit the 50% threshold. Enter Trump who decided it would be a good idea to discourage Republicans from voting in the runoff. What we got out of all this was two senate election losses that should have been pretty easily won. Now two years later we have a chance to take out the Commiecrat fake preacher who won the remainder of Isakson's term. Former senator Perdue decides that he doesn't want to run for senate. No, this time he'll take on our sitting Republican governor. No other elected Republicans stepped up to run. We ended up with three guys running who didn't have any experience at all. The guy who won, Hershel Walker, is a solid conservative. However, the Democrats have dug up dirt on him and are running all sorts of attack ads. He's unfortunately not very charismatic. I'm hoping he can win, but it's going to be an uphill battle. If he decides to have Trump campaign for him (they're friends from the USFL days), it's over.

Think about this. The Republican nominees for senate in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Arizona all have zero election experience. All of these seats should be slam dunks this year (perhaps with the exception of Pennsylvania), but we're fighting an uphill battle of inexperience.

It still baffles me on how a completely anti-American communist like Warnock got elected in Georgia.

I really wish DJT would step back this election. He was the right man at the right time in 2016 but this go around we need someone who is a better conservative and much better communicator like DeSantis.

08-07-22, 07:37
It still baffles me on how a completely anti-American communist like Warnock got elected in Georgia.
I guess that really depends on your definition of "elected".

I really wish DJT would step back this election. He was the right man at the right time in 2016 but this go around we need someone who is a better conservative and much better communicator like DeSantis.
Agreed! Unfortunately, Trump's ego won't allow him to step aside for the benefit of the nation. He'll try to destroy DeSantis before he lets him win the nomination.

08-07-22, 08:24
I guess that really depends on your definition of "elected".

Probably the same way a potato who rarely left his basement and when he did could only draw a schoolbus size crowd got 81 million votes.

08-07-22, 08:27
It still baffles me on how a completely anti-American communist like Warnock got elected in Georgia.
It's a combination of factors. Georgia has a high percentage of black population who vote 90% for Democrats, but so do surrounding states, so that's not it. The problem is that chunks of the remaining population have been trending to the left faster than chunks of the same population have been trending to the right. We're actually making good inroads in minority communities. They're realizing the lies they've been told for generations and are slowly coming our way. Unfortunately, "educated" white women (especially single ones) have started voting for Democrats more and more. My daughter and son attend a Christian school in an all Republican county. A couple of years ago my wife pointed out to me how my daughter's teacher was praising her daughter on Facebook for attending a BLM protest. My wife replied with a link to BLM's own website where they listed the destruction of the nuclear family and other anti-Christian objectives. There was no reply to her post, but a few others did reply in praising my daughter's teacher. Keep in mind that this teacher professes and actually teaches Christian beliefs. My point here is that there's an incredible disconnect between what some women say their personal beliefs are and how they vote politically. Enter a slick talking snake (Obama 2.0) like Warnock who has the cover of being a preacher at MLK's church, and they fall for his BS. He doesn't actually say anything meaningful, but he sounds good doing it. Meanwhile, Hershel Walker talks slow and country which is a turnoff to "sophisticated" women. Combine this with the great influx of people we have to the Atlanta area from California and the northeast. The vast majority of these people vote for the same sort of idiots they did in the states they came from. The inability to put cause and effect together baffles me. Finally, politicians within the Georgia Republican party are making stupid moves such as the senate situation that I described above. Another example is our current lieutenant governor. He actually out performed all other Republicans when he was elected almost four years ago and seemed like a solid conservative. I thought at the time he'd be a good candidate for a future senator or governor. Unfortunately, he's so hung up on hating trump that he started some group that's all about getting Trump's influence out of the Republican party. My father and I were donors to him back when he was relatively unknown and running for lieutenant governor, so a few months ago he visited us wanting us to donate to his new cause. We tag teamed him telling him that he's not a team player and he just needs to get over Trump. It was quite enjoyable. Of course he left with no money from us.

Agreed! Unfortunately, Trump's ego won't allow him to step aside for the benefit of the nation. He'll try to destroy DeSantis before he lets him win the nomination.
If there is a Republican who can handle Trump, I think it's DeSantis. It might damage him, but it might actually make him stronger for the general election. I ask people, do you want a guy who can talk a good game or do you want a guy who can talk a good game and actually has a record of dismantling leftists within government.

08-07-22, 08:58
It still baffles me on how a completely anti-American communist like Warnock got elected in Georgia.

I really wish DJT would step back this election. He was the right man at the right time in 2016 but this go around we need someone who is a better conservative and much better communicator like DeSantis.

Not just Warnock but also Ossof. Trump discouraged Republican turnout by his your vote doesn't count and georgia election cheating rhetoric, and a lot of georgia republicans stayed home.
I was telling my wife he needed to stfu or he was going to cost us the senate.

Not saying Trump was wrong, but it's never a good idea to tell your party that there's no reason to vote because it won't count.

08-07-22, 09:23
Georgia... Remember 49% of Georgia voters pulled the lever for that left wing kook Stacy Abrams to be their governor. That should tell you all you need to know.

08-07-22, 09:51
Georgia... Remember 49% of Georgia voters pulled the lever for that left wing kook Stacy Abrams to be their governor. That should tell you all you need to know.
Right. Georgia elections are always going to be close. If the Republicans do anything stupid, it will cost us the election.

Don't forget that it was Trump who threw Governor Kemp under the bus for "opening up" the state too soon. Trump wasn't loyal to him at all, yet he demands that Kemp change the election results which he literally has no power to do as governor.

The Dumb Gun Collector
08-08-22, 12:23
There were a lot of people spreading the idea that the election was fixed in GA last time. Whatever the merits of those claims, it had a depressing effect on Republican turnout that I witnessed personally. Walker is a terrible, terrible candidate. He is yet another gift from DJT. Buuuuut we have to get our ass out and vote. At least he is likely a reliable vote for Republicans. We can win this, but the “fix is in” doomsaying needs to stop until we get the election over with.

08-08-22, 13:38
One of the GOP candidates for MI governor came in 4th out of 5 candidates, and is demanding a hand recount, because blah, 2020 election was fixed, blah, blah.

Assholes like this clown will cause us to have another 4 years of dumbocrats effing the state up.
The dumbocrat AG is going after some of those that stole voting machines after the election to prove they were crooked, she also refuses to enforce thy e states antiabortion law from 80 years ago

08-08-22, 13:51
I'm sure there's a lot of science and psychology involved in so-called voter turnout, but anyone who even remotely considers themselves a republican, much less a conservative, who didn't get off the couch to vote in an effort to keep the likes of Warnock and Ossof out of Washington... well... uh... has no one to blame but themselves.

'My vote doesn't count' has been a cop-out since forever.

08-08-22, 17:16
I do not know of any conservatives in Georgia who did not vote because of anything Trump said.

If anything, everyone was passionate about voting because the stakes were so high.

As to election ballot shenanigans, it is known as fact that enough balance were counted that shouldn't have been that would have sent the election the other way.

This has to do with voters caught by their change of address forms. Which was taken to court and thrown out by Stacey Abrams sister who should have recused herself.

State law is that if you were not eligible for the original election you can't vote in the runoff. Yet large numbers did. And there was some evidence that some of those were temporary out of state attempts to swing the election.

08-08-22, 17:32
I do not know of any conservatives in Georgia who did not vote because of anything Trump said.

If anything, everyone was passionate about voting because the stakes were so high.

As to election ballot shenanigans, it is known as fact that enough balance were counted that shouldn't have been that would have sent the election the other way.

This has to do with voters caught by their change of address forms. Which was taken to court and thrown out by Stacey Abrams sister who should have recused herself.

State law is that if you were not eligible for the original election you can't vote in the runoff. Yet large numbers did. And there was some evidence that some of those were temporary out of state attempts to swing the election.

Shhhh......you're not supposed to mention *cough cough* voter fraud or shenanigans. :nono: It never happened, it's figment of your imaginative right-wing conspiracy theories.

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

08-08-22, 18:00
I do not know of any conservatives in Georgia who did not vote because of anything Trump said.
Me either, but it's a statistical fact that more people who voted Republican in the primary failed to show up for the runoff than Democrats. There's also another angle to consider. The history of runoffs in Georgia is that the Republicans always do better than they did in the general election. There are two reasons for this. The first is that Republican voters have a history of being more reliable. The second is that the 3% or so of people who piss their votes away in the general election voting for Libertarians break heavily toward the Republican direction in runoffs. However, Trump kept the pot stirred up so much that the Democrats were highly motivated to stick it to him again. Therefore, they showed up in numbers well in excess of their historical runoff voting pattern.

08-09-22, 15:45
I'm sure there's a lot of science and psychology involved in so-called voter turnout, but anyone who even remotely considers themselves a republican, much less a conservative, who didn't get off the couch to vote in an effort to keep the likes of Warnock and Ossof out of Washington... well... uh... has no one to blame but themselves.

'My vote doesn't count' has been a cop-out since forever.

"My vote doesn't count" is true.
I've not missed a chance to vote in 33 years, yet I've NEVER had a local election go the way I voted. I'm in a swing state so the Presidential race is every third election, agrees with my vote.

The problem I'm seeing is conservatives in my area are wasting their votes on libertarian nonsense.
There is a 100% chance they will lose EVERYTIME yet I have a couple neighbors, guys at the gun club and members of a state level gun group I belong to, that we have lost their votes.
I listen to their speachs but then see the idiot they had as VP candidate saying stupid stuff like illegal aliens should be allowed to carry guns, and reality sets in. They don't have the numbers and dumb stuff like that will keep me away from consideration. Too bad the others can't see that.

Hell a former trader from my state Justin Smash was kicking the idea of being their candidate, that should be a huge red flag for everyone to run as fast as they can from that sinking ship.

08-09-22, 18:28
Me either, but it's a statistical fact that more people who voted Republican in the primary failed to show up for the runoff than Democrats. There's also another angle to consider. The history of runoffs in Georgia is that the Republicans always do better than they did in the general election. There are two reasons for this. The first is that Republican voters have a history of being more reliable. The second is that the 3% or so of people who piss their votes away in the general election voting for Libertarians break heavily toward the Republican direction in runoffs. However, Trump kept the pot stirred up so much that the Democrats were highly motivated to stick it to him again. Therefore, they showed up in numbers well in excess of their historical runoff voting pattern.

I specifically recall the efforts of Dems calling on out-of-state people to "move" to Georgia in order to sway the election. It happened and was mentioned by pinzgauer above:

"State law is that if you were not eligible for the original election you can't vote in the runoff. Yet large numbers did. And there was some evidence that some of those were temporary out of state attempts to swing the election."

The Dumb Gun Collector
08-09-22, 19:03
I definitely remember Republicans I had to BEG to "vote anyway." They are relatives of my wife and a family from church I remember arguing with in the church parking lot. A lot of people were listening to Lin Wood's craziness and Trumps' early post election grumblings. I basically would point out that not voting would mean it wasn't stolen so just vote anyway. I think they came around or at least they claimed to.

08-09-22, 19:33
I always come at them with this... "Your vote is your voice, and silence is consent. Do you CONSENT to them bending you over and having their way with you one after another, or are you gonna make your refusal of consent heard every way you can?"

08-09-22, 19:59
I specifically recall the efforts of Dems calling on out-of-state people to "move" to Georgia in order to sway the election. It happened and was mentioned by pinzgauer above:
"State law is that if you were not eligible for the original election you can't vote in the runoff. Yet large numbers did. And there was some evidence that some of those were temporary out of state attempts to swing the election."
The text of the law stated "Only the electors who were duly registered to vote and not subsequently deemed disqualified to vote in the primary, special primary, election, or special election for candidates for that particular office shall be entitled to vote therein, and only those votes cast for the persons designated as candidates in such run-off primary, special primary runoff, run-off election, or special election runoff shall be counted in the tabulation and canvass of the votes cast."

Yet the Georgia Runoff Election Fact Sheet produced by the U.S. Vote Foundation stated "If you didn’t vote in the 2020 General Election, you are still eligible to vote in the runoff and you may register through December 7th."

The way it's supposed to work is the people checking ID are to verify that the voter actually voted in the general election. So far as I could tell, there was nothing computerized to ensure that this happened. They just had a printed list to go by. I'm sure some did their jobs, but others didn't. It's literally a crime to vote in a runoff if you didn't vote in the general election. I know of nobody who was prosecuted.

08-09-22, 20:32
Good news/Bad news from WA, we fired one of the Impeachment Turncoats. As a buddy put it on WaGuns:

"Jaime Herrera Butt-Burglar has conceded to Joe Kent. Wow, dems and RINOs must have done a ton of fraud they don't want anyone looking at, she's not requesting a recount despite it being a difference of 0.4% and within range of mandatory recount scope under WA state law.

We may not have gotten Newhouse but we took out one of the RINO traitors who voted to remove Trump, now she can contact Jay-boi's unemployment office for welfare cheese."

BAD News, having seen her kind in action here all my life, and seeing what Establicuck Resuckincocks do when our side wins instead of returning "MUHPARTYLOYALTY!" as they demand when they do... she's gonna denounce Kent, or damn with faint praise, and try to flip it to the D as Plan B.

08-11-22, 10:50
I specifically recall the efforts of Dems calling on out-of-state people to "move" to Georgia in order to sway the election. It happened and was mentioned by pinzgauer above:

"State law is that if you were not eligible for the original election you can't vote in the runoff. Yet large numbers did. And there was some evidence that some of those were temporary out of state attempts to swing the election."The documented ineligible voting confirmed by change of address forms occurred and was more than enough to tip the two run off elections.

While there's suspicions of ballot stuffing in some of the metro Atlanta precincts that is hard to prove, the change of address ineligible voters is hard to argue with

08-11-22, 21:14
I wish people in general would stop nominating political rookies for Senate races. Senate candidates cannot hide amongst gerrymandered districts they way kookier House candidates can. Look at this cycle; winnable seats that will likely stay blue for another 6 years because primary voters picked FVCKING OPRAHS DOCTOR. He's running against a guy who's nearly dead and still losing.

Someone like Herschel Walker has a compelling story, but if he'd run a state candidacy first, we might not be finding about his SECRET CHILDREN at this most inopportune time. That may not make him a bad Senator, but it's a glaring target that wouldn't be so vulnerable if he'd already overcome it in a previous campaign.

I believed in the tea party waves of 2010, 12, and 14. Ideologically speaking. But I learned a lesson then about what happens when purists insist that the good is the enemy of the perfect.

I'm so beyond exhausted of Donald Trump and his obvious unfitness for leadership. Is there really no one else who talks about the things he originally built a campaign on, and also isn't personally detestable? I know why Trump appeals to people, I'm just saying....maybe it's time to pick someone else who has a strategy for more than picking fights. A strategy like actually winning those fights? I dunno guys. I damn sure don't want anymore lefties.

08-11-22, 21:26
I wish people in general would stop nominating political rookies for Senate races. Senate candidates cannot hide amongst gerrymandered districts they way kookier House candidates can. Look at this cycle; winnable seats that will likely stay blue for another 6 years because primary voters picked FVCKING OPRAHS DOCTOR. He's running against a guy who's nearly dead and still losing.

Someone like Herschel Walker has a compelling story, but if he'd run a state candidacy first, we might not be finding about his SECRET CHILDREN at this most inopportune time. That may not make him a bad Senator, but it's a glaring target that wouldn't be so vulnerable if he'd already overcome it in a previous campaign.

I believed in the tea party waves of 2010, 12, and 14. Ideologically speaking. But I learned a lesson then about what happens when purists insist that the good is the enemy of the perfect.

I'm so beyond exhausted of Donald Trump and his obvious unfitness for leadership. Is there really no one else who talks about the things he originally built a campaign on, and also isn't personally detestable? I know why Trump appeals to people, I'm just saying....maybe it's time to pick someone else who has a strategy for more than picking fights. A strategy like actually winning those fights? I dunno guys. I damn sure don't want anymore lefties.

On the one hand you say you don’t want any more lefties. On the other hand you want established Republican candidates.

Don’t you think you should decide what you actually want, before asking for it? :confused:

08-11-22, 21:40
On the one hand you say you don’t want any more lefties. On the other hand you want established Republican candidates.

Don’t you think you should decide what you actually want, before asking for it? :confused:

Well.... Those are two different things. If every 'establishment' Republican is also a leftist in your eyes, then I respectfully submit that you try to make a more nuanced distinction.

Politics ain't beanbag as they say. You have to campaign to win before you can even sit at the table where decisions get made. You have to be able to build some consensus and have broader appeal if you want to win (in a broader electorate, I'm still talking mainly about the Senate here). Those that are the best at telling a narrow spectrum of people what they want to hear will not win. Hence, the perfect candidate in the eyes of the purist will only serve to be good at telling you what you want to hear, but they will likely never be in a position to act on it. I hope to be rid of left wing misfeasance in government, and I also understand that there is a soft middle of persuadable voters in this country, and we need some of them on our side before we can think about getting what we want in policy.

08-11-22, 21:50
Well.... Those are two different things. If every 'establishment' Republican is also a leftist in your eyes, then I respectfully submit that you try to make a more nuanced distinction.

Politics ain't beanbag as they say. You have to campaign to win before you can even sit at the table where decisions get made. You have to be able to build some consensus and have broader appeal if you want to win (in a broader electorate, I'm still talking mainly about the Senate here). Those that are the best at telling a narrow spectrum of people what they want to hear will not win. Hence, the perfect candidate in the eyes of the purist will only serve to be good at telling you what you want to hear, but they will likely never be in a position to act on it. I hope to be rid of left wing misfeasance in government, and I also understand that there is a soft middle of persuadable voters in this country, and we need some of them on our side before we can think about getting what we want in policy.

I watched Lindsey Graham just about wet his pants and flee the interview two days ago, rather than condemn the DoJ and FBI for being the political enforcement arm of the Democrat party. He, McConnell and all the other establishment Republicans have been unusually quiet this week. Their silence is complicity and I’m done even pretending they give a single **** what happens to us. All they care about is POWER, and the proof is in their sparse and barely above a whisper words this week.

It’s time to do the nut cutting and the establishment cuck Republicans are to weak stomached to do it. So let’s stop pretending they’re our friends. They aren’t and they never were. :mad:

08-11-22, 22:27
I watched Lindsey Graham just about wet his pants and flee the interview two days ago, rather than condemn the DoJ and FBI for being the political enforcement arm of the Democrat party. He, McConnell and all the other establishment Republicans have been unusually quiet this week. Their silence is complicity and I’m done even pretending they give a single **** what happens to us. All they care about is POWER, and the proof is in their sparse and barely above a whisper words this week.

It’s time to do the nut cutting and the establishment cuck Republicans are to weak stomached to do it. So let’s stop pretending they’re our friends. They aren’t and they never were. :mad:

If I were Mitch McConnell I wouldn't be on the record issuing a condemnation of the FBI, either. Once again, nuance. Two things can be true at once. In this case: 1.) I don't trust the FBI , but also 2.)Donald Trump or someone in his inner orbit could actually be guilty of something. They haven't exactly proven to be the most ethical crowd. And so we wait to see the details come out before we come to conclusions.

As to the idea that any politician is my friend, though, I'd say not. My whole point here is though, that lots of people who agree with everything I think ain't in charge, and won't ever be. I would rather have someone in office that we exert some measure of influence over by virtue of the fact that they need our support and our vote, rather than someone who doesn't at all because they'll never get my vote.

It's also worth pointing out that nothing of any worth that was achieved during the Trump administration would have happened without Cocaine Mitch, so there's that to consider. I don't know how else to make my point here. You gotta have pieces on the board if you want to win the game.

Am I supposed to believe that Mehmet Oz, a medical hack who's the 21st century equivalent of an elixir salesman in the Wild West, is going to get to DC and do "nutcutting?" I think my point stands, but I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.

08-11-22, 23:17
If I were Mitch McConnell I wouldn't be on the record issuing a condemnation of the FBI, either. Once again, nuance. Two things can be true at once. In this case: 1.) I don't trust the FBI , but also 2.)Donald Trump or someone in his inner orbit could actually be guilty of something. They haven't exactly proven to be the most ethical crowd. And so we wait to see the details come out before we come to conclusions.

As to the idea that any politician is my friend, though, I'd say not. My whole point here is though, that lots of people who agree with everything I think ain't in charge, and won't ever be. I would rather have someone in office that we exert some measure of influence over by virtue of the fact that they need our support and our vote, rather than someone who doesn't at all because they'll never get my vote.

It's also worth pointing out that nothing of any worth that was achieved during the Trump administration would have happened without Cocaine Mitch, so there's that to consider. I don't know how else to make my point here. You gotta have pieces on the board if you want to win the game.

Am I supposed to believe that Mehmet Oz, a medical hack who's the 21st century equivalent of an elixir salesman in the Wild West, is going to get to DC and do "nutcutting?" I think my point stands, but I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.

We do indeed disagree!

08-12-22, 00:26
A strategy like actually winning those fights? I dunno guys. I damn sure don't want anymore lefties.

What is your favorite thing that supposedly conservative establishment Republicans have conserved in the last decade? Last 50 years?

08-12-22, 01:20
What is your favorite thing that supposedly conservative establishment Republicans have conserved in the last decade? Last 50 years?

I disagree with the premise that underlines this question. You're setting up a false choice, between the "supposedly conservative establishment" and whoever else, presumably someone deemed 'actually conservative'? Its not an either or proposition, it's all of the above because they're all going to be necessary. I'll answer the question though, if you answer mine first.

Do you think Mehmet Oz will get elected as US Senator for PA? And if so, can he reliably be counted on to support and faithfully articulate conservative values such as limited government, maximization of freedom, individual rights, free enterprise, family values, etc?

08-12-22, 08:06
The strategy is simple. Nominate the most conservative candidate who can win. If you opt for more of the former at the expense of the latter, you'll ultimately lose. Same for the other way around. The fact is that all else being equal, people who have gone through an election before have a much better chance of winning than those who have not. You can't throw a talented athlete on a field and expect them to play a game they're unfamiliar with well. With Walker we have a conservative, but someone who's deficient in the knowledge of how to run a campaign. With Oz we really don't have a conservative or knowledge of how to run a campaign. Still, both are better than their opponents, so we have to do what we can to get them elected in a year in which the wind should be blowing in our direction.

As for Trump or anyone else for that matter, if someone tells you that this is the only person who can save us, then tell them that we've already lost. A country is about more than one person. Making the argument about who's best for us is a completely different discussion. We've seen how Trump operates. As much as I like much about him, he did a very poor job of draining the swamp. This ultimately ended up hurting him. Plus, he can only serve four more years. We need someone with executive experience who can win and can serve eight years.

08-12-22, 08:10
The strategy is simple. Nominate the most conservative candidate who can win. If you opt for more of the former at the expense of the latter, you'll ultimately lose. Same for the other way around. The fact is that all else being equal, people who have gone through an election before have a much better chance of winning than those who have not. You can't throw a talented athlete on a field and expect them to play a game they're unfamiliar with well. With Walker we have a conservative, but someone who's deficient in the knowledge of how to run a campaign. With Oz we really don't have a conservative or knowledge of how to run a campaign. Still, both are better than their opponents, so we have to do what we can to get them elected in a year in which the wind should be blowing in our direction.

As for Trump or anyone else for that matter, if someone tells you that this is the only person who can save us, then tell them that we've already lost. A country is about more than one person. Making the argument about who's best for us is a completely different discussion. We've seen how Trump operates. As much as I like much about him, he did a very poor job of draining the swamp. This ultimately ended up hurting him. Plus, he can only serve four more years. We need someone with executive experience who can win and can serve eight years.

Trump also made VERY poor personnel choices. Now granted, he wasn't a politician, so he likely listened to the advice of swamp critters about who to appoint here and there. Hell, he is the one who appointed Wray! I doubt he'd do much different a second time around. "This time it'll be different". Uh huh.

08-12-22, 11:13
I’m not in PA and don’t closely follow politics there. Polls are mainly propaganda now, so I have no idea what his chances are.

It’s their choice to make anyway, not ours. The idea that there are other closeted conservative celebrities seems pretty good, but no I’m not an Oz fan.

I’m asking for some measure of DOING, you come with properly articulate.

08-13-22, 12:32
I'm not in PA, either. The D candidate is a guy named John Fetterman. Fetterman had a stroke earlier this year, and has hardly campaigned. In what should be a banner year for the GOP, Fetterman is still beating Oz by double digits according to most polling. Say what you want about polls, they're not that much of a fiction. Any kind of sane and articulate conservative should be winning by such an amount in a swing state. And yet...

I'm forced to conclude that anti-establishment sentiment has jumped the shark and lost a very winnable seat. Senate margins are thin, these all matter. This could be the seat that gives us another, or saves us from, disastrous spending debacle that further reduces the power of money in our pockets.

What do I like that conservatives have conserved?

While the GOP has lost plenty of embarrassing contests, and they've had plenty of caving on issues they shouldn't, there have been some wins. Trump's tax bill of 2017: practically ghost written by Paul Ryan and the Heritage Foundation. Establishment. Judges nominated and approved by Trump: endorsed and elevated by the Federalist Society. Establishment. This whole dynamic of "us vs. them, the outsiders vs. the comfortable fat cats, etc" That shit is 90% smoke, for campaigning only. Ultimately very little can ever get done without 'the establishment.' We need a majority no matter what, and I'm tired of hearing about how we have to die on the hill of purity.

08-14-22, 07:07
What is your favorite thing that supposedly conservative establishment Republicans have conserved in the last decade? Last 50 years?

Let's just look at gun laws alone: DC v. Heller and McDonald v. Chicago. Both were decided by courts with the conservative justices nominated by "establishment" Republicans like Reagan, Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. The Braun v. NY opinion was written by Thomas, who was appointed by Bush Sr. Assault weapons bans were defeated time and time again over the past decade by "pre-Trump" establishment Republicans.

08-14-22, 13:04
Guns? Not bad. Guns, taxes, and sometimes Judges are all you can say though.

Guns has been a long hard fight starting at the culture level. Remember FUD’s? They were the establishment.

The New Right pushed to change the NRA, and then the NRA forced the establishment to follow. Now with the NRA gutted how does it look? Tell me about all the establishment GOP Senators who voted against the latest gun control.

How many times they fought rather than settle for a “moderate” judge.

How they overturned Obamacare when we had the chance.

08-14-22, 18:39
Guns? Not bad. Guns, taxes, and sometimes Judges are all you can say though.

Guns has been a long hard fight starting at the culture level. Remember FUD’s? They were the establishment.

The New Right pushed to change the NRA, and then the NRA forced the establishment to follow. Now with the NRA gutted how does it look? Tell me about all the establishment GOP Senators who voted against the latest gun control.

How many times they fought rather than settle for a “moderate” judge.

How they overturned Obamacare when we had the chance.

IMHO the definition of an "Establishment" Republican has changed over the years. Someone defined as "Establishment" 20 or 30 years ago is a bit different than ones labelled as such now. In some cases it might be the same turd (i.e. Romney), but just like old-school Democrats---anyone remember John Dingell and Zell Miller?---the definition has changed as to what exactly constitutes a RINO or "Establishment" Republican. These days it's POS like Liz Cheney or Adam Kinzinger, outright traitors to the Right, not just wishy-washy sometimes.