View Full Version : Militia Violent Extremist Symbols

08-04-22, 10:56
Ted Cruz raking FBI Wray over the coals about FBI training guidelines. Funny when he points out both Obummer and Brandon were sworn in under Betsy Ross flags.


Ted Cruz grills Dir. Wray over FBI training material listing patriotic flags as militia violent extremism.

"What are y'all doing? Do you agree w/ this FBI guidance that the Betsy Ross flag and the Gadsden flag and the Gonzales battle flag are signs of militia violent extremism?"

08-04-22, 11:18
Ah, I just came here to post about this. Here is a short video showing/discussing the document.
Bluntly, if this is a surprise to anyone here...


08-04-22, 12:02
That is just amazing, I used to be a huge fan of the FBI in my most naive days. It's sad for America. Authenticly sad.


Straight Shooter
08-04-22, 12:16
That is just amazing, I used to be a huge fan of the FBI in my most naive days. It's sad for America. Authenticly sad.


I think they turned FULL RAT BASTARD about the time of Clinton/Reno. For WACO to have happened like it did, then Ruby Ridge...and all the crap henceforth.
How I loathed Reno, and may God's perfect justice be upon her evil soul, let alone both Clintons.
I too, thought the FBI at one time was awesome. Were we wrong the WHOLE time?
Can anyone here name ONE of the alphabet agencies that isnt full on commie rat now?

Coal Dragger
08-04-22, 12:25
Disband the agency.

Terminate all employees of the FBI and bar them from any further federal employment.

Strip away all of their security clearances.

08-04-22, 12:41
Disband the agency.

Terminate all employees of the FBI and bar them from any further federal employment.

Strip away all of their security clearances.

^ This X 100. Throw the baby out with the bath water, every friggin' one of them should go.

08-04-22, 13:33
So to be clear, since I have participated in Spartan races and wear the shirts now I fall under "militia violent extremism." Got it.

Whew, thanks, FBI, for helping me figure that out.

B Cart
08-04-22, 13:48
The founding fathers would be rolling in their graves to see that the American government is becoming the EXACT monster our Constitution and Bill of Rights etc were created to prevent. The alphabet agencies are out of control

08-04-22, 13:48
I " HEAR " almost all of them use this one quite often.


08-04-22, 13:56
Mike Glover just made a video on this. I can only think of what they think of M4Carbine.net.


08-04-22, 15:14
Mike Glover just made a video on this. I can only think of what they think of M4Carbine.net.


I'm fvcked, I am associated with both, but at least I'm in good company.

08-04-22, 15:30
I'm fvcked, I am associated with both, but at least I'm in good company.

Pretty much every USAF Air Defense Command veteran I know assumes they're at the top of the Kill List right alongside their SAC brethren, and that I'm probably right up there with them through my association with both communities.

08-04-22, 17:57
Disband the agency.

Terminate all employees of the FBI and bar them from any further federal employment.

Strip away all of their security clearances.

Yep, it's time to "de nazify" the Federal government.

But this crap isn't really new, FBI and ATF have been using these "guidelines" since Clinton and relying on information from the SPLC.

08-04-22, 19:56
You can literally get legit Texas plates with the Gadsden Flag and the Come and Take It flags. God bless Texas!!

What an absolute clown �� show these 3 letter agencies have become… I’m glad MG is putting in a civil suit.

08-04-22, 20:55
You can literally get legit Texas plates with the Gadsden Flag and the Come and Take It flags. God bless Texas!!

What an absolute clown �� show these 3 letter agencies have become… I’m glad MG is putting in a civil suit.

Same here, Gadsden Flag plates available in TN. It’s good to see MG throw down and fight back. It’s total b.s. that patriotic symbols and organizations are considered threats to the country but outright anarchists and communists (Antifa and BLM) are protected by the feds. That, and along with the capital police now having their own personal prosecutor who answers to the SOTH we can see where this is heading.

08-04-22, 21:41
Disband the agency.

Terminate all employees of the FBI and bar them from any further federal employment.

Strip away all of their security clearances.

Here is what I would do:

The only federal agencies with arrest powers or who would carry guns would be the marshall service and the borderpatrol/customs people. The marshalls would protect federal courthouses and hunt fugitives. The border patrol... at the borders... and the customs... seaports and airports. Any other federal alphabet agency... ATF.. DEA... DHS.... all gone. BAM.... one fell swoop... "find employment elsewhere". The FBI would be stripped of the power to arrest or indict and cut in half. No guns. ONLY there to investigate, when requested, in support of state and local agencies and crunch numbers. That's IT. Secret Service... you can guard the president and dignitaries.. but not a goddamn thing else and you, too, lose the power to arrest/indict. Give the resulting money back to us, the people they stole it from in the first place.

08-04-22, 21:46
Same here, Gadsden Flag plates available in TN. It’s good to see MG throw down and fight back. It’s total b.s. that patriotic symbols and organizations are considered threats to the country but outright anarchists and communists (Antifa and BLM) are protected by the feds. That, and along with the capital police now having their own personal prosecutor who answers to the SOTH we can see where this is heading.

This whole debacle reminds me of the FB “extremist content” warning which I think was short lived.

08-04-22, 22:44
Fear not as the incompetence of the




will prevail. All they can do is dawn raids of political adversaries.

08-05-22, 04:08
America First is the greatest threat to the government.

08-05-22, 04:56
Well, this says a lot for the direction they are heading:


08-05-22, 05:56

08-05-22, 08:16
Looks like I can check several of the boxes. Not enough though, need to get my numbers up. If they want to label me an extremist, might as well go all in.

08-05-22, 08:48
If the "right wing extremists" were as predicated to violence as the left is, the US couldn't buy enough body bags.


08-05-22, 09:44
Is But-wheat still a white supremacist for his O-Tay symbol?!


08-06-22, 00:53
Whoooo!!! I've got every flag in the set and a couple they haven't keyed in on yet!

08-06-22, 00:59
Guess we might as well cut right to the chase with the Jolly Roger...

08-06-22, 01:41
Whoooo!!! I've got every flag in the set and a couple they haven't keyed in on yet!

I've never been closer to buying a Kekistan flag.

Tell me I can't read a book, I'm probably gonna read that book.

Tell me I can't have a flag, I'm probably gonna get that flag.

Tell me I can't have an AR rifle, I might already own a couple dozen.

Because that is how you FREEDOM.

08-06-22, 01:43
Guess we might as well cut right to the chase with the Jolly Roger...

Part of me thinks, why give them the heads up at that point. Let them learn the hard way that after the first one, the rest are free.

08-06-22, 04:32
Here's the symbol they fear the most

08-06-22, 08:27
Guess we might as well cut right to the chase with the Jolly Roger...

Just be sure to use the red field not the black.

08-06-22, 11:25
Guess we might as well cut right to the chase with the Jolly Roger...


08-07-22, 07:34
Cruz is hit or miss for me, but he's kicking butt and taking names here:


08-07-22, 10:24
The people that actually believe in the constitution are a big problem for the fed

08-07-22, 12:34
I voted for him in the primary, and prefer him greatly to what we got…. But Cruz also grandstands. And saying the FBI hasn’t been political before Obama? That’s nuts.
The director comes off as fairly reasonable and knowledgeable, and he was able to hold his own against a congressman out for blood.
To be clear, I have a Gonzales flag and Gadsden flag under US (and Gondor) flags in my garage, and the idea they were handled like this is atrocious…mostly. They aren’t wrong, though: violent-rhetoricians do use these symbols. The egregiousness is related to the absence of left wing symbolism (if the case, I can’t see in the image).

08-07-22, 15:51
I voted for him in the primary, and prefer him greatly to what we got…. But Cruz also grandstands. And saying the FBI hasn’t been political before Obama? That’s nuts.
The director comes off as fairly reasonable and knowledgeable, and he was able to hold his own against a congressman out for blood.
To be clear, I have a Gonzales flag and Gadsden flag under US (and Gondor) flags in my garage, and the idea they were handled like this is atrocious…mostly. They aren’t wrong, though: violent-rhetoricians do use these symbols. The egregiousness is related to the absence of left wing symbolism (if the case, I can’t see in the image).

At some point we need to realize that nazis breathe air and drink water also.

Anyone wishing to restore lost personal freedoms is going to find some overlap with other people wanting to restore lost personal freedoms.

That means ordinary folks are going to see some commonality of thought with alt right groups who feel they have been marginalized, but the distinction is that they assign blame to other races AND ordinary folks are going to see some commonality with black nationalist groups who feel they must arm themselves for their common defense, but the distinction again is they assign blame to other races.

This is an old, old game.

08-07-22, 15:52
Cruz is hit or miss for me, but he's kicking butt and taking names here:


Glad to see Cruz doing something useful.