View Full Version : WNBA’S Brittney Griner Sentenced To 9 Years In Russian Prison

08-05-22, 11:25
And we are going to trade an entitled America hating athlete who made her own bed (even If the charge and sentence political BS theater) for a legit monster arms dealer named the “the merchant of death” ? While the US can and should work on her behalf to see that sentenced greatly reduced, and sent home, that's all we should do, and my empathy meter for her remains at zero:

Khimki, RUSSIA – American basketball star Brittney Griner was sentenced to nine years in a Russian prison on Thursday after pleading guilty to a drug charge in July.

Griner, who was in Russia playing basketball for UMMC Ekaterinburg in the Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA) off-season, was arrested in a Moscow airport in February after she was caught carrying marijuana vape cartridges into the country, FOX News reported.

The center for the WNBA’s Phoenix Mercury has maintained that she made “an honest mistake” because she was packing in a hurry when she brought vape cartridges containing oils derived from cannabis that her attorneys have said she used to treat pain.

Russian prosecutors have argued that the basketball player intentionally brought drugs into the country, FOX News reported.


08-05-22, 11:46
Couldn't have happened to a better man! I wonder if she still hates the national anthem here?

Some goofball/pseudo celeb was whining that if these shemales made more in that crappy basketball league they wouldn't have to go to Russia for more income.... Ummm... I'm certain this crusty piece of shit brings home more money than I do.

And we are going to trade an entitled America hating athlete who made her own bed (even If the charge and sentence political BS theater) for a legit monster arms dealer named the “the merchant of death” ?

To paraphrase the Great Dave Chappelle... It's now become worse to hurt a gay person than it is to kill a "n-word". An America hating, gay black chick is high priority!

B Cart
08-05-22, 11:59
I'm sick of people pandering to the entitled sports/celebrity types and trying to get them special treatment. She knowingly broke the laws in another country and should suffer the consequences.

There are many other Americans who ACTUALLY LOVE THIS COUNTRY, that we should bring home long before her sorry anti American butt. Let her rot

08-05-22, 12:07
My feeling? Take a knee now, Bitch.

08-05-22, 12:12
I have to give a cynical snort laugh when stuff like this happens. These kind a people think that US law applies to or covers them in a foreign country. Literally heard some of our government officials say what happened to her was a violation of her constitutional rights. Their laws are their laws. You break 'em, suck it up. There will be a price to pay.

So me too, I'm sick and tired of this multi-tiered judicial system here in the US that panders to the so called "elite". There are still folks locked up in isolation from the Jan 6th hoax that have had their for real constitutional rights violated. Yet, no body will give voice to this. So sad for the path this country has taken... saying that more and more these days.

08-05-22, 12:18
My feeling? Take a knee now, Bitch.

Might be on both knees in prison...

08-05-22, 13:53
Enjoy Siberia...

08-05-22, 14:03
I have to give a cynical snort laugh when stuff like this happens. These kind a people think that US law applies to or covers them in a foreign country. Literally heard some of our government officials say what happened to her was a violation of her constitutional rights. Their laws are their laws. You break 'em, suck it up. There will be a price to pay.

Even better when you remember that THC is illegal in the US too, and I think, every member of the UN.

Or was this CBD or something?

08-05-22, 14:30
I heard they were trying to get a bonus deal with one of our "other Americans" or some such shit. We should have been doing this long before her. I hope they play the National Anthem on repeat in her cell.

And they gave her 9 years too improve their bargaining chips. Smart on them. But Russia could maintain this negotiation for years, I doubt 9 but Russia is Russia. I think heard the conviction rate in court is about 90% for Ruskies, so If you goto court, BRACE FOR IMPACT!

I wonder if she wishes she voted for the orange man about now? Be a whole nuther story.


08-05-22, 14:45
Russian courts, generally it's "the verdict is rendered by the arrest and the question is the sentencing."

Remember, this IS the land of "show me the person and I'll show you the crime" we're talking about.

08-05-22, 14:51
I am sorry the USA should do nothing to get her out. She took a substance that is illegal into an other country.

Enjoy your nine years . Her Russian will be very good in 9 years.;)

08-05-22, 14:54
Russian courts, generally it's "the verdict is rendered by the arrest and the question is the sentencing."

Remember, this IS the land of "show me the person and I'll show you the crime" we're talking about.

If she was rich or connected, would just buy her way out of it. Being used as a political pawn in the game now has gotten her being used like a $2 street walker. Of course we have wealthy/connected people who get away with all sorts of stuff we plebs would not, but they're at a whole other level being one of the most corrupt nations on the planet and no legit rule of law as we view it. All commie countries and those that were prior commies ultra corrupt as it's built into the culture as normal and just biz.

08-05-22, 15:05
Being used as a political pawn in the game now has gotten her being used like a $2 street walker..

She will give it up for a hell of a lot less than$2 in a Russian jail. Guards will demand it for her food and water. Prisoners will want it to not kill her.

She is going to get a big education. If she serves 18 months or more I predict she will be the biggest USA flag waver ever

08-05-22, 15:12
Where can I get a shirt that says "Shank the skank"!

08-05-22, 15:14
And we are going to trade an entitled America hating athlete who made her own bed (even If the charge and sentence political BS theater) for a legit monster arms dealer named the “the merchant of death” ? While the US can and should work on her behalf to see that sentenced greatly reduced, and sent home, that's all we should do, and my empathy meter for her remains at zero:

Khimki, RUSSIA – American basketball star Brittney Griner was sentenced to nine years in a Russian prison on Thursday after pleading guilty to a drug charge in July.

Griner, who was in Russia playing basketball for UMMC Ekaterinburg in the Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA) off-season, was arrested in a Moscow airport in February after she was caught carrying marijuana vape cartridges into the country, FOX News reported.

The center for the WNBA’s Phoenix Mercury has maintained that she made “an honest mistake” because she was packing in a hurry when she brought vape cartridges containing oils derived from cannabis that her attorneys have said she used to treat pain.

Russian prosecutors have argued that the basketball player intentionally brought drugs into the country, FOX News reported.


Funny part... this is her second offense over there. She's done this same shit before.

08-05-22, 15:17
Even better when you remember that THC is illegal in the US too, and I think, every member of the UN.

Or was this CBD or something?

Pretty sure it was hash oil, despite what all the media bobbleheads keep trying to pretend it was.

08-05-22, 15:36

She will give it up for a hell of a lot less than$2 in a Russian jail. Guards will demand it for her food and water. Prisoners will want it to not kill her.

She is going to get a big education. If she serves 18 months or more I predict she will be the biggest USA flag waver ever


08-05-22, 15:46

She will give it up for a hell of a lot less than$2 in a Russian jail. Guards will demand it for her food and water. Prisoners will want it to not kill her.

She is going to get a big education. If she serves 18 months or more I predict she will be the biggest USA flag waver ever

Does not strike me as the type to learn a damn thing. Will claim if she'd been a male player, they'd have worked harder, or some variation there of using race card.

08-05-22, 15:47
Pretty harsh sentence, but what the hell do you expect...it is Russia you dumb bitch, don't go there and try to pull shit.

08-05-22, 15:50
Does not strike me as the type to learn a damn thing. Will claim if she'd been a male player, they'd have worked harder, or some variation there of using race card.

Yep, justification for her hatred of this country. She'll probably end up renouncing her citizenship and moving to some Euro trash country.

08-05-22, 15:50
Does not strike me as the type to learn a damn thing. Will claim if she'd been a male player, they'd have worked harder, or some variation there of using race card.

Yep, justification for her hatred of this country. She'll probably end up renouncing her citizenship and moving to some Euro trash country.

08-05-22, 15:51
Yep, justification for her hatred of this country. She'll probably end up renouncing her citizenship and moving to some Euro trash country.

I will personally pay for the one way ticket.

08-05-22, 17:24
Russian courts, generally it's "the verdict is rendered by the arrest and the question is the sentencing."

Remember, this IS the land of "show me the person and I'll show you the crime" we're talking about.

She pled guilty.


08-05-22, 19:06
She pled guilty.


Threw herself at the mercy of a court without mercy.

08-05-22, 19:07
If I was POTUS that America-hating, racist dyke twat would rot over there. I'd give them back their arms dealer in return for a promise to NEVER let that bitch go.

08-05-22, 19:08
If I was POTUS that America-hating, racist dyke twat would rot over there. I'd give them back their arms dealer in return for a promise to NEVER let that bitch go.

:dance3: That is awesome.

08-05-22, 19:10
Yep, justification for her hatred of this country. She'll probably end up renouncing her citizenship and moving to some Euro trash country.

We can only hope.....

08-05-22, 19:11
:dance3: That is awesome.

Thanks, I'm here all week. Tip jar is by the door!

08-05-22, 19:38
At first I was sympathetic and felt like we should send her a DVD of Midnight Express so she has something to watch for 9 years, but then found out about the trade. Can we trade somebody else so Russia will keep her?

08-05-22, 19:41
Would the [fraudulent] Biden administration go out of their way for an American white male who was caught with a Glock in their baggage going into Russia? I think we all know the answer.

08-05-22, 19:47
What I find really ironic about this while things is how many people in the US have been put away for years because they had a very small amount of pot on them? I don’t feel bad for her at all especially since it happens here all the time.

08-05-22, 20:18
What I find really ironic about this while things is how many people in the US have been put away for years because they had a very small amount of pot on them? I don’t feel bad for her at all especially since it happens here all the time.

Making it worse is her public denouncement of the U.S. while expecting "help". Not to mention she is an idiot (for a number of reasons), as I've read where she complained she wasn't read her rights before being questioned. Seriously? Are you that daft that you think U.S. rules apply in Russia, or any other country for that matter?

Her "gender choice" or skin color is of no matter to me.....she should be shown no different treatment for those issues, positive or negative. She was somehow smoking/vaping weed? Whatever, bigger fish to fry. Now taking said substances into a foreign country, especially one about to go hot in a war that would be controversial, and expecting an NYPD-style arrest with no bail and off you go? Nah, not so much.

08-05-22, 20:30
She did the crime, she can do the time.....

08-05-22, 21:00
Would the [fraudulent] Biden administration go out of their way for an American white male who was caught with a Glock in their baggage going into Russia? I think we all know the answer.

Is he gay? The worst thing about all of this is I now know who Brittney Griner is.

08-05-22, 22:09
Is he gay? The worst thing about all of this is I now know who Brittney Griner is.

This is sadly true. Who GAF?

And to answer your question, if he was gay AND had monkey-pox he'd be flying first-class out of Moscow that night!

08-05-22, 22:42
Hopefully there will not be a 'prisoner swap' for this pos wnba player. She despises the US, so I hope she serves the full sentence in a filthy Russian prison.

08-05-22, 23:26
I don't anticipate this causing any disruption in my normal sleep pattern.

The Dumb Gun Collector
08-06-22, 00:40
My understanding is that this sentence is far out of line from the typical sentence for charges like this in Russia. Typically, this would result in 3-5 years max if you have some history (which is in line with what you would get for Hash oil/THC cartridges in about 1/3 of US states, especially if you have some prior history). They have been handing out mega sentences to Americans to try and generate some leverage for a few prisoner swaps. I guess they want this arms dealer and some other Russian scumbag for her and some old spy they have.

I really don't care that she is a commie turd (although it gives me some pleasure to think about how her perspective on how bad she had it in the USA is might be getting a review). Still, she is an American, and if they are treating her worse because she is an American then that bothers me because I am an American.

I think this sucks, and I think we should find some way to punish Russia, but I am not big on prisoner swaps, especially when they are basically kidnapping folks to generate leverage like some 80s terrorists. I certainly think it is hight time we made it illegal to travel to Russia. At the minimum we should tell American citizens that if the go to Russia that we aren't going to bother saving you because you have to be a moron to travel there now.


Don't get me wrong, if I was sending Chuck Norris to go rescue Americans over there, she would be dead last on the list.

08-06-22, 01:32
Still, she is an American, and if they are treating her worse because she is an American then that bothers me because I am an American.

You and I normally agree on most things but:

1. Jane Fonda is technically an American. It doesn't buy you anything extra. Thousands of Americans are pedophiles, serial killers and rapists. I care more for stray dogs in India than I do those "Americans", want me to care...act like a decent person.

2. She didn't get abducted by Russia, she wasn't caught as an intelligence operative in service of the US or anything that even remotely makes this country responsible for her. She was in Russia to GET PAID because she wasn't talented enough at throwing basketballs in the US to achieve her desired level if wealth or notoriety. If you are gonna do that, learn the f'ing laws. I suspect if you are a complete F up who was born in Russia and gets busted in Russia you could probably get a similar sentence.

3. And if we are gonna trade, then the trade should be "keep her" and send us one or maybe two decent ordinary people who by random chance happened to be born in Russia but would prefer to live almost anywhere else.

4. If she wasn't a "preferred preference" person, who was in Russia as a designated representative of some mundane company and was 100% completely innocent and getting jammed up by an indifferent police state, nobody would even know her name and there wouldn't be a trade deal in the works.

There was a time that people with basically NO CLUE, even athletes, understood that if you go to other countries as a representative of the US there are TWO THINGS you need to remember besides "throw ball" and "run fast" and those are: "They will be watching you so don't F up" and "Their rules aren't our rules so make sure you have a good handle on their rules."

08-06-22, 01:35
At the minimum we should tell American citizens that if the go to Russia that we aren't going to bother saving you because you have to be a moron to travel there now.

Wanted to take this by itself, it's shouldn't be the minimum. It should be the Standard Travel advisory. Same shit we tell to people who want to travel to Iran, Somalia or North Korea.

The Dumb Gun Collector
08-06-22, 10:49
You and I normally agree on most things but:
I suspect if you are a complete F up who was born in Russia and gets busted in Russia you could probably get a similar sentence.

I don’t think that is the case, it appears she is getting around double the normal sentence—and maybe worse than that. And they recently hit another dude with about 4x normal. And there is a recent Israeli woman who got released after a few months for more THC oil because they want Israel happy.. Buuuuttt if she gets a typical sentence for a foreigner then I agree, F her.

I’m sticking to my position on bare, abstract, philosophical principle. To me, Americans are family when they are being treated badly only because they are Americans, even when they are complete assholes like this lady. But again, she is waaay down on the priorities list somewhere near someone’s luggage that was lost in the last flight out of Russia.

08-06-22, 10:59
I’m sticking to my position on bare, abstract, philosophical principle. To me, Americans are family when they are being treated badly only because they are Americans, even when they are complete assholes like this lady. But again, she is waaay down on the priorities list somewhere near someone’s luggage that was lost in the last flight out of Russia.

My thoughts are in the OP. As she's a 'Murican clearly getting a chit deal because of who she and is being used a pawn, efforts on her behalf by State are warranted. Trade her for war criminals and such, hell no.

08-06-22, 12:37
She knew the rules and she broke the rules, simple as that. If she thought her sex, race, sexual identity, athletic prowess, fame or anything else would get her some preferential treatment in Russia, she thought wrong and it puts her in the same category as the "Do you know who I am?" @$$hole congressional candidate in another thread in GD.

08-06-22, 12:44
You and I normally agree on most things but:

1. Jane Fonda is technically an American. It doesn't buy you anything extra. Thousands of Americans are pedophiles, serial killers and rapists. I care more for stray dogs in India than I do those "Americans", want me to care...act like a decent person.

2. She didn't get abducted by Russia, she wasn't caught as an intelligence operative in service of the US or anything that even remotely makes this country responsible for her. She was in Russia to GET PAID because she wasn't talented enough at throwing basketballs in the US to achieve her desired level if wealth or notoriety. If you are gonna do that, learn the f'ing laws. I suspect if you are a complete F up who was born in Russia and gets busted in Russia you could probably get a similar sentence.

3. And if we are gonna trade, then the trade should be "keep her" and send us one or maybe two decent ordinary people who by random chance happened to be born in Russia but would prefer to live almost anywhere else.

4. If she wasn't a "preferred preference" person, who was in Russia as a designated representative of some mundane company and was 100% completely innocent and getting jammed up by an indifferent police state, nobody would even know her name and there wouldn't be a trade deal in the works.

There was a time that people with basically NO CLUE, even athletes, understood that if you go to other countries as a representative of the US there are TWO THINGS you need to remember besides "throw ball" and "run fast" and those are: "They will be watching you so don't F up" and "Their rules aren't our rules so make sure you have a good handle on their rules."^


08-06-22, 12:48
I am uncomfortable about letting loose bad guys here for these Americans caught overseas. It is pretty close to negotiating with terrorists. They get one of theirs caught, so they grab a US citizen. So break out laws as a foreign national, and you can get out of jail if your home country takes a hostage? You can slippery slide to some ugly scenarios here.

El Vaquero
08-06-22, 13:11
Maybe we can convince Texas Governor Abbot to fly a bus load of America’s best woke activists to Russia to fight for criminal justice reform. Lol.

Looking forward to watching an episode in 9 years of Locked Up Abroad starring Griner.

The Dumb Gun Collector
08-06-22, 13:50
What if this was Larry Vickers going to film an AK video and he forgot that he had a vape pen that his doctor had prescribed to help him with his chemo? The Left would say "screw that old straight white man, Trump loving, gun nut, Putin Lover, they wouldn’t care if this was a black man, etc." We would all be rightfully complaining that they were not helping him because of his politics. Americans are Americans unless they have committed a crime against America (like Bergdal, the Rosenbergs, etc). Running your mouth and being a lefty douchebag doesn't mean you get kicked out of the family.

That being said...

1. I don't like prisoner trades unless we are swapping soldier for soldier or spy for spy. I agree with the above, this is basically negotiating with terrorists. They are smoking Americans with mega sentences to get leverage and swapping only encourages this.

2. This is her fault for multiple reasons. A. She should have been waaaay more careful. When I go to dicey countries I am extra careful, and she wasn't. B. She liked talking shit about America and purposely alienating at least half of the country, so she is expecting a lot for us all to forget what a snooty turd she was.

08-06-22, 14:02
With her in jail the WNBA is going to lose dozens of dollars.

08-06-22, 14:39
I don’t think that is the case, it appears she is getting around double the normal sentence—and maybe worse than that. And they recently hit another dude with about 4x normal. And there is a recent Israeli woman who got released after a few months for more THC oil because they want Israel happy.. Buuuuttt if she gets a typical sentence for a foreigner then I agree, F her.

I’m sticking to my position on bare, abstract, philosophical principle. To me, Americans are family when they are being treated badly only because they are Americans, even when they are complete assholes like this lady. But again, she is waaay down on the priorities list somewhere near someone’s luggage that was lost in the last flight out of Russia.

For regular folks, yes. But if you are a Russian who is denouncing Russia and you get caught breaking the law, you are probably gonna get a similar sentence. Russia is one of those places that likes to make examples out of people, their own and visitors.

08-06-22, 14:44
What if this was Larry Vickers going to film an AK video and he forgot that he had a vape pen that his doctor had prescribed to help him with his chemo?

Did Brit have a legit RX for her shit? If so then that changes things. But I don't think she did.

But to answer your questions, IF Larry was over there teaching "gun stuff" for money AND brought in drugs considered illegal in Russia AND got caught I'd be like "Damn Larry, I really like you but you should have really, really known better. Should have never even went there...and for what."

The Dumb Gun Collector
08-06-22, 15:07
Did Brit have a legit RX for her shit? If so then that changes things. But I don't think she did.

She did have a legit prescription , and she showed proof in court and it was uncontested that she did. They claimed she was smuggling it in for sale which is all the more ridiculous because she had less than a gram. An Israeli woman who got caught bringing in over 10 grams just got sent home after being held for just a few months. They have several American “prisoners” that they have done this to. Fortunately for those other folks they finally arrested someone the news gives a shit about so maybe they will get some help too.

08-06-22, 18:07
She did have a legit prescription , and she showed proof in court and it was uncontested that she did. They claimed she was smuggling it in for sale which is all the more ridiculous because she had less than a gram. An Israeli woman who got caught bringing in over 10 grams just got sent home after being held for just a few months. They have several American “prisoners” that they have done this to. Fortunately for those other folks they finally arrested someone the news gives a shit about so maybe they will get some help too.

I get your point about her being an American, but is she really? I mean yeah, she is technically an American citizen by birth but she is a racist/"special" POS who smack-talks this country. I put her in the category with Bergdahl and Bobby Garwood. Keep 'em.

We aren't going to agree on this but I can see your point, I just ain't onboard with it. YMMV, no hard feelings.

08-06-22, 18:27
Tens of thousands of US citizens die from Fentanyl brought into the US. Drug smugglers recently caught by US authorities with 150,000 Fentanyl pills then released on no cash bail.

The notion that the US is in a position to lecture other countries about drug laws and enforcement is ludicrous.

08-06-22, 18:33
She did have a legit prescription , and she showed proof in court and it was uncontested that she did. They claimed she was smuggling it in for sale which is all the more ridiculous because she had less than a gram. An Israeli woman who got caught bringing in over 10 grams just got sent home after being held for just a few months. They have several American “prisoners” that they have done this to. Fortunately for those other folks they finally arrested someone the news gives a shit about so maybe they will get some help too.

I’ll have to do some checking, but I was not aware that you could easily get a “legit prescription” for cannabinoids other than marinol. I live in a non-medical state so I may be showing my ignorance, but my understanding is that docs in medical states write recommendations, not prescriptions, due to the Schedule 1 nature of cannabis which is defined by having “no legitimate medical use”..

I’ll have to remedy my ignorance.

08-06-22, 19:19
I’ll have to do some checking, but I was not aware that you could easily get a “legit prescription” for cannabinoids other than marinol. I live in a non-medical state so I may be showing my ignorance, but my understanding is that docs in medical states write recommendations, not prescriptions, due to the Schedule 1 nature of cannabis which is defined by having “no legitimate medical use”..

I’ll have to remedy my ignorance.

Federally you still can't, various states you can, so her script likely from her state of residence. Don't think matters anyway if one has a script for a drug that's not legal in another country. It may help in terms of evidence that she had no intent of distribution, but the amount she had makes that rather obvious. It's all moot as we know, she is caught up in current pissing match between powers, and the legals details are not relevant.

08-06-22, 19:32
Federally you still can't, various states you can, so her script likely from her state of residence. Don't think matters anyway if one has a script for a drug that's not legal in another country. It may help in terms of evidence that she had no intent of distribution, but the amount she had makes that rather obvious. It's all moot as we know, she is caught up in current pissing match between powers, and the legals details are not relevant.

Brings up another point. If I'm traveling to Germany I have to make sure my legal prescriptions are legal THERE. Why was that not done?

And if it is my intention to go someplace "not friendly" with the US, like Iran, before I arrive with my prescriptions, I want something in writing FROM THEM that everything I'm bringing into the country is ok.

The Dumb Gun Collector
08-06-22, 20:16
She was unaware she had it in her bag. She is from Arizona where it is legal and she was prescribed it for pain management in lieu of opioids. She normally travels with it without issue and had a small amount remaining in a very slim device skinnier than a surefire tactical pen.

Fortunately, I don't take any medications. But I did accidentally carry a speed strip into the airport and got all the way to the security checkpoint area before I realized it. Because I use the same bag for domestic travel, I had used it on my last trip to Orlando where I had carried my J-frame. Fortunately I had time to bail the hell out and ditch the ammo. I'll leave it to your imagination where the ammo went.

08-06-22, 21:25
She was unaware she had it in her bag. She is from Arizona where it is legal and she was prescribed it for pain management in lieu of opioids. She normally travels with it without issue and had a small amount remaining in a very slim device skinnier than a surefire tactical pen.

Fortunately, I don't take any medications. But I did accidentally carry a speed strip into the airport and got all the way to the security checkpoint area before I realized it. Because I use the same bag for domestic travel, I had used it on my last trip to Orlando where I had carried my J-frame. Fortunately I had time to bail the hell out and ditch the ammo. I'll leave it to your imagination where the ammo went.

Some janitor was like WTF, or alternatively some plumbing guy was like WTF. :laugh:

08-06-22, 22:08
She was unaware she had it in her bag. She is from Arizona where it is legal and she was prescribed it for pain management in lieu of opioids. She normally travels with it without issue and had a small amount remaining in a very slim device skinnier than a surefire tactical pen.

Fortunately, I don't take any medications. But I did accidentally carry a speed strip into the airport and got all the way to the security checkpoint area before I realized it. Because I use the same bag for domestic travel, I had used it on my last trip to Orlando where I had carried my J-frame. Fortunately I had time to bail the hell out and ditch the ammo. I'll leave it to your imagination where the ammo went.

And if YOU missed it, nobody would cry for you. But let a quasi sports celebrity make the same mistake.

08-06-22, 23:27
I have a Michigan carry permit, I live 20 miles from the ambassador bridge to Windsor. If I decide to go into Canada I better not have a gun in my possession, if I forget that I have a gun, I get to go to jail, it really is that simple.

Follow the damn laws of the location you are going to or go to jail.

08-07-22, 09:25
1. What is the real story on the ‘merchant of death’ that this seems to be all about.

2. It may be blind luck, but pinching this lady for a prisoner swap could be viewed as a pretty sophisticated. Having an American hating social warrior as the hostage splits the US population. She is also a perfect victim for the left and can’t be ignored by Biden. Either they get their guy back, or they add another fissure to the us society.

08-07-22, 10:52
She was unaware she had it in her bag. She is from Arizona where it is legal and she was prescribed it for pain management in lieu of opioids. She normally travels with it without issue and had a small amount remaining in a very slim device skinnier than a surefire tactical pen.

Addicts never 'forget' if they they have their dope or not. Try again...

They also don't 'forget' the stuff is not legal everywhere.

She gets what she deserves and hope she enjoys her stay in Russian detention.

The Dumb Gun Collector
08-07-22, 11:23
Addicts never 'forget' if they they have their dope or not. Try again...

They also don't 'forget' the stuff is not legal everywhere.

She gets what she deserves and hope she enjoys her stay in Russian detention.

Strange, that’s not like you to agree with the Russians.

08-07-22, 15:38
Strange, that’s not like you to agree with the Russians.

I think it's more a commentary on dopers than Russians and I tend to agree with him. If she did the same thing in Turkey, it would be about her dope and not Turkey.

08-07-22, 15:49
Why is Griner getting a White House priority, shouldn't she stand in line with other Americans that have been in the same boat for longer?

I guess they don't give a crap about white teachers, just black dyke "celeb" types.

'Forgotten' American Schoolteacher Was Jailed With Brittney Griner In Russia (https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/forgotten-american-schoolteacher-jailed-brittney-210715805.html)
US teacher in Russian jail may be pregnant, friend says (https://www.newsnationnow.com/banfield/us-teacher-in-russian-jail-may-be-pregnant-friend-says/)

Lawmakers and community members push for Marc Fogel to be freed from Russian detainment (https://www.cbsnews.com/pittsburgh/news/lawmakers-community-push-oakmont-man-to-be-freed-russian-detainment/)

The Dumb Gun Collector
08-07-22, 16:58
You guys are ignoring the fact that this isn’t “do the crime do the time.” This is, find an American who has broken the law and blow out the charges for leverage. Our government is currently doing something similar to various Jan 5 protesters. Did they break the law? Some yes. Are they getting outsized sentences for political reasons? Yes.

If she wasn’t American this wouldn’t be happening. Period. I understand we dislike her, but it doesn’t change the fact that this is Russia F’ing with us, not “just deserts” for some lefty lesbian who forgot to take her meds out of her bag.

Why is Griner getting a White House priority, shouldn't she stand in line with other Americans that have been in the same boat for longer?

I guess they don't give a crap about white teachers, just black dyke "celeb" types.

'Forgotten' American Schoolteacher Was Jailed With Brittney Griner In Russia (https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/forgotten-american-schoolteacher-jailed-brittney-210715805.html)
US teacher in Russian jail may be pregnant, friend says (https://www.newsnationnow.com/banfield/us-teacher-in-russian-jail-may-be-pregnant-friend-says/)

Lawmakers and community members push for Marc Fogel to be freed from Russian detainment (https://www.cbsnews.com/pittsburgh/news/lawmakers-community-push-oakmont-man-to-be-freed-russian-detainment/)

Absolutely! We can all agree that people in the public sphere get more attention. That's just reality. In fact, this lady's arrest is a blessing to these other people. Until the Russians scooped up a ...cough, celebrity nobody was paying attention. As I have said before, I would put her last on the list somewhere near lost luggage. My problem is the fact that people seem to be ignoring the fact that the Russians are taking Americans hostage .

08-07-22, 18:00
I think it's more a commentary on dopers than Russians and I tend to agree with him. If she did the same thing in Turkey, it would be about her dope and not Turkey.

"Midnight Express" comes to mind.

08-07-22, 18:19
Absolutely! We can all agree that people in the public sphere get more attention. That's just reality. In fact, this lady's arrest is a blessing to these other people. Until the Russians scooped up a ...cough, celebrity nobody was paying attention. As I have said before, I would put her last on the list somewhere near lost luggage. My problem is the fact that people seem to be ignoring the fact that the Russians are taking Americans hostage .

I didn't ignore it, I agree, and you're probably correct. Actually a good point. However, she should be last in the queue behind others who have been held longer (I know you agree with that). I mean literally though......if offered a "trade" for the racist lesbian I would say "We want XXX, then the next, and so on chronologically."

McCain was supposedly offered release (since his dad was CINPAC) and declined until the longer-held POW's went first. If true it is one the few things I admire about him, although my dislike is for strictly political reasons and not for his military time and what he went through. Griner wouldn't have such a shred of integrity, guaranteed. She'd probably say "Let them white folks rot over here, I'm important and I'm out".

08-07-22, 20:50
You guys are ignoring the fact that this isn’t “do the crime do the time.” This is, find an American who has broken the law and blow out the charges for leverage. Our government is currently doing something similar to various Jan 5 protesters. Did they break the law? Some yes. Are they getting outsized sentences for political reasons? Yes.

If she wasn’t American this wouldn’t be happening. Period. I understand we dislike her, but it doesn’t change the fact that this is Russia F’ing with us, not “just deserts” for some lefty lesbian who forgot to take her meds out of her bag.

Absolutely! We can all agree that people in the public sphere get more attention. That's just reality. In fact, this lady's arrest is a blessing to these other people. Until the Russians scooped up a ...cough, celebrity nobody was paying attention. As I have said before, I would put her last on the list somewhere near lost luggage. My problem is the fact that people seem to be ignoring the fact that the Russians are taking Americans hostage .

Had she followed the laws of the country she voluntarily went to and was jailed, then you would be correct, she would be a hostage.

Did they give her a max sentence, yep just like human (read non liberal legislate from the bench types) do all the time here in the USofA.

This lady in Russia went voluntarily, broke the law and can rot over there for all I care.

Don't go to foreign countries that you know do this type of thing and break the damn law. It really is that simple.

08-07-22, 20:57
Had she followed the laws of the country she voluntarily went to and was jailed, then you would be correct, she would be a hostage.

Did they give her a max sentence, yep just like human (read non liberal legislate from the bench types) do all the time here in the USofA.

This lady in Russia went voluntarily, broke the law and can rot over there for all I care.

Don't go to foreign countries that you know do this type of thing and break the damn law. It really is that simple.

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner.

08-09-22, 15:43
I hope all the performance enhancing drugs she took servers her well when she is breaking big rocks into little rocks all day in a Russian gulag.

08-10-22, 01:11
Awesome, glad it all worked out! :dance3:


08-10-22, 01:39
There are a lot of people here in America that are doing time for smoking or selling weed.
Brittany decided to intenntionally or not to fly internationally with liquid THC.
I'm not sure how you overlook so many Americans in your need to free Brittany Grinner.

the AR-15 Junkie
08-10-22, 02:20
As of August 10th, Brittney Griner is now 173 days Drug FREE, hooray for Brittney!

08-10-22, 04:50
In these days with all the screening at airports, how did she get through the initial screening without knowing it was in there? Surely a highly trained TSA agent would have looked at vaping cartridges, etc. I assume she left from the USA to fly to Russia? I would also think that anyone who travels knows exactly what is packed in their baggage because of all the screening also. She knew what was in her bag. If you break the laws of another country, you suffer their punishments. Plain an simple.

08-10-22, 07:20
In these days with all the screening at airports, how did she get through the initial screening without knowing it was in there? Surely a highly trained TSA agent would have looked at vaping cartridges, etc. I assume she left from the USA to fly to Russia? I would also think that anyone who travels knows exactly what is packed in their baggage because of all the screening also. She knew what was in her bag. If you break the laws of another country, you suffer their punishments. Plain an simple.

I’m not sure if you’re being sarcastic?

As someone who travels a lot I can tell you TSA agents have double digit IQ and catch very little. They are looking for weapons, that’s it. Many studies show they often don’t catch those coming through. Some l thing like 97% of weapons get through when done as a test.

08-10-22, 12:56
I’m not sure if you’re being sarcastic?

As someone who travels a lot I can tell you TSA agents have double digit IQ and catch very little. They are looking for weapons, that’s it. Many studies show they often don’t catch those coming through. Some l thing like 97% of weapons get through when done as a test.

:rolleyes: Lol... yea a little bit. I'm not a TSA super agent, but I know that in a majority of countries in the world... esp Russia, mary jane is illegal. You would think that they would be familiar with basic foreign law and would look at pressurized containers to make sure what they were. After all, look at the little 10 oz shoe bomb Richard Reid tried to set off. Not a big one, but if it didn't malfunction, it would have been enough to take down the plane. Makes me feel safe flying.. which I absolutely don't do these days. I wonder how much of her decisions had to do with who she felt she is vs. having to abide by the law. But it was 100% on her to make sure she wasn't carrying something illegal.

08-10-22, 13:17
I hope all the performance enhancing drugs she took servers her well when she is breaking big rocks into little rocks all day in a Russian gulag.

Has she been busted for that too or is that conjecture on your end? Not fully tracking. Basketball is one of the few major sports where PEDs are not a common theme, and she does not look "enhanced" per se, but she is 6'8"!

the AR-15 Junkie
08-10-22, 14:28
Has she been busted for that too or is that conjecture on your end? Not fully tracking. Basketball is one of the few major sports where PEDs are not a common theme, and she does not look "enhanced" per se, but she is 6'8"!

Some are suggesting She was once a He.


08-10-22, 15:25
As of August 10th, Brittney Griner is now 173 days Drug FREE, hooray for Brittney!

Bro, those are meds. Do you even scrip?