View Full Version : PRAY the goblin whore Omar is un-seated today....

Straight Shooter
08-09-22, 12:53
ASHINGTON (AP) — Rep. Ilhan Omar, one of the biggest stars of the left, is facing a centrist challenger in her Minnesota congressional primary on Tuesday, while Vermont Democrats will choose a nominee for an open House seat who will likely make history as the first woman representing the state in Congress.

Another key race is unfolding in western Wisconsin, where Democratic Rep. Ron Kind 's retirement after 26 years in office opens up a seat in a district that has been trending Republican. Among the candidates running in the Republican primary to replace Kind is a former Navy SEAL who attended the “Stop the Steal” rally in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021, which preceded the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

Minnesota is also holding a special election to fill the remaining months of Republican Rep. Jim Hagedorn 's term after his death earlier this year from cancer. And voters will be picking nominees for a full term representing the largely rural, Republican-leaning district.
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A supporter of the “defund the police” movement, Omar is facing a Democratic primary challenge in Minnesota's 5th Congressional District from a former Minneapolis City Council member who has made rising crime an issue in the race.

Don Samuels' north Minneapolis base suffers from more violent crime than other parts of the city, and the moderate Democrat helped defeat a ballot question that sought to replace the city police department with a new public safety unit.

Omar has defended calls to redirect public safety funding more into community-based programs.

Samuels and others also successfully sued the city to force it to meet minimum police staffing levels called for in Minneapolis' charter. Samuels says Omar, one of the leading voices in the national progressive movement, is divisive. He's attracted big bucks to his campaign, though Omar as the incumbent has a significant cash advantage.

Straight Shooter
08-09-22, 12:54
Come nightfall Id LOVE to know that demonic bitch's time is done.

08-09-22, 13:14

08-09-22, 13:49
Quote from a friend of mine who lives there. re: Omar:

"Her district is so blue that even a smurf would look pale. The Somali population there is huge and they love her. Don't expect any change."

08-09-22, 13:55
Quote from a friend of mine who lives there. re: Omar:

"Her district is so blue that even a smurf would look pale. The Somali population there is huge and they love her. Don't expect any change."

Odd that letting thousands of dirty assholes from a shithole migrate to our country and there'd be a downside. I remember the story of an American who was stabbed to death on a moped by these animals... and they never solved the case because it's such a mini shithole community it was too hard to catch the killers.

08-09-22, 14:32
They had a redistricting here in Michigan so Taliban Talieb was moved to a new district, and won by a landslide. The retard that won her last district will make her look great.

This area is so effed up it is unbelievable.

The Big 3 have ruined this area due to their brainwashed union idiots voting habits.

Five more years and we can sell everything and get the hell away from here.

08-09-22, 15:46
...The Somali population there is huge and they love her. Don't expect any change."

I'm confused. Are all these Somali immigrants now US citizens? One of my daughters went to school up there and lived nearby in Dinky Town. I spent a lot of time up there. Not a nice place to hang out. I can't believe they have all become citizens and can now vote, and I'm sure there is no cheating :sarcastic:.

08-09-22, 21:36
Results are coming in, it doesn't look good as of 10:30pm.


08-10-22, 00:23
Results are coming in, it doesn't look good as of 10:30pm.


Glad I don't live there.

Straight Shooter
08-10-22, 01:42
Glad I don't live there.

Praise God I dont.
I see the goblin won. A POX upon her, Minnesota, & every person who voted for her.

08-10-22, 02:21
Praise God I dont.
I see the goblin won. A POX upon her, Minnesota, & every person who voted for her.

Guess the summer riots will continue as scheduled. It's a shame, beautiful state.

08-10-22, 02:26
Guess the summer riots will continue as scheduled. It's a shame, beautiful state.

'Twould seem to me that rioting should be grounds for mass denaturalization and deportation... which would go a long way kneecapping the terrorist-humping incestuous polygamist freak at the ballot box.

08-10-22, 04:09
'Twould seem to me that rioting should be grounds for mass denaturalization and deportation... which would go a long way kneecapping the terrorist-humping incestuous polygamist freak at the ballot box.

Except Biden is president.

08-10-22, 09:47
Except Biden is president.

True, there is that... I was thinking of "if/when sanity returns."

08-10-22, 12:36
Is she the one who married her brother?

08-10-22, 15:12
Is she the one who married her brother?

While ALSO already married to another man. Like I said, "terrorist-humping incestuous polygamous freak"...

08-10-22, 16:08
I wish I could still find the campaign commercial that had the BLM fires raging, general alarm sirens blaring in the background and this tw*t waffle, Omar, screeching about having to "completely dismantle the Minneapolis police." It so perfectly captured what the Democrat party had brought about on the country.

08-11-22, 13:15
Too bad Super 64 didn't land on top of her house.

08-11-22, 13:40
Too bad Super 64 didn't land on top of her house.
