View Full Version : IRS says it ‘absolutely’ will not increase audit scrutiny

08-10-22, 07:48

IRS says it ‘absolutely’ will not increase audit scrutiny on middle-income Americans


Somebody check the bullshit meter real quick!

08-10-22, 07:56
Remember that $600 a year thing that was enacted in 2021? That is what those 87K IRS dirtbags will be looking at. Going through piles of info from people's checking accounts and CC statements. "Hmm, what was this check for?"

I still cannot believe 87,000 IRS scum are going to be hired. That is mind-boggling.

08-10-22, 08:44
If money is power 87,000 IRS Agents is the Gestapo.

Straight Shooter
08-10-22, 08:49
Remember that $600 a year thing that was enacted in 2021? That is what those 87K IRS dirtbags will be looking at. Going through piles of info from people's checking accounts and CC statements. "Hmm, what was this check for?"

I still cannot believe 87,000 IRS scum are going to be hired. That is mind-boggling.

Ive READ...cant swear to it...that just those 87,000 alone are EIGHT TIMES MORE than the number of Border Patrol Agents.
Also...cant confirm..but read that the British Army only has 81,000 members, for comparison.
True or not- the demonrat party has & is actively destroying the United States as we knew it.

08-10-22, 08:50
Remember that $600 a year thing that was enacted in 2021? That is what those 87K IRS dirtbags will be looking at. Going through piles of info from people's checking accounts and CC statements. "Hmm, what was this check for?"

I still cannot believe 87,000 IRS scum are going to be hired. That is mind-boggling.

I thought the $600/bank account thing did not pass

08-10-22, 08:59
The majority of IRS audits according are at a rate of 5x more for the working poor vs the rich. The majority of those are in the rural south. Pretty much because these folks can't afford $$$ to fight back against the IRS. But, if they promised not to target that group more, it must be true.

They snuck in the $600 IRS reporting thing in a stimulus bill:



08-10-22, 09:08
Ive READ...cant swear to it...that just those 87,000 alone are EIGHT TIMES MORE than the number of Border Patrol Agents.
Also...cant confirm..but read that the British Army only has 81,000 members, for comparison.
True or not- the demonrat party has & is actively destroying the United States as we knew it.

It’s because we are the new enemy of the state and the IRS is their “civilian army” that BHO has been wanting. They may not be able to load us all on trains yet but they are working on breaking us financially.

08-10-22, 09:11
I thought the $600/bank account thing did not pass

Yes it was part of the "American Rescue Plan Act of 2021" and was signed into law by Xiden. IIRC it was mostly concerning PayPal, Venmo, Zelle, and such but I believe they could look at checks that had been written to people or companies also.

08-10-22, 09:11
Relax, boys! They're only going after those evil rich people. We're fine.

08-10-22, 09:25
I don't believe anything the IRS or any government agency tells me. I got audited years ago, they even went through all my bank statements. When she was done I asked the irs agent if everything was ok. She said Everything seems fine.

2 weeks later I got a bill for 3 grand.

08-10-22, 09:31
Yes it was part of the "American Rescue Plan Act of 2021" and was signed into law by Xiden. IIRC it was mostly concerning PayPal, Venmo, Zelle, and such but I believe they could look at checks that had been written to people or companies also.

Right, I do remember the one passing for online payment services. But there was another one where they were gonna check your bank account, I don't believe that one passed. If it did that sucks because even cash you deposit into your bank account would be subject to IRS scrutiny.

08-10-22, 09:44
Ive READ...cant swear to it...that just those 87,000 alone are EIGHT TIMES MORE than the number of Border Patrol Agents.
Also...cant confirm..but read that the British Army only has 81,000 members, for comparison.
True or not- the demonrat party has & is actively destroying the United States as we knew it.

More like 4x the amount of BPA's, but still...

08-10-22, 10:23
I wonder who/what will be targeted. Conservatives seem pretty obvious, in addition to 2A advocates, Christian people, Republicans, Libertarians, proponents of small government/Constitutionalists, etc. Small businesses, also.

What about crypto investors? Private contractors? Freelance writers/authors? Delivery drivers? People running an eBay store?

The list is boundless.

Any way you slice it, it looks pretty bad … :(

08-10-22, 10:46
Well at least that's 89,000 more people I can cease giving any sort of a shit about

08-10-22, 11:38
And they tell me every year that I'm so small a microbusiness I don't need to cut checks and file returns because I cost them more in processing my payments than I generate as revenue making them.

Anybody wanna take a guess what'll happen if I take them up on it? These people have masturbatory fantasies of jaming up anyone and everyone they can by hook or crook... The IRS, our national Ex-Wife From Hell.

08-10-22, 11:43
Ive READ...cant swear to it...that just those 87,000 alone are EIGHT TIMES MORE than the number of Border Patrol Agents.
Also...cant confirm..but read that the British Army only has 81,000 members, for comparison.
True or not- the demonrat party has & is actively destroying the United States as we knew it.

Yep, under 20k boarder patrol agents in 2020….

I’m all for people paying their taxes, but illegal immigration is a far bigger economic crime.

When Trump wins, just hand them all a BP jacket and say “Good hunting”.

08-10-22, 11:44
Well at least that's 89,000 more people I can cease giving any sort of a shit about

Just think about it, that is essentially 1,500+ NEW IRS workers PER STATE. More than doubling the size of the IRS. According to the article below, that is way more employees than the Pentagon, Border Patrol, State Dept and FBI COMBINED!!! It isn't and can't be just the "rich" they are going to go after. Plus look at all the weapons and ammo they bought over the last couple years.... I really wonder just want kind of Build Back Better they have in mind for this country. Something like a slave state. When "Them" talk about "Their Democracy", it certainly isn't anything like or close to what was designed by our forefathers. :confused:


08-10-22, 11:52
The IRS has a documented history of lying. And racism. And abuse of audit powers for political purposes, specifically for the left and against the right.

So, THAT just happened! :rolleyes:

08-10-22, 12:01
Just think about it, that is essentially 1,500+ NEW IRS workers PER STATE. More than doubling the size of the IRS. According to the article below, that is way more employees than the Pentagon, Border Patrol, State Dept and FBI COMBINED!!! It isn't and can't be just the "rich" they are going to go after. Plus look at all the weapons and ammo they bought over the last couple years.... I really wonder just want kind of Build Back Better they have in mind for this country. Something like a slave state. When "Them" talk about "Their Democracy", it certainly isn't anything like or close to what was designed by our forefathers. :confused:


Except that's NOT what will happen. Red states will get 3,000 new agents and blue states will get none. Want proof?


The IRS is both racist and classist towards the poor. They're the quintessential bully, picking on those least able to defend themselves. :mad:

john armond
08-10-22, 12:25
Ive READ...cant swear to it...that just those 87,000 alone are EIGHT TIMES MORE than the number of Border Patrol Agents.
Also...cant confirm..but read that the British Army only has 81,000 members, for comparison.
True or not- the demonrat party has & is actively destroying the United States as we knew it.

The Bureau of Prisons has the most employees in the DOJ. According to the BOP.gov website, they have 36,697 employees in 122 facilities.

08-10-22, 16:12
So 87,000 new employees to sit around and pull their puds, yeah right, I believe the most transparent administration in history.

08-10-22, 17:12
So 87,000 new employees to sit around and pull their puds, yeah right, I believe the most transparent administration in history.

87,000 new IRS agents is just absolutely ****ing ridiculous.

They keep saying they will not increase audits on anybody making under 400k, but it's just another Biden lie.


08-10-22, 17:58
New job posting for the IRS that has since then been pulled...

"Requirements include working min “50 hours per week, which may include irregular hours, and be on-call 24/7, including holidays and weekends” and “Carry a firearm and be willing to use deadly force, if necessary.”

Sent from my SM-S908U1 using Tapatalk

08-10-22, 18:23
Can't get to the job posting it may have been pulled due to bad optics but twitter has a screen shot. First buy $725,000 of ammo, then hire 87,000 and how many Special Agents willing to kill Americans? Sure we can vote our way out of this.


Ford Fischer
The IRS is hiring new special agents!

Requirements include working min “50 hours per week, which may include irregular hours, and be on-call 24/7, including holidays and weekends” and “Carry a firearm and be willing to use deadly force, if necessary.”


08-10-22, 18:30
I suspect this: “50 hours per week, which may include irregular hours, and be on-call 24/7, including holidays and weekends” just may eliminate a large percentage of applicants! I sure as hell would say F that.

08-10-22, 18:32
But how else are they going to kick in doors in the middle of the night. You know how dangerous those tax cheats are.

IRS seeks armed accountants ready for ‘deadly force’


Alex V
08-10-22, 18:40
How did the Feds finally catch Al Capone?


08-10-22, 18:49
How did the Feds finally catch Al Capone?


With the FBI.

08-10-22, 18:50
How many deplorable's are Al Capone types? I'm thinking someone wants a new secret police force to oppress law abiding Americans and hiding it in 87,000 IRS hires kinda makes sense. I mean if they said "we want to expand the ATF or the FBI" right now they will face a lot of push back. But with 87,000 new hires you can hide 10,000 new "special agents". I may be wearing tin foil headware but on the other hand this kind of smells like a long term plan being put into place. Two years ago I would never have believed this but now.....I predict these "special agents" won't be doing audits of those making $75,000 a year.

Alex V
08-10-22, 19:36
What I mean is they got him on tax evasion.

They will monitor every transaction we make in order to find something to prosecute for because we voice opposition. They will start with the loudest voices ie Trump and work their way down.

“ Power is not a means, it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship.”

08-10-22, 19:38
Lenin said you must destroy the middle class to stage a successful Marxist Revolution. According to lenin you destroy the middle class with inflation and taxation.

So please try to tell me, the USA is not in the middle of a Marxist revolution and that the Republicans are fighting to defeat it with all their power.

08-10-22, 20:01
What I mean is they got him on tax evasion.

They will monitor every transaction we make in order to find something to prosecute for because we voice opposition. They will start with the loudest voices ie Trump and work their way down.

“ Power is not a means, it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship.”

The thing is they don't even have to look at tax code. I keep hearing that average person commits 1-3 felonies/day that they are not even aware of.

I find it HIGHLY troubling that we are expected to k now EVERY law, but the people who are enforcing the law are not required to. SCOTUS recently had an opinion on it, I forget the case name at the moment.

08-10-22, 20:19
Didn’t we curbstomp the $hit out of the British over excessive taxes?

I seem to recall something in a history book about something.... something....

08-10-22, 20:31
The USA has 5 months left.

It will be about 5 months till the people elected in November take office, if the Republicans win they need to fight for the future of the USA and our freedom and liberty.

If they don't fight, then all is lost

08-10-22, 20:40
87,000 new IRS agents is just absolutely ****ing ridiculous.

They keep saying they will not increase audits on anybody making under 400k, but it's just another Biden lie.


This puts me squarely in the crosshairs... :(

08-10-22, 21:25
I don't remember "owes taxes" being on the deadly force continuum.

08-10-22, 21:33
Is that a normal stated requirement for a law enforcement job? I mean I know it's a possibility that will be addressed during training but seems strange to me to put it in the job posting.

08-10-22, 22:17

08-10-22, 22:17
threads merged

08-10-22, 23:00
So what most picture as "the rich" are ultra high net worth individuals (30 mil plus in assets) of which there are about 70,000 in the U.S. They don't need 87,000 new agents to go after those guys.

Look in the mirror. That's who they are coming for. Don't forget, the IRS doesn't have to PROVE anything unless they want to refer you to DOJ for criminal prosecution. They only have to assess your tax liability and demand payment. If you don't pay they can seize your assets. It's up to you to prove to their satisfaction that you don't owe them money.

Been there, played their game. Spent big on lawyers. In the end they admitted I didn't owe, but I still had to settle with an "offer in compromise" ($10) cause they refused to drop it completely. Not a criminal case but I basically had to "plead guilty" and give em a 10 spot to make them go away. It was a real PITA fight for a couple years.

08-11-22, 06:46
Is that a normal stated requirement for a law enforcement job? I mean I know it's a possibility that will be addressed during training but seems strange to me to put it in the job posting.

It’s always been to carry, qualify and use firearms in the course of your official duties…

Never are you ready to kill somebody….

Coal Dragger
08-11-22, 18:58
Just doing some quick math here.

The US Census Bureau estimates there are over 264,000,000 people in the US age 18 or older. If the IRS had 87,000 personnel who actually did auditing full time as their only duty, they would be over 3,000 tax returns each auditor would have to do every single year. About 8.3 audits per day. Which is theoretically doable if the returns are all dirt simple, and only individual returns are being audited.

Realistically not all of these clowns are going to be accountants doing audits, so the actual number per auditor is going to be way way way higher. Now add auditing non profits, businesses, etc on top of it.

Not saying this isn’t concerning, but the sky isn’t falling just yet.

08-11-22, 20:48
Just doing some quick math here.

The US Census Bureau estimates there are over 264,000,000 people in the US age 18 or older. If the IRS had 87,000 personnel who actually did auditing full time as their only duty, they would be over 3,000 tax returns each auditor would have to do every single year. About 8.3 audits per day. Which is theoretically doable if the returns are all dirt simple, and only individual returns are being audited.

Realistically not all of these clowns are going to be accountants doing audits, so the actual number per auditor is going to be way way way higher. Now add auditing non profits, businesses, etc on top of it.

Not saying this isn’t concerning, but the sky isn’t falling just yet.

There isn’t a more racist organization in the country than the IRS. They absolutely target and prey on the poor more than any other class of citizen. This is documented and proven. So WHY in the Kentucky Fried **** do the Democrats want to DOUBLE the size of the IRS? Because they can’t finish destroying this country without bankrupting us, that’s why! :mad:

Coal Dragger
08-11-22, 21:25

Your description of going after the poor is an accurate description of almost all law enforcement agencies, and the prosecutors they work with in the US. It’s no fun going after folks with enough money to hire competent lawyers, and actually fight back in court.

08-11-22, 21:32

Your description of going after the poor is an accurate description of almost all law enforcement agencies, and the prosecutors they work with in the US. It’s no fun going after folks with enough money to hire competent lawyers, and actually fight back in court.

Thank you for admitting that the IRS is a law enforcement agency. They’re not going to be sending clerks and typists after political dissidents in the near future. Those bean counters freezing and seizing assets will be carrying guns and warrants.

08-11-22, 21:50
Just doing some quick math here.

The US Census Bureau estimates there are over 264,000,000 people in the US age 18 or older. If the IRS had 87,000 personnel who actually did auditing full time as their only duty, they would be over 3,000 tax returns each auditor would have to do every single year. About 8.3 audits per day. Which is theoretically doable if the returns are all dirt simple, and only individual returns are being audited.

Realistically not all of these clowns are going to be accountants doing audits, so the actual number per auditor is going to be way way way higher. Now add auditing non profits, businesses, etc on top of it.

Not saying this isn’t concerning, but the sky isn’t falling just yet.

Your math is all wrong, the audit pool will be the 74,000.000 Trump voters, everyone else gets a free pass.

08-11-22, 21:57
Thank you for admitting that the IRS is a law enforcement agency. They’re not going to be sending clerks and typists after political dissidents in the near future. Those bean counters freezing and seizing assets will be carrying guns and warrants.

You mean the IRS is just an enforcement agency, very little "law" about it. Brownshirts with green eyeshades.

08-12-22, 13:21
Jimmy Failla
CBO confirming IRS audits will take AT LEAST $20 billion from the middle class and that EVERY Democrat lied. Whatever - just wanted you to know I’m officially changing my job title to “transgender children’s stripper” so they don’t come after me.


CBO: New IRS Audits Will Grab at Least $20B from Lower- & Middle-Income Families

Explanation: Last weekend, all 50 Senate Democrats voted against an amendment offered by Senate Finance Republican Leader Mike Crapo (R-ID) that would have protected lower- and middle-income American taxpayers against new audits by the IRS.

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) confirms that had this amendment passed and lower- and middle-income taxpayers been protected, revenue in Democrats’ bill would have been reduced by at least $20 billion – confirming that at least $20 billion of the $124 billion in new revenue expected by a supercharged IRS will be coming from higher audits on low- and middle-income Americans. This will be in addition to existing audits on these income levels.

08-12-22, 18:51
Jimmy Failla
CBO confirming IRS audits will take AT LEAST $20 billion from the middle class and that EVERY Democrat lied. Whatever - just wanted you to know I’m officially changing my job title to “transgender children’s stripper” so they don’t come after me.


CBO: New IRS Audits Will Grab at Least $20B from Lower- & Middle-Income Families

Explanation: Last weekend, all 50 Senate Democrats voted against an amendment offered by Senate Finance Republican Leader Mike Crapo (R-ID) that would have protected lower- and middle-income American taxpayers against new audits by the IRS.

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) confirms that had this amendment passed and lower- and middle-income taxpayers been protected, revenue in Democrats’ bill would have been reduced by at least $20 billion – confirming that at least $20 billion of the $124 billion in new revenue expected by a supercharged IRS will be coming from higher audits on low- and middle-income Americans. This will be in addition to existing audits on these income levels.

Care to guess a demographic that just might be skipped over? Paging Carnac.....

08-13-22, 11:19
Jimmy Failla
CBO confirming IRS audits will take AT LEAST $20 billion from the middle class and that EVERY Democrat lied. Whatever - just wanted you to know I’m officially changing my job title to “transgender children’s stripper” so they don’t come after me.


CBO: New IRS Audits Will Grab at Least $20B from Lower- & Middle-Income Families

Explanation: Last weekend, all 50 Senate Democrats voted against an amendment offered by Senate Finance Republican Leader Mike Crapo (R-ID) that would have protected lower- and middle-income American taxpayers against new audits by the IRS.

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) confirms that had this amendment passed and lower- and middle-income taxpayers been protected, revenue in Democrats’ bill would have been reduced by at least $20 billion – confirming that at least $20 billion of the $124 billion in new revenue expected by a supercharged IRS will be coming from higher audits on low- and middle-income Americans. This will be in addition to existing audits on these income levels.

2023 and 2024 are going to be really, really bad years, for many people.

Dark days these are … :(