View Full Version : Ladies and Gentlemen, the President of the United States

08-10-22, 12:07
Pitiful or pathetic, which is it?

08-10-22, 12:21
He's a senior citizen who might be suffering from dementia and other ailments. We all know and have family members in similar state.

I'd feel bad for him if he wasn't propped up, doped up to act as the leader of a country and his son is drug and whore addict, getting away with all kind of flim flam.

08-10-22, 12:31
And what a lovely dress "Doctor" Jill Biden has on. Made from a tablecloth from a cheap buffet place?

08-10-22, 13:25
Looks to me like there is enough of a breeze for him to struggle getting his arm in the jacket based on Jill’s dress also blowing in the breeze. Seems to me there are ample actual flaws to criticize without getting this petty.

I’m 48 and have experienced the same challenges putting on a sport coat in a breeze. Much ado about nothing IMO.

08-10-22, 14:15
Looks to me like there is enough of a breeze for him to struggle getting his arm in the jacket based on Jill’s dress also blowing in the breeze. Seems to me there are ample actual flaws to criticize without getting this petty.

I’m 48 and have experienced the same challenges putting on a sport coat in a breeze. Much ado about nothing IMO.

LoL, We got ONE!

08-10-22, 14:24
The leaders of countries who hate us, and want to defeat us, are seeing this shit. They are licking their chops. They sense weakness.

the AR-15 Junkie
08-10-22, 14:31
Pitiful or pathetic, which is it?


08-10-22, 14:47
Meh. I've seen much worse from him.

He actually did the right thing, he was having trouble with his jacket and waited for his wife to help him. Walk into any diner during the fall and you can see the same.

If Trump did the exact same thing, everyone would be "So he was putting on his jacket and ran into a little trouble...so what?"

It's not like Biden thought his jacket was a wild animal attacking him or something. With all the legit shit from BidenCo, this isn't one I'm gonna spend time on.

08-11-22, 07:24
Of all of Biden's gaffes, this one is pretty minor. I was expecting him to struggle more and his wife/caretaker to have to intervene. This was pretty tame and hardly worth mentioning.

08-11-22, 11:01
I just hope he scratched the shit out of his Ray Bans when dropped them.

08-11-22, 15:02
I just hope he scratched the shit out of his Ray Bans when dropped them.

Why? Tax dollars will pay for replacements. Not like they are the only pair he's getting.

Not directed to you specifically, and I understand the frustration of the country being led (supposedly) by a feeble old man, but focusing on these sorts of things is childish, petty, makes those who do it look bad and most importantly takes focus away from the GLARING failures he is responsible for.

08-11-22, 15:32
Why? Tax dollars will pay for replacements. Not like they are the only pair he's getting.

Not directed to you specifically, and I understand the frustration of the country being led (supposedly) by a feeble old man, but focusing on these sorts of things is childish, petty, makes those who do it look bad and most importantly takes focus away from the GLARING failures he is responsible for.

Why would tax dollars pay for his fancy sunglasses?

Regardless, this man has personally caused me a tremendous amount of stress and grief. Not to mention how much money he has also personally cost me. So if something makes him suffer even a fraction of what he’s made me suffer, I want him to suffer it!

08-11-22, 17:56
Why would tax dollars pay for his fancy sunglasses?

Regardless, this man has personally caused me a tremendous amount of stress and grief. Not to mention how much money he has also personally cost me. So if something makes him suffer even a fraction of what he’s made me suffer, I want him to suffer it!

Because every nickel that comes into his hands comes from tax dollars one way or another.

Also so we are clear, people have died because of this shithead and his half assed policies. I have nothing good to say about him.

08-12-22, 22:50
Pitiful or pathetic, which is it?

This is no big deal but he is, and always has been, a disgusting excuse for a man and a worse politician. If he wasn't outright lying, he was switching his talking points to match whatever most democrats were thought to be voting for. He's never taken a stand on anything in particular, been wrong on nearly every issue in his career and on the rare occasions he managed to be correct before, he's bent over backwards lately to distance himself from those "errors."
Dem voters can be just comically loyal to some simply awful candidates but even they had to know this was a historically, monumentally poor choice. A group that managed to find a running mate that was, unbelievablely, less likeable than Hillary. And we're all supposed to believe that more people voted for this stiff than did for Obama? C'mon man...

08-13-22, 18:57
Ngl, i've struggled with a jacket on a few occasions...