View Full Version : Jim Jordan smacks down the worthless anti 2A Dems.

08-10-22, 16:22
Well said, concise, accurate, and Jordon gives them both barrels (pun intended!) and it's nice to see Jordon is clearly well informed and "gets" it:


08-10-22, 20:08
As it is said often. It's NOT about the guns, it's all about control.

08-10-22, 23:37
I get nervous when even people on our side say thta if you don't like the 2A, get your own amendment. It actually doesn't work like that. The 2A acknowledges a right that we have- it doesn't give us the right. If there was never a 2A, I would still have the same right. Get a 34A that says that you can't have guns or defend yourself- I still have the right, the govt has just proven why I have that right.

IF we passed a 35A right after saying that women can't vote and all black people are slaves, does that mean that they don't have the right to freedom, or that the govt isn't respecting that right. While Jordan isn't part of the real issue here, the real issue is that I have the right in objective reality. That is why the left is always trying to make everything subjective and change definitions of things. If there is no objective reality, and everything is open to interpreation and changes- then nothing means anything, and anything is what they say it is.

That is why screwing with or not being able to define what a woman is so important to them. If you can take something that bedrock and simple and make it mean nothing then you can make something mean anything.

Where is the Mel Gibson movie about the Tower of Babel...

08-11-22, 09:09
I get nervous when even people on our side say thta if you don't like the 2A, get your own amendment. It actually doesn't work like that. The 2A acknowledges a right that we have- it doesn't give us the right. If there was never a 2A, I would still have the same right. Get a 34A that says that you can't have guns or defend yourself- I still have the right, the govt has just proven why I have that right.

IF we passed a 35A right after saying that women can't vote and all black people are slaves, does that mean that they don't have the right to freedom, or that the govt isn't respecting that right. While Jordan isn't part of the real issue here, the real issue is that I have the right in objective reality. That is why the left is always trying to make everything subjective and change definitions of things. If there is no objective reality, and everything is open to interpreation and changes- then nothing means anything, and anything is what they say it is.

That is why screwing with or not being able to define what a woman is so important to them. If you can take something that bedrock and simple and make it mean nothing then you can make something mean anything.

Where is the Mel Gibson movie about the Tower of Babel...

And that's by design, as Orwell noted in "1984" with Newspeak and Doublespeak, and in Animal Farm.

08-11-22, 10:24
Well said, concise, accurate, and Jordon gives them both barrels (pun intended!) and it's nice to see Jordon is clearly well informed and "gets" it:


Commendable speech but democrats march arm in arm, as apposed to republicans who are more like a herd of cats.

08-11-22, 10:43
Commendable speech but democrats march arm in arm, as apposed to republicans who are more like a herd of cats.

While far from perfect, it seems the GOP has more independent thinkers, making it more difficult to reduce the cat herding effect, as the Dems are almost perfect sheep. There does seem to be a rift forming between the more classic libs and the far left "progressive" types as even the libs think they're nuts.