View Full Version : AZ cops taze, arrest parents trying to get their kids after gunman reported at school

08-13-22, 11:58
AZ police tase 2 parents and arrest another for allegedly trying to get their kids from grade school where armed intruder was reported


Reports of armed intruder prompt lockdown at El Mirage school; suspect arrested


According to police, three parents were arrested for allegedly trying to force their way onto school campus during the lockdown.

Investigators said parents were not allowed on campus during the lockdown, and as a result of a physical confrontation to parents, police used a stun device on a man and a woman. One of the three arrested could face felony charges because he had a gun on him as he was trying to get on campus to get his child.

08-13-22, 12:31
What else would you expect when the first thought is that the cops are going to let my kids die, and the second is that cops lie. I'm actually surprised that the cops didn't get shot. Probably only because no one heard shots.

08-13-22, 13:32
>Gunman reported
>Dude with a gun tries to run the blockade
>Cops stop him
>Surprised Pikachu face; cops are bad

08-13-22, 19:57
Children enrolled in government-run “schools.”

This was the parents’ first mistake ^

08-13-22, 20:24
>Gunman reported
>Dude with a gun tries to run the blockade
>Cops stop him
>Surprised Pikachu face; cops are bad

All true, but given the current post Uvalde environment, it's to be expected and I'd probably do the same.

LEOs are now officially in a "can't win" situation. Eventually a parent is gonna shoot a cop in the belief that it is what will be necessary to save their kids or a cop is gonna shoot a parent who believes nobody else is gonna save their kids.

08-13-22, 21:00
All true, but given the current post Uvalde environment, it's to be expected and I'd probably do the same.

LEOs are now officially in a "can't win" situation. Eventually a parent is gonna shoot a cop in the belief that it is what will be necessary to save their kids or a cop is gonna shoot a parent who believes nobody else is gonna save their kids.


08-13-22, 23:48
>Gunman reported
>Dude with a gun tries to run the blockade
>Cops stop him
>Surprised Pikachu face; cops are bad

Do your job faggot. RLTW? Just a slogan I guess.

08-14-22, 00:14
This is somewhat of a different set of circumstances, but still very relatable.

There was a mile wide tornado that wiped out a huge school, and there was a lot of advanced warning. Parents tried to get their kids out of the school to drive away from the tornado or seek better shelter than what the school had (they had a reinforced hallway but no legit tornado shelter). They had plenty of time, but the school wouldn't release the kids because in their infinite wisdom they decided that the kids were safer in the school's reinforced hallway than fleeing in a vehicle. Naturally the mile wide F5 takes out the school and a bunch of the kids are killed.

You can imagine what would have happened if that had been any private institution like a private school or daycare. They would have been sued into oblivion, and the administrators who refused the parents access to their children would have been brought up on all kinds of charges. If you're from Oklahoma, you know how those big tornados work. They're usually pretty slow moving and raze everything in their path. Even the official protocol says if you don't have a legit tornado shelter you're best hope is to outrun it. What those administrators did crossed over from negligence to premeditated mass murder. Like that's the level of incompetence and ignorance they showed. Any halfway sane person would have been loading the kids onto buses and getting them out of there.

Why parents continue to willingly turn over their children to an out of control state with zero accountability is beyond me. Their systemic tendency to continuously endanger and otherwise damage the minds of children is beyond pathological. And since the kids are no longer receiving even the most rudimentary education, I can't imagine what the motive is for parents anymore, other than it's a place where they can legally abandon their kids for eight hours a day for free. They would probably be safer and learn more if you just dropped them off at the bus station with a smart phone.

08-14-22, 00:49
This is somewhat of a different set of circumstances, but still very relatable.

There was a mile wide tornado that wiped out a huge school, and there was a lot of advanced warning. Parents tried to get their kids out of the school to drive away from the tornado or seek better shelter than what the school had (they had a reinforced hallway but no legit tornado shelter). They had plenty of time, but the school wouldn't release the kids because in their infinite wisdom they decided that the kids were safer in the school's reinforced hallway than fleeing in a vehicle. Naturally the mile wide F5 takes out the school and a bunch of the kids are killed.

You can imagine what would have happened if that had been any private institution like a private school or daycare. They would have been sued into oblivion, and the administrators who refused the parents access to their children would have been brought up on all kinds of charges. If you're from Oklahoma, you know how those big tornados work. They're usually pretty slow moving and raze everything in their path. Even the official protocol says if you don't have a legit tornado shelter you're best hope is to outrun it. What those administrators did crossed over from negligence to premeditated mass murder. Like that's the level of incompetence and ignorance they showed. Any halfway sane person would have been loading the kids onto buses and getting them out of there.

Why parents continue to willingly turn over their children to an out of control state with zero accountability is beyond me. Their systemic tendency to continuously endanger and otherwise damage the minds of children is beyond pathological. And since the kids are no longer receiving even the most rudimentary education, I can't imagine what the motive is for parents anymore, other than it's a place where they can legally abandon their kids for eight hours a day for free. They would probably be safer and learn more if you just dropped them off at the bus station with a smart phone.

Because they were raised in the same public schools and can't think like an individual?

It's harder than most here can understand. We are an exception who has already arrived at providing for our own personal security vs. "dial 911 and do NOTHING." It's easier for us to extend that mindset to our family. The rest of the planet has been instructed that their kids are the property of "the village."

And it takes something huge to break out of that mindset. But if they get injured and robbed because 911 took a lot longer than they were led to believe, they might figure it out for next time. As a gun dealer, I meet a lot of these people. The funny thing is they tend to be the same "it takes a village to raise my kids" person EXCEPT they now own a gun "just in case" 911 is really slow the next time. They make a simple modification to their belief system rather than a critical overhaul. And only those who are truly willing to die for their kids, can make a similar mindset adjustment when their kids are in harms way and beyond their personal protection.

The rest wishes they could have saved their kids but the school, the crossing guard or the cafeteria lady told them "no" and those people are the village and you have to listen to the village.

Some of us were just lucky and had parents who raised us to think "you might have to take care of yourself one day" or we simply realized many of those who are supposed to be taking care of us are useless, worthless or a combination of the two and we better be prepared to take care of ourselves.

08-14-22, 01:16
Do your job faggot. RLTW? Just a slogan I guess.

I’m not defending cops not performing their jobs. As I’ve said before, cops not entering and clearing immediately should be fired and/or prosecuted. But letting randos in during a lockdown is counterproductive.

Read my first post again.

08-14-22, 08:38
Leaveammoforme - depart from this thread, and do not return. Go read your PM's as well.

It's entirely possible to discuss an issue and express personal opinions without making personal attacks. You need to learn how to do that, or you can leave this forum.

08-14-22, 08:39
Lighten up, folks. It's just a discussion on the internet.

08-14-22, 08:55
So seriously, was LAFM drunk posting or what? I have both posted nonsensicaly and spent time in the penalty box, but I am still scratching my head over what they said.


08-14-22, 10:58
So seriously, was LAFM drunk posting or what? I have both posted nonsensicaly and spent time in the penalty box, but I am still scratching my head over what they said.

Meh, its an emotional topic. From a logical and tactical perspective, I stand by what I said, but I get why he’s pissed off, and I get what Steyraug said, as well.

08-14-22, 11:07
All true, but given the current post Uvalde environment....

Eventually a parent is gonna shoot a cop in the belief that it is what will be necessary to save their kids or a cop is gonna shoot a parent who believes nobody else is gonna save their kids.

Yep, it’s sad but this is where it’s headed and the more instances we have like this one where the cops are tazing and arresting parents will just send dad into rock and roll mode the moment he gets out of his pickup.

08-14-22, 13:18
It is a further evolution of how things like wrongful arrest and entrapment have typically been handled.

08-14-22, 15:19
Yep, it’s sad but this is where it’s headed and the more instances we have like this one where the cops are tazing and arresting parents will just send dad into rock and roll mode the moment he gets out of his pickup.

All I know is next time, and sadly there will be a next time because incompetence breeds it, the cops better get their pronto and bag their shooter almost as fast as Eli in the food court. Would also be nice if they stopped prefacing every fall down disaster with a "hero cop saved the day" version of events that never actually happened.

The other truth is right now there are people in RSO positions who are investigating threats and preventing incidents, but that never makes the news and it never has the same impact. When someone reports "school investigators possibly prevented a mass shooting today by arresting this dipshit incel who posted troubling comments on his twatter page and made threats to other students" half the people on the internet want to talk about how he got "set up by those who can't actually deal with threats so they need to cultivate people to arrest."

It's part of that "can't win" formula LEOs are currently trying to function under.

Next school shooting they better have their crap together or armed parents are gonna start patrolling schools. Following Parkland a handful of private and religious schools in South Florida were already trying to put together a program where more than just teachers and staff were armed at schools.

08-14-22, 16:03
Video of the cops vs parents....


08-14-22, 18:52
Video of the cops vs parents....


Cops are lucky they didn't get shot. Rules and laws go out the window when you get between a scared parent and their child.

08-14-22, 19:15
Video of the cops vs parents....


That's not good. The guy in blue shirt is the one who dropped the 1911, he also put his foot on it so I don't think he was thinking to draw on cops. How did the guy in the white shirt get his hand opened up? That was a decent amount of blood.

08-14-22, 20:49
All I know is next time, and sadly there will be a next time because incompetence breeds it, the cops better get their pronto and bag their shooter almost as fast as Eli in the food court. Would also be nice if they stopped prefacing every fall down disaster with a "hero cop saved the day" version of events that never actually happened.

The other truth is right now there are people in RSO positions who are investigating threats and preventing incidents, but that never makes the news and it never has the same impact. When someone reports "school investigators possibly prevented a mass shooting today by arresting this dipshit incel who posted troubling comments on his twatter page and made threats to other students" half the people on the internet want to talk about how he got "set up by those who can't actually deal with threats so they need to cultivate people to arrest."

It's part of that "can't win" formula LEOs are currently trying to function under.

Next school shooting they better have their crap together or armed parents are gonna start patrolling schools. Following Parkland a handful of private and religious schools in South Florida were already trying to put together a program where more than just teachers and staff were armed at schools.

Well then maybe the agencies need to get their crap together, start purging shitbirds like Arredondo and his lackeys, and get to work rebuilding trust. Maybe have a shoothouse exercise with paintball or simunitions, inviting parents as observers to see The Book in action. Assuming they put The Book in motion at go-time rather than Do An Arredondo, may his name be forever associated with cowardice and dereliction of duty in the LE community...

I tell you this, if I'm a Uvalde County Commissioner, I introduce a bill to strip Qualified Immunity from Arredondo and his Meal Team Six group that sat on their asses and jacked off to the screams of dying kids when it was clearly time to Sound Off Like They Had A Goddamned Pair.

08-14-22, 21:54
Leaveammoforme - depart from this thread, and do not return. Go read your PM's as well.

It's entirely possible to discuss an issue and express personal opinions without making personal attacks. You need to learn how to do that, or you can leave this forum.

I don't believe from what he posted (unless other posts in this thread were nuked) he was personally attacking anyone directly in the thread... Maybe he shouldn't have used the word he used...but I understand what he was saying. Dude was a member for nearly a decade...damn. (Maybe edit the post and give him a stern talking-to? I like to think we're all on the same team.)

I pray charges are dropped against the parents involved.

History predicts that the PD will not protect your/our kids. (Not that they don't want to)...lawsuits and stuff. Sad times we live in.

08-14-22, 22:09
I'm obligated to note that my prior is not intended as cop-bashing, my ex and I owe our lives to a massive investment in time and mentorship from a number of members of the local LE community and twenty years ago I actually had the privilege of helping Security at my alma mater and their town's PD draw up the Active Shooter Response plans for our campus--I've alluded to those wargames before. You guys DO have a MASSIVE PR and perception problem that needs to be addressed, and it's pretty extreme at Uvalde's "they wouldn't even save one of their own's family members."

08-15-22, 20:03
I don't believe from what he posted (unless other posts in this thread were nuked) he was personally attacking anyone directly in the thread... Maybe he shouldn't have used the word he used...but I understand what he was saying. Dude was a member for nearly a decade...damn. (Maybe edit the post and give him a stern talking-to? I like to think we're all on the same team.)

I pray charges are dropped against the parents involved.

History predicts that the PD will not protect your/our kids. (Not that they don't want to)...lawsuits and stuff. Sad times we live in.

Guess how many totally out of line posts we get in General Discussion, every day?

The acronym RLTW stands for Rangers Lead The Way, which is in 1168's sigline.

I have friends who are Ranger-Qualified, friends who served in the Ranger Regiment, and friends who wear a Ranger Battalion scroll on the right sleeve of their Army uniform. Most of those guys also have one or more enemy marksmanship badges as well.

I was a Marine. I was never a Ranger, but have great respect for those who were. If someone made a similar remark about a Marine Reconnaissance/MARSOC unit, they would create a similar reaction.

I do consider us to be on the same team. Therefore, I should not have to edit the post of a grown-ass man who makes remarks of his own free will. Nor will I.

I get tons of complaints every week at how uncivil the posts are here. If people get time on the beach when they eff up, they will either behave or cease posting. I'm fine with either one. There are basically 4-5 people here that moderate close to 85,000 posters. It's not a side-hustle any of us make money on.

That is why what happened, happened. I ain't mad at you, by the way.

It is a shitty situation with the interaction on that call, and I do hope it never happens again. Just a bad deal all around. :(

08-15-22, 20:07
Hang in there, SS--it's a thankless job; I saw plenty of days modding other forums where members would get into knock-down-drags-outs with each other then as soon as I banged the Moderator Cluebat on the bar-top they'd immediately put it all aside and turn everything they had on me, until it became like an Oprah episode...

"YOU get a vacation! And YOU get a vacation! EVERYBODY gets a vacation! Try again in three days..."

From this humble 4-F, Semper Fi--good words for anyone to strive for.

08-15-22, 20:18
Hang in there, SS--it's a thankless job; I saw plenty of days modding other forums where members would get into knock-down-drags-outs with each other then as soon as I banged the Moderator Cluebat on the bar-top they'd immediately put it all aside and turn everything they had on me, until it became like an Oprah episode...

"YOU get a vacation! And YOU get a vacation! EVERYBODY gets a vacation! Try again in three days..."

From this humble 4-F, Semper Fi--good words for anyone to strive for.

Nah, we good. I ain't complaining, I signed on for this gig because Chuck Petrie asked me and ST911 to do it. We walked in, eyes open. Like the tattoo says "No Raegrets". :cool:

OutofBatt3ry politely asked a valid question, and I wanted to answer it. No "woe is me" here.

I think we have a lot of very sharp people here that post excellent data. But the signal/noise ratio gets out of hand at times, and it drives off some excellent people. A bunch of friends who are Industry Professionals and SME's just don't post here anymore because of it, and I'd love to bring them back.

08-15-22, 21:05

08-15-22, 21:39
As a parent of public school elementary children, I will likely do anything to get my kids out, no matter the cost.

As a police officer in the same area, I'll likely do anything to keep parents from ruining our efforts to contain and eliminate the badguy.

I get both sides.

The dude above saying we dont want to stop badguys and save kids is wrong. Uvalde cops made this job far more difficult, and this situation is a prime example of it. Sad all around.

08-15-22, 21:52
Hang in there, SS--it's a thankless job; I saw plenty of days modding other forums where members would get into knock-down-drags-outs with each other then as soon as I banged the Moderator Cluebat on the bar-top they'd immediately put it all aside and turn everything they had on me, until it became like an Oprah episode...

"YOU get a vacation! And YOU get a vacation! EVERYBODY gets a vacation! Try again in three days..."

From this humble 4-F, Semper Fi--good words for anyone to strive for.

I got ya beat, I was a moderator on Full-auto.com and Full-auto.org...they used to keep us hopping even with a very wide open CoC.

The Admin should be sainted for the forum he attempted.

08-15-22, 22:04
I got ya beat, I was a moderator on Full-auto.com and Full-auto.org...they used to keep us hopping even with a very wide open CoC.

The Admin should be sainted for the forum he attempted....
Indeed, sir. I still cringe when I remember some of the trolls on Packing.org back when the Shall Issue moement was just picking up steam in the late 1990s-early 2000s

My predecessor as Research Director on one wargaming board was a renowned naval historian and published author; the clownshow stomped on him so hard he actually was crying when he called the site admin by phone to say he quit, and when I was tapped to be his replacement my marching orders were these exact words: "1 Samuel 15:3." And thus was I forged into The BOFH, the all-knowing, all-hating, wrathful and merciless god of those particular munchkins' digital universe who would respond to Kriegsmarine Phanboiz whining about how the game wasn't fair because Germany couldn't muster a carrier battlegroup to match a USN carrier task force with "go take it up with Der Fuehrer and Reichsmarshall Goering in Hell; they were the ones who made the decisions about how resources were or were not allocated in German NAVAIR. Or learn how to use U-boats properly, you should have lots of those; or stick to pre-1943 games before the Arsenal of Democracy really got the good stuff into production and working overtime."

08-15-22, 23:39
Indeed, sir. I still cringe when I remember some of the trolls on Packing.org back when the Shall Issue moement was just picking up steam in the late 1990s-early 2000s

My predecessor as Research Director on one wargaming board was a renowned naval historian and published author; the clownshow stomped on him so hard he actually was crying when he called the site admin by phone to say he quit, and when I was tapped to be his replacement my marching orders were these exact words: "1 Samuel 15:3." And thus was I forged into The BOFH, the all-knowing, all-hating, wrathful and merciless god of those particular munchkins' digital universe who would respond to Kriegsmarine Phanboiz whining about how the game wasn't fair because Germany couldn't muster a carrier battlegroup to match a USN carrier task force with "go take it up with Der Fuehrer and Reichsmarshall Goering in Hell; they were the ones who made the decisions about how resources were or were not allocated in German NAVAIR. Or learn how to use U-boats properly, you should have lots of those; or stick to pre-1943 games before the Arsenal of Democracy really got the good stuff into production and working overtime."

FA.com and FA.org was the first arfcom alternative, only instead of being more focused, it was more open. It was loaded with 07 manufactures and SOTs who talked about semi to full auto conversion all day long in detail in the context of informing those manufactures on the best way to do this or that in terms of possible conversion solutions. Also talked about factory full autos vs conversions in a way that only Uzitalk and the "old" Sturmgewehr have done. Now this info is almost treated like classified information on most forums.

The GD was a full on wild west that far surpassed the early years of TOS. Because there was no shock value, we could discuss most topics without calling anyone names. And all was well until the 88s found us and tried to turn it into Stormfront but with guns. The owner pulled the plug and tried to reboot as FA.org but the 88s found us again and it as it was something he just didn't want to be associated with, he had to kill it. It was a damn shame.

08-16-22, 11:30
It's a lot safer to taze a soccer mom than to go after a guy with a gun. After all, the soccer mom can always have more kids, right? Just as long as you go home safe after your shift.

08-16-22, 12:01
I'm kinda torn on this incident. I TOTALLY get the parents motivation after the fukktard fest in Uvalde. And it looked like (from the video) that they were effectively setting up the same interference/security perimeter for a shooter, had there been one.

On the other hand, you can't have a bunch of 2 digit IQ goofballs running in with cheap 1911s falling out of their elastic waistbands.

08-16-22, 13:15
If you are clearing a school during a lock down you need to make sure no one enters. Otherwise the lock down and clearing are useless.

08-16-22, 13:55
If you are clearing a school during a lock down you need to make sure no one enters. Otherwise the lock down and clearing are useless.

I say put a bulletproof shield in every classroom. If the school goes into lockdown, the teachers lock the kids in the classroom and every single teacher and administrator in the building comes out into the halls en masse to hunt down the shooter and beat him to death. Someone might take a round to an extremity, but more than likely everyone but the shooter would walk away unharmed. Not to mention I think we can all agree that the life of one innocent child is worth every single teacher in that building (not that that would be necessary, though). Point is, if one or two teachers buy the farm in the process it's still a triumph not a tragedy.

There are lots of solutions to this problem. The truth is that the powers that be don't want solutions. They want dead kids to push their agenda.

08-16-22, 14:14
There are lots of solutions to this problem. The truth is that the powers that be don't want solutions. They want dead kids to push their agenda.

There's some truth to this. If they really gave a shit, there'd be more police on campus regularly or full time.

john armond
08-16-22, 14:32
I say put a bulletproof shield in every classroom. If the school goes into lockdown, the teachers lock the kids in the classroom and every single teacher and administrator in the building comes out into the halls en masse to hunt down the shooter and beat him to death. Someone might take a round to an extremity, but more than likely everyone but the shooter would walk away unharmed. Not to mention I think we can all agree that the life of one innocent child is worth every single teacher in that building (not that that would be necessary, though). Point is, if one or two teachers buy the farm in the process it's still a triumph not a tragedy.

There are lots of solutions to this problem. The truth is that the powers that be don't want solutions. They want dead kids to push their agenda.

The largest teacher's union voted to lose police in schools:



Some even have new rules where teachers can be laid off with race being one of the most critical deciding factors:




08-16-22, 14:45
The largest teacher's union voted to lose police in schools:

"teachers" and "union"... a double dose of mental retardation. No chance that stupidity could come from that winning combo!

08-16-22, 17:18
There's some truth to this. If they really gave a shit, there'd be more police on campus regularly or full time.

That should have a chilling effect on criticism from parents.

08-16-22, 19:37
I'm kinda torn on this incident. I TOTALLY get the parents motivation after the fukktard fest in Uvalde. And it looked like (from the video) that they were effectively setting up the same interference/security perimeter for a shooter, had there been one.

On the other hand, you can't have a bunch of 2 digit IQ goofballs running in with cheap 1911s falling out of their elastic waistbands.

I think almost everybody is right there. Ball is in the LEOs court and it now falls upon every other LEO in the nation to offset Uvalde and it's gonna take more than a few heroic saves before anyone forgets Uvalde anytime soon. If that does not happen, expect the citizens brigade to show up more often. And as soon as some LEO zips on of them by mistaking them for an active shooter it's gonna be really bad.

08-16-22, 20:59
I think almost everybody is right there. Ball is in the LEOs court and it now falls upon every other LEO in the nation to offset Uvalde and it's gonna take more than a few heroic saves before anyone forgets Uvalde anytime soon. If that does not happen, expect the citizens brigade to show up more often. And as soon as some LEO zips on of them by mistaking them for an active shooter it's gonna be really bad.

So let's invite a more proactive mindset: what can GOOD LE proactively do before the next storm breaks to try to rebuild that broken trust and demonstrate that they're on the ball, well trained and just waiting for Go Time, whether directed or "if you're there you go in, Come As You Are"?

08-16-22, 22:07
So let's invite a more proactive mindset: what can GOOD LE proactively do before the next storm breaks to try to rebuild that broken trust and demonstrate that they're on the ball, well trained and just waiting for Go Time, whether directed or "if you're there you go in, Come As You Are"?

Well some are already doing that. But as I noted earlier we don't notice the success stories where LEOs prevented incidents before they even happened. I know enough officers personally, that I genuinely believe would lay down their life RIGHT NOW if it meant saving kids that it would probably take an hour or so to type out all their names. But that dedicate might as well be invisible as far as the average person is concerned because they don't know these guys and probably don't know a single LEO well enough to make that determination.

But something has to change regarding the ROE when it comes to keeping freaked out parents from running into schools because they believe nobody is going to save their kids. This has to be treated like a Rodney King incident and just like that event meant most cops had ALL of their impact weapons taken away (No batons, PR-24s and far less asp batons) which led to what seemed like an increased incidence of "Don't taze me bro" because that and pepper spray is all they had left. The "can't breathe" crowd meant more than a few departments ditched their pepper spray and OC which is why we have a current environment where tazers are handed out like Oprah giving away free cars.

I think at this point, they almost need to establish a QRF at every school so you have a minimum of maybe 4 guys on site with everything they need. The problem with this is everyone will cry "militarization of our police force and the establishment of the school gestapo." And since most schools won't experience an active shooter (especially with a 4 man response team on site), those guys will be tasked with secondary assignments which kind of will result in something like a school gestapo. When you combine this with the "defund the police" and "replace the police with community patrols" nonsense it would be a hard, hard sell.

There is actually a movement to take resource officers OUT of schools, with the argument that they did nothing at Parkland and Uvalde. Some people actually think "police free zones" at schools are gonna solve their problems.