View Full Version : “2A Sanctuary town”

08-18-22, 06:12
So my neighbor has approached our town government about making the town a “2A Sanctuary town”. He has some support from them and is trying to move forward with it.

What do you guys make of this? I’ve heard of it once before. I’ve always taken it to be symbolic and otherwise mostly horseshit. Does such an ordinance or what ever actually mean anything legally? Or make a difference to my life?

For some context, this is in Vermont. It’s a town of less than 1000 people with no police force. There is a county sheriff that just does traffic stops and the sheriff told me the state police answer calls for our town, not his deputies.

So I don’t expect the state police or alphabet boi’s to give a shit the town is a ‘2a sanctuary’ they are going to cuff and stuff anyone who breaks state or federal law.

Thanks for your opinions here!

08-18-22, 11:19
I’ve always taken it to be symbolic and otherwise mostly horseshit.

So I don’t expect the state police or alphabet boi’s to give a shit the town is a ‘2a sanctuary’ they are going to cuff and stuff anyone who breaks state or federal law.

Sounds like you already have a pretty good grasp on how this will work. When the feds show up the mayor and town council are gonna roll over like a 15-passanger church van on a field trip.

08-18-22, 14:01
My thought on this is that the Nation and States to some degree are sovereign but the whole sancuary city or county is just posturing, whether it be something we support or not. I've had many people over the years ask if I would protect them from the feds taking thier guns and what I would do. I always tell them that the more important question is what would WE do, as a community.

08-18-22, 16:08
When the feds show up the mayor and town council are gonna roll over like a 15-passanger church van on a field trip.

Yep, the gutless bastards will flip like a $5 whore. (Inflation) A complete waste of time and calories.

08-22-22, 02:11
Montana is a 2a sanctuary state

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08-22-22, 05:06
Well, the USA is a 2nd Amendment country... at least in theory...

08-22-22, 08:29
"Sanctuary" locations only ever matter until the Feds show up to do whatever they want to do, then they're meaningless. We've seen that several times over, even here in KS.

08-22-22, 10:39
WY passed a law that won't allow state resources to enforce anti constitutional federal rulings.

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08-22-22, 11:11
At the town level it's meaningless and basically just a "kick me" sign for locals.

A state that was serious about it and likely to take action, that might be a different story. Not dependable though.

Sounds like you already have a pretty good grasp on how this will work. When the feds show up the mayor and town council are gonna roll over like a 15-passanger church van on a field trip.
