View Full Version : Counter Invasion!

08-18-22, 14:13
Your humor of the week:
As has been hitting the news over the last couple weeks, a bunch of American citizens are moving into Mexico because of high prices in the US.
Now the Maeheekans are big mad because "muh gentrification" and "but they're not coming here to assimilate".
SUDDENLY, as if by magic, when the shoe is on the other foot, duhversity is not a strength and intolerance is the order of the day.
I've been saying this for years - it if was a bunch of whites moving to India/Pakistan/China/Mexico/any non-white country in the same numbers as the folks invading the western countries, you'd hear nothing but outrage. Nice to finally see a tiny bit of this on camera....just a small number of non-mexicans move in and already they are upset.
Maybe Trump was right - Mexico WILL pay for the wall...for themselves... :laugh:

A short summary of the sitch:


08-18-22, 14:32
Oh look the pissy libs that said they were going to leave America if Trump got elected. Finally left, but only after their guy got in and really screwed things up.

08-18-22, 15:44
While I wouldn't live in Mexico City if it were FREE, I hope all the CA libtarts flood the country.

08-18-22, 17:10
Oh look the pissy libs that said they were going to leave America if Trump got elected. Finally left, but only after their guy got in and really screwed things up.

Isn't that the way they always work? Demand insanity then flee from the insanity they demanded? :laugh:

08-19-22, 07:41
I lived in Mexico City (Azcapotzalco) and Cuernavaca, 1998-2002. It was a nice life there. Not much in the way of US-style material comforts, of course, but the people were sweet and the food was very, very good. Many happy memories of life in Mexico.