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08-18-22, 21:28
I was able to dump omeprazole which I took daily for 6 years by drinking 8 ounces of malted milk instead (usually after dinner).

My acid reflux mid 40s was so severe it would prevent me from sleeping. Managed it with Zantac for a time (which is no longer available) but finally had to go to daily omeprazole.

I knew I could shoot a small glass of cold water with a table spoon of baking soda, but that is like chugging sea water. Seemed malted milk powder has just enough baking soda in it to do the trick.

It was a nice feeling to dump something like omeprazole which ideally isn't taken daily and can be hard on the organs later in life. My dad was taking that crap daily for about the last 15 years and he couldn't eat a lot of his favorite foods.

That's mine, hope it works for some of you guys. Let's hear what you've got.

08-18-22, 22:17
Similar experience to you at a similar age. I drank a half glass of almond milk in the morning everyday for a couple of months. I still get occasional heartburn/reflux but nothing like I used to.

08-19-22, 07:51
Stretching. I never worried about it when I was younger even when I did a lot of heavy weight lifting and running. Now that I am older it is a bigger part of my workout routine. If I don’t stretch I’ll get injured just sitting at my desk :laugh: .

Johnny Rico
08-19-22, 10:09
Stretching...If I don’t stretch I’ll get injured just sitting at my desk :laugh: .

So it isn't just me? I've noticed in the past year or so lower back pain that doesn't have any obvious cause. The only thing that explains it is sitting too long, which was was never an issue. It's gone away with a regular stretching regimen.

08-19-22, 11:55
You know,

I gotta say... I have felt better at almost 49 than I did in my early 40s.. simply due to regular exercise (I am teaching martial arts regularly again, and my son is my top pupil) and giving up all the damned sugar. Dr. Pepper was the worst thing for me.

I sleep better, I don't have joint inflammation, my arthritis is better... Just due to regular exercise and a decent diet.

08-19-22, 12:19
My Wife and I pickelball at the local civic center for 3 hours , 6 days a week and have for the last 3 years,
I used to lift weights but only do that now to target certain muscle groups that don't get worked out during
our pickelball regimen.
My Doc says keep it up !

08-19-22, 12:27
My Wife and I pickelball at the local civic center for 3 hours , 6 days a week and have for the last 3 years,
I used to lift weights but only do that now to target certain muscle groups that don't get worked out during
our pickelball regimen.
My Doc says keep it up !

Ok... WHAT... is pickleball?

08-19-22, 12:34
Ok... WHAT... is pickleball?

Similar to tennis on a reduced sized court, except with plastic ball similar to a wiffle ball and using a small racket. It is the fastest growing community sport. Pickleball courts and leagues are sprouting up all over the place.

08-19-22, 12:36
So it isn't just me? I've noticed in the past year or so lower back pain that doesn't have any obvious cause.

My lower back is a wreck. Some stretching and Aleve are helpful.

08-19-22, 14:52
So it isn't just me? I've noticed in the past year or so lower back pain that doesn't have any obvious cause. The only thing that explains it is sitting too long, which was was never an issue. It's gone away with a regular stretching regimen.

Walking, gravity plus time. Add any weight either donuts or gear and it compresses over time.

Use the number two stretch at this link only have them grab you around the arms high up on the chest leaving your lower back hanging free.


08-19-22, 15:30
I was able to dump omeprazole which I took daily for 6 years by drinking 8 ounces of malted milk instead (usually after dinner).

My acid reflux mid 40s was so severe it would prevent me from sleeping. Managed it with Zantac for a time (which is no longer available) but finally had to go to daily omeprazole.

I knew I could shoot a small glass of cold water with a table spoon of baking soda, but that is like chugging sea water. Seemed malted milk powder has just enough baking soda in it to do the trick.

It was a nice feeling to dump something like omeprazole which ideally isn't taken daily and can be hard on the organs later in life. My dad was taking that crap daily for about the last 15 years and he couldn't eat a lot of his favorite foods.

That's mine, hope it works for some of you guys. Let's hear what you've got.Yeah, my acid reflux was terrible too. I started taking apple cider vinegar capsules and I rarely need a tums.

Can't do lactose any more. Lactaide helps a bunch if I need some ice cream.

I quit caffeine years ago. It was the trigger for horrible colitis.

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08-19-22, 15:33
I was able to dump omeprazole which I took daily for 6 years by drinking 8 ounces of malted milk instead (usually after dinner).

My acid reflux mid 40s was so severe it would prevent me from sleeping. Managed it with Zantac for a time (which is no longer available) but finally had to go to daily omeprazole.

I knew I could shoot a small glass of cold water with a table spoon of baking soda, but that is like chugging sea water. Seemed malted milk powder has just enough baking soda in it to do the trick.

It was a nice feeling to dump something like omeprazole which ideally isn't taken daily and can be hard on the organs later in life. My dad was taking that crap daily for about the last 15 years and he couldn't eat a lot of his favorite foods.

That's mine, hope it works for some of you guys. Let's hear what you've got.

I forget where I read this but it makes sense. Antacids give quick relief but sometimes kill too much acid.

It may sound crazy but try gently mixing the baking soda with a few ounces of Coke. It helps the taste and balance the pH. The Coke bubbles help release any gas. Also helps with upset stomach.

I read sleeping on your left side helps with reflux due to the stomach’s shape. I stopped eating and drinking anything but water a couple hours before bedtime.

Harder stuff I had to work on to help reflux and indigestion:

Stopped eating most fried and fatty foods. Fat is slower to digest.
Stopped eating as much refined food as possible.
Started eating smaller portions.
Stopped drinking soda.
Started drinking water.

Started straightening my back and sitting down less. Not sure if there’s any science behind it but it seems to help.

08-19-22, 17:06
It may sound crazy but try gently mixing the baking soda with a few ounces of Coke. It helps the taste and balance the pH. The Coke bubbles help release any gas. Also helps with upset stomach.

The malted milk thing has been working for 5 years now, also I tend to do it in the evening so I usually cut off caffeinated soft drinks by 10pm.

08-19-22, 21:31
This thread came up at a good time ..... I`ve been on Nexium for 15 years , and have been trying to get off it for about that long . Everytime I try to taper off , I last about 2 weeks and then I`m miserable . Tried cold turkey once and that lasted for about three days before I had to start again .
Mine is/was so bad , I had to have my esophagus stretched about once a year so I could even swallow food or liquid . Looks like I`m going to try the malted milk first and then the others .
Hope it`s really that simple ...... and I have changed my diet drastically over the years . Lots of water , almost no caffine or fried foods and so forth .

Here`s hoping .

08-19-22, 23:03
This thread came up at a good time ..... I`ve been on Nexium for 15 years , and have been trying to get off it for about that long . Everytime I try to taper off , I last about 2 weeks and then I`m miserable . Tried cold turkey once and that lasted for about three days before I had to start again .
Mine is/was so bad , I had to have my esophagus stretched about once a year so I could even swallow food or liquid . Looks like I`m going to try the malted milk first and then the others .
Hope it`s really that simple ...... and I have changed my diet drastically over the years . Lots of water , almost no caffine or fried foods and so forth .

Here`s hoping .

Good luck. One thing I've found is everyone is different.

I know guys who can drink water and dilute their acid reflux, for me drinking water just made it much worse.

I know guys who couldn't touch ice cream because it generated an insane amount of acid, I started off noticing results from ice cream sundaes and malts making it less severe. Through experimentation I discovered ice cream works, ice cream malts really work and malted milk also works with about the same effectiveness. So I ditched the ice cream sundaes and malts (made with ice cream) for special occasions so I didn't end up weighing 300 lbs.

08-19-22, 23:16
Stretching. I never worried about it when I was younger even when I did a lot of heavy weight lifting and running. Now that I am older it is a bigger part of my workout routine. If I don’t stretch I’ll get injured just sitting at my desk :laugh: .

Same. I sit too much and work on a computer. Trying not to slump too much but I have something going on in one side of my back or shoulder making the opposite foot go numb a lot. Stretching helps. Exercise aggravates it.

08-19-22, 23:23
I work in IT from home and am in my mid 40s. I recently left my skepticism and embraced the standing desk concept.

What pushed me over the edge was more and more lower back pain flare-ups caused by degenerative disc disease and bulging L4/L5 and L5/S1 wear and tear from my days humping shells and wearing body armor as an artilleryman. Combine that with a few decades of sitting on my ass in front of a screen losing core muscle corsetry and pain was inevitable.

I find it contributes to much better posture and keeping that spine in natural curvature is a game changer. I don't stand all the time but do way more than sitting.

Another discovery that has helped me a bunch: Robin McKenzie's book on how to treat your own back problems. His basic exercises are on almost every Physical Therapist's wall for disc issues and sciatica.

08-20-22, 01:22
Same. I sit too much and work on a computer. Trying not to slump too much but I have something going on in one side of my back or shoulder making the opposite foot go numb a lot. Stretching helps. Exercise aggravates it.

I'm 100% convinced that regular stretching related to martial arts has saved me serious injury throughout my life. Besides knowing how to fall (and here is where a judo black belt is worth 100 karate black belts) there have been a dozen incidents where I tripped, ran into something or otherwise got knocked on my ass and as i was regaining my senses started to realize I was going to be seriously F'ed up because THAT was a lot of impact, but as I slowly got my shit together discovered I had sustained no real injury.

I also think exercise is different for everyone. I can't run anymore, I can if I have to but it causes lower back pain no matter how smooth I try and stride. Even walking more than a few miles requires a recovery day and a lot of stretching. But working the heavy bag actually feel great, except for muscle fatigue which I kinda enjoy because I'm weird that way, but I still need a recovery day.

I have found that forms of yoga are extremely beneficial low impact exercise for me, problem is I don't have the patience to stop and perform a daily routine.

08-20-22, 13:07
I'm 100% convinced that regular stretching related to martial arts has saved me serious injury throughout my life. Besides knowing how to fall (and here is where a judo black belt is worth 100 karate black belts) there have been a dozen incidents where I tripped, ran into something or otherwise got knocked on my ass and as i was regaining my senses started to realize I was going to be seriously F'ed up because THAT was a lot of impact, but as I slowly got my shit together discovered I had sustained no real injury.

I also think exercise is different for everyone. I can't run anymore, I can if I have to but it causes lower back pain no matter how smooth I try and stride. Even walking more than a few miles requires a recovery day and a lot of stretching. But working the heavy bag actually feel great, except for muscle fatigue which I kinda enjoy because I'm weird that way, but I still need a recovery day.

I have found that forms of yoga are extremely beneficial low impact exercise for me, problem is I don't have the patience to stop and perform a daily routine.

I hate running or jogging and haven’t the patience for yoga either. I’d rather glove up and hit the double end bag for my cardio. Another thing I’ve grown to be uninterested in is lifting my weights. I’m fine with doing body weight workouts. Hey, it’s what Mike Tyson started with.

The more we talk about this, the more I picture myself one day looking like the old man in The Goldbergs warming up in my track suit.

08-20-22, 16:42
Meditation. I have been meditating for 7 months, usually, twice a day for 20 minutes, and the changes to my mental health are amazing.

The science behind it is that meditation builds new clumps of neurons around trauma damage and restores brain structures and glands to normal. This can happen with as little as 12 minutes a day in two months and the first thing that most people notice is a restoration of short-term memory.



08-20-22, 17:38
My acid reflux mid 40s was so severe it would prevent me from sleeping. Managed it with Zantac for a time (which is no longer available) but finally had to go to daily omeprazole.

NO hotwings after 4pm has been my fix!

08-20-22, 19:05
6 motorcycle accidents (3 bad ones) over 20-ish years has left me with some knee and lower back issues, so I have to refrain from running/jogging and sticking to lower impact exercise. I'd say the one thing that has enabled me to keep in some sort of shape has been indoor rock climbing. Took it up 8 years ago and climb 4x a week now.
Sitting for a long time hurts my lower back, standing for a long time hurts my knees, so I have to keep alternating/moving and doing little stretches during the day. Getting old can suck if you don't stay active.

08-20-22, 22:04
Getting old, flat arches and weak ankles. Got a pair of the Sketechers old people walking shoes- with arch support and yoga mat sole- make it was more comfortable to walk long distances…

On the heart burn- I did a 30 day nexium and it cured mine- except for when I eat REALLY greasy food or have GOOD Chicago pizza sausage.

I have started drinking one of those high protein milk drink boxes before bed. It seems to to help me sleep better in general.

And at 40, just give up and get the readers or bi-focals. 30 hits you mentally, 40 hits you right between the eyes.

08-21-22, 06:56
Gone are the days of eating what ever I want. So I had to find out that my body does better without bread, pasta,rice and potatoes.

Yoga is key to staying flexible for me.

I don't run miles any more, this has been replaced with rucking and sprints up a small hill.

Then 6 days a week strength workout. But I switched to resistance bands and it reduces my recover time for some reason. I did a hard upper body workout yesterday, to the point last night everything was just smoked. Woke up this morning feeling great.

08-21-22, 07:21
I remember being so stressed and my reflex was so bad that I would occasionally spit blood. After I retired and it took me ten years to figure out that half the other guys in my peer group didn't give a damn.
I retired and that fixed it all up. I can't imagine that between that much stress and now, with my now high blood pressure, I'm pretty sure that job would have killed me in another ten years.
I think if your going to enjoy a long life you need to be as stress free as possible. Reevaluate stuff and don't be afraid to cut loose things that are stressful for you.

08-21-22, 15:14
I remember being so stressed and my reflex was so bad that I would occasionally spit blood. After I retired and it took me ten years to figure out that half the other guys in my peer group didn't give a damn.
I retired and that fixed it all up. I can't imagine that between that much stress and now, with my now high blood pressure, I'm pretty sure that job would have killed me in another ten years.
I think if your going to enjoy a long life you need to be as stress free as possible. Reevaluate stuff and don't be afraid to cut loose things that are stressful for you.


Leaving Florida for Iowa left a LOT of stress behind. No place is perfect, but some places are worse.

08-21-22, 15:31
Then 6 days a week strength workout. But I switched to resistance bands and it reduces my recover time for some reason. I did a hard upper body workout yesterday, to the point last night everything was just smoked. Woke up this morning feeling great.

I only use free weights a couple of times a week and use resistance bands and push-ups the rest of the week. I have built more muscle mass with very little soreness like I experienced back when I lifted heavy.

08-21-22, 15:32
Gone are the days of eating what ever I want. So I had to find out that my body does better without bread, pasta,rice and potatoes.

Yoga is key to staying flexible for me.

I don't run miles any more, this has been replaced with rucking and sprints up a small hill.

Then 6 days a week strength workout. But I switched to resistance bands and it reduces my recover time for some reason. I did a hard upper body workout yesterday, to the point last night everything was just smoked. Woke up this morning feeling great.

My rule is processed sugar foods. Keeps all the really crappy snack/candy out, and most of the breads and other 'dumb' carbs. My system now loves protein and vegtables. I was trying to use breakfast to keep snacking down, didn't work. Going to no-carbs breakfast (eggs and meat) worked a bit better, but now I just have one of those protein box drinks with in half an hour of getting up and and I'm not hungry until 11. Home office, so I'm grilling a salmon and some veggies for lunch, and then some port/steak/chicken and veggies for dinner. Chocolate tears me up- i actually get anxious- and its not the caffeine because I do drink tooooo much coffee. That and beer does me wrong, Bourboun much better- love Old Fashioneds.

I think the older you get, the more you have to stay away from carbs.


On glasses, I had my optematrci-babe get me a presecription for 'desk glasses'. Instead of 18inches for reading books, the 'focus'(?) on straight ahead is for like two feet- right where a monitor on a desk will be. It keeps you from craing your neck back and forth to read monitors. Game changer for working at a desk past 40. The key is that it is straight ahead focuses at two feet- so you 'lose' infinity focusing except if you are looking through the very top of the glasses. So I can drive in them, I just look funny with my glasses perched out on my nose.

08-21-22, 15:39
Chirp wheel. These things are awesome. Just an over price ring of sewer pipe with foam on it, but man is it a great way to stretch and align the back. I also roll it down to l4 l5 area and let my legs sort of hang and stretch my hips out. Large wheel to stretch, medium wheel to align, small wheel to really work and area. I don’t have the smallest wheel they make, so can’t speak on that one. Love the wheel.

08-21-22, 15:39
I work out 4 to 5 days a week and have a day just for cardio and core...I am smoked when I am done, but worth it. Stretching, especially lower back and hips helps with lower back issues...

Diet has been consisting of more veggies and lean meats, and I try to cut out sugar and reduce bread and pasta.

Supplements like protein powder and vitamins have helped with any nutrition imbalances.

08-21-22, 18:12
My memory is begining to play tricks on me now.
I've just given up trying to figure out why or how to make it better. I'm pretty sure I've had significant damage from multiple concussions. Toward the end of my career sitting with the tanks calibrating sights while they fired around me would give me a two day headache.
I've reverted to carrying around a little notebook, just like basic, keep it and a pen in my pocket.
I sometimes leave little notes like combinations for locks and things. Odd that I can remember where I left a note and jack up the combination 10 times in a row.
So I'm laying in bed about to nap and BANG ! There it is, I know the combination and got up and opened the lock.

08-21-22, 18:37
Another one is when my sciatic nerve flares up. I get a brand new tennis ball that still has the pressurized air in it and roll around on it with my glut like a dog hit by a car. Look like a fool doing it, but it sure calms it down for me. When it flares up I can feel it from the heel of my foot up into just above the kidney area and seem to get a knot in the glut. If I can work that knot out, my back loosens up and the tightness along the back of my legs settles down.

08-21-22, 18:40
Another vote for increased attention to your feet. I had to go to a podiatrist for some nodules that formed on my feet. He asked if I also had any foot, knee, or hip pain because my arches had collapsed. My new shoe size was 1.5 more than it had been.

After getting some properly sized shoes and custom orthotics my foot/knee/hip pain was greatly reduced and have been able to do up to 11 night backpacking trips again.

08-21-22, 21:15
Wim Hof breathing method when I wake up in the morning keeps my asthma in check and intermittent fasting for weight loss. I've found that WHM speeds up the body's healing process. Also great for getting into a meditative state.

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08-21-22, 21:50
My memory is begining to play tricks on me now.
I've just given up trying to figure out why or how to make it better. I'm pretty sure I've had significant damage from multiple concussions. Toward the end of my career sitting with the tanks calibrating sights while they fired around me would give me a two day headache.
I've reverted to carrying around a little notebook, just like basic, keep it and a pen in my pocket.
I sometimes leave little notes like combinations for locks and things. Odd that I can remember where I left a note and jack up the combination 10 times in a row.
So I'm laying in bed about to nap and BANG ! There it is, I know the combination and got up and opened the lock.

Honestly, not sure we can blame that on tanks. I can remember 3 things, if you give me something new I forget one of those things. Short term memory is the worst.