View Full Version : CNN to employees: “you might not like or understand what’s coming”

08-22-22, 21:50
“Licht discovered, to his horror, that the network was massively dependent on Donald Trump for ratings. Without Trump to headline CNN’s news coverage, no one was very much interested in the biased commentary and left-wing slant to the news that became CNN’s hallmark.”


08-22-22, 22:06
In related news, water is wet and Fox is known to hire supermodels.

Straight Shooter
08-22-22, 22:13
Theyve already announced that assclown Acosta and the flaming Le'Mon are staying. Aint gonna be a nickles worth of diff at the end of the day.
ALL of them are enemies of the American people and should be considered Tier 1 targets during any future civil occurrences.

08-22-22, 22:24
Theyve already announced that assclown Acosta and the flaming Le'Mon are staying. Aint gonna be a nickles worth of diff at the end of the day.
ALL of them are enemies of the American people and should be considered Tier 1 targets during any future civil occurrences.

They are all a waste of time.

He’s going to have to have CNN climb down from the soap box and go back to what we used to call reporting “straight news.” It won’t be “unbiased.” But it’s likely to be less overtly left-wing.

As Americans unplug from cable and satellite services, networks like CNN, MSNBC, and Fox will eventually disappear. They will be replaced by individualized sources of news that will allow us to pick and choose what kind of news we want to see and hear. The difference is that we’ll know exactly what kind of bias we’ll be getting compared to having networks pretend they aren’t biased at all.

It's going to ALL be social media news and tuned to user preference. They will source blogs and user submitted video if necessary.

Everyone is going to get exactly the news they want to read so that it can reinforce whatever silly shit they might already believe. Objective news and attempts at unbiased reporting will be gone. Everyone thought they were gonna get Orwell's 1984 but instead they will get this, except for the people who really want proof that everything is now Orwell's "1984" and they will get absolute proof on their social media device.

While we may not get the government we deserve, we definitely get the news we pay for.

08-23-22, 06:37
CNN kind of tries to blame their bias on Trump as if thats when CNN went off of the rails.
Don't believe it, they were already off the rails during Desert Storm, you just didn't notice it because it appeared they were only "a Little" biased.
People were willing to put up with a little bias in their News. This is what in fact gave them the green light to move further left, so they did.
So FOX News as a natural reaction to CNN sliding Left, FOX was spawned and moved Right. Both "Sides" are now represented in a 24 Hour News cycle.
The same stories were being told in vastly different manners, facts were soft and maliable. Politicians became Rock Stars and sides were clearly chosen.
When the facts no longer matter, Opinion becomes King.
And that's where we are at a 24 hour a day "Opinion" cycle, not a News cycle.

Add in to the mix money, tons of advertising dollars.

You're being played in an elaborate game to push division.

08-23-22, 08:38
Ted Turner made CNN Headline News a thing with a 30-minute objective reporting format, 24/7.

That changed to the 30-minute format repeated for three hours before it was updated.

Today, CNN Headline News (HLN) isn't even a news show -- and hasn't been for at least 30 years.

08-23-22, 09:02
I remember when CNN was the place to go. The Wolf during Desert Storm. A kid down a well. They did news. What I don’t get is that you are never going to out lefty MSNBC and FOX owns the right. Make an actual middle of the road news channel and let the chips fall where they may. It really is the only path forward.

Straight Shooter
08-23-22, 10:26
CNN at first was awesome. I remember sittin in the pool room on our town square about 0430-0500 one morning fixin to get my pancake breakfast on to go to work before school a bit, and seeing HLN on the little tv hanging over the grill. Advertising they were 24/7 news. At that time..everything else went off about 0200 in the morning. Either with the National Anthem, or that awesome Air Force one with the HIGH FLIGHT poem.
The idea of anything, much less news, being on 24/7 was something we had never heard of, not in rural TN at the time anyway.
They did NEWS, period. Wasnt no opinion or bullshit, just pure news. Lynne Russell was the bomb. I literally didnt believe there could be enough news to have it on 24 hours a day. What a different time, place & world that was.

08-23-22, 11:07
CNN at first was awesome. I remember sittin in the pool room on our town square about 0430-0500 one morning fixin to get my pancake breakfast on to go to work before school a bit, and seeing HLN on the little tv hanging over the grill. Advertising they were 24/7 news. At that time..everything else went off about 0200 in the morning. Either with the National Anthem, or that awesome Air Force one with the HIGH FLIGHT poem.
The idea of anything, much less news, being on 24/7 was something we had never heard of, not in rural TN at the time anyway.
They did NEWS, period. Wasnt no opinion or bullshit, just pure news. Lynne Russell was the bomb. I literally didnt believe there could be enough news to have it on 24 hours a day. What a different time, place & world that was.


08-23-22, 18:20
CNN at first was awesome. I remember sittin in the pool room on our town square about 0430-0500 one morning fixin to get my pancake breakfast on to go to work before school a bit, and seeing HLN on the little tv hanging over the grill. Advertising they were 24/7 news. At that time..everything else went off about 0200 in the morning. Either with the National Anthem, or that awesome Air Force one with the HIGH FLIGHT poem.
The idea of anything, much less news, being on 24/7 was something we had never heard of, not in rural TN at the time anyway.
They did NEWS, period. Wasnt no opinion or bullshit, just pure news. Lynne Russell was the bomb. I literally didnt believe there could be enough news to have it on 24 hours a day. What a different time, place & world that was.

+1 And that also meant you heard about things that might not necessarily make the cut if there were more important things going on.

08-25-22, 15:01
As far as i know CNN was always leftist, liberal news. Not to the extent they are today, they are mostly socially liberal justice worriors. Tottaly unwatchable IMO.

08-25-22, 15:45
CNN was generally always to the left, but they were the only game in town. Then came FOX in the late 90's and more recently some others. It then appeared that CNN then went hard left and somewhere got really lost.

Straight Shooter
08-25-22, 16:56

Can one hear this and NOT choke up? I cant..thank you for that CDH. Man, even as a small dude that got me, as did the National Anthem.

Straight Shooter
08-25-22, 17:00
+1 And that also meant you heard about things that might not necessarily make the cut if there were more important things going on.

Yep, that is 100% correct.

08-25-22, 18:41
CNN had a gravitas back in the early 90s given their format and extent of coverage. I spent the summer of 91 in Beijing with only CNN and I remember thinking they represented America well.

I finally stopped watching during Obama when the anti-Police slant really started to get going...


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