View Full Version : Interested in Enlisting

12-22-08, 15:11
Hi I am thinking about joining the service mainly the Army, so anyone in the militray chime in, I am 21, I have a son, I have over 60 credit hours from a university, scored a 97 on the ASVAB, not a US citizen- Permanent Resident.

I am interested in some sort of Military Intelligence position or Special Forces, but I can do neither because I am not a citizen yet.

Now I am talking to a recuiter right now but he really seems like one of those guys that nods his head and says sure you can do that right as you get out of basic.

So does anyone have any advise for me I was thinking I would join now as a Private First Class, do infantry training elect try to move on to being a Ranger (which I do not really know how what is the procedure for if someone can explain that), do that for two years and then switch MOSs or just wait for my citizenship to be processed which may be another year or so.

Any advise will be appreciated. I have done quite a bit of research but personal experience always trumps certain things.

12-22-08, 15:27
If you can finagle a more related initial MOS, and tie in some schools, i.e. airborne, language it'd eat up more dick around time while your citizenship stuff is going through and I think be more productive to you in the long run. Short language like spanish will run ya half a year and a longer one like arabic, russian or chinese will be a year easy. Not sure of how the citizenship ties in to the security requirements since it wasn't relevant to me. Can recommend that you look into something applicable to civilian life if you decide to get out and not run 20 or 30. I'd suggest Humint related as opposed to signals intelligence for example which will peg you for some very specific and limited geographical locations afterwards which might not be compatible with something you're interested in. Good luck. oh, and take no promises unless it's in writing prior about what they tell you" you can just put in to do "that" after you're in"

12-22-08, 15:44
watch out for the recruiters they will tell you what ever you want to hear just to get you in.Make sure everything is written on your orders before swearing in.look at where some of the MOS you want are,
look for a web site and contact the Officers there.(I did this at fort Knox) tell them your situation .they might could answer your questions better than the recruiter.and get you started in the right direction .

If you have to do your time Go to basic,pick a MOS as closet to what you want and work hard toward it .Good luck !

12-22-08, 19:51
PM sent.

12-22-08, 19:54
I am no expert but if you allready speek another lanuage why not enlist as a Linguist.

When my unit first deployed to Afghanistan in 2002 we hired interpiters from were ever we could get them. Later when I went back in 2004 we took our terp the same one from 02 on leave with us to Germany and than back to Afghanistan this showed he was not a flight risk. After that we got him a student Visa and he move in with the family of one of the Warrent officers in my uint.

Long story short he is now a SPC in the US ARMY he enlisted as a linguist.

Linguist will get you everything you want. If I might ask were are you from?

Just rember a recuiter is just a ARMY CAR SALESMAN.


Best of luck

12-22-08, 19:56
If you want some real dope, just PM me, and I'll get you straight. I had to help my buddy get his citizenship through a less than helpful chain of command.


12-22-08, 20:04
You will not get special forces right off the bat. Stand by for literally years of hard work to get a chance to try out. Same for Marine Recon. You should be able to get Airborne with a chance at Ranger. You probably have a better chance at getting Intel. Enlisted Intel isn't all that much fun but if you know what you're getting into.....

Do NOT believe the recruiter! If you don't get it in writing, you won't get it ever.

12-22-08, 20:15
You will not get special forces right off the bat. Stand by for literally years of hard work to get a chance to try out. Same for Marine Recon. You should be able to get Airborne with a chance at Ranger. You probably have a better chance at getting Intel. Enlisted Intel isn't all that much fun but if you know what you're getting into.....

Do NOT believe the recruiter! If you don't get it in writing, you won't get it ever.

They have (had?) an "x" program that gives recruits the "opportunity" to "try out" for SF and rangers............................ 1 chance then you are shuffled into 11b.

Also, I could be wrong but security clearance could be difficult for you to get for citizenship reasons... Again, I could be very wrong. Hopefully someone who knows more than me can pipe in but I wanted to put this out there just in case, so you know going in.

Oh and... Get it in writing.

Disclaimer: I'm not currently nor have I ever been mil. I am and have always been very close to those involved however. Others advice is going to be far more accurate than mine. Good luck and stay safe. :cool:

Getting back in my lane now.

12-22-08, 20:32
ZDL - Not off. You can enlist under a MOS of 18X which is Special Forces (without a specialty). You can do a specialty if you enlist under the National Guard.

Like anything else, you're guaranteed to be SF, if you are a go (basically) the first time around. The only issue I see for you is citizenship. If you want to do the hooah-hooah stuff, with minimal headaches, go 19D Cav Scout with an Airborne option. You will be able to do everything. The day after you get to your unit, file paperwork for your citizenship. It's free after all.

From there, learn as much as you can and keep a great attitude. After about a year, drop a DA 4187 for Ranger or SF (if you get your paperwork and tests done for both).



12-22-08, 20:36
The 18X program is veary hard the older SF guys never wanted to let soliders with out any time in service into the ranks. This creats a situation were they are doing PT 4 and 5 times a day jus to get soliders to quit.

I have seen the way the treat the 18X at Fort Bragg when I was at SOLT school it is not the same at the prior enlisted are treated. He is better off waiting.

They will give him a SECRET clearence with out batting an eye that is enough to get him started. It is all about VETTING im if he can be vetted then he is good to go. It depends what his country of origan is. If he has a Lanuage they desire at that time.

Just another little note I have met SF guys from Russia,south africa, and Ireland they were not US citizens when they enlisted eather but they new what they wanted and they got it. The real good part about the program now it that the restructured it about 2 years ago and now the dont make you got through it again if you allready have the qualifaction. For instance If he speeks a diffrent lanuage he will not have to attend SOLT just test out in his native lanuage and that part of the Q course is over.

12-22-08, 20:50
I've been a Navy ground pounder for close to 20 years now. Did a tour as a recruiter, and was the command career counselor when I taught at the SERE school. PM me if you have any questions, especially about the Navy Special Warfare (NSW) or Intel communities. My intel is recent and sound. And if all else fails, at least I can point you in the right direction as far as what instruction to look in.

12-22-08, 21:21
Ranger is a good start to any high speed career. you can enlist 11-X / "Ranger option" and get a shot at it. its actually not hard or complicated... you go to Infantry OSUT - One Station Unit Training, then you go to Airborne, which is a pain in the ass but not hard, a lot of running and PT tests, then you go to RIP - Ranger Indoctrination Program- which is more of a pain in the ass, but also not THAT hard- a LOT of running and PT tests, skills tests, swimming and more PT tests, then you're assigned to a Ranger battalion.

depending on how many trainees with Ranger options the army has, you'll most likely get multiple shots at completing each of these phases.. they'll recycle you at the worst, and you'll have to go through it again. RIP is the most selective part, they'll generally only recylce you for injuries, but if you're just hardcore in general you'll go "needs of the army" and be assigned to a different airborne unit (being airborne qualified, you'll at least go somewhere semi-high speed).

then just do your part until you can get a slot in Ranger School- get your tab, if you can, and then go SF- if you still want to, at this point. you might find you're perfectly happy in the 75th. but you'll have a better chance of getting a shot at SF, and being accepted by that particular boys'-club.

tell your recruiter you want a "Ranger option."

12-22-08, 21:26
I understand the x programs to be a hook and nothing more.

12-23-08, 01:05
I understand the x programs to be a hook and nothing more.

a hook? what do you mean?

12-23-08, 01:11
a hook? what do you mean?

"yeah yeah sure, you can be SF. Just sign here and we will give you a shot." What does the army have to lose really by letting them try?

You said earlier:

Ranger is a good start to any high speed career. you can enlist 11-X / "Ranger option" and get a shot at it. its actually not hard or complicated... you go to Infantry OSUT - One Station Unit Training, then you go to Airborne, which is a pain in the ass but not hard, a lot of running and PT tests, then you go to RIP - Ranger Indoctrination Program- which is more of a pain in the ass, but also not THAT hard- a LOT of running and PT tests, skills tests, swimming and more PT tests, then you're assigned to a Ranger battalion.

depending on how many trainees with Ranger options the army has, you'll most likely get multiple shots at completing each of these phases.. they'll recycle you at the worst, and you'll have to go through it again. RIP is the most selective part, they'll generally only recylce you for injuries, but if you're just hardcore in general you'll go "needs of the army" and be assigned to a different airborne unit (being airborne qualified, you'll at least go somewhere semi-high speed).

then just do your part until you can get a slot in Ranger School- get your tab, if you can, and then go SF- if you still want to, at this point. you might find you're perfectly happy in the 75th. but you'll have a better chance of getting a shot at SF, and being accepted by that particular boys'-club.

tell your recruiter you want a "Ranger option."

I don't know your background and I've already made mine clear so if your experience trumps mine than I'll submit. However regarding what is bold and italicized: I've heard the exact opposite from those I trust and are close-ish to the program. Always possible I heard wrong or they were wrong.

What are you using to qualify?

12-23-08, 02:08
I don't know your background and I've already made mine clear so if your experience trumps mine than I'll submit. However regarding what is bold and italicized: I've heard the exact opposite from those I trust and are close-ish to the program. Always possible I heard wrong or they were wrong.

What are you using to qualify?

That was my experience- I enlisted in '00, maybe recruiters and recruiting ethics have changed since then. I don't know exactly you've heard that is contrary to that. Your comment about "yea, let 'em try" is definately true- they give them out knowing most people won't actually make it. most will drop their Option, quit Airborne, or fall out before they even get to RIP.

but if you commit yourself and are athletic to begin with, you seriously shouldn't have any problems. it sucks, but you CAN do it. the guys that i was close to in OSUT all made it. we started with a platoon of 60, and probably 10 ended up getting scrolled. probably 10 were ELS/EPTS, another 10 were probably not 11x to begin with, and the rest either recycled OSUT or fell out of Airborne. a few guys had to recycle in Airborne for injuries, and a couple had to recycle RIP for injuries. if you were only missing your PT tests by a couple of points, they'd generally recycle you. the only guys that washed out entirely were the FTU types that never could have made it to begin with. the rest quit on their own.

so out of 50- not counting ELS/EPTS- the army got to do whatever they wanted with 40. that's why they give them out. i'm pretty sure everybody goes into it knowing if they fail, they'll be needs-of-the-Army'd. so i guess you can call it a "hook," but it's not like they're lying to people.

12-23-08, 10:11
Should have put this on earlier I do not speak another language besides English well maybe the Queen's English if that qualifies I am from Trinindad which is one of the common wealth islands, I can get along with Spanish with a push not fluent in the least bit, I still have difficulty understanding my girlfriend and we have been together for four years now.

I know I can do most of the physical stuff needed the running should not be a problem although it does sound like a pain, I never ran a three mile but I can do a 5 min mile.

I really do not mind doing grunt work for a while but I got some pretty good scores on the ASVAB that is why I was maybe thinking of some sort of intelligence or counter intelligence position maybe I just got the wrong idea of what someone in that field does, but a friend of mine with about 11 years in the Electronics Warfare and Military Intelligence field was deployed out of Texas to Kosovo (did I spell that right) but hearing some of the things he got to do gave me the idea that he had the BEST OF BOTH WORLDS he had gone to Airborne school, he had been deployed, Iraq twice, worked in Miami in the drug war.

Now I could noit find anything current on such a position but I guess I will probably do the 11x (w Ranger Option if that is the way to do it), or I will talk to my buddy see if he can contact someone about what is closest to what he did or unless someone knows about something like that.

12-23-08, 11:48
I always wondered what the deal was with the X programs.

Get in good shape. Run, pushups, situps etc. I've never been to basic, but I imagine they make you do alot of those so the more you can do, the better.

Also, don't lie about anything, medical or otherwise. They can and will find out and it will get ugly in a hurry.

12-23-08, 15:05
That was one thing I was worried about I have a pin in my forearm on the inside between the two bones I have no records for it but my recruiter told me no worries, I know this is going to **** me up later down the line but I want to join and if I have to leave that out I think I will. The pin does not limit me in any way I still have full movement in my arm and can still workout fine.

12-23-08, 15:59
That was one thing I was worried about I have a pin in my forearm on the inside between the two bones I have no records for it but my recruiter told me no worries, I know this is going to **** me up later down the line but I want to join and if I have to leave that out I think I will. The pin does not limit me in any way I still have full movement in my arm and can still workout fine.

If that comment means you are not going to tell the medical personnel at MEPS about it, I suggest you read this:


12-24-08, 20:25
Military Intelligence - is just a job title.

If you want to be in the intel field, counterintel sounds like a good option - I just dont' know how clearance opportunites fare for noncitizens.

'Ranger Option' is the way Army recruiters sucker a LOT of people into crappier soldiering jobs that they didn't really want.

Whatever you do, keep reading. Any materials - pro or con. It's too important a decision to not be as informed as possible.

12-24-08, 20:32
'Ranger Option' is the way Army recruiters sucker a LOT of people into crappier soldiering jobs that they didn't really want.

maybe if you ARE a sucker- otherwise you understand that the odds are against you so you better have your game face on. and not be a lard ass or the moody type.

and even if you fail, you're still infantry and you're still airborne- what's so bad about that? volunteer again later.

its not every day I find myself defending the army- but c'mon people... its not some conspiracy.