View Full Version : Mexican Carry Fail

08-23-22, 11:42

Panic erupts after Walmart shopper accidentally shoots himself and three other people with a single bullet


08-23-22, 11:59

08-23-22, 12:53

Sweet baby Jesus, I only go into that place as an absolute last resort.

08-23-22, 13:26
Kind of makes the Kennedy/Oswald bullet magic seem more plausible….

08-23-22, 18:35
I am willing to bet it was a striker fired pistol, we had a case in Israel where a guy had a ballistic nylon holster that shot himself in the @$$ while shoving in IWB.

08-23-22, 18:52
Ballistic Birth Control !

08-23-22, 21:09
Impressive, one bullet four hits, many can't make one hit with four bullets.

08-23-22, 22:00
Striker fired + no holster + sweat pants = extra holes in 4 people and lots of blood. Dumbass will be dumbass. This is not the first time and won't be the last.

Remember Plaxico Burress?

We've told shooters in match briefings that if somewhere, sometime during the match they started to lose control of their guns, let it drop, let it go, don't try to catch it. You'll likely would end up sticking your booger hook into the wrong place and trip the bang switch. Modern day guns are drop safe .... except Sigs :) Just kidding Sig fans, I like Sigs, just had to get it out of the way because the g lock worshippers would be all over it.

A high school graduate that used to work for us had something like this happened to him one New Year's eve many years ago. The guy wasn't bright but my ex boss felt sorry for him. The story was the guy was a passenger in his buddy's car, they were sitting in the drive way at home. The buddy/car owner pulled out his new glock to show off. Well it was loaded and it went off hitting our dumb graduate in the upper leg, the bullet entered one leg, exited that leg, entered the other leg and exited into the car door. One bullet and four holes in his leg. He was extremely lucky that it didn't hit bones, arteries or his junks.

08-23-22, 22:53
That "No Firearms" policy and Gun Free zone signs are really working out well for Walmart.

There was a time I seriously considered requiring customers to buy a holster when purchasing handguns but when I asked TOS how they'd feel about it the response was 95% "you are violating my rights with your unconstitutional safety nazi requirements."

The sad reality is you can rarely fix stupid and we are at the mercy of the lowest common denominator.

08-24-22, 03:45
I actually made a minimalist trigger guard holster that has a added wave type feature that when I pull the pistol out of my waste band it is knocked off. This gives me the ability to fast put my pistol IWB to run to the store but keeps me safe.

Yes when I run to the store the pistol is still my Glock 35 with 6inch 357 sig barrel.

08-24-22, 06:56
Kind of makes the Kennedy/Oswald bullet magic seem more plausible….

Solid WIN here.

08-24-22, 08:13
I am willing to bet it was a striker fired pistol, we had a case in Israel where a guy had a ballistic nylon holster that shot himself in the @$$ while shoving in IWB.

Speaking of that, and going a bit OT, can you speak the whole "Israeli carry method" thing. When ever you tell some idiot who carries condition three, loves to bring that up. My understanding is it existed for no other reason than to prevented poorly trained types from not shooting themselves or others in an ND. Is that still a thing? I believe it was the norm back in the day for US mil and the 1911 for the same reasons.

08-24-22, 18:15
Speaking of that, and going a bit OT, can you speak the whole "Israeli carry method" thing. When ever you tell some idiot who carries condition three, loves to bring that up. My understanding is it existed for no other reason than to prevented poorly trained types from not shooting themselves or others in an ND. Is that still a thing? I believe it was the norm back in the day for US mil and the 1911 for the same reasons.

WW2 was over, over 6,000,000,000 murdered Jews, a tiny little place where 800,000 Jews were wanting to do something that had never been done in the history of the world rebuild a Nation State in the land they were thrown out of over 2000 years before.

So they bought guns that were going to be sold as scrap metal . Rifles was pretty simple they were manly bolt action, subguns were Stens and MP40's, pistols were every kind under the sun, cowboy SAA, revolvers, 1911, Hi Powers, Mausers, Berettas etc.

The situation was so bad that some people went to battle with a handgun against Arabs militaries. Israel had no time to train the people and the people for the most part came from countries that had a death penalty for a Jew owning a gun. So forget learning how each different semi auto worked, for get safety's, forget decockers, the only thing you need to learn is put a loaded mag in the pistol and when it is time to shoot rack the slide. So they reduced the manual of arms to the most simple thing that worked for all semi auto pistols. It also had the added benefit of being a safer way to carry a pistol for people with almost no training.

Israel fought the war and held on, a poor country to the point rice cost to much to import. So they invented something to take the place of rice orzo pasta mixed with browned onion and chicken soup mix, it was call Ben Gurion's rice. The IDF fought many anti terror operations from 48 to the 6 day war, but the truth is the IDF had no yet really hit it's strength, so a lot of things including pistols were taught the same old way. But it was even worse in the civilian police, I remember going to civilian police parties with a girl friend in the 1980's and you would see every kind of handgun from .25 autos to Webley revolvers all issued guns.

So the Israeli Defense culture both military and police became set in concrete, it was a small group that shot IPSC back in the day and knew of better ways of doing things. But the USA and British Armies also carred condition 3 for a lot of things. But when the top IDF unit Metkal and YAMAM the top anti terror unit in Israel started going to some lads at Fort Bragg for cross training things began to change. Today YAMAM, Mossad, Shabak all carry Glocks with a bullet in the barrel.
YAMAM has been identified as the best internal anti terror unit in the world by people that are into rating such things.

To close, for 18 moths during the first intifada I went out and interviewed almost all of the civilians that had been in a gun fight with terrorist. 100% of these civilians used the traditional Israeli condition 3 carry and the stance. They had a hit ration on the terrorist better than most American police departs by a huge margin. I think for non-dedicated pistol packing people the Israeli method is superior to anything else, for dedicated shooters I think the Israeli method is best left to the non dedicated people that still want to carry a pistol.

08-25-22, 07:53
WW2 was over, over 6,000,000,000 murdered Jews, a tiny little place where 800,000 Jews were wanting to do something that had never been done in the history of the world rebuild a Nation State in the land they were thrown out of over 2000 years before.

So they bought guns that were going to be sold as scrap metal . Rifles was pretty simple they were manly bolt action, subguns were Stens and MP40's, pistols were every kind under the sun, cowboy SAA, revolvers, 1911, Hi Powers, Mausers, Berettas etc.

The situation was so bad that some people went to battle with a handgun against Arabs militaries. Israel had no time to train the people and the people for the most part came from countries that had a death penalty for a Jew owning a gun. So forget learning how each different semi auto worked, for get safety's, forget decockers, the only thing you need to learn is put a loaded mag in the pistol and when it is time to shoot rack the slide. So they reduced the manual of arms to the most simple thing that worked for all semi auto pistols. It also had the added benefit of being a safer way to carry a pistol for people with almost no training.

Israel fought the war and held on, a poor country to the point rice cost to much to import. So they invented something to take the place of rice orzo pasta mixed with browned onion and chicken soup mix, it was call Ben Gurion's rice. The IDF fought many anti terror operations from 48 to the 6 day war, but the truth is the IDF had no yet really hit it's strength, so a lot of things including pistols were taught the same old way. But it was even worse in the civilian police, I remember going to civilian police parties with a girl friend in the 1980's and you would see every kind of handgun from .25 autos to Webley revolvers all issued guns.

So the Israeli Defense culture both military and police became set in concrete, it was a small group that shot IPSC back in the day and knew of better ways of doing things. But the USA and British Armies also carred condition 3 for a lot of things. But when the top IDF unit Metkal and YAMAM the top anti terror unit in Israel started going to some lads at Fort Bragg for cross training things began to change. Today YAMAM, Mossad, Shabak all carry Glocks with a bullet in the barrel.
YAMAM has been identified as the best internal anti terror unit in the world by people that are into rating such things.

To close, for 18 moths during the first intifada I went out and interviewed almost all of the civilians that had been in a gun fight with terrorist. 100% of these civilians used the traditional Israeli condition 3 carry and the stance. They had a hit ration on the terrorist better than most American police departs by a huge margin. I think for non-dedicated pistol packing people the Israeli method is superior to anything else, for dedicated shooters I think the Israeli method is best left to the non dedicated people that still want to carry a pistol.

Great intel ! Though I'm surprised you would still recommend condition 3 to people. My feeling is if the person is not comfortable and trained up adequately to be acceptably proficient with a handgun for those essential basics, they should probably not carry at all. We are not exactly talking Delta, Devgru, Metkal levels of skill there.

Of course, I'm also aware few who carry guns, which includes way more LEOs than it should, are not even well trained up to, nor train ongoing, for even the essential basics of draw (from concealment adding difficulty), stance, presentation, site acquisition, and all important trigger control.

Actually, I think that could be an interesting thread I'm gonna start. New Thread HERE (https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?237344-To-Condition-Three-or-Not-To-Condition-Three&p=3056256#post3056256).