View Full Version : States Ignoring Bruen Decision: We Need Civil Rights enforcement lawsuits

08-23-22, 13:42
These a-holes in NY and CA that are outright violating the Bruen ruling have to be stopped. They are just going to continue to pass laws that violate our civil rights and drag them out through the courts at our expense while they use state money to take away our rights, and hide behind sovereign immunity.

It’s got to stop.

We need to start the idea that these modern Jim Crowe laws against guns can’t stand. We need to put in place laws to prevent them from even taking effect just like the states in the Old South couldn’t pass laws around voting with out pre-clearance. Of course, a dem DOJ won’t enforce it as well as they should. I don’t know what form this would have to take. A federal law? An EO when we get the POTUS back? Start a broad civil rights case against these states and eventually have SCOTUS say that they have to sign off on these laws before they take effect?

Funny how ‘Rule of Law’ and ‘Democracy’ are the lefts battle cry- but when it comes to it they are worse than any GOP or Trump legislative or EO. NYT article recently about how we need to get rid of the constitution, even if we do it unconstitutionally…. They are past packing the court, and stopping the filibuster, even just adding states to get the legislature that they want- they want to take away SCOTUS from judging the constitutionality of laws and kill the senate outright.

And we are the ‘insurrectionists’….

08-23-22, 14:30
These a-holes in NY and CA that are outright violating the Bruen ruling have to be stopped. They are just going to continue to pass laws that violate our civil rights and drag them out through the courts at our expense while they use state money to take away our rights, and hide behind sovereign immunity.

It’s got to stop.

We need to start the idea that these modern Jim Crowe laws against guns can’t stand. We need to put in place laws to prevent them from even taking effect just like the states in the Old South couldn’t pass laws around voting with out pre-clearance. Of course, a dem DOJ won’t enforce it as well as they should. I don’t know what form this would have to take. A federal law? An EO when we get the POTUS back? Start a broad civil rights case against these states and eventually have SCOTUS say that they have to sign off on these laws before they take effect?

Funny how ‘Rule of Law’ and ‘Democracy’ are the lefts battle cry- but when it comes to it they are worse than any GOP or Trump legislative or EO. NYT article recently about how we need to get rid of the constitution, even if we do it unconstitutionally…. They are past packing the court, and stopping the filibuster, even just adding states to get the legislature that they want- they want to take away SCOTUS from judging the constitutionality of laws and kill the senate outright.

And we are the ‘insurrectionists’….

Good idea. Now we need to get to to the eyeballs of Gottlieb at SAF and whoever are running FPC, GOA etc...

08-23-22, 15:52
Preaching to the choir bro!

We need to greatly limit sovereign immunity, and all the related government immunities (qualified immunity, etc.) that make it next to impossible to take meaningful action against abusive, often criminal actions by authorities.

We, our society and legal system, also need to start applying criminal prosecution with serious prison time to the individuals who order illegal actions on behalf of an agency or authority. This should also apply with corporations too. Right now it is usually a theoretical possibility, but never used unless there are enormous political pressures to do so (and then usually used to abuse innocent right-wingers). It needs to become the norm that a government OR corporate official who causes an illegal action under their "authority" goes to prison.

08-23-22, 17:24
What we need to do is take a page from the left and file these lawsuits, and then get the states to pay out cash-money for violating our civil rights…. Start with the 1/6 people that were held with out bail. Couple million each and a third of that goes to lawyers to seed more lawsuits.

Rioters in Denver recently got $10m for being violent and getting shot with rubber bullets.

File the lawsuits in the back woods of Kentucky in Federal Court and start the money.

Then start after the corp money. Support our causes or else.

We play WAY to small ball in these games.

08-23-22, 17:30
SC rulings and the BoR being ignored by Leftist states and cities?? Shocking, shocking I tell you!

08-23-22, 17:36
What we need to do is take a page from the left and file these lawsuits, and then get the states to pay out cash-money for violating our civil rights…. Start with the 1/6 people that were held with out bail. Couple million each and a third of that goes to lawyers to seed more lawsuits.

Rioters in Denver recently got $10m for being violent and getting shot with rubber bullets.

File the lawsuits in the back woods of Kentucky in Federal Court and start the money.

All well and good if the offense is Louisville or Knoxville; but if you wanna go after LA you have to bring it in the Central CA Federal District and slog through appeal. That doesn't mean getting some precedents in other Circuits that can be used at SCOTUS on appeal isn't a good idea, though... just noting that it will be a long slow slog, akin to Guadalcanal or the early days after D-Day.

08-23-22, 17:48
Gotta start somewhere…

Saw there are two more gun grabber laws coming. 20% tax on gun manufacturures, and another that they have to track how many of their guns are used in crimes.

08-23-22, 17:48

08-23-22, 20:23
Gotta start somewhere…

Saw there are two more gun grabber laws coming. 20% tax on gun manufacturures, and another that they have to track how many of their guns are used in crimes.

They should also track how many crimes are committed by those out on bail and/or repeat offenders.

08-23-22, 21:00
This isn't shocking. The SCOTUS ruling means nothing without teeth.

08-23-22, 21:58
NY Gov. Kathy "The Jokechul" Hochul had an "A" rating with the NRA a few years ago. Now she's more anti-gun the Andy "Kill'n Grannies and Grabb'n Fannies" Cuomo. :(


08-23-22, 22:04
NY Gov. Kathy "The Jokechul" Hochul had an "A" rating with the NRA a few years ago. Now she's more anti-gun the Andy "Kill'n Grannies and Grabb'n Fannies" Cuomo. :(


So did Gillibrand... until Schumer told her "we can't let you play-act 'moderate' anymore."

08-23-22, 23:25
So did Gillibrand... until Schumer told her "we can't let you play-act 'moderate' anymore."
Yep, good point!


08-24-22, 00:06
THANK YOU for understanding this is a civil rights discussion and presenting it as such.