View Full Version : ATF is investigating and seeking/recovering Rare Breed Triggers from private owners

08-26-22, 11:16
ATF is seeking out those in possession of Rare Breed Triggers. The attached video has good advice for all of us, those with the triggers and those having any interest in protecting yourself upon any federal LE contact.

Be careful of any Federal LE contact and know they have been prosecuting people for providing false statements. It's very easy to get yourself into trouble and an attorney should speak for you in any of these contacts.


Straight Shooter
08-26-22, 14:45
Well, it starts. Door to door for a trigger once deemed legal....door to door for rifles/handguns/shotguns/magazines once deemed legal.

08-26-22, 15:20
Is there any conceivable way this doesn't end poorly?

john armond
08-26-22, 16:04
Is there any conceivable way this doesn't end poorly?

Might that just be the unexpressed desired outcome of performing such activities?

08-26-22, 16:12
Might that just be the unexpressed desired outcome of performing such activities?

"They" sure seem to be working to do everything in a manner that is the most uncomfortable and agitative toward the general populace.

08-26-22, 20:12
I guess I missed when this first kicked off. Why this particular item? I didn't think the ATF would have the bad sense to come to people's homes to "take" anything, much less just gun parts. They didn't go around chasing down bump stocks that I'm aware of?

john armond
08-26-22, 20:18
"They" sure seem to be working to do everything in a manner that is the most uncomfortable and agitative toward the general populace.

Toward a section of the general populace. Some sections simply get the green light because there are “those who wished to destroy” and they needed the space to do it, to quote the mayor of Baltimore

08-26-22, 20:33
Don't own one, but if I did I'd toss the crushed remnants of it out on my porch, say "Here ya go, and I'm not answering any of your g-damned questions", and slam the door.

The "lying to a Federal agent" bullshit needs to be removed from the law. Who are they? My mom? God? Fvck them.

08-26-22, 20:42
As this item doesn't require a 4473 or a background check, it will be interesting to learn how they tracked down all the owners.

08-26-22, 23:57
As this item doesn't require a 4473 or a background check, it will be interesting to learn how they tracked down all the owners.

USPS scanning.

08-27-22, 00:07
USPS scanning.

Wouldn't that be a fourth amendment violation?

08-27-22, 00:08
As this item doesn't require a 4473 or a background check, it will be interesting to learn how they tracked down all the owners.From what I've read, so far they're going after people who purchased them from Gunbroker.

08-27-22, 00:35
Wouldn't that be a fourth amendment violation?

But #PatriotAct

08-27-22, 04:44
But #PatriotAct

Silly me...I forgot.

08-27-22, 04:45
From what I've read, so far they're going after people who purchased them from Gunbroker.

So Gunbroker gave them up?

08-27-22, 06:49
So Gunbroker gave them up?

They are going after the individual sellers of the trigger, posing as buyers, and when they get them for selling the now illegal trigger, they blackmail them into providing records of other buyers.

08-27-22, 06:50
Whatever happened with Rare Breed’s legal battle? I thought they had a pretty good case, although we know that doesn’t matter.

08-27-22, 13:43
Wouldn't that be a fourth amendment violation?

Given the current administration and the state/mindset of .gov agencies like the atf, fbi, I don't believe any part of the constitution really matters to these vermin.

08-27-22, 14:33
So Gunbroker gave them up?

I suspect they served a Federal subpoena for gunbroker> The subpoena would order gun broker to provide records of any sales or attempted sales of the trigger. Those records would have all seller and purchaser information, account information of all parties, including correspondence between them. It's a very easy thing for ATF to do and gunbroker would have to comply.

B Cart
08-27-22, 15:11
So are these triggers illegal now? I thought they were still in court over it? Can the ATF just write a letter claiming these are now machine guns, and that is law?

The blatant overreach and abuse of power has to stop.

08-30-22, 15:50
Lawyer on Washington Gun Law youtube made the analogy that with the "A" in ATF, the ATF could walk into a supermarket and decide that chocolate milk now meets a definition of something that needs to be regulated and now it would fall under their boot.

08-30-22, 17:21
Lawyer on Washington Gun Law youtube made the analogy that with the "A" in ATF, the ATF could walk into a supermarket and decide that chocolate milk now meets a definition of something that needs to be regulated and now it would fall under their boot.This is a great point! They can declare grape juice to be wine. Sugar, water, grain, and potatoes to be vodka.

The shear absurdity of their actions needs to be called out constantly.

08-30-22, 20:13
The blatant overreach and abuse of power has to stop.

Actually it will probably get worse and more abusive over time.

08-30-22, 21:50

Straight Shooter
08-30-22, 23:00
Actually it will probably get worse and more abusive over time.


08-30-22, 23:41
Actually it will probably get worse and more abusive over time.

Without any changes that restrict how they operate, why would anyone expect them to do otherwise.

It's also painfully ironic that dealers of alcohol and tobacco never have their dogs get shot even though their products actually kill more people than firearms and contribute to the deaths of other people more than firearms. But most people don't feel the need to have firearms like they do with alcohol and tobacco so different rules and less protections.

Nobody ever pulled a WACO on a rogue church that was bootlegging and selling untaxed tobacco. Only person I'm aware of that was ever killed for anything like that was Eric Garner and it was local cops not a Janet Reno operation.

09-01-22, 13:02
And Eric Garner only died because he was in no shape to even climb a flight of stairs, much less fight with police over his 20th(?) arrest. An arrest that would have kept him off the streets for all of about one afternoon.