View Full Version : Nikki Haley’s 501c3’s tax filings leaked

08-28-22, 19:06

This is one of those things… A president’s residence being raided despite his ability to declassify anything (I guess?). Now the top non-Trumpish GOP candidate for President had private tax information leaked. Somehow Watergate was a big deal fifty years ago?

These clues tell us that “the other side,” when in power, actively uses that power to harm others via illegal activities. This isn’t a “whistleblower” situation. It’s legally and ethically reprehensible. Where’s @Firefly when you need him?

08-28-22, 21:26
They, like the Nazis years ago, control the propaganda outlets.

Watergate was a big deal because the media decided it was a big deal and the lemmings fell for it.

I sit here wondering what will be the final straw. How much will it take?

08-28-22, 21:57
To think of all the Trump haters that would Vote for her. Hell I'd wager 8-10 on this forum alone.

08-28-22, 22:02
Trump then 2 terms of DeSantis.

If it can't be Trump. It must go to DeSantis.

08-28-22, 23:07
... I sit here wondering what will be the final straw. How much will it take?

I have that thought several times a day, every day...

08-29-22, 00:02
I almost wonder if Haley didn't do this herself as a play for "sympathy cred" because "hey look, I'm a victim too."

Alex V
08-29-22, 07:32
They, like the Nazis years ago, control the propaganda outlets.

Watergate was a big deal because the media decided it was a big deal and the lemmings fell for it.

I sit here wondering what will be the final straw. How much will it take?

If nothing has happened yet, especially following the blatant theft of an election, nothing will make it happen. I wondered the same for a while, but my eyes were opened to just how effed we all are when after we all saw fraud in November 2020 and did nothing about it.

08-29-22, 07:34
If nothing has happened yet, especially following the blatant theft of an election, nothing will make it happen. I wondered the same for a while, but my eyes were opened to just how effed we all are when after we all saw fraud in November 2020 and did nothing about it.

Pretty much where I am as well.

08-29-22, 13:56
“The reality is that some potential candidates are relying on a small handful of very wealthy donors as they map out their political future,” Fischer said. “And if those candidates win office, they’re going to owe an immense debt of gratitude to those secret donors.”

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
No, really? Did these guys just discover politics yesterday?
OH NOES, the mean ol' wepubwicans might owe some donors a favor or two if they get into office you guys, oh, the horror, this so wrong, it must be stopped.

Like, ok you showed us ours, now show me yours, saint.
We all know the dems are doing the same thing, likely even more so. Hell, this is how ENTIRETY OF THE GOVERNMENT works.
Why should I care again about this?
Oh...right... #orangemanstillbad
If this was like, Beto's tax return or such, they'd be all like, "Nooooo, it's illegal to do this, FBI stop them! Oh, the horror, our private information is at the mercy of extremists, oh won't someone raise the budget for Nancy's pen collection so we can pass emergency legislation to save us from the KKK, we need to Do More now to protect our democracy!"

Spare me.

Like I've said before- Audit congress. ALL of them. Since all these journos got a wannabe activist/whistleblower hardon.... We're getting 87,000 new IRS agents FFS, that's more than enough for a couple per congresscritter.
Watch how fast the roaches scramble.... You wanna 'drain the swamp'? There's your starting point. Get at it.
Because without a blanket approach like that, this is nothing more than politically motivated spite-theater, regardless of who unmasks who.