View Full Version : More conspiracy theory nonsense from Project Veritas

08-31-22, 00:41
The following video shows a Connecticut assistant principle bragging to an undercover reporter about careful discrimination against teaching applicants suspected of being conservative. The subject's revealed intent is to affect the future voting habits of children.


The label "conspiracy theorist" gets thrown around so much as a social STD to be avoided, I think some less imaginative people forget that humans often secretly plot and conspire to more safely beat an opponent or obtain some coveted, illicit thing, with IQ being the prime factor in how subtle the effort is.

Here we see an example of conspiratorial action where the individual conspirators, specifically the assistant principle and the ideologically aligned teachers he carefully hires, don't need to meet and plan or verbally coordinate efforts. They merely share a common tribal identity (Progressive), consequent goals, and naturally facilitate one another with very little need for "conspiratorial" interaction.

Mock and ignore at your peril. This is what real conspiracy looks like.

08-31-22, 02:11
While definitely agenda driven (and that's great when you have a good agenda), I haven't seen much from Project Veritas that I would classify as conspiracy nonsense. They tend to find the actual thing and that is why it is usually at a local level because grand conspiracies are either "not actually there" or "very well protected."

Getting that commie school teacher flushed was the best one yet. Actually made the world a little bit better.

Also looks like Jeremy might be the next person to find himself out of a job. I hope his future interviews go as fair and balanced as the ones he's conducted for other potential hires.

08-31-22, 07:30
Didn’t watch it, but taking your analysis at face value and To be the turd in the punch bowl, this is probably how the left sees ‘racism’- they think it is some big conspiracy, but in reality it is just a bunch of people small decisions based on their values and viewpoints.

Straight Shooter
08-31-22, 08:30
The dude in the video broke the law numerous times. He openly admits it. How this is a conspiracy theory I dont understand. He should lose his job & be prosecuted to fullest extent, but Ill bet $12 neither happens.

08-31-22, 13:27
While definitely agenda driven (and that's great when you have a good agenda), I haven't seen much from Project Veritas that I would classify as conspiracy nonsense. They tend to find the actual thing and that is why it is usually at a local level because grand conspiracies are either "not actually there" or "very well protected."

Getting that commie school teacher flushed was the best one yet. Actually made the world a little bit better.

Also looks like Jeremy might be the next person to find himself out of a job. I hope his future interviews go as fair and balanced as the ones he's conducted for other potential hires.

While they do their best to edit their content for max effect to support their own (conservative) POV, I have not seen what I'd label classify conspiracy nonsense from Project Veritas either. Most they expose get what they deserve. Note these vids almost always a dude running his mouth to a woman who sounds young and likley attractive. Dudes will say damn near anything they think think will result in some tang. Add a few drinks, and it's amplified x10. Project Veritas seems to have an effective strategy they re use to good effects.

08-31-22, 15:29
Can't remember a video recording of a "conspiracy theory" Seems to be cold hard facts to me.

08-31-22, 15:52
We need more social conservatives. Social liberals are leaches of society.

08-31-22, 16:19
Maybe the OP was being sarcastic when he used the word "nonsense"?

08-31-22, 16:34
Just watched the video. God, those libtards are smug POS aren't they? Soooo hypocritical too. That, along with being diametrically opposed to their "thinking" (if you really want to call it that), is why I loathe them with every fiber of my being. If the societal fabric ever rips they need to be purged of air permanently. They are our enemy.

08-31-22, 17:41
Just watched the video. God, those libtards are smug POS aren't they? Soooo hypocritical too. That, along with being diametrically opposed to their "thinking" (if you really want to call it that), is why I loathe them with every fiber of my being. If the societal fabric ever rips they need to be purged of air permanently. They are our enemy.

I concur. They are smug because they have the complete backing of .gov, the three letter agencies and the MSM and anyone who goes against them will be destroyed socially, financially and probably criminally prosecuted.

08-31-22, 18:26
The dude in the video broke the law numerous times. He openly admits it. How this is a conspiracy theory I dont understand. He should lose his job & be prosecuted to fullest extent, but Ill bet $12 neither happens.

Religious discrimination lawsuits. Anyone who applied for the job and mentioned they were catholic. Has the lawsuit in the bag. The school will drop him like a hot potato.

08-31-22, 21:52
Religious discrimination lawsuits. Anyone who applied for the job and mentioned they were catholic. Has the lawsuit in the bag. The school will drop him like a hot potato.

From your mouth to gods ears as they say.

F'ing ASST. Principal who actually thinks it's HIS job to shape the political ideologies of every kid in his charge. Belongs at McFlunkies messing up drive through orders.

09-02-22, 13:32
F'ing ASST. Principal who actually thinks it's HIS job to shape the political ideologies of every kid in his charge.

This is it. We go through several identity shaping phases from late infancy to about the age of 25. Early childhood phases establish, for the rest of a person's life, what that person will consider normal and comforting. If you allow Leftists to endlessly spray their shit in children's faces, those children, as they grow into adulthood, will not feel normal or safe unless they have that same shit on their faces.

Part of our evolution or design, as you prefer, is based around function within a tribe. We seek to learn what our tribe believes and how we fit into that tribe. With this in mind, you can clearly see how Leftists have been seeking to destroy identity with the old tribe (America, tracing it's values back to its founding) and build up a new tribal identity. They are literally seeking to destroy the US and replace it with a new country, from within. California and New York are examples of their success.

I'm reiterating this because in my personal life I meet many who are stuck in a 1960's mindset, thinking this is just temporary bickering around election time. They can't see the big picture. Everything about the United States, except the land it's built on, is being destroyed and replaced with something horrific: the progressive goal of a totalitarian, centrally managed world. The goal of progressivism and Leftism is the destruction of human agency for 99.9% of humanity.

09-02-22, 17:30
While definitely agenda driven (and that's great when you have a good agenda), I haven't seen much from Project Veritas that I would classify as conspiracy nonsense. They tend to find the actual thing and that is why it is usually at a local level because grand conspiracies are either "not actually there" or "very well protected."

Getting that commie school teacher flushed was the best one yet. Actually made the world a little bit better.

Also looks like Jeremy might be the next person to find himself out of a job. I hope his future interviews go as fair and balanced as the ones he's conducted for other potential hires.

Good post! I don’t see Veritas as a conspiracy type deal.

09-04-22, 10:20
The reason they think you are a racist and discriminator is because THEY are in spades.

Lest we forget, nearly everything out of their mouths is mere projection.

09-04-22, 13:06
Words mean something,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,sometimes !

09-04-22, 14:15
If the societal fabric ever rips they need to be purged of air permanently. They are our enemy.

Be careful with train of thought. That line of thought killed A LOT of people in the 20th century. While I do not agree with them, and want to see things enforced fairly, killing people just for their beliefs leads to bad things.

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09-05-22, 04:40
Be careful with train of thought. That line of thought killed A LOT of people in the 20th century. While I do not agree with them, and want to see things enforced fairly, killing people just for their beliefs leads to bad things.

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Depends on the beliefs.

Political beliefs that differ from mine, no problem.

Social values that differ from mine, no problem.

Believing that I and people who think like me need to be removed from society, well that's gonna be a problem.

09-05-22, 06:51
Believing that I and people who think like me need to be removed from society, well that's gonna be a problem.

That is why the Right and Left in today’s United States will never reconcile and agree to disagree. Those on the Right want to be left alone, live and let live. Those on the Left want everyone to either conform to their beliefs or be removed from society.

09-05-22, 07:51
That is why the Right and Left in today’s United States will never reconcile and agree to disagree. Those on the Right want to be left alone, live and let live. Those on the Left want everyone to either conform to their beliefs or be removed from society.

Exactly this.

There is only one way this ends. They know it; we don't.

09-05-22, 08:19
Be careful with train of thought. That line of thought killed A LOT of people in the 20th century. While I do not agree with them, and want to see things enforced fairly, killing people just for their beliefs leads to bad things.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

The train of thought she is advocating is one of a few thought trains that did all that killing.

09-05-22, 13:10
Good post! I don’t see Veritas as a conspiracy type deal.

'Conspiracy Theorist'

A term used to discredit those who see through the bullshit...

09-05-22, 18:01
Exactly this.

There is only one way this ends. They know it; we don't.

And by trying to put it off until absolutely necessary, we are actually saving THEIR lives. But they don't seem to know that.

It's all fun and games until the shooting starts in earnest.


09-05-22, 18:13
Be careful with train of thought. That line of thought killed A LOT of people in the 20th century. While I do not agree with them, and want to see things enforced fairly, killing people just for their beliefs leads to bad things.

While I didn't advocate violence, I did say "if the social fabric ever rips", meaning game-on and shit's falling apart (think Venezuela), then those who would have imprisoned or killed me (or had the agents of the state do it for them) would not sit well with me. They would reap what they would have sown.

"Be careful" of making assumptions about what I said. Someone who simply thinks differently than I do isn't what I was referring to, but we know that, right? Some frothing-at-the-mouth Leftist who would have gleefully seen me gunned down can FOAD.

09-05-22, 18:16
Depends on the beliefs.

Political beliefs that differ from mine, no problem.

Social values that differ from mine, no problem.

Believing that I and people who think like me need to be removed from society, well that's gonna be a problem.

Exactly my point. Thanks.

09-05-22, 20:55
And by trying to put it off until absolutely necessary, we are actually saving THEIR lives. But they don't seem to know that.

It's all fun and games until the shooting starts in earnest.

https://media.nbcchicago.com/2020/08/08272020-Kyle-Rittenhouse-Kenosha.jpg?quality=85&strip=allUnfortunately the delusion is so encompassing that we will not be getting through to them. The ones that end up coming out of it describe the echo chamber effect they were in. Everyone around them reinforcing, uncritically, one another's opinions. And anyone not conforming being brow beaten and otherwise pressured into conformity. Very cult like.

Reason didn't bring them their opinions, and reason won't disabuse them of their error.

09-05-22, 21:53
Unfortunately the delusion is so encompassing that we will not be getting through to them. The ones that end up coming out of it describe the echo chamber effect they were in. Everyone around them reinforcing, uncritically, one another's opinions. And anyone not conforming being brow beaten and otherwise pressured into conformity. Very cult like.

Reason didn't bring them their opinions, and reason won't disabuse them of their error.

Don't wait for an argument, just explaining why most of "us" are trying to put it off as long as possible.

09-05-22, 22:04
And ironically most of us just want to be left alone.

09-05-22, 22:18
And ironically most of us just want to be left alone.

Yep, if we were as violent as they claim we are, if we were only half as violent as they have demonstrated they are...this entire discussion would have ended during the Clinton presidency.

Straight Shooter
09-05-22, 22:22
Yep, if we were as violent as they claim we are, if we were only half as violent as they have demonstrated they are...this entire discussion would have ended during the Clinton presidency.

DAMN RIGHT. WACO wouldnt have even stopped smoldering yet.

09-05-22, 22:38
DAMN RIGHT. WACO wouldnt have even stopped smoldering yet.

Unfortunately, exactly the WRONG PEOPLE took up the cause with their Turner Diaries fantasy revolution nonsense.

Straight Shooter
09-05-22, 22:47
Unfortunately, exactly the WRONG PEOPLE took up the cause with their Turner Diaries fantasy revolution nonsense.

Agreed, but Im just sayin if we in the gun/2A world WERE that violent..shit woulda hit the fan before the flames went out. To this day- I cannot look at a picture of Reno without bloodlust.

09-06-22, 00:01
Agreed, but Im just sayin if we in the gun/2A world WERE that violent..shit woulda hit the fan before the flames went out. To this day- I cannot look at a picture of Reno without bloodlust.

Don't think I didn't understand what you were saying. Right there with ya, glad Janet saved those kids from getting molested by burning the building down and shooting most of the people who attempted to escape.