View Full Version : Mikhail Gorbachev dies

08-31-22, 01:27
Reagan's counterpart, ended the cold war and broke up the USSR. R.I.P.

08-31-22, 02:08
Mixed feelings about Gorby.

Absolutely improved relations and was a critical component to ending Cold War. But lied his ass off trying to cover up Chernobyl. Got a lot of his own countrymen killed. Also was presiding over the shadow war in Afghanistan where many Russian war dead couldn't be buried as KIAs because the Russians weren't losing.

Probably did the best he could with the limits of his powers but some unfortunate events, of course Reagan had some unfortunate events also.

Everything I've read about him after records were declassified, seems like he really tried.

08-31-22, 03:11
Mixed feelings about Gorby.

Absolutely improved relations and was a critical component to ending Cold War. But lied his ass off trying to cover up Chernobyl. Got a lot of his own countrymen killed. Also was presiding over the shadow war in Afghanistan where many Russian war dead couldn't be buried as KIAs because the Russians weren't losing.

Probably did the best he could with the limits of his powers but some unfortunate events, of course Reagan had some unfortunate events also.

Everything I've read about him after records were declassified, seems like he really tried.

Oh for sure, but he was practically Ghandhi compared to some of the other Soviet/Russian leaders...Lenin, Stalin, Putin...hell Khrushchev damn near took us to nuclear war.

08-31-22, 07:43
I'm more surprised to find out he was recently alive. He outlasted the Soviet Union by 31 years. Several of his immediate predecessors died in office, and most were put in office at an age and health condition similar to Biden's.

Straight Shooter
08-31-22, 08:06
I truly thought he'd been dead for years for some reason. Thinking back, I always thought he was a fairly reasonable guy & that he & President Reagan's friendship was real.
They both did a hellava thing at the time & briefly gave the world hope.

08-31-22, 08:52
Reagan's counterpart, ended the cold war and broke up the USSR. R.I.P.

I was on Gorbachev's protection detail when he visited CONUS in 2011. He spoke highly about President Reagan and considered him a worthy adversary.


Alex V
08-31-22, 09:57
Good riddance.

He refuses to cancel the May Day Parade forcing my dad to stand in the streets of Kiev the whole day only a week after and 90km from the worst nuclear disaster in history.

He also tried to keep it a secret until Scandinavian NPPs started seeing increases in contamination on their employees walking INTO work.

He forced the destruction of hundred year old wine grape orchards in Krimea. They were brought in by the Tzars to make wine, they were priceless.

He sent the Soviet Army to crust student protests in Tbilisi causing the death of 21 kids and hundreds of injuries.

He’s a POS.

Ned Christiansen
08-31-22, 11:40
As I mentioned in the Ukraine war thread, wonder if he spoke out against the war. I mean hell, at 91 it's not like a dissenting voice is too old to be murdered.

08-31-22, 12:18
As I mentioned in the Ukraine war thread, wonder if he spoke out against the war. I mean hell, at 91 it's not like a dissenting voice is too old to be murdered.

His name is still very well known, and had far too many connections if he voiced displeasure with the Ukraine fiasco...

08-31-22, 12:47
His name is still very well known, and had far too many connections if he voiced displeasure with the Ukraine fiasco...

Can't rule out a preemptive hit just to make sure that possibility never had a chance to leave What-If Land.

Remember, Gorby and Khrushchev were the only two Soviet leaders to leave office with their lives...

08-31-22, 16:05
I dont recall Gorbachev being a good guy, i recall Reagan kicking his ass and bankrupting the USSR then he ordered him to "Tear down that wall" wich he did.

Burn in hell commy

08-31-22, 18:29
Mixed feelings about Gorby.

Absolutely improved relations and was a critical component to ending Cold War. But lied his ass off trying to cover up Chernobyl. Got a lot of his own countrymen killed. Also was presiding over the shadow war in Afghanistan where many Russian war dead couldn't be buried as KIAs because the Russians weren't losing.

Probably did the best he could with the limits of his powers but some unfortunate events, of course Reagan had some unfortunate events also.

Everything I've read about him after records were declassified, seems like he really tried.
Pshit! All That's Russin 101.

09-02-22, 17:04
His name is still very well known, and had far too many connections if he voiced displeasure with the Ukraine fiasco...

Yup, and Putin just had the head of Lukoil murdered a few days ago.

Excuse me, he committed suicide by jumping from a sixth-story hospital window.....:rolleyes:

09-02-22, 17:20
Good riddance.

He refuses to cancel the May Day Parade forcing my dad to stand in the streets of Kiev the whole day only a week after and 90km from the worst nuclear disaster in history.

He also tried to keep it a secret until Scandinavian NPPs started seeing increases in contamination on their employees walking INTO work.

He forced the destruction of hundred year old wine grape orchards in Krimea. They were brought in by the Tzars to make wine, they were priceless.

He sent the Soviet Army to crust student protests in Tbilisi causing the death of 21 kids and hundreds of injuries.

He’s a POS.

Amen glad his is dead