View Full Version : I’m pretty sure I know everything - innagrass

08-31-22, 20:51
I can go on for pages describing the ins and outs of guns innagrass. I can school the best and brightest on anything innagrass.

I really came into my own when I bought a pistol RDS recently. In a few minutes I was shooting like a laser from 50 yards…all instinct. Granted it was a fixed target but how hard can it be? I’m told it’s taken all the pros a lot longer but what do they know?

Ballistics are really my forte. I’ve read a couple articles about it so I’m pretty much an expert. I’ve learned you can’t substitute experience for internet knowledge.

It’s funny, some people talk about a hill to die on. I can find a bunch to tackle and not be phased. Quitting while you’re ahead is lame.

Innagrass life.

Here are some of my knowledge bombs.







08-31-22, 21:26
I like this post, it's got a good beat and I can dance to it.

I give it an 8.7

08-31-22, 21:29
Your ideas are intriguing to me...I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

08-31-22, 21:35
Your ideas are intriguing to me...I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

Could have been a perfect 10 but he didn't have supporting Bitchute videos.

08-31-22, 22:31

Straight Shooter
08-31-22, 22:59
I like this post, it's got a good beat and I can dance to it.

I give it an 8.7


08-31-22, 23:10
I like turtles.

08-31-22, 23:30
Could have been a perfect 10 but he didn't have supporting Bitchute videos.

Challenge accepted…

08-31-22, 23:30
If you ain't innagrass I don't wanna hear it

08-31-22, 23:31
All wolves are canines, but not all canines have never met a wolf they didn’t like.

08-31-22, 23:35
All wolves are canines, but not all canines have never met a wolf they didn’t like.

1. Ninjas are mammals.
2. Ninjas fight ALL the time.
3. The purpose of the ninja is to flip out and kill people.

Ninjas can kill anyone they want! Ninjas cut off heads ALL the time and don't even think twice about it. These guys are so crazy and awesome that they flip out ALL the time. I heard that there was this ninja who was eating at a diner. And when some dude dropped a spoon the ninja killed the whole town. My friend Mark said that he saw a ninja totally uppercut some kid just because the kid opened a window.

Ninjas are sooooooooooo sweet that I want to crap my pants. I can't believe it sometimes, but I feel it inside my heart. These guys are totally awesome and that's a fact. Ninjas are fast, smooth, cool, strong, powerful, and sweet. I can't wait to start yoga next year. I love ninjas with all of my body (including my pee pee).

08-31-22, 23:40
Paging Mr. Gecko45, please pick up the nearest white courtesy phone...

08-31-22, 23:41
If you ain't innagrass I don't wanna hear it

Do RMRs work during an eclipse?

08-31-22, 23:44
If you ain't innagrass I don't wanna hear it

I see what you did there but I take offense to it. You decide to insult my thoughtful contributions to my thread with juvenile insults. Next you’ll be posting memes mocking me. Go get yourself got innagrass and see if I care.

09-01-22, 06:09
My buddy Kevin and I know almost everything. I vaguely remember when innagrass popped up here and its still a mystery. Innadirt is obvious but innagrass stumps me.


09-01-22, 07:15
If you're over 18, everything you believe is old fashioned, out of date, and just plain wrong. It's the new era, and you just need to grow old and die. Or so I was told by the young man who lost his shit cause I corrected him about placing his loaded ar on the bench with the barrel pointed towards the parking lot....

Straight Shooter
09-01-22, 09:17
Deleted. TOO much.

Straight Shooter
09-01-22, 09:19
If you're over 18, everything you believe is old fashioned, out of date, and just plain wrong. It's the new era, and you just need to grow old and die. Or so I was told by the young man who lost his shit cause I corrected him about placing his loaded ar on the bench with the barrel pointed towards the parking lot....

How'd that work out/end? Ida lost my ever-loving shit, as if Ninjas were about.

09-01-22, 09:48
That's microparaphrasing of what they were screaming. They (3 of them) went totally irrational. I couldn't tie my hands up grabbing my gear or turn my back on them to go. I never said a thing knowing it would only escalate and just waited for them to run down. I merely assumed the ready position. 1 advanced on me 3 times with balled fists. He was maybe 3 steps from getting shot in the face. I dialed a ranger (1 hand by still holstered "big cat and asshole gun"), and when they realized who I was talking to, they skeedaddled...... That's one of only 3 times I've really and truly almost drawn, but it was the closest.....

Straight Shooter
09-01-22, 10:15
That's microparaphrasing of what they were screaming. They (3 of them) went totally irrational. I couldn't tie my hands up grabbing my gear or turn my back on them to go. I never said a thing knowing it would only escalate and just waited for them to run down. I merely assumed the ready position. 1 advanced on me 3 times with balled fists. He was maybe 3 steps from getting shot in the face. I dialed a ranger (1 hand by still holstered "big cat and asshole gun"), and when they realized who I was talking to, they skeedaddled...... That's one of only 3 times I've really and truly almost drawn, but it was the closest.....

Damn. Ive long warned folk about gun ranges, especially very rural, remote ones. Glad all turned out ok.

09-01-22, 10:33
All wolves are canines, but not all canines have never met a wolf they didn’t like.

When I'm board. I like to go outside and shoot things like Flys and gnats out of the air.

09-01-22, 11:07
If you ain't innagrass I don't wanna hear it

Sometimes Im innagrass, sometimes I'm innahomedepot, other times I'm innabathroom, but at all times I'm posting on the gram

09-01-22, 11:17
Do RMRs work during an eclipse?

Only on pistols of course. Irons are the only way to go on rifles. Ask the LEO I schooled on his RDSs.

09-01-22, 19:31
The man, the myth, the legend. :lol:

09-01-22, 19:35
"pretty sure" is such a beta thing to say. You either know everything or you don't.

09-01-22, 19:41
From a Trivial Pursuit champ: "People who THINK they know everything are very annoying to those of us who actually DO!"


09-01-22, 20:08
"pretty sure" is such a beta thing to say. You either know everything or you don't.


09-01-22, 20:09

But do you know the rest of the family? :)

09-01-22, 20:44

Jack is the only son of Awe Schitt and O. Schitt. Awe Schitt, the fertilizer
magnate, married O. Schitt, the owner of Knee-deep Schitt, Inc.

In turn, Jack Schitt married Noe Schitt and the deeply religious couple produced
6 children: Holie Schitt, The twins; Deep Schitt and Dip Schitt, Fulla Schitt,
Giva Schitt and Bull Schitt, a high school dropout. After being married for 15
years Jack and Noe divorced. Noe later married Mr. Sherlock and because her
kids were living with them, she wanted to keep her previous name. She was
known as Noe Schitt-Sherlock.

Dip Schitt married Loda Schitt and they produced a cowardly son, Chicken
Schitt. Fulla Schitt and Giva Schitt were inseparable throughout childhood and
consequently, married the Happens brothers in dual ceremony.

The Schitt-Happens children are Dawg, Byrd and Horse. Bull Schitt the prodigal
son, left home to tour the world. He recently returned with his new bride, Pisa

Now, when someone say’s you don’t know Jack Schitt, you can correct them.

09-03-22, 09:11
Jack is the only son of Awe Schitt and O. Schitt. Awe Schitt, the fertilizer
magnate, married O. Schitt, the owner of Knee-deep Schitt, Inc.

In turn, Jack Schitt married Noe Schitt and the deeply religious couple produced
6 children: Holie Schitt, The twins; Deep Schitt and Dip Schitt, Fulla Schitt,
Giva Schitt and Bull Schitt, a high school dropout. After being married for 15
years Jack and Noe divorced. Noe later married Mr. Sherlock and because her
kids were living with them, she wanted to keep her previous name. She was
known as Noe Schitt-Sherlock.

Dip Schitt married Loda Schitt and they produced a cowardly son, Chicken
Schitt. Fulla Schitt and Giva Schitt were inseparable throughout childhood and
consequently, married the Happens brothers in dual ceremony.

The Schitt-Happens children are Dawg, Byrd and Horse. Bull Schitt the prodigal
son, left home to tour the world. He recently returned with his new bride, Pisa

Now, when someone say’s you don’t know Jack Schitt, you can correct them.

Damn… You might have given me some hope in my effort to find out my history!!!
I THINK I might be related to Jack and his family… I just remember my dad slipping up and calling me “Dumb Schitt” more than once when I was a little guy.
He’s gone now so I can’t ask him, and my mom won’t discuss it either! I guess I’ll have to submit my “DNA” to that new firm… “Who’s Yo Daddy, Inc.”! Maybe then I can add a second limb to my family tree!

One More Time
09-03-22, 11:17
I dunno..
If you ask my wife, not only do I know everything... I'm always right.
It's good to be the King.

09-03-22, 13:10
Damn… You might have given me some hope in my effort to find out my history!!!
I THINK I might be related to Jack and his family… I just remember my dad slipping up and calling me “Dumb Schitt” more than once when I was a little guy.
He’s gone now so I can’t ask him, and my mom won’t discuss it either! I guess I’ll have to submit my “DNA” to that new firm… “Who’s Yo Daddy, Inc.”! Maybe then I can add a second limb to my family tree!

Good to see you’re finally branching out

09-05-22, 19:38
Just when I thought I knew everything, I’ve found even more stuff people are wrong on. Amazing!

09-05-22, 21:35
OP, a few questions if you will:
How much do you bench press?
How many bow kills do you have?
How long have you worked in concrete?

Important stuff to know....

09-06-22, 05:59
1. Ninjas are mammals.
2. Ninjas fight ALL the time.
3. The purpose of the ninja is to flip out and kill people.

Ninjas can kill anyone they want! Ninjas cut off heads ALL the time and don't even think twice about it. These guys are so crazy and awesome that they flip out ALL the time. I heard that there was this ninja who was eating at a diner. And when some dude dropped a spoon the ninja killed the whole town. My friend Mark said that he saw a ninja totally uppercut some kid just because the kid opened a window.

Ninjas are sooooooooooo sweet that I want to crap my pants. I can't believe it sometimes, but I feel it inside my heart. These guys are totally awesome and that's a fact. Ninjas are fast, smooth, cool, strong, powerful, and sweet. I can't wait to start yoga next year. I love ninjas with all of my body (including my pee pee).
Actually, truth be told, If 🥷 were real and not a Hollywood concoction, they would be so stealthy you wouldn’t know they exist.

09-06-22, 14:17
In retrospect, I believe I know nothing at all... well, maybe a little bit, but its a very little bit :-(

09-06-22, 20:39
OP, a few questions if you will:
How much do you bench press?
How many bow kills do you have?
How long have you worked in concrete?

Important stuff to know....


09-09-22, 23:06
And today at 19:42 another EPIC topic became self aware.

09-10-22, 02:20
And today at 19:42 another EPIC topic became self aware.

Dear lord, I hadn't been keeping up with it. :suicide:

09-10-22, 08:43
I dunno..
If you ask my wife, not only do I know everything... I'm always right.
It's good to be the King.

Marriage has taught me that when there are different opinions and the husband is right, providing multiple sources of documentation proving it is NOT helpful.

Also, if you ever need to know something you were wrong about, your wife remembers.
