View Full Version : "Africa is Not Poor Because of Colonization"

09-01-22, 06:59
Lady is confusing people with the facts, and that's not what people want to hear: facts and reality. It's all about permanent victimhood and blaming others for your problems, be it on the individual level or national level.


Alex V
09-01-22, 07:16
Love me some Jordan Peterson but I still giggle at his Canadian pronunciations sometimes.

Unpopular opinion: Colonization brought civilization to people who basically amount to backward savages. While some were sacrificing virgins to beg for rain, "colonizers" were circumnavigating the globe.

09-01-22, 07:46
Love me some Jordan Peterson but I still giggle at his Canadian pronunciations sometimes.

I like him a lot much of the time, don't agree on some things, and it's when he pronounces some words are you reminded he's a Canadian.

Unpopular opinion: Colonization brought civilization to people who basically amount to backward savages. While some were sacrificing virgins to beg for rain, "colonizers" were circumnavigating the globe.

You racist bastad!

Alex V
09-01-22, 11:12
I like him a lot much of the time, don't agree on some things, and it's when he pronounces some words are you reminded he's a Canadian.

I deal with a process engineering company from Canada on the manufacturing facilities we're designing and every time they say things like "process" or "about" it takes everything in me to remain professional.

You racist bastad!

Racist = person who won an argument with a Liberal. LOL

09-01-22, 11:18
Racist = person who won an argument with a Liberal. LOL

With the Liberal being the ACTUAL racist.

09-01-22, 11:24
I deal with a process engineering company from Canada on the manufacturing facilities we're designing and every time they say things like "process" or "about" it takes everything in me to remain professional.

I like Canadians. Always get along with them well.

Racist = person who won an argument with a Liberal. LOL

You misogynist bastad!

09-01-22, 12:24
Colonialism has been vastly underated.
We brought everything from clean water to electricty to people who would still be savages had we not.
Inoculation, education and the understanding of commerce.
And yet those same people decided to sell their brothers in to slavery have now decided to blame the white race for it?

09-01-22, 13:37
More likely geography, lots of land locked countries with few rivers and ports.

09-01-22, 18:51

09-01-22, 22:53
I worked in Angola for a few years and more than one national would express that they were better off under the Portuguese, cleaner water, better medical care and schools. Africa's problems stem from tribalism and corruption. and colonialism kept a lot of that in check.

09-02-22, 04:54
I worked in Angola for a few years and more than one national would express that they were better off under the Portuguese, cleaner water, better medical care and schools. Africa's problems stem from tribalism and corruption. and colonialism kept a lot of that in check.

You got 2 out of the 3 things I believe holds Africa hostage the third being juju.

09-02-22, 11:45
I have sometimes half joked when in political discussions about the Middle East (this was when we were actively there in Iraq and Afghanistan) that colonization was the answer. Not democracy and nation building. Claim it as ours and rule it as such for a few generations. Also since they would be ours the natural resources help offset the cost of the occupation. Then they get their countries back with a form of democracy when they are ready to rule them. It's a long-term solution. It takes multiple generations to change them to a more western way of thinking. Of course, the rest of the world may have frowned upon it. Maybe not if we could've got our original coalition partners on board. I have more recently said similar things about Congo when talking about conflict minerals and the horrible human rights violations that go on there. They are so corrupt they're not going to clean up themselves.

09-02-22, 11:54
Well, in Black Panther movie one nation in Africa had worlds best technology but had kept it to themselves.

09-02-22, 11:55
They are so corrupt they're not going to clean up themselves.

So is the USA

09-02-22, 11:58
Colonialism is a double-edged sword. Cleaner water under the Portuguese? Sure. But they would also whack off a hand if you didn't work hard enough. Colonists also brought non-endemic diseases and plundering national resources. Colonists weren't there to spread good tidings and home ec class on how to boil water, colonists were there to plant the flag and get the resources. And if the natives stood in the way, they would be killed. Part of the reason Africa is ****ed up now is because those colonizing countries drew arbitrary lines on a map to partition regions and countries.

But the other side of that sword is the technology the colonists took with them to The Dark Continent: farming/irrigation methods, medicine, infrastructure, etc.

No doubt Africa was ****ed up before colonization, during, and since ol' Franz Fanon started writing about France's ills in the 50s. There are lovely countries and wonderful people, but as a continent, man, they can have it. They have been fighting the same wars and tribes for hundreds and hundreds of years...all the colonists did was force a truce while they were there, then when they decolonized, they went back at it.

09-02-22, 12:05
So is the USA

You got me there. We have our own problems at the moment. It's more just a theory I thought of during the Bush administration. Not that we didn't have corruption issues then as well.