View Full Version : "Why China Will Not Last This Decade" - Peter Zeihan

09-01-22, 15:52
"With tensions heating up between the United States and China, questions are being asked about the future of US global dominance, with China seen as the rising power to dethrone Uncle Sam. Peter Zeihan, a political strategist sees this picture very differently, arguing that China lacks many qualities to overtake the United States of America. Contrary to popular opinion, Peter Zeihan insists that the CHinese system is facing collapse and in this video, we will look at Peter Zeihan’s views on the future of China to see why China, as a country, will not last this decade"


09-01-22, 16:01
That guy really knows his stuff and uses facts to support his presentations. This video is long but well worth watching:


ETA: The video in the OP is snipped from the link I posted.

09-01-22, 19:42
Big stuff.
Great watch.

09-01-22, 20:01
Interestingly, I have found a lot of information to be an inverse bell curve. A lot of information that shows China to be the next dominant world power, and information that shows that China is petering out. Very little in between.

09-01-22, 20:57
81 million votes show they're light years ahead of us in photocopier technology, & they still own the Biteme insurrection & democrap party lock, stock & barrel!

Straight Shooter
09-01-22, 21:24
I wouldnt bet an RC & a Moon Pie WE {USA} wont last last the decade.

09-01-22, 21:33
He may be right, but there's something to be said about playing to an audience and sapiens love us a good apocalypse story. Of course not everybody saw the soviet collapse as quickly as it happened. So I'm open minded.

09-01-22, 22:02
Very interesting video. Ive also seen several things lately talking about the upcoming population collapse of China. Basically it's saying they haven't had enough kids over the last several decades to keep their population up and the only reason it is as high as it is currently, is because of better medical keeping the elderly alive longer. They say that much of Europe and even the US is the same boat but at a much lower scale.

09-01-22, 22:21
Not sure what might become of the current government in China, but pretty sure China itself will still exist 100 years from now.

09-02-22, 03:36
Of course China as China will still be there in 100 years, but the government and the people will be radically different. Not unlike Rome or Jerusalem were here 2000 years ago and here today. But radically different

09-02-22, 03:55
China’s buying up your farmland and no one lifts a finger to stop it. They are already getting the best crops the USA grows, including water-intensive luxuries like avocados and almonds, the best beef and pork, the best fish, and so on.

They own the majority in both chambers of the US Congress and in the majority of state legislatures via various “campaign contributions,” “investment partnerships,” and other pay-for-play/bribery scams, to say nothing of sexual frame-ups and extortion rackets involving local, state, and federal officials, nationwide. Their IP theft via commercial espionage and university research infiltration is too expansive to quantify, and less than nothing is ever done about any of it.

The money and the factories are there, not in debt-ridden, collapsing North America, and this isn’t likely to change in the lifetime of anyone posting here.

But by all means, please, continue with the impotent rage-fest.

09-02-22, 04:07
As soon as we get some serious people in power, they should nationalize everything the chicomms have bought in the USA

09-02-22, 05:47
Of course China as China will still be there in 100 years, but the government and the people will be radically different. Not unlike Rome or Jerusalem were here 2000 years ago and here today. But radically different

Sorta my point. Prior to communism, China has been dynastic for 2,000 years except for that painfully brief Sun Yat Sen Republic that didn't last 40 years. And those dynasties weren't even always Chinese, Manchu invaders established the Ching dynasty when they took Beijing in 1644 and it lasted until 1912. Prior to that Mongols ran things during the Yuan dynasty 1271–1368.

China has spent much of their history being ruled by a power elite that has nothing to do with Chinese culture or even the people, except to keep them subjugated. There have been various periods of freedom, but these mostly were the result of Chinese led dynasties that had little actual control over the country except in largely populated cities.

This is just one of the many reasons Japan was able to completely overrun the country during the Pacific War until their own supply lines said they could go no further. The Chinese may have been among the first to invent civilization, but they don't know much about effective self government, which of course make them easy prey for outside invaders, the last of which was the reds.

Kind of a shame, as a people, they seemed to want little more than to live noble and productive lives. And what did that get them but a government that will harvest organs "to order" from their vast selection of political prisoners.

09-02-22, 10:04
If his prediction is right, china's collapse maybe good and bad for the world. We buy most consumer's goods from china, and if they and their economy collapse, we'd be in a lot of hurt for years until the rest of the world catches up with the manufacturing. But maybe your president will bail them out.

Straight Shooter
09-02-22, 11:52
If his prediction is right, china's collapse maybe good and bad for the world. We buy most consumer's goods from china, and if they and their economy collapse, we'd be in a lot of hurt for years until the rest of the world catches up with the manufacturing. But maybe your president will bail them out.

NO DOUBT, AT ALL, there would & will be some initial pain & shortages & problems from China collapsing. GOOD.
Im old enough to know & remember when very very little was China made. We had USA made cars & parts, TV's, toys, electronics, hell just about everything. The things that werent made here, were made in other places beside China. Im SICK of hearing we couldnt get back to that again. Its because certain elements, people & parties DONT WANT to get back to that again...they dont even want us oil independent...theyve conjured up this horseshit about a "global economy" AND THEN MADE IT SO. Realizing there are some things we and/or our allies do need from China..certain precious metals and Im sure a few more things..they have cost us our very soul as a nation. We wold be replacing most of whats lost in record time I really believe if we just stopped dealing with them, ran them out of America, and made it treasonous for ANY politician to so much as have a Chinese maid, much less do business with them. What a bunch of soft spoiled limp wristed catered to chillren America is. Yes, Im MORE than willing to see one generation suffer SOME "pain" in order to set things right again & be rid of those Godless immoral commie sons of bitches. No way it would be anything but beneficial in the long run for us/US.

09-02-22, 12:38
I was surprised at Russia's inability to coordinate supplies logistics for a war with a neighboring country that was once their territory. That alone put a lump in my throat.

09-02-22, 18:52
If his prediction is right, china's collapse maybe good and bad for the world. We buy most consumer's goods from china, and if they and their economy collapse, we'd be in a lot of hurt for years until the rest of the world catches up with the manufacturing. But maybe your president will bail them out.

Maybe we can start buying our electronics from Japan again, maybe we will have decent electronics again.

09-02-22, 19:12
China's ramping up the oppression and totalitarianism (after a few decades of opening up), which is what failing systems do to try to hold on to power. They ramp it up. Look at the parallel in the US? The political elite are ramping up the totalitarianism and not even hiding it any more. I feel there is a parallel. The US is probably headed for a similar outcome of political collapse. Hopefully we haven't lost our knowledge of the past and can rebuild it back better, stronger, along the lines the founding fathers set.

09-03-22, 06:26
As soon as we get some serious people in power, they should nationalize everything the chicomms have bought in the USA

This is actually something I reluctantly support. One of the easy ways the US gained power is individuals purchasing land etc in other countries in our hemisphere. The imported native population gets frisky? Send in the US military to fix that.
It blows my mind (not really) how we didn’t learn from our own actions and have allowed direct Chinese investment in real estate, farming, and manufacturing. Absolutely nuts. And I would support temporary nationalization of every square inch owned by non-resident Chinese nationals and corporations.

09-03-22, 07:01
Anyone remember China buying Smithfield, the largest meat packer in the country? Oh, our worthless congress critters had hearings and did a little grandstanding but at the end of the day did nothing, as usual. They are all bought and paid for by the ChiComs. Here is an interesting read on China’s infiltration and buying of our politicians:


09-03-22, 08:22
Anyone remember China buying Smithfield, the largest meat packer in the country? Oh, our worthless congress critters had hearings and did a little grandstanding but at the end of the day did nothing, as usual. They are all bought and paid for by the ChiComs. Here is an interesting read on China’s infiltration and buying of our politicians:


Anyone who doesn’t already own it should buy this book.

It is enlightening how we are being sold out by both sides of the aisle and also explains why they needed to steal the election so Trump didn’t take office.

The Chi-com lab leak was planned and done intentionally to ensure Trump could be removed from office with massive mail in voter fraud and both sides were complicit.

There are no coincidences.