View Full Version : Uhm, Why is the old, crazy guy still yelling at me?

09-02-22, 00:00
I thought that they had gotten the feedback on Biden's last 'semi-fascist' speech and that he was going to go more for a unity message?

He's still just yelling at me? WTF, I wasn't even on his lawn, and I only honked at him a little while he took a nap at the green light in traffic...

One of these RINOs, someone like Romney or Bush, needs to come forward before Biden tries to round us up. This crap is getting out of hand, and no matter how much Trump scares them, they are so over reacting that it makes me nervous.

09-02-22, 00:16
A rabid caged animal growls and snaps when they’re threatened. It’s self preservation. He’s a career politician afraid he’s going to get his power trip high taken away.

09-02-22, 00:35
I'm not sure who's got the helm and who has Joe's ear.
He's either going off script or getting horrible advice.

09-02-22, 01:56
The destruction of norms is feature, not the bug. These people have true evil planned. No other reason for their unhinged rhetoric and behavior.

09-02-22, 02:05
For some reason, every day brings more and more reminders of reading Shirer as a kid.

09-02-22, 02:11
I thought that they had gotten the feedback on Biden's last 'semi-fascist' speech and that he was going to go more for a unity message?

He's still just yelling at me? WTF, I wasn't even on his lawn, and I only honked at him a little while he took a nap at the green light in traffic...

One of these RINOs, someone like Romney or Bush, needs to come forward before Biden tries to round us up. This crap is getting out of hand, and no matter how much Trump scares them, they are so over reacting that it makes me nervous.

I love the background they chose for him. Really fitting for his administration.


09-02-22, 04:01
These people are nuts.

I know lots of people that served in the military and support the Constitution and love the USA. Today not a single one is a terrorist. A lot of them spent a career chasing terrorist in one of the 2 SMU of the USA, are will not become slaves to a government master.

November is going to be very interesting if the American people don't vote out as many Marxist as possible, post election last nights speech will be nothing.

With the coming death of Russia and China as super powers the USA MUST not become a Marxist state, for if it does the world will enter a new dark age. Freedom and liberty will perish in a lot of places.

Brandon go F yourself!

09-02-22, 04:48
81 million votes. :haha:

09-02-22, 05:23

Well, hold on to your butts and invest in more ammo then, I guess. :rolleyes:

09-02-22, 05:24
I really wish he would just come out and say what the ComDems really want to do. Just go ahead and announce that everyone on the Right needs to be rounded up and sent to camps for re-education and, if that fails, extermination. They need to quit beating around the bush and get this party started.

09-02-22, 05:26
I love the background they chose for him. Really fitting for his administration.

You forget...this is the admin that dropped 30,000 NG on DC complete with fences and checkpoints cuz "ermagherd, insurrection"....

09-02-22, 05:42
I really wish he would just come out and say what the ComDems really want to do. Just go ahead and announce that everyone on the Right needs to be rounded up and sent to camps for re-education and, if that fails, extermination. They need to quit beating around the bush and get this party started.

It doesn't matter what they say and when they say it. History lays out the road map, of where this is going.

We are going to see a "nut job" do something of extreme stupidity, then to save us all the Marxist will take away all our rights. At that time it will be time for us all to pick a side.

09-02-22, 05:44
Also, Granpa Joe did some more hollerin' at a similar speech the other day... The NEW talking point of "if you want to fight the guv you need and F15, harumph!"


If I need an F15 to fight the gov, then why do you need to take or restrict my useless AR15?
Clearly, by that logic, millions of people can't possibly be a threat to any government....

It doesn't matter what they say and when they say it. History lays out the road map, of where this is going.

We are going to see a "nut job" do something of extreme stupidity, then to save us all the Marxist will take away all our rights. At that time it will be time for us all to pick a side.

You say 'stupidity', I say inevitability.

09-02-22, 05:50
It doesn't matter what they say and when they say it. History lays out the road map, of where this is going.

We are going to see a "nut job" do something of extreme stupidity, then to save us all the Marxist will take away all our rights. At that time it will be time for us all to pick a side.

You are correct but there are still a whole lot of people in this country that are denying where this can or will lead to. They want to convince themselves that they really can give the scorpion a ride across the river with no ill effects to themselves.

09-02-22, 06:01
His speech is more poking the sleeping giant to wake up. It's all part of this globalist agenda. What they want is for those that don't agree with their socialist agenda to be tucked away in some SMU cell or taking a dirt nap. Klaus Schwab says they must prepare for an angrier world because we don't know what is good for us:


This is a good article about what has happened, what is happening and what is going to happen with this crap:


09-02-22, 06:05
You are correct but there are still a whole lot of people in this country that are denying where this can or will lead to. They want to convince themselves that they really can give the scorpion a ride across the river with no ill effects to themselves.

The only question that matters, do we have enough people that will do what ever it takes to stay free?

09-02-22, 07:00
They are trying hard to bait Trump into announcing he is running before the mid-terms. They need to have Trump to run against because they have no record they can stand behind. I hope he doesn't fall for it.

09-02-22, 07:01
Christ, I was never a fan of Trump, but Biden pretty much fell just short of handing out stars and starting the separation and elimination.

09-02-22, 07:30
All that’s missing from this picture is a little mustache.


09-02-22, 07:45
So, as far I as I can tell, the Dems plan for this election season is the overall message that the GOP is a danger to democracy that warrants any action to stop it. They are going to insert a new ‘crisis’ every 10-14 days to try to illustrate this. This is all to obstruct and hide their record over the past 2+ years of abject failure.

To what end?

If they lose the house, I think things just carry on. Everyone knows that House committee investigations never lead to anything. If the GOP takes the Senate, I project that they will get rid of the filibuster and try to do their dreams of everything from AWB to pack the SCOTUS- all in the name of stoping the fascist GOP.

Frankly, the way that Biden is talking, it sure seems it is only a matter of weeks before The Nation and the Guardian are saying that the GOP is too dangerous and we need to suspend the election to save ‘Democracy’…. That and after the election, all kinds of lawsuits to keep ‘innseurrectionist’ GOP candidates from taking their seats..

ETA: Was the background red the whole time? WTF? Even the ‘Red Wedding’ in GOT wasn’t actually ‘Red’?

09-02-22, 08:15
This is all pointing to me that elections be damned they don't intent to give up power.

09-02-22, 08:53
I really wish he would just come out and say what the ComDems really want to do. Just go ahead and announce that everyone on the Right needs to be rounded up and sent to camps for re-education and, if that fails, extermination. They need to quit beating around the bush and get this party started.

Well there's just one itsy-bitsy thing standing in their way, a problem they'd love to solve but haven't been able to so far.......:rolleyes:

09-02-22, 10:07
Well, at least he's being honest and only representing his base. We stopped having a functional national government some time ago and went to a system where we just traded extremes every so often. Between this and his "F-15" speech, he's clearly identified everyone right of center as not just his political enemies, but security threats and military targets as well. Just hope we have the brains to recognize that fact, and the stones to realize what this will inevitably lead to.

09-02-22, 10:13
You know that there has to be an F15 driver that is a MAGA fan. The photo-ops/meme opportunities are HUGE....

09-02-22, 10:26
If you have never read the 10 stages of genocide here you go. We are currently in the late stage 6.


09-02-22, 10:28
It doesn't matter what they say and when they say it. History lays out the road map, of where this is going.

We are going to see a "nut job" do something of extreme stupidity, then to save us all the Marxist will take away all our rights. At that time it will be time for us all to pick a side.

I'd go so far as to say his demagoguery this week is an attempt to incite violence against the Dems. If someone cooks off in spectacular fashion right now, they can seize the narrative and whip the left into a frenzy. At least as frenzied as scared sheep can get.

ETA: Was the background red the whole time? WTF? Even the ‘Red Wedding’ in GOT wasn’t actually ‘Red’?

Yes. Yes it was. Between this, calling 74 million Americans fascist extremists and his repeated F-15 threats (he's said it at least three times), raiding Trump's home over paperwork, using the FBI to control speech on social media and rounding up every last person they could find from the January 6th incident? I'd say he's openly threatening his political opponents. All that's missing is a crazy dissident uncle and an anti-aircraft gun.

09-02-22, 10:34
I'd go so far as to say his demagoguery this week is an attempt to incite violence against the Dems. If someone cooks off in spectacular fashion right now, they can seize the narrative and whip the left into a frenzy. At least as frenzied as scared sheep can get.

No telling what kooky shenanigans are around the corner so the swamp can tell the masses 'we told ya so'...clown show.

09-02-22, 10:48
All that’s missing from this picture is a little mustache.


Ask and ye shall receive... :sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic::


09-02-22, 11:44
Ask and ye shall receive... :sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic::


This one just needs the mustache added.


09-02-22, 12:58
This is so sad, but on the other hand, so hilarious.. Dude can barely function physically or mentally. Watch the video. Where are all those people, Republicans included... who were screaming 25th Amendment 2 years ago now??? Come on man! Now Biden's alter ego is saying Trump supporters aren't a threat:


09-02-22, 13:09
I didn't watch it last night but when I heard it being played back today all I could think of was the strategy of "accuse your opponents of doing what you are actually doing".

09-02-22, 13:09
This is so sad, but on the other hand, so hilarious.. Dude can barely function physically or mentally. Watch the video. Where are all those people, Republicans included... who were screaming 25th Amendment 2 years ago now??? Come on man! Now Biden's alter ego is saying Trump supporters aren't a threat:


Biden is nuts, I mean he is full loonie tunes and needs to removed from office.

I know the last Presidential election was stolen, because the evidence is now plain for all that want to see it.

09-02-22, 13:34
Did Biden just inaugurate civil war?

09-02-22, 13:50
Did Biden just inaugurate civil war?

I think his puppetmasters are going more for Kristallnacht. Seriously, looking at the video of his demagoguing harangue, I'd swear I saw Leni Riefenstahl's fingerprint on the camera lens--those black and red tones with muscle in the background are uncanny in the parallel to 1930s Germany, and having the American flag in it is a gross insult to our flag and the Republic for which it stands.

09-02-22, 16:50
Also, Granpa Joe did some more hollerin' at a similar speech the other day... The NEW talking point of "if you want to fight the guv you need and F15, harumph!"


If I need an F15 to fight the gov, then why do you need to take or restrict my useless AR15?
Clearly, by that logic, millions of people can't possibly be a threat to any government....

You say 'stupidity', I say inevitability.

I'll just leave this here:


09-02-22, 17:14
It would be funny to have a jet powered warbird and on the underside of the wings FJB and on the other one MAGA…..

09-02-22, 17:18
I thought that they had gotten the feedback on Biden's last 'semi-fascist' speech and that he was going to go more for a unity message?

He's still just yelling at me? WTF, I wasn't even on his lawn, and I only honked at him a little while he took a nap at the green light in traffic...

One of these RINOs, someone like Romney or Bush, needs to come forward before Biden tries to round us up. This crap is getting out of hand, and no matter how much Trump scares them, they are so over reacting that it makes me nervous.

You can just put them on ignore. It works great for me.

09-02-22, 17:23
It would be funny to have a jet powered warbird and on the underside of the wings FJB and on the other one MAGA…..

Anybody got 75 grand burning a hole in their pocket? https://www.aerotrader.com/listing/1969-Aerovodochody-L29+DELFIN-5022789344

Or if you wanna donate a cool 3.2 mil to start M4C Flight Club there's always this little hotrod... https://www.aerotrader.com/listing/1992-Mcdonnell+Douglas-TA4J+SKYHAWK-5019446127

09-02-22, 17:54
I didn't watch it last night but when I heard it being played back today all I could think of was the strategy of "accuse your opponents of doing what you are actually doing".

He is what they've been saying trump is. Typical of most abusive relationships.

Also, its not him, im convinced hes the mouthpiece. Not sure "who" is leading it, but seems they have buy in from everyone around biden.

09-02-22, 18:02
He is what they've been saying trump is. Typical of most abusive relationships.

Also, its not him, im convinced hes the mouthpiece. Not sure "who" is leading it, but seems they have buy in from everyone around biden.

He's basically being puppetmastered by several Obama operatives, each with their own conflicting agenda but still serving the same sick master. And I don't mean Zero, I mean his bosses who they puppeted HIM for--the Soros-Steyer-Schwab-Fink (et al) Axis of Evil.

09-03-22, 06:49
Did Biden just inaugurate civil war?

I'm slowly becoming convinced that the Left in general, and him in particular, are looking to start one. I think they realized under Trump that the Left can't win a straight-up clash with the right; they don't have the firepower, supplies, and willpower to win a conflict. Instead, they need to coopt the power and legitimacy of the Federal government to win any such conflict. It is far from a certain thing, but at least with the Dems in charge, they'll get the "just following orders" folks to come along, and likely get foreign assistance as well. With the country falling apart around us, they've concluded that now is the time to act, before they lose any more power, and run the risk of not being able to regain it. Expect another stolen election, likely even more obvious this time, and the left attempting to strengthen their hold on power both before and after that happens.

09-03-22, 09:08
I'm slowly becoming convinced that the Left in general, and him in particular, are looking to start one. I think they realized under Trump that the Left can't win a straight-up clash with the right; they don't have the firepower, supplies, and willpower to win a conflict. Instead, they need to coopt the power and legitimacy of the Federal government to win any such conflict. It is far from a certain thing, but at least with the Dems in charge, they'll get the "just following orders" folks to come along, and likely get foreign assistance as well. With the country falling apart around us, they've concluded that now is the time to act, before they lose any more power, and run the risk of not being able to regain it. Expect another stolen election, likely even more obvious this time, and the left attempting to strengthen their hold on power both before and after that happens.

I think you're right. These folks are looking at losing power and significant jail time if they lose power, they'll do anything to survive.
Do you think Biden would hesitate to ask Canada for Troops in the case of an emergency inside CONUS?
And yes the election shenanigans has just begun.

The new tactic seems to be the harrassment of Attorney's representing anyone on the Right.
When they are arresting Trump's Lawyers for representing him, there's no "Win" in this anymore.

09-03-22, 11:33
What I don’t like is I feel like they have a plan. They’ve had it since 2020 in case they weren’t able to corrupt the election enough to win. If Trump had won, it would not have been the ‘fairest election ever…”, let’s just say that.

Miley was looking for a reason to start an actual coup, like with tanks and dudes with guns.

Sidebar: Where was Miley, who said that Trump used Troops as props, complaining about the use of the Marines in this speech….

So, they have a plan, and a timeline- with political-economic-mil activities. The problem is that is pretty opaque to me. And as a “what to look for”, I think the Facebook queering of the voting by putting voting resources into specific areas to assymetricaly help Biden. Starting with stuff like that- not illegal, but definitely crooked.

That and beating the drum of ‘civil war’, and I think that will be most apparent when the MSM narrative for every mass shooting becomes “Is this the start of civil war”.

The issue for the DEms is that all their advantage and push are based on in-the-beltway ‘realities’ and anti-Trump, and the GOP trolls like McConnel and Trump relish those fights.

Inflation- and the real human impact
Gender Bender- it even works with young women who are like WTF

Lay off the Anti-Ukraine ‘border stuff’ to our border. It sounds hollow and contrived. Our border is bad enough to stand as an issue on its own.

09-03-22, 19:41
Civil War in the USA.

It will be more bloody than the last civil war which was more bloody than the first one when we rebelled against the king.

I believe in the end the people that believe in the Constitution will win. Really simple blow the power lines, the water pipes and the bridges that bring food to the cities and sit back and wait.

I really don't think the military will play a big role, I have faith in Lt. Col. and below to refuse orders and even if they don't Joe Biden is full of you know what if he thinks F15 can beat AR15's. He wasn't paying attention for the last 20 years.

09-03-22, 21:31
Civil War in the USA.

It will be more bloody than the last civil war which was more bloody than the first one when we rebelled against the king.

I believe in the end the people that believe in the Constitution will win. Really simple blow the power lines, the water pipes and the bridges that bring food to the cities and sit back and wait.

I really don't think the military will play a big role, I have faith in Lt. Col. and below to refuse orders and even if they don't Joe Biden is full of you know what if he thinks F15 can beat AR15's. He wasn't paying attention for the last 20 years.

You'll know when the shit is really going to hit the fan when all the enlisted support people are ordered to move back to bases and told they can't leave. Right now, key employees to keep those jets flying often live off base and the bases rely heavily on the cooperation of the communities they are in to function. The U.S. military is in a real disadvantage vs. domestic "enemies".

The U.S. Civil War was basically two countries fighting each other. Each side were made up of states with geographic boundaries with functioning governments. The current unrest basically rolls out as urban vs. rural. Much like the last civil war, there will be sympathizing outliers that inhabit enemy territory. Territory wise, the conservative voters control most of the country. Population wise, we are still half the country.

09-04-22, 13:13
Historically ' Kristallnacht ' should follow next !

09-04-22, 15:50
I thought that they had gotten the feedback on Biden's last 'semi-fascist' speech and that he was going to go more for a unity message?

He's still just yelling at me? WTF, I wasn't even on his lawn, and I only honked at him a little while he took a nap at the green light in traffic...

You get between him & his cloud!


09-04-22, 17:27
Historically ' Kristallnacht ' should follow next !

Oh yeah that is why I own a can, night vision and some good accurate semi auto rifles.

oh I forgot over 3 decades as a master sniper.

Could be a great time.