View Full Version : "Biden's Soul of the Nation" Staged as if it were made in Hell

09-02-22, 13:04
Very strange indeed.



09-02-22, 18:00
I realize the Republicans are shit as well but I cant understand how people don't see how divisive these current democrats are. Biden seems to be pushing more and more towards trying to start a civil war. I for one love my children and wife and have a great life and wish these assholes would just stop and let people just live their lives. Too bad totalitarians don't know how to do that.

Very strange indeed.



09-02-22, 19:05
Yes, at least it was aptly named: "Soul of a Nation". This is whether you want the nation to continue becoming a socialist hell-hole nanny state or continue a constitutional republic (or revert back to it). The "forces of evil" and fascists (Brandon et al) are at least out in the open now.

They're not hiding it any longer.

09-02-22, 19:21
Seriously, look up Leni Riefenstahl's work staging things for Hitler and Goebbels. This couldn't have been much more her style if she'd escaped from Hell and come back to do it herself.

The masks are off, folks.

09-02-22, 19:29
Hope those that voted for this POS are proud.

09-02-22, 19:31
I hope all you dumbasses who couldn't hold your nose, choke it down and pull for the Orange Man are pleased--YOU did this to us.

09-02-22, 21:44
I hope all you dumbasses who couldn't hold your nose, choke it down and pull for the Orange Man are pleased--YOU did this to us.
Had this exact conversation with my supervisor today. I hope those that didn’t vote for Biden , but voted against Trump, suffer just a little more than everyone else. At the end of the day, no matter how you slice it, they put him in office

09-02-22, 22:08
How much meth did Jill give him to make him that lucid?

09-03-22, 00:05
"We will continue to encroach on your rights until your attitude about us taking your rights improves....."

09-03-22, 00:05
How much meth did Jill give him to make him that lucid?

A bit more than he needed, or else what ever they are giving him messes with his hearing. All the yelling... Very presedemential.

09-03-22, 00:13
"We will continue to encroach on your rights until your attitude about us taking your rights improves....."

Pretty much. CoC prevents me from suggesting a course of action.

09-03-22, 00:28
Pretty much. CoC prevents me from suggesting a course of action.
"Paging Mr. Mencken, Mr. H.L. Mencken, please pick up the black courtesy phone..."

Right? :)

09-03-22, 07:17
Oh lort.... It's not like they don't control the House, the Senate and the presidency... Why is he ranting like a child about this....

09-03-22, 07:54

Borrowed from Ben Shapiro twitter post.

09-03-22, 13:58

Borrowed from Ben Shapiro twitter post.

That JP guy was saying that presidents only use military in the background when declaring war. I don't know if he's right or reading too much into it or not, but if so I guess there's little doubt about who he declared war on.

09-03-22, 14:05
That JP guy was saying that presidents only use military in the background when declaring war. I don't know if he's right or reading too much into it or not, but if so I guess there's little doubt about who he declared war on.

Even a modicum of research would prove that to be false.

09-03-22, 14:21
Even a modicum of research would prove that to be false.

Yea I don't know, but even the left wing media admits it was highly unusual. https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/joe-biden-s-speech-took-place-front-marines-here-s-n1298589 https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2022/09/02/biden-marines-backdrop-democracy-speech/

09-03-22, 15:06
How about stealing something from the left. It’s the ‘context’ and the breaking with ‘norms and traditions’ of the office…

This was a political speech, not something related to his office. It was a day after he told people that they were screwed because they didn’t have the capability of the military. And so to clarify, he doubled down on that theme that his political opponents are not patriotic citizens. He actually used the phrase “Clear and present Danger’ to describe them, which is teh old standard to take away First Amendment rights- IE shut up and incarcerate these people.

That is some pretty serious stuff. Plus, are Marines ever posted there? Why exactly were they there? There was no reason for them to be there.

09-03-22, 15:36
How much meth did Jill give him to make him that lucid?

Truly making him look like Hitler with that

09-04-22, 13:15
Historically ' Kristallnacht ' will follow next !

09-04-22, 13:19
Marines are the ' Presidents Own ' should he have used them as stage props in THIS SETTING,,,,,,,
emphatically NO !

09-04-22, 13:32
Historically ' Kristallnacht ' will follow next !

That's not exactly an unwarranted fear. When leaders start making inflammatory statements like that, historically it usually acts like a dog whistle for their followers to commit illegal acts that they can then denounce publicly.

09-04-22, 14:14
That's not exactly an unwarranted fear. When leaders start making inflammatory statements like that, historically it usually acts like a dog whistle for their followers to commit illegal acts that they can then denounce publicly.

Exactly what some WWII historians I know on both sides of the Big Pond are saying. Or it can be a dog whistle telling their followers "do your thing, we got your back."

09-04-22, 15:11
Lotta good pics floating about fazebook that haven't been banned yet!


09-04-22, 17:40

09-04-22, 20:40
Exactly what some WWII historians I know on both sides of the Big Pond are saying. Or it can be a dog whistle telling their followers "do your thing, we got your back."

Exactly. Hitler never gave anyone permission to do anything. He just kept turning up the rhetoric until they felt comfortable doing it on their own, and then made sure they were never punished for their crimes. Much like how BLM and Antifa are being allowed to get away with murder (literally).

Ned Christiansen
09-06-22, 10:08
"Why the Marines"? I wondered the same thing. Next speech: F15's in background. Next after that, Wagner Group mercs.

I love the "girl" fists.

Wish I had time to translate recent Maduro speeches...... given Brandon's history of plagiarism.....

Not at all comparing our Marines to WG brutes.

09-06-22, 18:07
Hope those that voted for this POS are proud.

They are. One of them told me so while gloating.

09-06-22, 21:26
"Clear and present danger."

I don't usually resort to conspiracy or malice when incompetence would be a better explanation, but considering the tone and verbiage of the speech, does it seem reasonable to think that the straight-from-Il-Duce setting is intentionally provocative? As in...."let's call all our opponents a threat, then goad them and wait for one to take action, and then we reap political profit?" I don't think I'm out on a limb here.

09-06-22, 21:30
"Clear and present danger."

I don't usually resort to conspiracy or malice when incompetence would be a better explanation, but considering the tone and verbiage of the speech, does it seem reasonable to think that the straight-from-Il-Duce setting is intentionally provocative? As in...."let's call all our opponents a threat, then goad them and wait for one to take action, and then we reap political profit?" I don't think I'm out on a limb here.

Not at all, that's precisely the kind of thing my local Political Machine taught me to do when they were grooming me to become one of their chessmasters alongside their own children. Never forget that these soft, weak clownshows are just the first rank of pawns--they're expendable; as I was taught "the reason you have so many pawns is that you're EXPECTED to sacrifice a lot of them in pursuit of Checkmate."

09-08-22, 08:49
How does one listen to this speech and not laugh and/or cry at the projection of nearly all of the faults the Democrats demonstrate daily being sold as things the "MAGA Republicans" just "might" do:

"This a nation that honors our Constitution, we do not reject it." It's hard to think of a POTUS who's honored our Constitution less than this one

"This is a nation that believes in the rule of law, we do not repudiate it." It is? So when your VP was bailing people out of jail for rioting and terrorism (violence to support a political ideology, in case you forgot) while your entire party propped up and supported the lie that police are systemically racist and should be defunded, disbanded and disparaged at every turn; that was all believing in the rule of law? That wasn't rejecting law and order itself?

"This is a nation that respects free and fair elections; we honor the will of the people, we do not deny it." Now I know that you're kidding. You and every, EVERY mainstream democrat and every, EVERY arm of the democrat party, media/hollywood/big tech/big corporations/education, spent the entirety of Trump's presidency denying the results of a free and fair election. Then you all doubled down on Georgia, with what's her nuts Abrahms still prancing around telling anyone that will listen that she's actually the governor.

"And this is a nation that rejects violence as a political tool, we do not encourage violence." So, because I am older than 2, I remember how all of your dem cronies encouraged violence whenever anything doesn't go their way: it was okay to riot, destroy $2 billion worth of American's property in over 500 riots in the Summer of 2020, you pulled law enforcement back, paid for bail, marched with, painted messages down entire city blocks and cheered the violence and destruction resulting in over 20 people being killed. You and your democrats in control let entire areas of your cities fall under mob rule. You and those that think like you let the mob take over and destroy police departments, the actual seat of law and order in their communities. Then there's the fact that celebrities raised something like $20 million for rioters' bail and $0 for looting victims speaks volumes about the elites of your party. The fact that you allowed people to protest outside of SCOTUS justices' homes doesn't show you discouraging mob rule. Neither does not having the media lap dogs make it more public when someone heeded all your violent rhetoric and went to Kavanaugh's house with the intent to kill him and his family.

"We are still an America that believes in honesty and decency and respect for others." Funny because I don't feel a lot of respect when I'm called all manner of awful names for not agreeing that it's okay to kill babies, for thinking that marriage is between a man and a woman, for thinking that our children shouldn't be sexualized in public grade schools by state workers, for knowing that open borders are a huge mistake. Then I'm singled out, chastised and ostracized and attempted to be excluded from society and everything else for not wanting to get an experimental substance injected into my body. You all went awfully fast from "I'll punch a Nazi" to "Show me your papers."

"You can't love your country only when you win." You cannot be serious on this one either. You have decades of winning and you lose one election and all of sudden the electoral college needs to be thrown out, 10 year olds need to vote, illegals need to be able to steer the direction of the country. Four years, plus, and millions of dollars to deny you lost. Then the SCOTUS corrects an old mistake by confirming that nowhere in the Constitution does it say that it is okay to kill a baby, no matter how hard you do word gymnastics. They correctly throw the decision back to the people, back to the states, takes the federal government out of it and what happens? Screams from all corners that the SCOTUS needs to be disbanded, that the people that say the federal government can't decide that you can kill your baby are the worst people on the planet. Give me a break.

Polling data shows that on feelings of Patriotism, Republicans change very little whether they are in control or not, they overwhelmingly love their country. Democrats, on the other hand, swing wildly, saying they love America when they're in control and they hate it when they are not.

And then after the whole speech that was horrifying to any real American, to no one's surprise, the media immediately took to stroking his you know what. Fawning over the most awfully anti-American speech of my lifetime, I would imagine of anyone's lifetime. They hate you and I every bit as much as this half wit lifetime failure of a politician that we have to call the president at the moment. I don't know, I think Shapiro was right when he said the speech sounds just better when it was done in German back in the late 30s.

09-08-22, 13:17
How does one listen to this speech and not laugh and/or cry at the projection of nearly all of the faults the Democrats demonstrate daily being sold as things the "MAGA Republicans" just "might" do:

"This a nation that honors our Constitution, we do not reject it." It's hard to think of a POTUS who's honored our Constitution less than this one

"This is a nation that believes in the rule of law, we do not repudiate it." It is? So when your VP was bailing people out of jail for rioting and terrorism (violence to support a political ideology, in case you forgot) while your entire party propped up and supported the lie that police are systemically racist and should be defunded, disbanded and disparaged at every turn; that was all believing in the rule of law? That wasn't rejecting law and order itself?

"This is a nation that respects free and fair elections; we honor the will of the people, we do not deny it." Now I know that you're kidding. You and every, EVERY mainstream democrat and every, EVERY arm of the democrat party, media/hollywood/big tech/big corporations/education, spent the entirety of Trump's presidency denying the results of a free and fair election. Then you all doubled down on Georgia, with what's her nuts Abrahms still prancing around telling anyone that will listen that she's actually the governor.

"And this is a nation that rejects violence as a political tool, we do not encourage violence." So, because I am older than 2, I remember how all of your dem cronies encouraged violence whenever anything doesn't go their way: it was okay to riot, destroy $2 billion worth of American's property in over 500 riots in the Summer of 2020, you pulled law enforcement back, paid for bail, marched with, painted messages down entire city blocks and cheered the violence and destruction resulting in over 20 people being killed. You and your democrats in control let entire areas of your cities fall under mob rule. You and those that think like you let the mob take over and destroy police departments, the actual seat of law and order in their communities. Then there's the fact that celebrities raised something like $20 million for rioters' bail and $0 for looting victims speaks volumes about the elites of your party. The fact that you allowed people to protest outside of SCOTUS justices' homes doesn't show you discouraging mob rule. Neither does not having the media lap dogs make it more public when someone heeded all your violent rhetoric and went to Kavanaugh's house with the intent to kill him and his family.

"We are still an America that believes in honesty and decency and respect for others." Funny because I don't feel a lot of respect when I'm called all manner of awful names for not agreeing that it's okay to kill babies, for thinking that marriage is between a man and a woman, for thinking that our children shouldn't be sexualized in public grade schools by state workers, for knowing that open borders are a huge mistake. Then I'm singled out, chastised and ostracized and attempted to be excluded from society and everything else for not wanting to get an experimental substance injected into my body. You all went awfully fast from "I'll punch a Nazi" to "Show me your papers."

"You can't love your country only when you win." You cannot be serious on this one either. You have decades of winning and you lose one election and all of sudden the electoral college needs to be thrown out, 10 year olds need to vote, illegals need to be able to steer the direction of the country. Four years, plus, and millions of dollars to deny you lost. Then the SCOTUS corrects an old mistake by confirming that nowhere in the Constitution does it say that it is okay to kill a baby, no matter how hard you do word gymnastics. They correctly throw the decision back to the people, back to the states, takes the federal government out of it and what happens? Screams from all corners that the SCOTUS needs to be disbanded, that the people that say the federal government can't decide that you can kill your baby are the worst people on the planet. Give me a break.

Polling data shows that on feelings of Patriotism, Republicans change very little whether they are in control or not, they overwhelmingly love their country. Democrats, on the other hand, swing wildly, saying they love America when they're in control and they hate it when they are not.

And then after the whole speech that was horrifying to any real American, to no one's surprise, the media immediately took to stroking his you know what. Fawning over the most awfully anti-American speech of my lifetime, I would imagine of anyone's lifetime. They hate you and I every bit as much as this half wit lifetime failure of a politician that we have to call the president at the moment. I don't know, I think Shapiro was right when he said the speech sounds just better when it was done in German back in the late 30s.

I'm telling you. It's as if they are conjuring us into a uprising. One that needs to start at the top!

09-08-22, 13:24
I'm telling you. It's as if they are conjuring us into a uprising. One that needs to start at the top!

Dems have been dying for payback ever since Appomattox, and think the way to get it is force US into a Ft Sumter moment.

09-08-22, 14:14
"Clear and present danger."

I don't usually resort to conspiracy or malice when incompetence would be a better explanation, but considering the tone and verbiage of the speech, does it seem reasonable to think that the straight-from-Il-Duce setting is intentionally provocative? As in...."let's call all our opponents a threat, then goad them and wait for one to take action, and then we reap political profit?" I don't think I'm out on a limb here.

Yes, you're exactly right. They want another Jan 6th or something like it. They know they're in trouble come November. The speech was deliberately written to provoke and stoke more division. They know exactly what they're doing.

09-08-22, 14:27
How does one listen to this speech and not laugh and/or cry at the projection of nearly all of the faults the Democrats demonstrate daily being sold as things the "MAGA Republicans" just "might" do:

"This a nation that honors our Constitution, we do not reject it." It's hard to think of a POTUS who's honored our Constitution less than this one

"This is a nation that believes in the rule of law, we do not repudiate it." It is? So when your VP was bailing people out of jail for rioting and terrorism (violence to support a political ideology, in case you forgot) while your entire party propped up and supported the lie that police are systemically racist and should be defunded, disbanded and disparaged at every turn; that was all believing in the rule of law? That wasn't rejecting law and order itself?

"This is a nation that respects free and fair elections; we honor the will of the people, we do not deny it." Now I know that you're kidding. You and every, EVERY mainstream democrat and every, EVERY arm of the democrat party, media/hollywood/big tech/big corporations/education, spent the entirety of Trump's presidency denying the results of a free and fair election. Then you all doubled down on Georgia, with what's her nuts Abrahms still prancing around telling anyone that will listen that she's actually the governor.

"And this is a nation that rejects violence as a political tool, we do not encourage violence." So, because I am older than 2, I remember how all of your dem cronies encouraged violence whenever anything doesn't go their way: it was okay to riot, destroy $2 billion worth of American's property in over 500 riots in the Summer of 2020, you pulled law enforcement back, paid for bail, marched with, painted messages down entire city blocks and cheered the violence and destruction resulting in over 20 people being killed. You and your democrats in control let entire areas of your cities fall under mob rule. You and those that think like you let the mob take over and destroy police departments, the actual seat of law and order in their communities. Then there's the fact that celebrities raised something like $20 million for rioters' bail and $0 for looting victims speaks volumes about the elites of your party. The fact that you allowed people to protest outside of SCOTUS justices' homes doesn't show you discouraging mob rule. Neither does not having the media lap dogs make it more public when someone heeded all your violent rhetoric and went to Kavanaugh's house with the intent to kill him and his family.

"We are still an America that believes in honesty and decency and respect for others." Funny because I don't feel a lot of respect when I'm called all manner of awful names for not agreeing that it's okay to kill babies, for thinking that marriage is between a man and a woman, for thinking that our children shouldn't be sexualized in public grade schools by state workers, for knowing that open borders are a huge mistake. Then I'm singled out, chastised and ostracized and attempted to be excluded from society and everything else for not wanting to get an experimental substance injected into my body. You all went awfully fast from "I'll punch a Nazi" to "Show me your papers."

"You can't love your country only when you win." You cannot be serious on this one either. You have decades of winning and you lose one election and all of sudden the electoral college needs to be thrown out, 10 year olds need to vote, illegals need to be able to steer the direction of the country. Four years, plus, and millions of dollars to deny you lost. Then the SCOTUS corrects an old mistake by confirming that nowhere in the Constitution does it say that it is okay to kill a baby, no matter how hard you do word gymnastics. They correctly throw the decision back to the people, back to the states, takes the federal government out of it and what happens? Screams from all corners that the SCOTUS needs to be disbanded, that the people that say the federal government can't decide that you can kill your baby are the worst people on the planet. Give me a break.

Polling data shows that on feelings of Patriotism, Republicans change very little whether they are in control or not, they overwhelmingly love their country. Democrats, on the other hand, swing wildly, saying they love America when they're in control and they hate it when they are not.

And then after the whole speech that was horrifying to any real American, to no one's surprise, the media immediately took to stroking his you know what. Fawning over the most awfully anti-American speech of my lifetime, I would imagine of anyone's lifetime. They hate you and I every bit as much as this half wit lifetime failure of a politician that we have to call the president at the moment. I don't know, I think Shapiro was right when he said the speech sounds just better when it was done in German back in the late 30s.

This is probably the best and most well thought out post I have read on M4C GD in a long time.

09-08-22, 14:34
And after having said all that...it was simply a speech so all the mindless lemmings would forget about their record high gas prices, record high inflation, out of control crime problems, no control border policy failures, mind-blowingly bad foreign policies (if you can even call what we're doing "policies"), the utter failure of filling every meaningful position based on diversity of appearance rather than based on ability or even diversity of thought, so California's accelerated trip to failure could be hidden (that JackWagon Newsom is telling everyone to set thermostats at 78 during 100 degree days and not to plug in their moronic, virtue signalling electric cars until after 9p) and so they won't hear all the "sanctuary city" politicians whining about actually having to deal with the illegal alien crisis first-hand. I mean, I guess I could have just said, "the speech was to keep everyone from focusing on the total of ZERO policies this administration has put in place that are actually moving the country in a positive direction."

09-08-22, 14:35
This is probably the best and most well thought out post I have read on M4C GD in a long time.

Agreed. I liked it so much. I stole it and pasted it on F***Book. :dirol:

And I never post on F***Book.

09-08-22, 14:44
Agreed. I liked it so much. I stole it and pasted it on F***Book. :dirol:

And I never post on F***Book.

Thank you both. I figure even a broken clock is right twice a day...