View Full Version : I saw a fellow M4C member on the freeway today....

09-02-22, 19:03
What's your screen name?

09-02-22, 22:27
Get off my lawn.

09-03-22, 00:03
I've lately been using my horn as an on/off training device. Had a lot of people sitting at green lights, turning right from the left lane and still blocking the left lane. I just apply to horn and keep it pressed until I get the behavior I want. I'm done waiting, I'm done with a short beep. Just full on noise until they learn the lesson for the day.

09-03-22, 00:16
I've lately been using my horn as an on/off training device. Had a lot of people sitting at green lights, turning right from the left lane and still blocking the left lane. I just apply to horn and keep it pressed until I get the behavior I want. I'm done waiting, I'm done with a short beep. Just full on noise until they learn the lesson for the day.

Thankfully moving back to Iowa has me in a better state of mind. Rarely need to get on the highway/interstate and I rather enjoy keeping it at the posted limit of 25 mph when running to the store or grabbing lunch.

09-03-22, 08:30
I've lately been using my horn as an on/off training device. Had a lot of people sitting at green lights, turning right from the left lane and still blocking the left lane. I just apply to horn and keep it pressed until I get the behavior I want. I'm done waiting, I'm done with a short beep. Just full on noise until they learn the lesson for the day.

People are literally too fukking dumb to drive. Complete de-evolution before our eyes. And I watch people in front of me, but behind the mongo not going on green, do nothing. It's almost accepted that fukktard driving is normal.

09-03-22, 08:55
My pet peeve is folks who don't turn in to the correct lane.
Cut through the near lane and slide on over to the far lane, drives me nuts.

09-03-22, 09:31
That should be a regular paid friendly public service announcement on commercials and billboards.

09-03-22, 10:59
Thankfully moving back to Iowa has me in a better state of mind. Rarely need to get on the highway/interstate and I rather enjoy keeping it at the posted limit of 25 mph when running to the store or grabbing lunch.I feel the same about leaving the PNW for WY.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

09-03-22, 15:41
When I go home to the Midwest, the 25 mph speed limit drives me almost as batty as not being able to U-turn on a green arrow.

09-03-22, 16:08
Unfortunately I live close to CA so I understand his frustration.

We joke that making the left lane of the freeway just loop back would keep them all out.

09-03-22, 22:25
I had a fella that was old school Mn
He had a son graduate from a school in Tx and he took the little lady and drove down
He commented when he got home that he was appalled by the interstate drivers
He said that he "stayed in the left lane out of their way but they were really rude."
It may not be the exact quote from 25 years ago but it is contextually accurate
Left lane Larrys drive me crazy!

09-04-22, 14:25
Mt is pretty good mostly about knowing which lane to be in. Ca though? They are all tards driving. I up the life insurance each time I have to go there

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09-04-22, 14:56
People are literally too fukking dumb to drive. Complete de-evolution before our eyes. And I watch people in front of me, but behind the mongo not going on green, do nothing. It's almost accepted that fukktard driving is normal.

It's worse in big cities, it seems - I'm convinced everyone in Pittsburgh got their DL out of a crackerjack box. Just glad I'm not from here & learned to drive back in the early '80's in NC

09-04-22, 16:54
My pet peeves? Drivers who camp out in the passing lane, and here in Texas in order to not impede the flow of traffic it is legal to use the shoulder as a right turn lane, or to use the shoulder to pass on the right a car turning left. It drives me nuts when people don't do either and end up stopping all the traffic behind them.

09-05-22, 20:28
The people that stop and wait for an invitation to turn right and alll traffic to clear in all 3 lanes when they have their own dedicated turn lane drives me freakin nutso.

09-05-22, 22:00
Traffic is a Top 10 reason I left South Florida.

My wife was in stopped traffic on the interstate, center lane. She had cars on both sides of her that had also come to a complete stop during "rush hour" and a Tahoe hit her going 75+ mph, never even touched his brakes, he was texting and didn't see that traffic had come to a stop.

Happened about 6 months before we moved, luckily she only suffered soft tissue damage, the car was totaled and if anyone had been in the back seat they would not have survived. The hood of the trunk was up against the back of the front seats. I actually felt like it was my fault because we didn't get the house sold fast enough because I knew it was just a matter of time before her number came up. She had a daily 40 mile commute on I-95.