View Full Version : BLM Imploding ...

09-03-22, 17:46
I'm Shocked, shocked I tell you!

BLM leader is accused of pilfering $10M from the organization by local chapters who say he used it like 'personal piggy bank' in explosive lawsuit

BLMGNF board member Shalomyah Bowers was named in the new lawsuit
Suit calls him a 'rogue administrator' who stole more than $10M in donations
The suit was filed by other BLM organizers who say they deserved the funds
BLMGFN furiously denied the allegations as 'harmful, divisive, and false'


09-03-22, 18:22

Is there a connection?

09-03-22, 18:59
Yes, communism is a reason some African countries are poor.

09-03-22, 19:07
Never trust anyone named Shalomyah, with your Corporations money.

09-03-22, 19:14

09-03-22, 19:56
But I thought they were gonna use that money to FIX racism. I mean they promised me. You can't promise somebody to fix racism then spend all the money on personal crap for you. I feel so taken advantage of.

09-03-22, 19:57
Shocking I tell ya. How could anyone have seen this coming?

09-03-22, 20:11
"The Road to Hell is paved with good intentions". Not that they actually ever had good intentions (like at all) but the idea of the group was ostensibly a "better" outcome for blacks in legal ways and in society overall. :rolleyes: I won't give it such cover being a racist organization and all, but one who was a bit daft, deluded, or Democrat might think otherwise. Then the $$$ starts pouring in (Soros anyone?) and whatta ya know......it's being skimmed to line the velvet pockets of the hierarchy. Nevah-been-done-before!

09-03-22, 22:21
I hope these shitbags get sued out of existence! It’s a shame there were so many people who fell for their schtick!

09-04-22, 00:01
Actually, when the GOP can run the DOJ they need to really go after these guys. It is going to be really easy to get them- I doubt the BLM guys and gals worked very hard to hide it since they thought they ‘They’ are BLM and are owed it.

09-04-22, 07:16
I am sure that all the virtue signaling companies that had the Burn Loot Murder logo on their website and donated millions to the cause feel their money was well spent. Suckers.

09-04-22, 09:10
Do you still buy products from those companies? Because if you want to know who the real suckers are, it’s conservatives that don’t want to bother finding alternatives and keep funding them.

09-04-22, 11:07
Do you still buy products from those companies? Because if you want to know who the real suckers are, it’s conservatives that don’t want to bother finding alternatives and keep funding them.

One of my favorite companies for outdoor gear, Sierra Trading Post, had BLM propaganda crap all over their website. I haven’t bought anything from them since….

09-04-22, 12:44
I wasn’t really trying to call you out specifically, but good for you. All of us need to put at least a little effort into trying. There are so many conservatives who can’t even be bothered to stop watching the NFL.

09-04-22, 14:23
I wasn’t really trying to call you out specifically, but good for you. All of us need to put at least a little effort into trying. There are so many conservatives who can’t even be bothered to stop watching the NFL.

I haven’t watched the NFL in 15 years. You’d be amazed at what you can accomplish with your Sundays back. They’ll never get me back after their recent woke BS.

09-04-22, 14:58
Running out of stacks of bricks at per-arranged riot sites?!

09-04-22, 19:06
Do you still buy products from those companies? Because if you want to know who the real suckers are, it’s conservatives that don’t want to bother finding alternatives and keep funding them.

If you are using the internet to post here and doing it from a phone or computer, you have already supported those companies.