View Full Version : Ken Burns’ “The US and the Holocaust”

09-04-22, 08:16
A new Ken Burns project that sounds like it will present a nuanced picture of the US and the Holocaust.

Hitler was a big fan of Eugenics, and much of his ideas originated with The US. Eugenics movement. Hitler thought the US would support him considering the Eugenics movement in the US, and the not that small Nazi party in the US at the time. Had the UK gotten in with Hitler, the US may have too. I don't think many know that Hitler reached out to the UK as an allied thinking the UK would join him, and just how close that was to happening, if not mostly for Churchill who said "F that!" Had the UK joined in with Hitler, would the US have followed and or, stayed out of the war? I don't know if this documentary discusses that aspect, but lucky for us, we did the right thing ultimately, but as is reality and real history, "it's complicated" and there was various good guys and bad...

This article alone is a good read on the topic of the US and the Holocaust but this section set off a red flag:

"The filmmakers hope such a message will have modern resonance, especially as it arrives in a very different world from the one in which work on it began: amid a growing climate of authoritarian governments, right-wing extremism, Holocaust denialism and fierce debates over how to frame American history in the classroom."

No mention of growing left wing extremism? The Nazi's were not right wing extremists...


PBS series asks hard questions about how Americans treated Jews in WWII

Ken Burns’ “The US and the Holocaust” chronicles the xenophobic and antisemitic climate in America in the years leading up to the Nazi genocide of Europe’s Jews.


09-04-22, 13:07
I thought you were referencing the future holocaust !