Straight Shooter
09-07-22, 01:30
Ok, here it goes, from the Soaring Auto Fatality Rates thread...Lets hear all the wackado stuff yall have seen while driving. BROTHER TRUCKERS-CHIME IN, cause nobody see's more insane stuff than yall!
I literally do not know where to start..and I know Ive forgotten as much as I remember. Ill chime in throughout the thread as time & inclination allow. ALSO- OTR drivers...chime in on stories from OTR that didnt happen while driving..just crazy stuff thats happened to all of us also allowed here. Here we go as they come to mind:
SEXIEST THING I EVER SAW ON THE ROAD..HANDS DOWN. I hope I never forget her..driving southbound on I-95 loop around Boston just a few minutes after sunrise one morning in rush hour traffic in the late nineties. The most gorgeous Marilyn Monroe looking blonde..Monroe hairdo, sexiest bright red lips, legs FOREVER, cleavage to DIE for...pulled along side my rig and proceeded to hike up her mini skirt, and while doing 65-70 mph, slipped on her panties first..then stockings while driving with a pair of black high heels on. Truly, she was one of the most beautiful creatures Ive EVER seen to this day. Stayed beside me awhile. She got done, kinda squirmed a little in the seat to adjust things, I guess, looked up at me..she was in a small Ford Ranger type pickup...blew the sexiest kiss in history...then hammered down, got in front of me and an exit or two later got off the big road. Just..MAGNIFIQUE. :smile:

Next: Going west on I-40 close to Jackson TN one sunny day. I see a Tennessee State Prison van coming up beside me in the left lane, easin by.
Looked down, the driver/guard had a S&W 19 in his right hand, tapping the steering wheel as he drove, looking into his rearview mirror, staring more at it than the road. As we went on down the road, I fully expected to see that van hit the shoulder and stop..but it finally disappeared. Always wondered about that.

TEXAS: Texas woman LOVE to flash truck drivers. Had it happen there more than anywhere. Anytime of day or night, too.
Back in, I believe it was '98..Texas had the hottest, driest worst summer I believe STILL holds the record. For almost four months it never went under 100 degrees in daytime, and still 90's at night. Daytime was always at least 103-105, or 107. Dead livestock everywhere. NOTHING green. Dust galore. People dying by the hundreds, especially in Dallas-Fort Worth, for some reason. Had a load to Laredo, which I HATE that place. Tried to get out of it, no luck. So, I hit Texas, got on down to San Antonio to turn south to Laredo..HOT in a way I cannot describe. Had the cab AND bunk A/C turned to max..still sweatin. My hand to heaven, about halfway to Laredo...my outside thermometer read 129 degrees..confirmed by passing a Bank with the temp displayed on the sign. A few miles down the road, I look over in a dry dusty field and see a Border Patrol agent on foot chasing some dudes, while wearing full gear. That was tough, dedicated man right there. I had a nightmarish few days in Laredo then, & was glad to get the hell out.

Gay stuff GALORE. Nuff said about that.

Ive had guns pointed at me, pistols..an AK once..stuff thrown {got a hellava story comin on that} at me, couple times dudes thought they were gonna rob me..they didnt. Had a couple fights on the road, many "almosts".. got hurt bad a few times, broke bones, almost cut off a finger, lots of injuries. Been nearly flipped by high winds and tornadoes, rode out several hurricanes in the cab, seen more death on the road than I care to remember, I wont rubberneck today cause Ive seen all I want to see. Ive seen Americas geographical beauty, which is breath taking..and its urban shitholes which are deathlands. Had fuel freeze up in temps so cold it took three of us drivers in rotation to change out a fuel filter on top of a PA mountaintop one night. Was -20, iirc.

Canada...sucks ass. Again, nuff said.

Been in a blackout in Los Angeles...after 12 hours told my dispatch to either get me an immediate load outta there NOW, or Im deadheading a 100 miles away. They were chimpin out already & I aint stayin for THAT madness. I dead-headed out to a load iirc, 300 miles north.

Last one for tonight: West Virginia.. I-64, Sandstone Mountain. INFAMOUS mountain in the truckin world, very steep and very long & VERY deadly if you dont know how to handle it with a full load and no engine brake, which I never had, which I had 80,000lbs of Budweiser on this time, from Oh to VA. I was dreading that mountain before I even got loaded, and knew I couldnt/wouldnt sleep untill I made I made it down. So, zero dark thirty I hit the mandatory stop on top. Just so happened had my first wife with me, asleep in the bunk. Got out, pissed, looked at my tires, saw where all the run-offs were going down on the sign, prayed...and started her down, low & slow. My plan, was to stop every mile or so on the shoulder, cool the brakes, then ease on, mile at a time. Nah, didnt happen. When I tried to stop the very first time..I lost ALL my brakes, smoke boiling everywhere. I about shit me britches boys. Didnt care about me, and less about the truck or load..but my WIFE for Lords sake. So, I wake her up, said get in the seat & buckle up, and be quiet. She did. Thank God it was after midnight and no traffic. So, I couldnt remember how the bottom was, did it have a sharp turn, or what. Plus, my dang windshield was so bugged up, I had very limited vision. So, I was gonna hit the last runaway ramp. Told wife to not be scared, what to expect..and hang on & pray. Doing close to 100 mph when I come upon the last ramp...FULL..already had a truck in it. Shit..shit..shit. Was in Gods hands at this point. Bottomed out over 100mph...then started going uphill again. By the time I got to the top of that hill I had slowed way down, had enough brakes to stop, and did. Got out and puked my guts out.
Had there been any turn or curve in road never woulda made it. Was scared to death my steer tires would blow. Nope. Everything held together, including me, long enough to get stopped. Praise be to God Almighty..I STILL thank Him for that. I was able to deliver that load, and get to a company terminal that did replace some brakes on the tractor. I really WOULDNT mind forgetting that run, as a few times a year I have nightmares about it still, and that '96-'97. My wife never rode again.

More later- lets hear what yall got!

09-07-22, 05:34
About 1994 at 2 or 3am on 635. A guy decided to cross all lanes of traffic on foot. To get a pack of smokes. Was struck by a car and then a tractor truck. All that we saw left of him was his upper torso with his intestines strung out for many many yards in the middle of one of the lanes in a long streak of blood.

09-07-22, 05:50
I guess this would qualify for your title.
April of 1979, US 224 in Ohio. I was empty headed to the Whirlpool plant in Findlay for another load. Tornado "Watch" had been issued which is common for Ohio in the spring. I ran into what i thought was a sudden thunderstorm. Turned black suddenly with hard rain. I looked in my left rear view mirror and I see daylight under all of my trailer tires. Picked me up and turned me cross-way on the two lane road. I finally got stopped and the storm passed. I get out to look for damage and truck was alright. Looking around multiple roofs were ripped off and a massive two story barn that that you see everywhere in Ohio was completely flattened. Power lines were ripped loose and hanging about 3 -4 ft off the pavement. I sat there for about an hour till state police had us back up to a crossroad to turn around. The power lines were not being fixed anytime soon. I was told later it probably a mini-tornado that did a quick touch down and went back up. Don't know if it's true but I learned that day mother nature can be cruel when she wants to be.

I used to run the I-75 corridor for years hauling appliances into Atlanta. Spring break was always a favorite time. All of those college girls headed to Florida. They had been cooped up all winter and ready to bust loose.

09-07-22, 06:08
I was a deputy and on SWAT, which put me in an "unmarked" police car. I was following a car across an overpass on I-5. When out of the car in front of me the passenger jumps out while the car is going about 35 miles an hour. I hit the blues as I come to a stop. report to dispatch what I was doing, as I watch the passenger hobble over to the edge of the overpass. I jump out of my car and ran to the guy as I figured out what was going on. I got my hands on the guy as he jumped over the edge, he was going to pull me over also. So I let him go and I got the bird eye view of the semi at maybe 70mph hit him before he touched the concrete. It was very much like a huge bomb had hit him. Just a stain.

Straight Shooter
09-07-22, 07:15
I guess this would qualify for your title.
April of 1979, US 224 in Ohio. I was empty headed to the Whirlpool plant in Findlay for another load. Tornado "Watch" had been issued which is common for Ohio in the spring. I ran into what i thought was a sudden thunderstorm. Turned black suddenly with hard rain. I looked in my left rear view mirror and I see daylight under all of my trailer tires. Picked me up and turned me cross-way on the two lane road. I finally got stopped and the storm passed. I get out to look for damage and truck was alright. Looking around multiple roofs were ripped off and a massive two story barn that that you see everywhere in Ohio was completely flattened. Power lines were ripped loose and hanging about 3 -4 ft off the pavement. I sat there for about an hour till state police had us back up to a crossroad to turn around. The power lines were not being fixed anytime soon. I was told later it probably a mini-tornado that did a quick touch down and went back up. Don't know if it's true but I learned that day mother nature can be cruel when she wants to be.

I used to run the I-75 corridor for years hauling appliances into Atlanta. Spring break was always a favorite time. All of those college girls headed to Florida. They had been cooped up all winter and ready to bust loose.

Im hip to the tornadoes AND the FLA bound college girls. You wanna REALLY see a show..be on I-24 anywhere between Nashville and Chattanooga when Bonnaroo lets out in Manchester. Last time I got caught in that mess, I was headed to Chattanooga and was stopped for about 3 hours or more, literally just stopped. Had an old VW Beeetle beside me almost the whole time, with 3 good lookin, but dirty as all get out, chicks...like mud all over them, ect. I had my window down, they tokin on a few numbers and the smell was intense. We were laughing, got a couple flashes, passed the time. They were from FLA come to think about it. And Ive been to Findlay Whirlpool many times.

09-07-22, 07:26
I had the bad timing to arrive at a rollover right after the police did. They had not blocked the road or covered the deceased yet (they kind of waved me past him). Driver really should have been wearing a seatbelt and his head had obviously been between the car and the road at least once before he exited completely. I know truck drivers, first responders, and highway maintenance crews see lots of deaths on the road but it was my first and hopefully only in the states.


Straight Shooter
09-07-22, 07:34
I had the bad timing to arrive at a rollover right after the police did. They had not blocked the road or covered the deceased yet (they kind of waved me past him). Driver really should have been wearing a seatbelt and his head had obviously been between the car and the road at least once before he exited completely. I know truck drivers, first responders, and highway maintenance crews see lots of deaths on the road but it was my first and hopefully only in the states.


Yes, we do see a lot. Your experience and the others here so far, its why I HATE when people slow to look at wrecks. WHY do you want to see that horror?
And not just people, Ive seen cattle cars flipped, on fire, cattle screamin, watched a small horse trailer full of pee wee calfs flip in I-75 north of ATL once, they got loose, running up/down both sides of the interstate, in horrible shape from the wreck...the young teenage boys pulling the trailer had it hooked up wrong & didnt know wth they were doing. Just death and wrecks almost every...single..day. Sometimes a few times a day.
Oh yeah..seatbelts. IN THE TRUCK, wore mine "religiously". But from multiple past things Ive been in, I will NOT wear one in a car, period.

09-07-22, 07:42
I had the bad timing to arrive at a rollover right after the police did. They had not blocked the road or covered the deceased yet (they kind of waved me past him). Driver really should have been wearing a seatbelt and his head had obviously been between the car and the road at least once before he exited completely. I know truck drivers, first responders, and highway maintenance crews see lots of deaths on the road but it was my first and hopefully only in the states.


Oh, this brought back an old (bad) memory.
Fourth of July weekend in 1977, I was on US 30 east out of Ft. Wayne and came up on a crash. Young man fell asleep in the predawn hours hit the guardrail, spun backwards and landed on top of the guard rail on the opposite side of the road. Other people had stopped and some woman was saying we had to get him out of the car. Young man was all crumpled up in the passenger floorboard with a broken neck. I told them we need to shut the ignition and wipers off. The gas tank was punctured and leaking. We didn't need a fire.
Found out later in it was a young sailor from Great Lakes Naval base headed home for the weekend. Just a bad day.

09-07-22, 10:55
But from multiple past things Ive been in, I will NOT wear one in a car, period.

Would you be willing to expand on your thinking here? Thanks

09-07-22, 11:05
I saw some woman who'd been hit by a produce truck/box truck on the Freeway. DPS had just parked to block the body with headlights on her. It was pre-dawn.. no legs on the body. I originally thought a large light colored dog was on the road, but it was a dead woman. Supposedly seen walking along the freeway upset by the unreliable news accounts later that evening.

09-07-22, 11:32
But from multiple past things Ive been in, I will NOT wear one in a car, period.

Care to explain?

09-07-22, 11:37
Care to explain?

He'll combat roll if he gets ejected!:dance3:

09-07-22, 12:05
I used to live in Reseda California.
One night at about 2100 hrs, I'm just sitting there four beers into a six pack and there is a terrible crash out side my door. I get out there and its a hit and run one car in the middle of the intersection.
I get over there and the drivers door is totally demolished with one passenger behind the wheel and gas was leaking everywhere. I get in the passenger door and her face is covered in blood and her left arm was broke. I do a quick triage and she seems to be able to be move.
As I rest my hand on the back of her head and slowly ease her in to a sitting position.
The top of her head seemed to come off in my hand
She had a wig on and I swear it freaked me out so bad.
I got her out and stayed until the ambulance came. She had her purse in one hand and her wig in the other.

09-07-22, 14:24
Back in the 80s I shutdown at a truckstop on I-80 in Nebraska. A woman walked out to the middle of the main entrance and laid down just before sunset.

I had to swerve around a woman less than 5 minutes from my current terminal. She was walking onto the interstate between an on-ramp and the big road with her back to traffic. She succeeded with the traffic behind me.

I concur on the rubberneckers. And cell phone users. random speed up, braking , and veering all over the road. Get stuck behind in a governed truck and you can't tell the difference between drunk driving and texting.

Every week I think I'm done, retire. But then I think health insurance, the planned inflation and economic sabotage underway. Turn 63 this year, doubt I last till 66 and 10 months the SSA calls for.

Straight Shooter
09-07-22, 17:05
Would you be willing to expand on your thinking here? Thanks

Care to explain?

He'll combat roll if he gets ejected!:dance3:

Soooo, I started to in my original post. But, Im gonna decline at the moment.
And, I have been ejected...twice. Saved my life both times.
No harm/no foul asking.

Straight Shooter
09-07-22, 17:20
Back in the 80s I shutdown at a truckstop on I-80 in Nebraska. A woman walked out to the middle of the main entrance and laid down just before sunset.

I had to swerve around a woman less than 5 minutes from my current terminal. She was walking onto the interstate between an on-ramp and the big road with her back to traffic. She succeeded with the traffic behind me.

I concur on the rubberneckers. And cell phone users. random speed up, braking , and veering all over the road. Get stuck behind in a governed truck and you can't tell the difference between drunk driving and texting.

Every week I think I'm done, retire. But then I think health insurance, the planned inflation and economic sabotage underway. Turn 63 this year, doubt I last till 66 and 10 months the SSA calls for.

Man ,youve been otr for a LONG time. God bless, & stay safe brother. How many miles you got under you now?

Another story:
Louisiana...late nineties, HOT, MUGGY July day...over 100 degrees I recall. Had the wife with me, somewhere out in the sho nuff backwoods north of La Fayette going to pick up a load. Gents...NOTHIN, NOWHERE around for a long time. On a very small, very crooked road, doing about 40, when we rounded a turn, and there out in the middle of hot hell nowhere, was an OLD guy, seriously looked late eighties, or more..in a...loin cloth, diaper lookin thing around his mid section, sandals, long beard & hair...dragging a huge, long CROSS, down the road. A CROSS. At the end of the cross, were little wheels to help drag it, but still, it looked heavy especially for him. He was soppin wet. We went on by, all I could do, wife looks over and asks me "What was he doing/what was that"..I remember saying something like " Baby, remember I told you before we left, you was gonna see & hear some odd stuff? Well, that was some odd stuff. I flat dont know what he is up too". I guess the old chap was doing penance, in HIS mind.

09-07-22, 17:46
I was a young child my first time. In the car with fam crossing the Smokies before I-40 did. On a 2 lane along edge of flat bottom land and slightly elevated above said bottom. Suddenly, the semi in front of us veered to the right, went through a barbed wire fence, did a perfect, completely airborne rollover and landed on it's tires. Cab and trailer still lined up straight as an arrow. I remain sure that, after changing his drawers, the guy probably just drove that rig out of the pasture and back onto the road.....

09-07-22, 20:45
Guy putting on a gorilla costume on the shoulder of the road in the middle of a weekday.

09-07-22, 21:23
I was 16, driving north on I-65 in northern Indiana, when out from a corn field along the road an old guy comes dancing….. naked. Waving his arms and looking crazy. The girl riding in the car in front of me did a double take so I know she saw him too. It was weird.

During my CDL training I was in a really nice new International LoneStar with a 53’ trailer driving around near O’hare airport. A young lady pulled out in front of me when I was doing about 35 and she stopped because she wanted to go over to the oncoming traffic lane. I stood on the brakes as hard as I could and our eyes met. Her eyes had the look of terror and as she disappeared beneath the hood of my truck we braced for a collision. Amazingly, I stopped just short of impact and she slowly pulled out past us, a small wave of apology or fear or something, but she lived. I hope she has a better respect for trucks now. It happened so fast there was no horn and I didn’t get the clutch in quick enough so I stalled the truck too (and I’d driven manual for nearly 25 years).

09-08-22, 11:31
Yes, we do see a lot. Your experience and the others here so far, its why I HATE when people slow to look at wrecks. WHY do you want to see that horror?

I was once crossing a divided freeway bridge, and in the opposing lanes there had been a rollover accident with a vehicle still wheels up. People on my side were slowing down to gawk but generally maintaining maybe 35 mph. However when I get there the stupid girl directly in front of me hits her brakes, full stop, then pulls out her cell phone and starts taking pictures. After I recovered from the surprise and checked that I had avoided being rear ended (narrowly, if my memory does not embellish) I laid into my horn but it hardly was a strong enough rebuke. That was probably as close to "road rage" as I've ever been.

09-08-22, 12:35
the stupid girl directly in front of me hits her brakes, full stop, then pulls out her cell phone and starts taking pictures.

The worst thing that ever happened to humans was giving the mongoloids cell phone cameras.

john armond
09-08-22, 13:20
Had an Entenmann's truck lose it's load in front of my squad car as it was coming out of a parking lot. There is dashcam video of me in uniform helping pick up donuts off the road.

09-08-22, 14:47
Eastbound 90 near Fenway Park in Boston, mid-afternoon, busy traffic but moving around 60mph. There was a break in the fence median with barely any shoulder... A young woman stopped her car in the #1 lane and banged a u-ey thru the break in the fence.


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09-08-22, 15:43
Was in morning traffic I-4 Downtown Orlando back in the mid 2000's (about 2007 maybe). There used to be an exit ramp on the left side to get to South St. awhile back. I was in the center lane in a work van and the woman in front of me stomps on her brakes and comes to a complete stop just as we passed the off ramp. I stomp on my brakes...tools, cart, you name it is flying to the front cage partition of the cab. The bitch U turns into the left lane on I-4 to backtrack and take the off ramp she passed. There literally is another off ramp less than a mile away she can circle back from.

09-08-22, 20:19
Not a traffic accident but, I was driving home from work, it was about 30 miles from nowhere. About halfway there I see a guy standing alongside the rode way, he was jacking off. No car around just him and his manhood going to town. That was pretty weird.

Straight Shooter
09-10-22, 08:56
Not a traffic accident but, I was driving home from work, it was about 30 miles from nowhere. About halfway there I see a guy standing alongside the rode way, he was jacking off. No car around just him and his manhood going to town. That was pretty weird.

Apparently in the homo community...thats a thing. Countless times I had dudes pull along side the truck, pants down to the floor, wackin away.
Ive seen them in suits on the way to work early in the morning. Saw the same guy in a red convertible in Wilson NC several times over a period of months.
According to the CB, he was a local celeb.

09-10-22, 11:18
Seen a lot, but this was when I was 15 & it was all new to me - family had flown to Chicago to see & spend a weekend with an aunt & uncle before driving to Door County, WI to go spend time with gradparents. Uncle picks us up @ O'Hare & we take an interstate for a bit. Some numbnut in a then late model LTD comes off an exit ahead of us along the way, and hooks his wraparound rear bumper with a car on the interstate who won't let him in - LTD accelerates away - leaving his rear bumper which skitters away to the shoulder of the road. Both cars motor off like nothing happened.

09-10-22, 14:52
Coming up I-5 had a guy suddenly cut all the way across from the left most lane to barely make the Orillia road exit, causing everybody to slam on their brakes. Saw the guy take the off ramp at high speed out of control, rear ended the minivan that was stopped in line at the light at the end of the offramp, then his car rebounded off the minivan and spun into the woods to dissappear down a steep embankment. Not sure what happened to him after that, but that was instant karma.

09-10-22, 17:26
I once saw a semi with a full load veer off the thruway, across a field and straight into the wood line. He hit the trees so hard it was like a bomb went off, the contents of the trailer went flying everywhere. No idea if the driver survived or not.

One Friday I was on a charter bus heading from LA to Camp Roberts up by Paso Robles in CA. We were somewhere on the 5 I think and saw a car about a hundred meters off the highway in a field absolutely shredded by bullets, looked like the car Bonnie and Clyde were ambushed in. On the shoulder of the road was a bunch of cop cars and evidence markers all over the place. About two hours later as we were getting into Paso Robles we saw a body in the road and a motorcycle and SUV twisted together, seemed like the biker was pulling out onto the road and got T-Boned by the SUV coming up over a blind rise in the road.

Straight Shooter
09-11-22, 00:51
Cold early January night, 0200..I77/64N headed to Charleston WVA. Roads solid ice, spitting ice/snow mix, with a good wind...13 degrees.
I had been creeping along very slowly for a few hours..around 40mph or so..no radio on, no CB..just road noise for hours in the pitch black of rural WVA.
Almost nothing on the road, nothing at all behind, in front, or even anything in sight at all. All of a sudden..a "shotgun blast" hits the right side of my head, right ear. Im deaf, shocked, no idea WTF just happened. NO ONE around. Im trying to hold the rig in the road while slowing down to pull off on the shoulder, and figure out where Im hurt, whats going on, and am I fixing to get "shot " again, which is what I initially thought. I hit the shoulder, Im soaking wet now. Start cutting on interior lights, glass EVERYWHERE..all over me, the cab, both seats, dash, bunk, ect..everywhere. I am still in shock, as I was about deafened at the noise, which was as loud as a shotgun blast inside the cab, then I look up..and the glass skylight in the top of the cab, is hanging down, big hole, completely shattered, and rain & ice & wind was pouring in. COLD rain, ice and wind. There were no overpasses, nothing hanging over the interstate, no other cars on either side when it happened. Then, I see it. A hand sized rock laying in the corner of my bunk. Limestone looking, smooth edged, about a pound or less, kinda shaped like Idaho, for lack of a better description. I didnt know wth to do. Rain now pouring right down on the driver seat..Im scrounging to try to find someway to plug the skylight with my bath towels and duck tape. I got on the CB to see if anyone was northbound could stop to help me a minute, and about 5 minutes later a lady trucker did stop, and helped me a good bit, she called the State Trooper for me. She and I talked and she said she hadnt seen anyone pass on either side of her way before this happened. So, she left, I got out and looked around..and having been by that spot now dozens more times Ill just say aint noway for a rock to have fell from anywhere. A black trooper FINALLY arrives so I can fill out a report for the company. He was pissed to be called out in that weather, he said "what happened" &"Follow me". Now I had a full load, a soaking wet seat I hadnt even dealt with yet, had to get the lights inside, out, and get in the seat and get rolling..this MF'er took off and WAS GONE. I was pissed as I could be. NO IDEA where this ass went. So I got off at the next exit, decided to go right..and finally came upon a Piggly Wiggly. Got out, went to a pay phone..called 911. This trooper was in the 911 call center..I heard her whisper, "its the truck driver", then I hear him tell her to tell me to "stay put". He finally came to me...NEVER SPOKE A WORD, just handed me a clipboard and pprwrk to fill out. I handed it back, and said "is that it"..he nodded, and in the shittiest way I could I said "I really appreciate your help, I dont know what I woulda done without you, then slammed the door. he sat there a minute..then drove off.
So, the next 3 days I ran in freezing weather...wet seat, wet ass, until I could get to a shop that finally fixed the glass and put another seat in for me.
As to the rock. Ive showed it to a few people over the years..doesnt look like a meteor or anything like that. Ill never know where it came from, or how it wound up hitting my skylight, Ive wondered about it for about 25 years now.

09-11-22, 19:34
Soooo, I started to in my original post. But, Im gonna decline at the moment.
And, I have been ejected...twice. Saved my life both times.
No harm/no foul asking.

I'm a Flight Paramedic and in the previous 48 hours had a scene flight for a partial ejection in a rollover where the windshield caught them. Seen plenty of ejections where X bone(s) are no longer connected to Y bone(s) and facial structures are destroyed.

Please wear seatbelts. Being ejected is more often a death sentence than not.

Straight Shooter
09-11-22, 21:01
I'm a Flight Paramedic and in the previous 48 hours had a scene flight for a partial ejection in a rollover where the windshield caught them. Seen plenty of ejections where X bone(s) are no longer connected to Y bone(s) and facial structures are destroyed.

Please wear seatbelts. Being ejected is more often a death sentence than not.

Thank you, sincerely. Youll get ZERO argument from me that they save lifes..would be retarded to even argue that. But, even tho Ive been ejected twice, Ive had a few more times I woulda been hurt worse with one on. I KNOW..without any debate...KNOW that God saved me each time. Yes, I was in a coma, back smashed to shit, neck fractured, bone sticking out my left arm, facial scars I still have today & MUCH more..but alive.
I could tomorrow die due to not wearing one. Its just hard for me to do..going thru what Ive been thru personally. I truly should not be alive..X's at least 6.
Ive told cops & judges I wont wear them, just give me the ticket Ill pay it. Not gonna do it. Like almost everything else..its a choice Ive made, the law be damned. You are so correct, and again, thank you.

09-11-22, 22:00
I feel funny driving across a parking lot with out my seat-belt on. Anyone under 50 has had to wear a seatbelt their entire driving career. I don't get it? That and people with their feet on the dash...

thought I had posted. 1990ish, and on I-55 in the middle of Illinois and the picket truck in front of us hit a pot hole and threw a 5ft+ diameter tire off the stack. It landed 'normal' and then bounced over the Dodge Colt with five college kids in it. Would have killed us all if it hadn't bounced perfectly. Real quiet the rest of the ride home.

Freakest thing for my wife was on the same road, at night, and into the biggest swarm of lightning bugs I had ever seen, like warp speed in Star Wars. Wife had never seen lightening bugs before... FREAKED her.

09-12-22, 08:19
I'm a Flight Paramedic and in the previous 48 hours had a scene flight for a partial ejection in a rollover where the windshield caught them. Seen plenty of ejections where X bone(s) are no longer connected to Y bone(s) and facial structures are destroyed.

Please wear seatbelts. Being ejected is more often a death sentence than not.

I saw a Buick Opel GT roll over and the driver was partially ejected. His feet got tangled up in the steering wheel when he exited the window on the driver's door. The car rolled over on him three times before it came to rest on its' wheels. That was the end of his day.

I was at the scene when the tow truck driver drove the Opel onto a flatbed tow truck.

09-12-22, 09:36
I saw a Buick Opel GT roll over and the driver was partially ejected. His feet got tangled up in the steering wheel when he exited the window on the driver's door. The car rolled over on him three times before it came to rest on its' wheels. That was the end of his day.

I was at the scene when the tow truck driver drove the Opel onto a flatbed tow truck.

Partial ejections are brutal. No doubt that was a mess. My first surgical airway was an unrestrained passenger in a rollover.

Three things I've learned; always wear a seatbelt, never put your feet on the dashboard as a passenger, and sit with your knees at least 6" back from the dash. Any deviation from that is a recipe for a very bad day.

09-12-22, 12:01
I was driving North on I-5 on the Washington side of the Columbia (late 90's, pre massive cell phone use) and saw a topless Jeep Wrangler drive off the interstate at 70 mph, flip onto its roll cage and come to a stop. All 4 kids climbed out looking very confused.

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