View Full Version : Stopped A Mass Shooting = zero media coverage

09-07-22, 09:47
I'm surprised this one didn't at least get a lot of attention by the pro 2A side, but first I have heard of it.

Raul Mendez, after being shot through the face, he takes out the shooter and saves his family and friends. The term "hero" over used and abused to the point it's lost its weight and meaning, often applied to some goofy overpaid kid who bounces/throws balls for a living, or actor who came out of the closet, etc.

Read the account of what happened to this man, and help with the $. I sent $100. GoFund Me page:


09-07-22, 10:43
I'm surprised this one didn't at least get a lot of attention by the pro 2A side, but first I have heard of it.

Raul Mendez, after being shot through the face, he takes out the shooter and saves his family and friends. The term "hero" over used and abused to the point it's lost its weight and meaning, often applied to some goofy overpaid kid who bounces/throws balls for a living, or actor who came out of the closet, etc.

Read the account of what happened to this man, and help with the $. I sent $100. GoFund Me page:


The Go fund me page story sounds horrible. Has an investigation been completed for verification?

OK looks legit.

09-07-22, 10:57

09-07-22, 11:56
Fox picked it up...


09-07-22, 13:30

09-07-22, 16:11
It just seems like there is more to the story than just some crazy neighbor decides to go over and start shooting up a bunch of women and children. Good on him to not stop fighting even though shot in the face.

09-07-22, 16:49
It was on the news around here for a bit.

09-07-22, 18:09
First I've heard of it.
My favorite part of my NRA magazine is the "Armed Citizen" section.

09-07-22, 18:30
First I've heard of it.
My favorite part of my NRA magazine is the "Armed Citizen" section.

That was always the first thing I read as a kid.

09-07-22, 18:51
4th of July party gone wrong, fight, then shooting begins.

"The incident, according to police, happened at a home near Grand Avenue and Reems Road. The incident began as some sort of fight that happened just after 10 p.m. on July 3, with it ending in a shooting. detectives have discovered that multiple shots were fired by other individuals in attendance. All weapons recovered from the residence have been identified as handguns. https://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/surprise-shooting-gunfire-at-home-leaves-1-person-dead-several-injured

Have no idea what the actual circumstances were, but the story on this one sounds eerily similar to a few gangland home parties that ended with a bang. Who knows...

09-07-22, 19:15
"According to witnesses, evidence, and facts gathered at the scene, detectives have determined that Jason Hunt was the first person to fire a weapon. In addition, detectives have discovered that multiple shots were fired by other individuals in attendance. All weapons recovered from the residence have been identified as handguns. The facts of the investigation show that Jason Hunt, a resident of the neighborhood, had been invited to the residence by the homeowner. While in the residence, Jason Hunt pulled out a gun and began to fire. The motive remains unknown and the focus of this investigation," police said on July 5.

Six days later, police provided more information on what they're calling a complex case.

Initially, investigators weren't confident in calling Hunt the suspect, but have since named him the suspect, and said others were acting in self-defense.

"Detectives from the Surprise Police Department have learned Jason Hunt, a resident of the neighborhood, came to the victim’s residence while the victims and guests were gathered outside in front of the home. Jason engaged in small talk with several guests. At about the same time or a short time thereafter, those in attendance migrated inside the home to eat, with Jason following. Jason was given a plate of food and sat down inside the residence. A few moments later, Jason stood up from where he was seated, pulled out a handgun, and began shooting at numerous individuals. Jason Hunt was shot and killed by one of the injured parties involved," the department said.

Seems like a clear case of crazy.

09-07-22, 19:57
It just seems like there is more to the story than just some crazy neighbor decides to go over and start shooting up a bunch of women and children. Good on him to not stop fighting even though shot in the face.

Six days later, police provided more information on what they're calling a complex case.

It is somewhat strange.

09-08-22, 07:51
Sounds like he heard his activation code word.

At this point, I'm only half joking.