View Full Version : MAP=" Minor Attracted Persons"?

09-10-22, 16:21
Something new every day, I guess:

A teacher in El Paso, Texas, is on administrative leave and facing termination after she told students to call pedophiles "minor attracted persons" in an incident that was captured on video and shared on social media, according to the city's school district.

In an 18-second clip, the Franklin High School teacher can be heard telling students to "stop calling them that. You're not allowed to label people like that."

"We're not gonna call them that," the teacher is heard saying in the video. "We're gonna call them MAPs, minor attracted persons. So don't judge people just because they wanna have sex with a 5-year-old."


09-10-22, 16:23
More evidence of grooming for votes and sex with children on a massive scale. Pagans love children.

The lady who plays the voice of the anti-christ's mother in the new FX cartoon says that they are normalizing Paganism.

09-10-22, 16:35
She's gone.


09-10-22, 16:55
Drag queen story hour, taking kids to gay clubs, school administrators sexualizing elementary school students through obscene literature and “gender fluid instruction”, etc….. is all about grooming kids and trying to normalize pedophilia. Anyone that says otherwise is either lying or blinded by sin.

09-10-22, 17:09
She's gone.


Thank god. I guess that's the end of my use of MAP for advertised pricing.

09-10-22, 17:10
If they’re willing to say children can make the choice to change their sex via hormones and genital mutilation, they’re absolutely going to say they can have consensual sex with an adult. These people are F’d.

09-10-22, 17:16
Sounds like she's a pedo!

09-10-22, 17:17
I wish leftists would stop f*cking with the English language. Pedophile literally means attracted to children, aka minor attracted person. Pedo is some derivative of the Greek word for minors and phile means being attracted to. Like hydrophilic means attracted to water.

WTF is wrong with them.

09-10-22, 17:38
I wish leftists would stop f*cking with the English language. Pedophile literally means attracted to children, aka minor attracted person. Pedo is some derivative of the Greek word for minors and phile means being attracted to. Like hydrophilic means attracted to water.

WTF is wrong with them.

LOTS and LOTS of things are wrong with them. They are upset that pedophile has a negative connotation. But rest assured, if ever made legal, during the pride parade they will wear shirts that say "Proud Child F'er" on them.

john armond
09-10-22, 17:44
Sounds like she's a pedo!

I believe the proper (prison) term is “chomo”

09-10-22, 17:45
LOTS and LOTS of things are wrong with them. They are upset that pedophile has a negative connotation. But rest assured, if ever made legal, during the pride parade they will wear shirts that say "Proud Child F'er" on them.

Would make it easier to ID them and eliminate them from the population though.

09-10-22, 18:01
They've openly been at it awhile.


09-10-22, 19:45
So the slippery slope is real?

I thought it was just consenting adults keeping it in the bedroom?

09-10-22, 21:17
So the slippery slope is real?

I thought it was just consenting adults keeping it in the bedroom?

You don't have to be gay to be a pedo. Creepy old dudes been messing with little girls since like forever.

09-10-22, 21:33
How bout we call em NAPs, "Noose Attracting Persons".

Straight Shooter
09-10-22, 21:48
This demonic shit aint new.
TENURED Berkley "perfesser" Peter Singer has for DECADES now openly taught & advocated..IN CLASS and many other places...for "consensual" child sex.."as long as the child consents & is not physically harmed". Also advocates for bestiality..under the same condition, no "harm" to the animal.
Other things this goblin has written books advocating: euthanasia, with or WITHOUT patient consent, all forms of abortion UP TO MONTHS AFTER BIRTH.
This goblin went on Larry King back in the nineties talking about some of this crap.
This will be the "new frontier" for the fags & tranny's in the next few years..the elimination of laws and stigma against child & animal sex. THEY WANT IT.
BEEN wanting it. Itll no longer be a secret soon..hell it aint now.

09-10-22, 23:44
You don't have to be gay to be a pedo. Creepy old dudes been messing with little girls since like forever.

No. I’m not playing that game anymore.

You can’t deflect from the now obvious trajectory that abandoning morality for “tolerance” is taking us.

Yes there will always be some creeps, as well as thieves and murderers in society. But if you normalize white picket fences, marriage, and two kids you get more of it. If you normalize freaks and deviants, you get more freaks and deviants.

09-11-22, 00:19
You guys didn't see that video of the gay choir singing "We're coming for your kids?" They're not even trying to hide it anymore.

09-11-22, 00:20
No. I’m not playing that game anymore.

You can’t deflect from the now obvious trajectory that abandoning morality for “tolerance” is taking us.

Yes there will always be some creeps, as well as thieves and murderers in society. But if you normalize white picket fences, marriage, and two kids you get more of it. If you normalize freaks and deviants, you get more freaks and deviants.

I can be a freak and a deviant while still hating child molesters. Just sayin.

09-11-22, 00:26
No. I’m not playing that game anymore.

You can’t deflect from the now obvious trajectory that abandoning morality for “tolerance” is taking us.

Yes there will always be some creeps, as well as thieves and murderers in society. But if you normalize white picket fences, marriage, and two kids you get more of it. If you normalize freaks and deviants, you get more freaks and deviants.

Not trying to argue that or play a game. Just saying that "child molester" isn't exclusive to a preferred gender. They are all sickos. If somebody screwed your 8 year old daughter you aren't gonna be going thank god it wasn't my 8 year old boy.

The real problem is progressives don't know when to stop. Racism is of course wrong, so society (mostly) moved to a place where racial bias is not really tolerated anymore. I also happen to believe some people are just gay, reason being is I couldn't decide to be gay no matter how much society accepted it, and society mostly seems to agree.

But when you have championed the rights of those who suffer racial hatred, discrimination for sexual orientation and such you eventually run out of people to champion. So progressives move right on to the next class of whatever that society shuns (sometimes for good reason) and the next thing you know we are championing drug addicts and child molesters as some kind of "victim." And IF we tolerate that, the next cause will be serial killers or whatever...because they are born that way. And while I happen to agree that many people are born as sociopaths who think nothing of becoming serial killers, that doesn't mean I support them or want them to even stay alive.

Civilizations killed various predators for a reason.

Straight Shooter
09-11-22, 01:00
Not trying to argue that or play a game. Just saying that "child molester" isn't exclusive to a preferred gender. They are all sickos. If somebody screwed your 8 year old daughter you aren't gonna be going thank god it wasn't my 8 year old boy.

The real problem is progressives don't know when to stop. Racism is of course wrong, so society (mostly) moved to a place where racial bias is not really tolerated anymore. I also happen to believe some people are just gay, reason being is I couldn't decide to be gay no matter how much society accepted it, and society mostly seems to agree.

But when you have championed the rights of those who suffer racial hatred, discrimination for sexual orientation and such you eventually run out of people to champion. So progressives move right on to the next class of whatever that society shuns (sometimes for good reason) and the next thing you know we are championing drug addicts and child molesters as some kind of "victim." And IF we tolerate that, the next cause will be serial killers or whatever...because they are born that way. And while I happen to agree that many people are born as sociopaths who think nothing of becoming serial killers, that doesn't mean I support them or want them to even stay alive.

Civilizations killed various predators for a reason.

You hit the nail on the head...they dont know when to stop. Thats one of the main reasons why we knew gay marriage was going to be the first step for those perverts. They got an inch..now they want the next 100 miles. They legalized homo marriage, got "protections" from several States, and even some Federal protections now. Now- its GO TIME for ALL of the homo agenda..kids..babies..animals...dead folk {YES, IVE READ SOME WANT THAT}..any/every thing. Like gun control..you let em get ONE thing, thinking itll satisfy them..then next day they want them all, when thats what they wanted all along.

09-11-22, 01:01
She's gone.

God bless TX. Surprised because El Paso is a libhole.

Straight Shooter
09-11-22, 01:03
God bless TX. Surprised because El Paso is a libhole.

A hellava lot of Texas is. Itll be blue in just a few more years.

09-11-22, 02:32
You hit the nail on the head...they dont know when to stop. Thats one of the main reasons why we knew gay marriage was going to be the first step for those perverts. They got an inch..now they want the next 100 miles. They legalized homo marriage, got "protections" from several States, and even some Federal protections now. Now- its GO TIME for ALL of the homo agenda..kids..babies..animals...dead folk {YES, IVE READ SOME WANT THAT}..any/every thing. Like gun control..you let em get ONE thing, thinking itll satisfy them..then next day they want them all, when thats what they wanted all along.

Every generation feels they need a cause to champion and there is perhaps no greater example of the damage done but the children of the people who saved the world from fascism, imperialism and to some extent communism. There was industrial murder going on and the WWII generation gave it all to put it to an end.

But THEIR children, decided they could fix the world even better by rejecting consumerism, embracing narcotics and practicing pseudo eastern religions that they had virtually no understanding of and their personal crusade ended in the entrenchment of communist ideologies all over the western world and the birth of red army terrorists tactics to force their agenda on the populace. But somehow groups like the Weather Underground and RAF never saw themselves as anything like "nazis" even though in practice they were exactly like "nazis."

09-11-22, 19:42
I remember a few years back the Seattle city council was pushing for this evil.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

09-11-22, 20:04
You don't have to be gay to be a pedo. Creepy old dudes been messing with little girls since like forever.

Showering with their daughter - sniffing other little girl's hair - flying to a Hollyweird producer's private pedo-island resort - they're OUT there alright!

09-11-22, 20:07
Daily reminder that the entire LGBTQ agenda is behind this and they're demonic.

Fight me.

VIP3R 237
09-11-22, 20:18
Daily reminder that the entire LGBTQ agenda is behind this and they're demonic.

Fight me.

Love is love. Right?

Open acceptance of pedophillia is the logical path that the lgbtq+ (And the left) will take.

09-11-22, 20:22
Love is love. Right?

Open acceptance of pedophillia is the logical path that the lgbtq+ (And the left) will take.

They already are.

09-12-22, 14:00
Well, if this is shocking to some here, lock up your dogs. They're coming for those next.
No, I am not kidding.

I don't think a lot of normies (most people here, sorry guys. :laugh: ) truly understand the underbelly of insanity driving the leftist hype-train.

09-12-22, 14:35
Speaking from my days being groomed to be a Leftist strategist while young, that's by design. Keep people busy between chasing their own ids and freaking out at each others', and that keeps the eyes OFF those behind the curtain orchestrating the kabuki show.

09-12-22, 15:06
This is the payoff for tolerance of the first wave of deviants... and the second.

09-12-22, 15:22
Well, if this is shocking to some here, lock up your dogs. They're coming for those next.
No, I am not kidding.

I don't think a lot of normies (most people here, sorry guys. :laugh: ) truly understand the underbelly of insanity driving the leftist hype-train.

M4C seems to have a lot of guys who are 18-24 months behind the curve.

In another year they'll find out about Monkey Pox and how it was spread to the dogs and children of the infected.

09-12-22, 20:05
Love is love. Right?

Open acceptance of pedophillia is the logical path that the lgbtq+ (And the left) will take.

Will always be my bridge too far. This is why we have age of consent.

09-12-22, 20:29
Thank god. I guess that's the end of my use of MAP for advertised pricing.

I know this is a serious thread, but that’s some funny shit!

09-12-22, 20:39
More evidence of grooming for votes and sex with children on a massive scale. Pagans love children.

The lady who plays the voice of the anti-christ's mother in the new FX cartoon says that they are normalizing Paganism.

Your priests absolutely love children too. I'd hate to see pedophiliac priests normalized.

09-13-22, 09:19
Your priests absolutely love children too. I'd hate to see pedophiliac priests normalized.

Bold of you to assume I don't want them to face the wall right along side them, but your whataboutism isn't really a good look.

09-13-22, 14:04
Anyone who touches a child in a sexual manner, should be murdered. If the courts won't, society needs to step up.

Straight Shooter
09-13-22, 15:03
Anyone who touches a child in a sexual manner, should be murdered. If the courts won't, society needs to step up.

With the current fad of catch & release..we are gonna have to before long.

09-13-22, 15:16
I have a a niece and nephew, ages 5 and 7, that I take fishing, to the beach, lunch, etc. fun stuff with them. IF a MAP, were to approach them or follow them into a restroom, they would become lifeless person. This degree of repugnant evil cannot be tolerated by anyone, such demented deviants serve no purpose to society other than fertilizer or landfill. Oh, but its the way they are wired....ok I will short circuit them. Abuse against innocent children is intolerable. Period.

09-13-22, 15:33
The amount of pedo / child sex trafficking going on with the border problem is beyond disturbing...this regime allowing it to happen is disgusting. I can't imagine the horror those poor kids endure.

09-14-22, 19:28
Only good pedo is a _ _ _ _ pedo. That’s all I have to add to this thread.