View Full Version : Lying Is Nothing New For the FBI...

09-14-22, 01:17
Don't want to further hijack the 9-11 thread. But there are probably fewer credible examinations of FBI misconduct and misrepresentation of the truth than this one.


It can be an enlightening read for anyone who has not looked too deep into the Waco incident.

09-14-22, 04:02
But how many Republicans are calling for defunding the FBI?

I don't mean cutting the budget, I mean give them ZERO.

09-14-22, 05:14
But how many Republicans are calling for defunding the FBI?

I don't mean cutting the budget, I mean give them ZERO.

Probably zero.

09-14-22, 06:51
But how many Republicans are calling for defunding the FBI?

I don't mean cutting the budget, I mean give them ZERO.

They’re all members of the Uni-Party, their main interest being to maintain the status quo.

Which is exactly why I support Trump so vigorously.

He may actually consider supporting their elimination after his collective experience with that corrupt political organization.

09-14-22, 08:24
It just came out the FBI was paying the liar who made up the pee tape dossier for years after they knew he was a liar.

The FBI paid for Russian disinformation to frame the President.

09-14-22, 08:29
It just came out the FBI was paying the liar who made up the pee tape dossier for years after they knew he was a liar.

The FBI paid for Russian disinformation to frame the President.

I disagree this just came out. It has been known since roughly 2018.

09-14-22, 10:04
That Danchenko was a paid confidential human source for the FBI? Some may have suspected it, but it was not known.


09-14-22, 10:32
That Danchenko was a paid confidential human source for the FBI? Some may have suspected it, but it was not known.


I was referring to the Brit, not this cat. He was a known bad actor as well and designated unreliable yet they took his document at face value. I forget his name off the top of my head.

09-14-22, 13:41
My GOVERNMENT wouldn't lie to me!

Do you think a statement like that equals denouncing my citizenship? Serious question

09-14-22, 14:22
The Sword and Shield of the State.

09-14-22, 14:34
I was referring to the Brit, not this cat. He was a known bad actor as well and designated unreliable yet they took his document at face value. I forget his name off the top of my head.

Christopher Steele. He's the Brit spy who was de-listed as a reliable source for the FBI BEFORE the Steele Dossier was revealed to them, who was used anyway in spite of that fact. He's the one who vouched for Russian Spy Igor Danchenko as a reliable source. So the FBI on the recommendation of a known to them liar, put a Russian spy on their payroll. Gee, I remember way back (2009) when the FBI actually tried to investigate and catch Russian spies? :rolleyes:


Long before Danchenko’s involvement in the Steele dossier, he was the subject of an FBI counterintelligence investigation in 2009 as an analyst at the Brookings Institute after one of his colleagues alleged that Danchenko asked if he would be willing to sell him classified information. In 2011, the FBI closed the probe after Danchenko left the U.S.

The FBI has gone all in on a political witch hunt and destroyed their precious reputation, which they never deserved in the first place. They just need to be done with it and replace their precious "Fidelity, Bravery & Integrity" motto for "Верность партии — Верность Родине". :(

just a scout
09-14-22, 15:44
The Sword and Shield of the State.

More like Geheimstaatsicherheit.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

09-14-22, 15:59
For a while I thought it was just the top brass and a collection of minions that were in the tank to be the New American Stasi for the democrats.

Then I figured the whole of the FBI was riddled with corruption and the honest , "just wanna be a good cop" agents were keeping their head down, trying to fight crime, and hoping to make retirement before they had to put fellow Americans against the wall.

Now I wonder if there is even a single agent left that isn't chomping at the bit to go Lon Horiuchi on the average American. I'm actually worried that they are all completely corrupt and itching to enact Stalinesque purges in America at the behest of their progressive Marxist masters.

09-14-22, 17:10
For a while I thought it was just the top brass and a collection of minions that were in the tank to be the New American Stasi for the democrats.

Then I figured the whole of the FBI was riddled with corruption and the honest , "just wanna be a good cop" agents were keeping their head down, trying to fight crime, and hoping to make retirement before they had to put fellow Americans against the wall.

Now I wonder if there is even a single agent left that isn't chomping at the bit to go Lon Horiuchi on the average American. I'm actually worried that they are all completely corrupt and itching to enact Stalinesque purges in America at the behest of their progressive Marxist masters.

I agree.
In the 70's I knew two Agents. I wonder what they are thinking about this now?

Straight Shooter
09-14-22, 17:34
The alphabet agencies in America, especially the FBI/ATF..are more of an enemy to me personally than China/Russia/North Korea/Iran ect EVER will be.
They are more corrupt than the countries listed, they are FLAT OUT anti-American rotten pieces of shit. If anyone STILL works for them after all the crap thats been pulled in the last few years..youre as rotten as any of them, aint no "good uns"... you are ALL, to me, traitorous RATS.

09-14-22, 18:21
But how many Republicans are calling for defunding the FBI?

I don't mean cutting the budget, I mean give them ZERO.

I don't ever see them cutting the FBI. I think it would be easier to take their LE powers away and make them investigators only. Any arrests and or warrants could be served by the USMS. I would love to see the FBI and DOJ divided. They fought to stay together after 9/11 when DHS was created. David

09-14-22, 18:34
I' could go with taking arrest power and warrants away from them, oh wait take their guns also. Let USMS do the arrest and warrants.