View Full Version : I had a convo with my Boomer Dad about the country falling apart...

09-14-22, 21:16
His response was "There's literally nothing you can do about it so stop worrying and try to enjoy life."

I feel like this thought process is the reason the US is dead.

I haven't talked to him in 2 months since the discussion.

Enjoy your Chick-fil-A, Costco, and SS, Pops.

I sent him an AR(to his local FFL) and a bunch of mags and ammo. He said .223 doesn't work good for deer. smh.

I don't know.

09-14-22, 21:28
You must be younger....he's not wrong. At 41, this country is ****ed without fundamental, revolutionary style change. Ain't gonna happen....but I secretly hope it will. You can get wrapped up in politics and issues, but you will never get out the stress and angst you put in. Move to a red state if you're not already, focus on what you can control in your orbit, and ignore the rest. I hope things get bad enough to kick off the big show...but it hasn't happened yet.

Sent from my SM-A326U using Tapatalk

09-14-22, 22:46
I’ll worry about tanks driving down my street when I see them. Till then I’ll live my life, enjoy my family and not worry about such things.

09-14-22, 22:51
With age comes wisdom about such things. Politics is not worth anyone's time as it simply takes advantage of the psychological human reaction to fear using half truths and outright lies. It taps into your evolutionary tribal impulses and lizard brains you.

Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die.

09-14-22, 22:57
So partly yes, partly no.

Some things we can never influence, some things we can actually fix. I felt like we were totally screwed in 2016...and then Trump won. So literally anything can happen.

We aren't gonna get back to a mythical "Leave it to Beaver" America so in that regard, enjoy your ChicFilA and don't drive yourself crazy titling windmills. But some things, especially at a local level, you can improve and you need to actually do your own research and find out what those are in your own zip code.

The great reset...probably won't happen...probably for the best because the outcome is likely to be even worse than what we tried to correct. If the shooting ever starts in earnest...ok...game on I guess, but I'm not gonna be in the "Storm Area 51" crowd.

I think every generation imagines it's kind of the "end times" because unless you grew up during the depression, adult hood does seem worse. But that is because you have a better understanding of things like politics and laws. I know I have fewer freedoms than my father enjoyed as a kid. But I also know that as bad as things are today in many ways they were worse during the 90s. Anyone who didn't live through the Clinton Ban has no idea just how good they have it right now.

09-14-22, 23:13
We were cleaning out a shed today. We found all kind of cool stuff that we basically threw out because of water damage. My copy of Unintended Consequences, old issue of American Rifleman, an old pre-assault weapon ban catalog of cool guns, my first Alaska CCW license, and a copy of a letter to the editor I wrote in 1994. Most of the shit was 25 to 30 years ago.

25 to 30 years ago we didn't have constitutional carry anywhere other than Vermont. Now we have it in 25 states. 25 years ago we were in the middle of assault weapon ban in this country; now we are still in the middle of the greatest time for semi auto self defense weapons in our history. SBR's and suppressors were virtually unknown by the public back then, and now they are common place. Americans bought nearly 4 million pistol braces just to get around the SBR rules, or to simply have fun.

Folks that bitch and moan about inflation probably weren't around for 16 to 18% mortgage rates and 25% commercial rates in 1981 and 1982. People forget gas rationing in the 70's. People forget about Ruby Ridge, Waco, and the Oklahoma City bombing.

This is just a small sampling of shit that happened during my Gen X'er's life. You can pile on another whole pile of shitty stuff boomers have seen.

We need to remain vigilant and continue to push back against progressivism, but this is far from the worst time in American history.

09-15-22, 06:01
We were cleaning out a shed today. We found all kind of cool stuff that we basically threw out because of water damage. My copy of Unintended Consequences, old issue of American Rifleman, an old pre-assault weapon ban catalog of cool guns, my first Alaska CCW license, and a copy of a letter to the editor I wrote in 1994. Most of the shit was 25 to 30 years ago.

25 to 30 years ago we didn't have constitutional carry anywhere other than Vermont. Now we have it in 25 states. 25 years ago we were in the middle of assault weapon ban in this country; now we are still in the middle of the greatest time for semi auto self defense weapons in our history. SBR's and suppressors were virtually unknown by the public back then, and now they are common place. Americans bought nearly 4 million pistol braces just to get around the SBR rules, or to simply have fun.

Folks that bitch and moan about inflation probably weren't around for 16 to 18% mortgage rates and 25% commercial rates in 1981 and 1982. People forget gas rationing in the 70's. People forget about Ruby Ridge, Waco, and the Oklahoma City bombing.

This is just a small sampling of shit that happened during my Gen X'er's life. You can pile on another whole pile of shitty stuff boomers have seen.

We need to remain vigilant and continue to push back against progressivism, but this is far from the worst time in American history.

Strongly agree. For the longest time I said 1968/1969 was the worst time, but with the summer of burning we came damn close.

I do remember the militia movement of the 90s (hell I remember the militia movements of the 80s) and how "to a man" they were convinced we'd be in a full on civil war by the end of the 20th century.

09-15-22, 06:44
Good to know we're in good hands. Don't worry Op. All the pesky boomers will be gone relatively soon and with your keen insight. I have no doubt you'll turn this country around.

Would you be able to share the plan with us? So we can Revel in your coming glory before we check out?

09-15-22, 07:52
"He said .223 doesn't work good for deer"
True statement.

09-15-22, 08:56
I just had the exact opposite convo with my early boomer (now 70's) father. He is totally stressed out over tons of things in the current USA, some real, some fabricated by the news media. Also has a severe case of TDS. The combination of early involuntary retirement and living in a "desirable" wealthy area near a big city have caused him social isolation, and the Covidiocy from 2020-now made it a lot worse. He was a late teen / young adult in the 60's and it really affected him badly, between the crime, social unrest at all levels (including within his family), a close friend shot and killed at Kent State, another friend killed in ordinary street crime, etc.

So I was the one saying to enjoy life because we can't do much if anything about the situation. And he has no counter but still stressed out.

What I didn't say is that I'm active in local change, some of it overtly political and some of it more social but even more useful. Wonderful small grassroots movement here is changing a lot of things for the better at a local scale. We are geographically isolated so it's easier here than it would be near a big city, but whatever, it's being made to happen. This group has already made a huge change in the local education system, and has put various authorities on notice that abuses won't be tolerated. We're working quietly to make some other equally large changes in other systems that Covidiocy showed were all messed up.

I would encourage anyone to stop caring about things they can't change, but do what they can to cause positive change at the local level and scale where they are able to be useful.

So partly yes, partly no.

Some things we can never influence, some things we can actually fix. I felt like we were totally screwed in 2016...and then Trump won. So literally anything can happen.

We aren't gonna get back to a mythical "Leave it to Beaver" America so in that regard, enjoy your ChicFilA and don't drive yourself crazy titling windmills. But some things, especially at a local level, you can improve and you need to actually do your own research and find out what those are in your own zip code.

The great reset...probably won't happen...probably for the best because the outcome is likely to be even worse than what we tried to correct. If the shooting ever starts in earnest...ok...game on I guess, but I'm not gonna be in the "Storm Area 51" crowd.

I think every generation imagines it's kind of the "end times" because unless you grew up during the depression, adult hood does seem worse. But that is because you have a better understanding of things like politics and laws. I know I have fewer freedoms than my father enjoyed as a kid. But I also know that as bad as things are today in many ways they were worse during the 90s. Anyone who didn't live through the Clinton Ban has no idea just how good they have it right now.

Right on, a wise and accurate description.

09-15-22, 09:11
Good to know we're in good hands. Don't worry Op. All the pesky boomers will be gone relatively soon and with your keen insight. I have no doubt you'll turn this country around.

Would you be able to share the plan with us? So we can Revel in your coming glory before we check out?

Not real helpful.

So here's a plan.

I would say that although it's a great deal of my day and my job to keep up with what's happening, I would even if it wasn't. I want things to change and I'm always looking for ways to assist. The only real change happens with $$. Do everything you can to buy from people and companies that actually believe in traditional America and American values and encourage everyone you know to do the same and things will change.
-If half the NFL fans stopped paying for games or subscriptions or merchandise, you don't think the NFL would drop all the woke slogan bullshit?
-If EVERYONE that thinks the current administration and leftism sucks only bought Jeremy's razors you don't think Harry's and Gillette would relent and get out of the politics?
-If everyone switched to Charity Mobile and dropped their main phone provider, even if these other companies used their network, you don't think Verizon would change?
-How about MLB? They f#&ked a zillion small businesses in Georgia to move the all star game to a blue state over Georgia requiring the tiniest bit of voting security that the powers that be in baseball joined in to call "voter suppression (and Georgia has since had record turnout for voting by the way. Worst "suppression" I've ever seen). Take a year or two off, don't buy their merchandise and don't visit their websites.
-If enough people would stop paying for entertainment that is mass produced by companies that want to tell you that they hate you, even Disney would have some major decisions to make.
-How many die hard Conservatives buy gallons of Coke products every week? Just stop, trust me you won't miss it and damn sure Woka Cola would change. They might not ever champion standing for the flag or securing the borders, but they damn sure would stop waving the flag for the other side if their bottom line was truly impacted.
-Stop paying to send your kids to colleges and universities that are teaching to hate everything you stand for. Why would anyone do this?? Just stop. 90% of college degrees are worthless anyway, why not look around and if you feel they have to go to college, give your money to an institution that doesn't hate you.
-Don't go to the gas station that has CEOs that openly support what you hate and would fight to destroy. I was a die-hard BP fan until they waded into politics and, as small a gesture as it is, I only go to Sunoco right now as, as far as I know, they haven't made a big statement supporting the lgbtqai$%*! pro-choice, pro-sexualizing kids, drag show watching, pro climate hysteria crowd. I drive a little further out of my way, but I'm happy to do it.
-I wouldn't buy anything with a Nike "swoosh" on it if the option was going to work in a wife-beater and flip flops.

How about taking a few minutes to call or write to your representatives when they are about to support something you hate. Does even 1/100th of us that are upset with all these actually radical decisions take the time to let our reps know that it's not okay what they're endorsing? If enough people get in their ear with something, they're much more likely to do it.

The left is great at this. When their "brain trust," Pelosi/Schumer/AOC/Clinton/Obama tell them to stop supporting an American company, they do it, millions of them and the company notices and makes the decision to support the lunacy being spouted. If even a quarter of those that would rather vote for a toaster than for a Democrat at this point would do the same, America would change so fast it would be startling.

But until everyone stops dumping on those of us that know enough to want ANYTHING other than a civil war and actually do want to affect a change and just not go along for the ride, which, spoiler alert, is how we got where we are, then nothing's going to change appreciably. Stop giving money to any entity that doesn't support what you believe in and although not 100%, it will have an effect.

09-15-22, 10:00
Things are going to have to get worse, before they get better. The faster they get to that tipping point, the quicker we can pull the Band-Aid off. Trump has accelerated that and pulled the blinders off a lot of people. The best possible outcome would be the administration freaking out and doing something to overturn or prevent an election, that would be the sign that it's time to become more active. I don't think it will get there, as that would be the unraveling. We are still arguing over and voting for very small peanuts...scraps to keep us occupied while the string pullers behind the curtain on both sides continue to amass wealth and power. Nothing will ever really change, until those are addressed and removed.

Sent from my SM-A326U using Tapatalk

09-15-22, 10:30
To the op, Your dad has already cashed out. A lot of us are seriously wondering if there will be anything left on the table to cash out when our time comes. much less leave anything there for future generations.

I already pick and choose my windmills, because they're more like ground hogs and I have a limited supply of mental ammo to expend in their direction. But I'm still watching the town because it bears watching. Pretending it isn't there is not a plan.

09-15-22, 12:46
Not real helpful.

So here's a plan.

I would say that although it's a great deal of my day and my job to keep up with what's happening, I would even if it wasn't. I want things to change and I'm always looking for ways to assist. The only real change happens with $$. Do everything you can to buy from people and companies that actually believe in traditional America and American values and encourage everyone you know to do the same and things will change.
-If half the NFL fans stopped paying for games or subscriptions or merchandise, you don't think the NFL would drop all the woke slogan bullshit?
-If EVERYONE that thinks the current administration and leftism sucks only bought Jeremy's razors you don't think Harry's and Gillette would relent and get out of the politics?
-If everyone switched to Charity Mobile and dropped their main phone provider, even if these other companies used their network, you don't think Verizon would change?
-How about MLB? They f#&ked a zillion small businesses in Georgia to move the all star game to a blue state over Georgia requiring the tiniest bit of voting security that the powers that be in baseball joined in to call "voter suppression (and Georgia has since had record turnout for voting by the way. Worst "suppression" I've ever seen). Take a year or two off, don't buy their merchandise and don't visit their websites.
-If enough people would stop paying for entertainment that is mass produced by companies that want to tell you that they hate you, even Disney would have some major decisions to make.
-How many die hard Conservatives buy gallons of Coke products every week? Just stop, trust me you won't miss it and damn sure Woka Cola would change. They might not ever champion standing for the flag or securing the borders, but they damn sure would stop waving the flag for the other side if their bottom line was truly impacted.
-Stop paying to send your kids to colleges and universities that are teaching to hate everything you stand for. Why would anyone do this?? Just stop. 90% of college degrees are worthless anyway, why not look around and if you feel they have to go to college, give your money to an institution that doesn't hate you.
-Don't go to the gas station that has CEOs that openly support what you hate and would fight to destroy. I was a die-hard BP fan until they waded into politics and, as small a gesture as it is, I only go to Sunoco right now as, as far as I know, they haven't made a big statement supporting the lgbtqai$%*! pro-choice, pro-sexualizing kids, drag show watching, pro climate hysteria crowd. I drive a little further out of my way, but I'm happy to do it.
-I wouldn't buy anything with a Nike "swoosh" on it if the option was going to work in a wife-beater and flip flops.

How about taking a few minutes to call or write to your representatives when they are about to support something you hate. Does even 1/100th of us that are upset with all these actually radical decisions take the time to let our reps know that it's not okay what they're endorsing? If enough people get in their ear with something, they're much more likely to do it.

The left is great at this. When their "brain trust," Pelosi/Schumer/AOC/Clinton/Obama tell them to stop supporting an American company, they do it, millions of them and the company notices and makes the decision to support the lunacy being spouted. If even a quarter of those that would rather vote for a toaster than for a Democrat at this point would do the same, America would change so fast it would be startling.

But until everyone stops dumping on those of us that know enough to want ANYTHING other than a civil war and actually do want to affect a change and just not go along for the ride, which, spoiler alert, is how we got where we are, then nothing's going to change appreciably. Stop giving money to any entity that doesn't support what you believe in and although not 100%, it will have an effect.

I thought he was just harping on his boomer dad. I didn't know he was asking for you plan.

You make some good points. Especially with how you spend your money.

Unfortunately, I feel the only hope left is a non CoC one. So I won't be able to add anything.

09-15-22, 12:57
Not real helpful.

So here's a plan.

I would say that although it's a great deal of my day and my job to keep up with what's happening, I would even if it wasn't. I want things to change and I'm always looking for ways to assist. The only real change happens with $$. Do everything you can to buy from people and companies that actually believe in traditional America and American values and encourage everyone you know to do the same and things will change.
-If half the NFL fans stopped paying for games or subscriptions or merchandise, you don't think the NFL would drop all the woke slogan bullshit?
-If EVERYONE that thinks the current administration and leftism sucks only bought Jeremy's razors you don't think Harry's and Gillette would relent and get out of the politics?
-If everyone switched to Charity Mobile and dropped their main phone provider, even if these other companies used their network, you don't think Verizon would change?
-How about MLB? They f#&ked a zillion small businesses in Georgia to move the all star game to a blue state over Georgia requiring the tiniest bit of voting security that the powers that be in baseball joined in to call "voter suppression (and Georgia has since had record turnout for voting by the way. Worst "suppression" I've ever seen). Take a year or two off, don't buy their merchandise and don't visit their websites.
-If enough people would stop paying for entertainment that is mass produced by companies that want to tell you that they hate you, even Disney would have some major decisions to make.
-How many die hard Conservatives buy gallons of Coke products every week? Just stop, trust me you won't miss it and damn sure Woka Cola would change. They might not ever champion standing for the flag or securing the borders, but they damn sure would stop waving the flag for the other side if their bottom line was truly impacted.
-Stop paying to send your kids to colleges and universities that are teaching to hate everything you stand for. Why would anyone do this?? Just stop. 90% of college degrees are worthless anyway, why not look around and if you feel they have to go to college, give your money to an institution that doesn't hate you.
-Don't go to the gas station that has CEOs that openly support what you hate and would fight to destroy. I was a die-hard BP fan until they waded into politics and, as small a gesture as it is, I only go to Sunoco right now as, as far as I know, they haven't made a big statement supporting the lgbtqai$%*! pro-choice, pro-sexualizing kids, drag show watching, pro climate hysteria crowd. I drive a little further out of my way, but I'm happy to do it.
-I wouldn't buy anything with a Nike "swoosh" on it if the option was going to work in a wife-beater and flip flops.

How about taking a few minutes to call or write to your representatives when they are about to support something you hate. Does even 1/100th of us that are upset with all these actually radical decisions take the time to let our reps know that it's not okay what they're endorsing? If enough people get in their ear with something, they're much more likely to do it.

The left is great at this. When their "brain trust," Pelosi/Schumer/AOC/Clinton/Obama tell them to stop supporting an American company, they do it, millions of them and the company notices and makes the decision to support the lunacy being spouted. If even a quarter of those that would rather vote for a toaster than for a Democrat at this point would do the same, America would change so fast it would be startling.

But until everyone stops dumping on those of us that know enough to want ANYTHING other than a civil war and actually do want to affect a change and just not go along for the ride, which, spoiler alert, is how we got where we are, then nothing's going to change appreciably. Stop giving money to any entity that doesn't support what you believe in and although not 100%, it will have an effect.I gave up on "grass roots" several years ago.
I would drive to the state capital and there would only be two dozen other people there to go against anti gun bills.

I go to "coffee hour" with my federal congress asshole, she tells me that less than 30 people in her district believe what I do.

There are just under 3/4 if a million people in this district. She wins with over 80 of the vote so its a waste of time trying to fix anything on both the state and federal level.

I visit sites like this one and see all the love for China and it makes me want to puke.

This is why I say eff it, you're not going to fix anything because there are too many people that are useless and basically working against you.

09-15-22, 13:36
I visit sites like this one and see all the love for China and it makes me want to puke.

Are we reading the same forum?

09-15-22, 14:01
Are we reading the same forum?

I’m guessing he’s referencing Holosun product use and praise. I may be incorrect.

I’d never buy a holosun product. **** China!

09-15-22, 14:05
Me personally, I’m fed the eff up with how things are.

I have a good perspective on this being the most comfortable and safe time in history to be alive, however to keep that going takes intention.

The trajectory were on isn’t good. People are asleep and under some weird spell it seems.

I do both- enjoy all that I can in life and don’t let things bring me down- and I look for the actionable and tangible things and ways that I can affect change for the better.

Ignoring things won’t work, trying to change it all yourself or getting too down about it won’t help.

09-15-22, 15:42

09-15-22, 16:01
I’m guessing he’s referencing Holosun product use and praise. I may be incorrect.

I’d never buy a holosun product. **** China!"

09-15-22, 16:25
Are we reading the same forum?Apparently not.

I see praise for olight, holosun, etc and it is enough to make my blood boil. Don't forget all the foreign car buyers supporting Japan.
That also translates to "eff the USA", every time they make an effort to buy KNOWN foreign products.

09-15-22, 17:59
Apparently not.

I see praise for olight, holosun, etc and it is enough to make my blood boil. Don't forget all the foreign car buyers supporting Japan.
That also translates to "eff the USA", every time they make an effort to buy KNOWN foreign products.

Sadly if you want to buy a car "Made in the USA" you have to buy a BMW. All the American cars are now made in Mehico, thanks to Clinton / NAFTA. I'd honestly rather buy a Japanese car, Japan has done far less than Mexico to F over the US.

I wish most things were still made in the US, but hasn't been that way since NAFTA. Hell even Blackhawk stuff is made in Vietnam now.

09-15-22, 18:08
I bet I can walk through people's homes that harp on others about buying foreign products. Only to see just as many foreign possessions.

I try to buy American when it's a feasible option. However I am not going to pay more for an inferior product either.

09-15-22, 19:07
Apparently not.

I see praise for olight, holosun, etc and it is enough to make my blood boil. Don't forget all the foreign car buyers supporting Japan.

You said "love for China" but this is not. I think it is both prudent and patriotic to avoid Chinese products when possible, but in many cases it is not possible if one participates in the modern world, e.g. posting to this forum. Not sure what you have against Japan presently but I suppose I am of the wrong generation to understand.

Straight Shooter
09-15-22, 19:38
Apparently not.

I see praise for olight, holosun, etc and it is enough to make my blood boil. Don't forget all the foreign car buyers supporting Japan.
That also translates to "eff the USA", every time they make an effort to buy KNOWN foreign products.

In general Ive always felt much the same. BUT- I wont have a Ford if you GAVE it to me. FVCK FORD. I wont buy a "union made" vehicle or any damn thing else. We HAVE to buy some foreign made/China stuff..the computer or phone you are raising hell on is foreign made, probably China.
I make tremendous efforts, pay EXTRA money, to buy American WHEN I CAN. Some things ARE better foreign made..I like leather goods made in Mexico, because theyve been making high quality stuff like cowboy boots, belts, saddles, ect for hundred + years. I like coffee from South America. Things like that. The US does NOT do everything the best. I am a many decade factory worker. The quality of so called "workers" is horrific...I got stories you wouldnt believe. If I had a business I wouldnt hire a soul under 35 or so years old. DEFINITELY not under 30.
Personal example- after a TREMENDOUS amount of study, reading & research, and after putting it in cart to pay, then taking it out again..the China made scope I almost bought several months ago, went on sale for almost half price, and knowing there isnt anything that can touch it for the price, I popped on it.
Got it in this week and its a hellava scope. I also know some former vets formed the company, and they benefit too.
Aint possible to buy 100% USA..and it pains me because, in MY lifetime..IT WAS. Thanks to Walmart then all the others who had a hand in that.

Straight Shooter
09-15-22, 20:24
Sadly if you want to buy a car "Made in the USA" you have to buy a BMW. All the American cars are now made in Mehico, thanks to Clinton / NAFTA. I'd honestly rather buy a Japanese car, Japan has done far less than Mexico to F over the US.

I wish most things were still made in the US, but hasn't been that way since NAFTA. Hell even Blackhawk stuff is made in Vietnam now.

Question Steyr..wasnt Blackhawk always made in Vietnam? Just wondering.

09-15-22, 20:35
His response was "There's literally nothing you can do about it so stop worrying and try to enjoy life."

I feel like this thought process is the reason the US is dead.

I haven't talked to him in 2 months since the discussion.

Enjoy your Chick-fil-A, Costco, and SS, Pops.

I sent him an AR(to his local FFL) and a bunch of mags and ammo. He said .223 doesn't work good for deer. smh.

I don't know.

You haven’t talked to your dad in 2 months since that conversation? That’s insane. You need to reevaluate your priorities.

Secondly, he’s not wrong. Vote, encourage others to vote, be an upstanding citizen, and be prepared for the worst. But don’t allow focusing on the negatives to consume you. Life is short, it’s important to enjoy it. And WTF man, wake up and call your father. He’s your father. You need to maintain a close relationship with him.

09-15-22, 21:10
In general Ive always felt much the same. BUT- I wont have a Ford if you GAVE it to me. FVCK FORD. I wont buy a "union made" vehicle or any damn thing else. We HAVE to buy some foreign made/China stuff..the computer or phone you are raising hell on is foreign made, probably China.
I make tremendous efforts, pay EXTRA money, to buy American WHEN I CAN. Some things ARE better foreign made..I like leather goods made in Mexico, because theyve been making high quality stuff like cowboy boots, belts, saddles, ect for hundred + years. I like coffee from South America. Things like that. The US does NOT do everything the best. I am a many decade factory worker. The quality of so called "workers" is horrific...I got stories you wouldnt believe. If I had a business I wouldnt hire a soul under 35 or so years old. DEFINITELY not under 30.
Personal example- after a TREMENDOUS amount of study, reading & research, and after putting it in cart to pay, then taking it out again..the China made scope I almost bought several months ago, went on sale for almost half price, and knowing there isnt anything that can touch it for the price, I popped on it.
Got it in this week and its a hellava scope. I also know some former vets formed the company, and they benefit too.
Aint possible to buy 100% USA..and it pains me because, in MY lifetime..IT WAS. Thanks to Walmart then all the others who had a hand in that.

I made it as far as "the phone you are using" then realized where this post was going.
I've said on this forum a dozen times that my phone is not Chinese.
After reading Samsung said eff China several years ago I bought one of their phones.
There are zero phones made in the USA so obviously buying foreign is forced on us there, but there are non Chinese phones that a basic search reveals so it isn't difficult to not get a Chinese phone.

As to Ford, they are the only company that didn't take the handout from the government so I give them credit for that.
I live 5 miles from their headquarters so I get the, "eff their union" sentiment, at the same time buying a foreign vehicle while there are other options is just nonsense. I buy GM vehicles, yes there are foreign parts in them but the CEO of the company is 20 minutes from my house, not in some effing foreign land.

Buying a Chinese scope because it's cheap, is why this country is in the toilet. Yes it's possible to not buy a Chinese scope, you just took the "me" option like so many others do EVERYDAY.

The link below will take you to a story about Samsung saying eff China, I quoted the important part.
A quick search pulled up this and many other articles, then a call to Samsung to verify made my decision possible in less than a half hour.


But Not China

While Samsung used to manufacture phones in China, it terminated all manufacturing operations in China in mid-2019. So unless you purchase an old model, Samsung smartphones are not made in China.

Samsung’s decision was met with a significant drop in Chinese sales. Now, they make less than one percent of smartphones sold in China. But that’s mostly because Chinese citizens prefer purchasing cheaper devices that were made locally instead of imported.Whether you’re looking to participate in a boycott or support your local economy, knowing where the products you support were manufactured can help.

Supporting veterans is great, but you're supporting China more than them, so there is that. As a small business owner I guarantee more of the money you spent went to China.

09-15-22, 21:22
Sadly if you want to buy a car "Made in the USA" you have to buy a BMW. All the American cars are now made in Mehico, thanks to Clinton / NAFTA. I'd honestly rather buy a Japanese car, Japan has done far less than Mexico to F over the US.

I wish most things were still made in the US, but hasn't been that way since NAFTA. Hell even Blackhawk stuff is made in Vietnam now.

That is not true.
I have 3 general motors vehicles in my driveway that all have the first number if the VIN being 1.
That means made here, two of them were from the Flint, MI plant and the other from Fort Wayne, IN.

Yes half the parts are from other countries but it was assembled here and the company headquarters is down the street not another country.

09-15-22, 21:29
You said "love for China" but this is not. I think it is both prudent and patriotic to avoid Chinese products when possible, but in many cases it is not possible if one participates in the modern world, e.g. posting to this forum. Not sure what you have against Japan presently but I suppose I am of the wrong generation to understand.There are several options to NOT buy Chinese, so if you still buy from there and praise what you bought, that certainly would be love for China, isn't it?

These effing people love Chinese stuff and it is pathetic. Antifa people buying that crap is one thing, people claiming they are patriotic then supporting our enemy is a effing joke, makes it impossible to take them seriously.

All I have against Japan is buy a effing American vehicle.

09-15-22, 22:12
Question Steyr..wasnt Blackhawk always made in Vietnam? Just wondering.

Nope. Once upon a time all of it was made here.

That is not true.
I have 3 general motors vehicles in my driveway that all have the first number if the VIN being 1.
That means made here, two of them were from the Flint, MI plant and the other from Fort Wayne, IN.

Yes half the parts are from other countries but it was assembled here and the company headquarters is down the street not another country.

Kind of splitting hairs. If all of the parts of Generic Product A were manufactured in China but final assembly happened in the US, I'm sure you'd consider that a Chinese product and I would as well. Additionally cars generally means unions which generally means social communism and D voters so honestly you just can't win.

But the nail in the coffin is this, if you are on the internet and using a computer or phone to access this forum, your device was likely made in China and the tech that lets you surf the net is mostly the product of hardcore lefties. One way or another your money is going to China and a bunch of people who think communism is a great idea and we should do it here.

09-15-22, 22:17
You haven’t talked to your dad in 2 months since that conversation? That’s insane. You need to reevaluate your priorities.

Secondly, he’s not wrong. Vote, encourage others to vote, be an upstanding citizen, and be prepared for the worst. But don’t allow focusing on the negatives to consume you. Life is short, it’s important to enjoy it. And WTF man, wake up and call your father. He’s your father. You need to maintain a close relationship with him.

Gotta go with Josh on this one. Unless he did terrible things as a father, this is NOT what you isolate family members over. Politics is mostly diversion anyway. Next time just send him a deer rifle. How would you feel if he broke things off with you because he didn't think anyone needed an AR? Would you feel betrayed? If so it works both ways.

09-15-22, 22:21
I made it as far as "the phone you are using" then realized where this post was going.
I've said on this forum a dozen times that my phone is not Chinese.
After reading Samsung said eff China several years ago I bought one of their phones.
There are zero phones made in the USA so obviously buying foreign is forced on us there, but there are non Chinese phones that a basic search reveals so it isn't difficult to not get a Chinese phone.

I don't think manufactured in Vietnam is dramatically better than made in China. The vietnamese government is the same one that tortured our POWs. They might be practicing quasi capitalism right now, but so is China. Only 8% of Samsung phones are made in Korea, most are made in Vietnam.

I was kind of excited to think I might have a non commie phone, but I don't.

09-15-22, 22:34
All I have against Japan is buy a effing American vehicle.

So I have an old Jeep and a 80 vette. But how is somebody buying a Japanese car which is a better product for the money wrong? If quality cars were made in the US, people would buy them and not just out of a sense of patriotism or nationalism.

I'd ****ing love it if ALL of our manufacturing returned to the US. We used to make most of the things we use. They were not much more expensive and much higher quality. Would also love it if we slapped some tariffs on goods from countries who regularly screw us over.

Sadly almost all tech comes from China, and to make things worse it's garbage. Everything is viewed as disposable so nobody makes a quality ANYTHING.

A mind blowing amount of pharmaceuticals come from China. But for some reason your prescriptions aren't dirt cheap. Wasn't that long ago that we were all ordering everything through Canada because the US pays the highest prices for medications. So much for world socialism, we carry the burden for almost all of the R&D for everything while everyone else gets it cheap and has better access.

Hell even most dog food comes from China. Can somebody explain to me how it is cheaper to make dog food IN CHINA and then bring it here on a boat than to just make it here? Most of it is cereal grains anyway, we grow that here. What in the blue **** are we doing wrong where we can't make dog food here without it being much more expensive? Not like Chinese dog food is never full of toxic ingredients. They kill their own people over nothing, they don't care if they accidentally poison the dog food by making it under conditions that result in toxic food.

Pretty much the only thing reliably made in the US is most firearms. In an ironic way 922(r) is almost protectionism in that it requires a certain percentage of foreign firearms that fit a broad category to have a minimum number of US parts. Of course that wasn't the intent of that legislation.

09-15-22, 22:49
His response was "There's literally nothing you can do about it so stop worrying and try to enjoy life."

I feel like this thought process is the reason the US is dead.

I haven't talked to him in 2 months since the discussion.

Enjoy your Chick-fil-A, Costco, and SS, Pops.

I sent him an AR(to his local FFL) and a bunch of mags and ammo. He said .223 doesn't work good for deer. smh.

I don't know.

My dad voted for Biden. The first time he voted for a Democrat for President ever. I still talk to him once a week and we live thousands of miles apart. Mostly because I can't help screwing with him and asking him how his vote is working out. My mom covers the other six days a week on that.

Talk to your dad. His attitude is not something to end a relationship over. My mom is dying of mesothelioma , but I talk to my dad just as much as her because he needs the support too.

09-15-22, 23:20
My dad voted for Biden. The first time he voted for a Democrat for President ever.

That'll teach him, I bet he'll never do that stupid shit again. :lol:

Sorry about your mom and you're right.

09-15-22, 23:39
I’m 35. My dad is 73. We do not talk politics or religion often and when we do, we tread lightly and don’t get overly emotional about it with one another because we are both smart enough to understand that, specifically with family, you can disagree with someone without isolating yourself from them, which is something lost on close to half or more of our current population no matter where they fall on the political spectrum.

I think that sucks.

Oh yeah… dads and shit… we speak at least 2 or 3 times a week, including seeing each other at least once a week, and going to lunch once or twice a month.

Talk to your parents and siblings. Never leave mad. never go to bed mad. Don’t say dumb shit you can’t take back. Etc., etc., etc.

Call your dad.

P.S. I like my mom, too.

Straight Shooter
09-16-22, 01:30
I made it as far as "the phone you are using" then realized where this post was going.
I've said on this forum a dozen times that my phone is not Chinese.
After reading Samsung said eff China several years ago I bought one of their phones.
There are zero phones made in the USA so obviously buying foreign is forced on us there, but there are non Chinese phones that a basic search reveals so it isn't difficult to not get a Chinese phone.

As to Ford, they are the only company that didn't take the handout from the government so I give them credit for that.
I live 5 miles from their headquarters so I get the, "eff their union" sentiment, at the same time buying a foreign vehicle while there are other options is just nonsense. I buy GM vehicles, yes there are foreign parts in them but the CEO of the company is 20 minutes from my house, not in some effing foreign land.

Buying a Chinese scope because it's cheap, is why this country is in the toilet. Yes it's possible to not buy a Chinese scope, you just took the "me" option like so many others do EVERYDAY.

The link below will take you to a story about Samsung saying eff China, I quoted the important part.
A quick search pulled up this and many other articles, then a call to Samsung to verify made my decision possible in less than a half hour.


Supporting veterans is great, but you're supporting China more than them, so there is that. As a small business owner I guarantee more of the money you spent went to China.

There are several options to NOT buy Chinese, so if you still buy from there and praise what you bought, that certainly would be love for China, isn't it?

These effing people love Chinese stuff and it is pathetic. Antifa people buying that crap is one thing, people claiming they are patriotic then supporting our enemy is a effing joke, makes it impossible to take them seriously.

All I have against Japan is buy a effing American vehicle.

Id bet a whole paycheck that a 5 minute walk thru your abode would reveal MANY China made things: window/shower curtains & rods, linens, sheets, bedding, tv, radio/stereo/ furniture/light bulbs, your silverware, plates, kitchen utensils, blow dryer..and on & on & on. How many factories have YOU worked in? Ive literally made air conditioners, forged hammers/prybars/sledgehammers/chisels out of red hot steel, made all the stainless steel you see in a fast food place, made auto parts by the literal millions, assembled the top rated SXS four wheelers in America{FULL of China/Mexican made parts}and currently work at Americas most well know snack food provider. ALL these places over near 35 year work history..not including 13 years OTR trucking, a few years in the USMC & several more years farming, I was THERE as the USA made stuff disappeared and gradually got replaced with shittier & shittier stuff. That shit aint MY fault. I didnt vote for democrats. I didnt vote for NAFTA. I didnt tell Walmart to go and build up China for cheaper & cheaper crap. I got firsthand news for you- you dont know WHAT THE FVCK you really even talking about. I DAILY worked IN AMERICA with people who could not care less about the job, only how much they could talk on a phone, China made or not, and what time we got off. Stuff assembled WRONG, parts left out, bad parts installed. Remington Firearms in Hunstville was two mile away from me at one point. Went out due to not only shitty firarms..but unsafe ones too. I worked with MANY people who told me what went on there. I havent & WONT EVER buy anything marked Remington again. Id buy a Norinco SKS first. If your only criteria is Made is USA..you got A LOT of learning to do. A LOT.

09-16-22, 04:57
I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend.

Thomas Jefferson

I have one friend, that thinks Der Fuhrer is just great. So we don't talk politics anymore, at one time we were close to being on the same page i.e. we were both against the Patriot Act.

But we share a passion for a lot of the same things other than politics, so we talk cars, guns, smoking meat, food, single malt and good rum, cigars.

Regarding your father, when G-D said honor your parents he didn't say until you get tired of it. Call your dad, make peace, for one day you will not be able too.

09-16-22, 07:51
If possible go hunting with your dad, and use your ar and .223. Clear up that aspect of things real quick. Granted he may not let you use it. I remember my Grandpa, great uncles, and their friends and if it were not .30 it was not acceptable for hunting. Maybe that is why I love .30-06 so much is from their brainwashing.
Anyway, just have fun with pops. He needs fun as much as any person does, and he has lived long enough to earn relaxing and believing whatever he wishes. Better to just flow with it all and do cool stuff with him.

09-16-22, 09:51
Nope. Once upon a time all of it was made here.

Kind of splitting hairs. If all of the parts of Generic Product A were manufactured in China but final assembly happened in the US, I'm sure you'd consider that a Chinese product and I would as well. Additionally cars generally means unions which generally means social communism and D voters so honestly you just can't win.

But the nail in the coffin is this, if you are on the internet and using a computer or phone to access this forum, your device was likely made in China and the tech that lets you surf the net is mostly the product of hardcore lefties. One way or another your money is going to China and a bunch of people who think communism is a great idea and we should do it here.

51% of my personal truck are from the USA, that leaves 49% made elsewhere. It doesn't say on the window sticker where the "other parts" are made but I'm certain its not all from China.
American company with half the parts is better than a foreign company and foreign parts, isn't it?

This is at least making an effort. As you said Mercedes is it for american made, but I have two trucks and an SUV in the driveway, that's why we don't buy Mercedes.

09-16-22, 09:58
So I have an old Jeep and a 80 vette. But how is somebody buying a Japanese car which is a better product for the money wrong? If quality cars were made in the US, people would buy them and not just out of a sense of patriotism or nationalism.

I'd ****ing love it if ALL of our manufacturing returned to the US. We used to make most of the things we use. They were not much more expensive and much higher quality. Would also love it if we slapped some tariffs on goods from countries who regularly screw us over.

Sadly almost all tech comes from China, and to make things worse it's garbage. Everything is viewed as disposable so nobody makes a quality ANYTHING.

A mind blowing amount of pharmaceuticals come from China. But for some reason your prescriptions aren't dirt cheap. Wasn't that long ago that we were all ordering everything through Canada because the US pays the highest prices for medications. So much for world socialism, we carry the burden for almost all of the R&D for everything while everyone else gets it cheap and has better access.

Hell even most dog food comes from China. Can somebody explain to me how it is cheaper to make dog food IN CHINA and then bring it here on a boat than to just make it here? Most of it is cereal grains anyway, we grow that here. What in the blue **** are we doing wrong where we can't make dog food here without it being much more expensive? Not like Chinese dog food is never full of toxic ingredients. They kill their own people over nothing, they don't care if they accidentally poison the dog food by making it under conditions that result in toxic food.

Pretty much the only thing reliably made in the US is most firearms. In an ironic way 922(r) is almost protectionism in that it requires a certain percentage of foreign firearms that fit a broad category to have a minimum number of US parts. Of course that wasn't the intent of that legislation.I just took these pics. Our dog food is made in TX, the company name is "Victor".
Feel free to check their web page.
None of the meds we take are from China either, I check that while sitting in the Dr office, if the want me to take something I check where its from and if China we come up with another solution.
This crap isn't difficult.

As I said sometimes it is unavoidable but most stuff can be found elsewhere.
Oh BTW Vietnam didn't cause Covid and has been a non problem for 40 years, so yes its better than China.
As to splitting hairs, a current problem is worth avoiding as opposed to a 40 year old problem when you have no other choices.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220916/164192b2087b1ab83a1dac7fddb276fa.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220916/383defba209f653cb4d41b4b7f9a0150.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220916/6b2d8878cffe57ead42893a3a679c175.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220916/33980cef6d1b04ef2a0861fa1541e33b.jpg

09-16-22, 10:35
We couldnt be responding to this thread if not for our China devices, and yes there is another option.

09-16-22, 11:07
We couldnt be responding to this thread if not for our China devices, and yes there is another option.

Old school pen pal newsletter through the snail mail? Then we could use made in Germany or Japan fountain pens on French made paper! Or old American made typewriters, but I do not know who is making the ribbons today. I wish typewriters were cheaper, but hipsters discovered old tech and pushed pricing. Still Elmer Kieth and friends did much to improve .44 ballistics with just the old post system.

09-16-22, 12:48
I just took these pics. Our dog food is made in TX, the company name is "Victor".
Feel free to check their web page.
None of the meds we take are from China either, I check that while sitting in the Dr office, if the want me to take something I check where its from and if China we come up with another solution.
This crap isn't difficult.

As I said sometimes it is unavoidable but most stuff can be found elsewhere.
Oh BTW Vietnam didn't cause Covid and has been a non problem for 40 years, so yes its better than China.
As to splitting hairs, a current problem is worth avoiding as opposed to a 40 year old problem when you have no other choices.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220916/164192b2087b1ab83a1dac7fddb276fa.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220916/383defba209f653cb4d41b4b7f9a0150.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220916/6b2d8878cffe57ead42893a3a679c175.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220916/33980cef6d1b04ef2a0861fa1541e33b.jpg

China has killed too many American's dogs with their shitty dog food for my to not to make a point to my US sourced food for my dog.

09-16-22, 13:44
There are several options to NOT buy Chinese, so if you still buy from there and praise what you bought, that certainly would be love for China, isn't it?

These effing people love Chinese stuff and it is pathetic.

Loving Chinese stuff is not the same as love for China, but I don't think we will agree so I will not keep refuting this.

I chose a Samsung phone that was not assembled in China but I know it still has Chinese parts.

09-16-22, 14:21
His response was "There's literally nothing you can do about it so stop worrying and try to enjoy life."

I feel like this thought process is the reason the US is dead.

I haven't talked to him in 2 months since the discussion.

Enjoy your Chick-fil-A, Costco, and SS, Pops.

I sent him an AR(to his local FFL) and a bunch of mags and ammo. He said .223 doesn't work good for deer. smh.

I don't know.

Grow up and you'll realize he is correct. His generation has nothing to do with anything and you are showing complete immaturity by not talking to him for 2 months. What is the point of even posting this?

09-16-22, 14:22
There are lots of US dog food makers that kill dogs too. Sign up on dog food advisor for email alerts on dog food recalls. You will be surprised. I'll take company reputation and history to decide what I feed my dogs. US made doesn't mean automatically your dog is good and safe.

I tried Victor before...it's a good food and at a very good price. The problem is my dogs licked their paws and itched like crazy. Had to switch. Had to switch from Acana and Fromm also - they must have changed the formula at one point because they were fine on those foods for awhile. I am now on Purina Pro Plan - Sensitive Skin. Good price too. No negative reactions.

09-16-22, 15:36
No matter what your disagreements, treasure every moment with your loved ones and never pass up an opportunity to let them know you love them. We just lost my aunt late last week, and it makes me heartsick to think that telling each other "See you Saturday" when she dropped me off at home were likely the last words she said to and heard from another human being. :(

09-16-22, 16:00
China has killed too many American's dogs with their shitty dog food for my to not to make a point to my US sourced food for my dog.

I too buy US sourced dog food and the good stuff because I care about my dog. My question is why are we getting any dog food from china at all?

09-16-22, 16:35
I too buy US sourced dog food and the good stuff because I care about my dog. My question is why are we getting any dog food from china at all?

I guess diseased monkey meat harvested and processed my child slave labor is dirt cheap. IMO we shouldn't be getting shit from China, but that is another topic.

09-16-22, 17:00
I think the fact that we didn't outlaw imports from China when they hit the world with a bio weapon shows just how stupid and corrupt DC is.

09-16-22, 21:44
This thread went to "dog food" and how boomers don't care what happens to their kids and Grand kids. Nice work, guys.

09-16-22, 21:54
This thread went to "dog food" and how boomers don't care what happens to their kids and Grand kids. Nice work, guys.

It's our special talent. Did you call your dad yet?

09-16-22, 22:02
This thread went to "dog food" and how boomers don't care what happens to their kids and Grand kids. Nice work, guys.

And one teeny little thought about the limited time we have with loved ones that got lost in the noise. :(

Straight Shooter
09-16-22, 22:22
It's our special talent. Did you call your dad yet? Funny :haha::lol:

09-17-22, 09:21
My 2000 Toyota Tundra was assembled in Indiana. I remember reading at the time that the US parts content was higher than most domestic trucks. Same for the wife's 2006 Toyota Sienna. Buying American is somewhat more complex than brand name.

Wife and I grabbed coffee while on the road. Coffee most likely came from Columbia or somewhere in the region, same for the person at the window. I'm posting this message with a Fire tablet made in Taiwan.

09-17-22, 09:26
My 2000 Toyota Tundra was assembled in Indiana. I remember reading at the time that the US parts content was higher than most domestic trucks. Same for the wife's 2006 Toyota Sienna. Buying American is somewhat more complex than brand name.

Wife and I grabbed coffee while on the road. Coffee most likely came from Columbia or somewhere in the region, same for the person at the window. I'm posting this message with a Fire tablet made in Taiwan.

The profits on that sale flow back to Japan, which in reality is the only thing that matters.

It’s far too complicated to think about it any other way. Assembly costs are peanuts, even more so since Toyota has fended off the stupid UAW successfully for years and I give them much credit for that move.

09-17-22, 12:05
The profits on that sale flow back to Japan, which in reality is the only thing that matters.

It’s far too complicated to think about it any other way. Assembly costs are peanuts, even more so since Toyota has fended off the stupid UAW successfully for years and I give them much credit for that move.

It's profits also flow to the workers who assemble them in the US, the engineers who helped design it in the US and all management that operate those assembly plants in the US. Ignoring that, while also ignoring that a "US" car makers profits also go to other countries due to parts manufacturing, assembling, etc. is too crude a way to look at it. It matters very much and simplifying it like that is disingenuous and short sighted as it gets.

09-17-22, 13:55
Profits vary widely depending on manufacture and model but generally speaking auto manufacture's net profits are a relatively small slice of the entire auto $ales pie.

According to the 2022 America-Made Index based on assembly location, parts content, engine origins, transmission origins and U.S. manufacturing workforce, Honda has four models in the top ten. Toyota Tundra was ranked in the top 10 last year but is now ranked #23 next to Ford's F150 at #21, Ram 1500 #45, and GMC Sierra 1500 barely made the list at #94 including assembly plants not in the US. Don't know how much actually separates the top ranked from the bottom ranked... but it's certainly not as simply as picking a domestic named brand.


09-19-22, 21:52
It's our special talent. Did you call your dad yet?

I text'ed (is that how you say it?)

He said "I understand."

09-19-22, 23:36
I text'ed (is that how you say it?)

He said "I understand."

You are a good person. Hard to get unstuck from your own personal BS sometimes.

09-20-22, 05:23
I think you need to physically go to your dad and talk with him, even if he is in a different state.

You have one father, do your best to make it better.

09-20-22, 12:52
Well the country is falling apart. That's obvious to a blind person.
The .223 is fine for deer. Use heavy bullets like 77gr SMK or 70gr GMX or TSX and keep shots 100 yards or less.

09-21-22, 06:41
My dissenting opinion:

In life, you just have to drop people sometimes. Unceremoniously and like they were literal garbage.
If your old man loved you, he would have understood that you are concerned about society, don’t care about hunting, and that you were simply wanting him to be in a good spot when the Big Crunch happens.

So when he’s drooling in a Home somewhere getting beaten on by Dontavious the orderly; he’ll wish he had been more understanding

john armond
09-21-22, 08:05

09-21-22, 22:30
My dissenting opinion:

In life, you just have to drop people sometimes. Unceremoniously and like they were literal garbage.
If your old man loved you, he would have understood that you are concerned about society, don’t care about hunting, and that you were simply wanting him to be in a good spot when the Big Crunch happens.

So when he’s drooling in a Home somewhere getting beaten on by Dontavious the orderly; he’ll wish he had been more understanding

But what if his old man is simply just like you and mostly "over it" on a lot of shit people think is important?

I don't think "not getting someone" is a "dead to me" offense. Sometimes I didn't understand WTF my dad was thinking and I'm sure it worked both ways, but there was never any "bad intent" with the shit he did that I didn't understand. I understood some of it later on.

09-22-22, 06:54
I don’t know either party. But if I had a son and he told me he was worried and scared how the world was going and sent me a rifle and magazines….

I would see it more as “my son loves me and wants me to be okay” moment than a time to say “worry more, laugh less”. I think it was the whole “no good on deer” line that I didn’t like. A good number of the weapons I have are not intended for hunting or sport shooting.
They are for duty/killing someone who is coming at me.
It tears me to know end that even on “the Right” that people try to conflate the 2nd Amendment with hunting, sport shooting, collecting, etc when the 2nd Amendment is more about killing invading soldiers in their sleep on Christmas and shooting representatives of Monarchs and Plutocrats in the back as they run away screaming and begging for their lives.

There’s two sides to the coin. It’s his father. All we can do is offer commentary. Either this is a humbug or it isnt.

09-22-22, 09:37
Or maybe the son should take dad's advise to "stop worrying and try to enjoy life." Sending rifles to those who don't want them and refusing to talk to family because they're happy with life... might be a sign to turn off the TV and social media.

09-22-22, 10:09
After your father is gone, you will regret not spending as much time with him as you could have. Trust me.

09-22-22, 10:53
FWIW, my Dad passed suddenly 7 years ago, leaving a major unresolved issue between us. I'd tried over the years to talk, but he was a difficult guy, to say the very least. I wish now I'd tried harder. Talk to him.

09-22-22, 11:13
After your father is gone, you will regret not spending as much time with him as you could have. Trust me.Truth

Sent from my BE2028 using Tapatalk

09-22-22, 23:56
You are a good person. Hard to get unstuck from your own personal BS sometimes.

We just had a long talk tonight. I'm going fly out to see him.

I'm literally my avatar...

09-23-22, 01:40
We just had a long talk tonight. I'm going fly out to see him.

I'm literally my avatar...

Hope all goes well.

09-23-22, 06:33
We just had a long talk tonight. I'm going fly out to see him.

I'm literally my avatar...

Good on you on a number of fronts.

09-23-22, 11:01
It's our special talent. Did you call your dad yet?

I only wish I could call mine.

I have tremendous political differences with my BIL (a man I've know 20+yrs) but afterwards we still enjoy a nice lunch !

09-24-22, 23:02
Sorry for this post. I was in a ****ed of frame of mind, not an excuse, just an explanation.

I'm lucky to have a dad that is as understanding as I am stupid.

Luv your Pops if he's still around. Night all.