View Full Version : The Lancet Commission on lessons for the future from the COVID-19 pandemic

09-15-22, 09:20
Very important paper from the Lancet, one of the most respected sci/med journals, and they don’t hold back. Some key points:

•No independent, transparent, and science-based investigation has been carried out regarding the bioengineering of SARS-like viruses that was underway before the outbreak of COVID-19.

•The laboratory notebooks, databases, email records, and samples of institutions involved in such research have not been made available to independent researchers.

•Independent researchers have not yet investigated the US laboratories engaged in the laboratory manipulation of SARS-CoV-like viruses, nor have they investigated the details of the laboratory research that had been underway in Wuhan.

•US National Institutes of Health (NIH) has resisted disclosing details of the research on SARS-CoV-related viruses that it had been supporting, providing extensively redacted information only as required by Freedom of Information Act lawsuits.

Full paper:


For those who don't want to read the deep dive report, Dr Campell, per usual, covers the topic well for non science types:


09-15-22, 09:36
But I was told it came from a bat. And why would they make something like that up?

09-15-22, 09:52
But I was told it came from a bat. And why would they make something like that up?

LOL. Pangolins were the #1 suspect. Seriously.


Will, thanks for sharing. Very interesting report.

09-15-22, 09:58
But I was told it came from a bat. And why would they make something like that up?

Very possibly did originate from a bat, but beyond that, they have really not even done the research to trace it, and or, that's been actively obscured by our own government. What people should also see, as big a cok up as that aspect is, and people should be pissed, the Lancet paper also shows science at work, doing what it's supposed to do. It is often a maddeningly slow process, but it is happening finally.

To what end, remains to be seen, but people should see science never let them down, their government(s), per usual did, and science itself is self correcting given time.

The Lancet can't be ignored, it's among the very top of all journals, and that report will get big traction among the community. It's a big F U to the current admin also in science speak.

More interesting will be if the media ignores it.

09-15-22, 19:41
Coronavirus is a well-known bat-vectored disease, from that particular region of China. In the very, very beginning there was no reason to doubt that as the index.

I have some journal articles going back to the early 2000s with that.

09-15-22, 19:54
The thing came from woooohaaaaan.... I doubt that Chinamart released it intentionally, but raw Chinese incompetence is probably the best answer.

Between Russian and Chinamart commie stupidity it’s shocking either one of these countries of morons hasn’t killed us all by now.

09-15-22, 20:06
The thing came from woooohaaaaan.... I doubt that Chinamart released it intentionally, but raw Chinese incompetence is probably the best answer.

Between Russian and Chinamart commie stupidity it’s shocking either one of these countries of morons hasn’t killed us all by now.

It's not for lack of trying! I wish the blame was limited to those chit bags, but plenty of the blame exists right here with us.

09-15-22, 20:14
Step 1) hang Mickey Mauci on the Washington Mall - televise on PPV - use the proceeds to pay down the costs of the Biteme insurrection
Step 2) live free or die!

Straight Shooter
09-15-22, 20:16
On the Smudge Report-RIGHT NOW- in big red letters even..headline saying Lancet Report say virus could have came from United States. Go see. FVCK THAT.

09-15-22, 20:25
On the Smudge Report-RIGHT NOW- in big red letters even..headline saying Lancet Report say virus could have came from United States. Go see. FVCK THAT.

It by all means appears it started at Fort Detrick in Maryland, then went to wuhan where it escaped. Most likely due to incompetence in their level 4 lab where it was being played with.

Straight Shooter
09-15-22, 20:39
It by all means appears it started at Fort Detrick in Maryland, then went to wuhan where it escaped. Most likely due to incompetence in their level 4 lab where it was being played with.

Can you point me to some material to study on that?

09-15-22, 20:57
LOL. Pangolins were the #1 suspect. Seriously.


Will, thanks for sharing. Very interesting report.

But there aren’t penguins in China???

On the Smudge Report-RIGHT NOW- in big red letters even..headline saying Lancet Report say virus could have came from United States. Go see. FVCK THAT.

Didn’t look at that report, but from the OP comments, that is what I thought it was saying. So we are back to the Chinese propaganda that it was a US army athlete that brought it over?

Straight Shooter
09-15-22, 20:59
Saying its "feasible" that it leaked from a US lab.

09-16-22, 09:09
But there aren’t penguins in China???

Mind you, the infamous "Bat Lady" is neither a bat, nor a Lady.

09-16-22, 11:46
Mind you, the infamous "Bat Lady" is neither a bat, nor a Lady.

I knew someone would drag poor ol' Pelosi into this conversation.

I keep waiting to see some thinktank come up with how much better the world would have fared had the CDC and WHO not even existed. Utter, complete, 100% failure and yet they not only still exist, with zero accountability, but we continue to just dump money into their laps. I suppose in hopes that they will be slightly more successful next time and kill everyone.

09-16-22, 11:53
Mind you, the infamous "Bat Lady" is neither a bat, nor a Lady.

I don't follow you. She was a well known Chinese researcher from that lab, her focus on bat virus's (hence the nickname) who many think was patient zero, and has not been seen since, likely dead. The Chinese of course claim she's alive and well, but disappeared, most think dead. Very good possibility she's the one who first got infected and left the lab with it. Then, there's this "bat lady" and I'm not clear of it's the same person:


09-16-22, 12:57
I don't follow you. She was a well known Chinese researcher from that lab, her focus on bat virus's (hence the nickname) who many think was patient zero, and has not been seen since, likely dead. The Chinese of course claim she's alive and well, but disappeared, most think dead. Very good possibility she's the one who first got infected and left the lab with it. Then, there's this "bat lady" and I'm not clear of it's the same person:


Post #12 was making a joke, intentionally confusing penguins and pangolins. The latter were seriously blamed for Covid-19 species crossing early on, as I put up links for.

I replied with a joke about the infamous Bat Lady. She is/was human and female. She was not a bat (part of joke), and I am casually insulting her by calling her not a lady (in the recent past, lady was a term of praise or honor for women, implying a degree of refinement or culture).

I don't know if she's alive or dead. No idea. She likely was involved in the laboratory creation of Covid-19, but may have been only a bit player. Baric is where all the smoking guns lead to; to a lesser extent Fauci also.

I am 100% certain Covid-19 was created in a lab. I don't know which lab, and I suspect multiple labs both in the USA and China played a role. Whether its release was intentional or accidental I don't know. The US Govt and CCP are both behaving in a way consistent with some degree of guilt or gross negligence, so I suspect both of them had some role.

Jokes aren't funny once explained in detail, I'm just offering the explanation since you seemed to have a serious question, and in your interpretation my statement would represent a misunderstanding of facts, rather than an attempt at reply humor.

09-16-22, 13:44
Post #12 was making a joke, intentionally confusing penguins and pangolins. The latter were seriously blamed for Covid-19 species crossing early on, as I put up links for.

I replied with a joke about the infamous Bat Lady. She is/was human and female. She was not a bat (part of joke), and I am casually insulting her by calling her not a lady (in the recent past, lady was a term of praise or honor for women, implying a degree of refinement or culture).

I don't know if she's alive or dead. No idea. She likely was involved in the laboratory creation of Covid-19, but may have been only a bit player. Baric is where all the smoking guns lead to; to a lesser extent Fauci also.

I am 100% certain Covid-19 was created in a lab. I don't know which lab, and I suspect multiple labs both in the USA and China played a role. Whether its release was intentional or accidental I don't know. The US Govt and CCP are both behaving in a way consistent with some degree of guilt or gross negligence, so I suspect both of them had some role.

Jokes aren't funny once explained in detail, I'm just offering the explanation since you seemed to have a serious question, and in your interpretation my statement would represent a misunderstanding of facts, rather than an attempt at reply humor.

Not to be too pedantic, but I don't believe we have the bio tech to create a virus from scratch. I have no problems believing that lab took an existing virus, perhaps found via bat lady scientist, performed gain of function research on it (and we know they lied about that going on at that lab, and God/Allah/Shiva bless Paul for refusing to let that go or back down on that issue...) and produced the Chinese viral WMD that killed millions and continues to make billions sick.

That's what I suspect happened, and very important to note, as per the OP, The Lancet does not toe the party line and deny any of that, and that's a very big deal.