View Full Version : Iran getting spicy

09-20-22, 21:49

Golnaz Esfandiari
Unprecedented scenes in Iran: woman sits on top of utility box and cuts her hair in main square in Kerman to protest death of Mahsa Amini after her arrest by the morality police. People clap their hands and chant “Death to the dictator.”



From #Iran, where strong protests continue following the death of Mahsa Amini. Multiple ppl take on an officer. Resistance is very very strong, not like I've seen in many past protests in Iran. The Iranian people are pissed, and rightfully so.

Protests have been geo confirmed in 19 of Iran's 31 provinces within just the last 3 days, according to


Iran protests: Women burn headscarves in anti-hijab protests

Female protesters have been at the forefront of escalating protests in Iran and have been burning headscarves, after the death in custody of a woman detained for breaking hijab laws.

Demonstrations have continued for five successive nights, and reached several towns and cities.

Mahsa Amini died in hospital on Friday after spending three days in a coma.

In Sari, north of Tehran, large crowds cheered as women set their hijabs alight in defiant acts of protest.

Ms Amini was arrested in the capital last week by Iran's morality police, accused of breaking the law requiring women to cover their hair with a hijab, or headscarf, and their arms and legs with loose clothing.

She fell into a coma shortly after collapsing at a detention centre.

09-21-22, 03:27
Riots are not new in Iran, riots have come and gone in waves due to food and gas shortages over the last few years. Now Biden instead of supporting the Iranian people he supports the people that murdered this woman and thqat is using live ammo to put down demonstrations.

09-21-22, 05:43
So hello, bra burning feminists, we have found your war on women...and it's in Iran.

We assume you will be heading over to explain things to those chauvinistic pigs. Please remember to call them pigs.

09-21-22, 05:58
So hello, bra burning feminists, we have found your war on women...and it's in Iran.

We assume you will be heading over to explain things to those chauvinistic pigs. Please remember to call them pigs.

Remember to bring bacon and wave it their faces during the protests....

09-21-22, 09:50
So hello, bra burning feminists, we have found your war on women...and it's in Iran.

We assume you will be heading over to explain things to those chauvinistic pigs. Please remember to call them pigs.

I wish. I really do because it would be nice for them to have a real complaint and fight for a change. Talk about a group of over pampered idiots, and I have never understood why the leftist always sell out the folks who have real adversities.

11-17-22, 18:36
Two months along and protests are still going on.


Visegrád 24

Protesters have burned down the house in which Ruhollah Khomeini, the founder of Iran's Islamic Islamist regime, was born in.

The house, in the city of Khomein, has been a museum for the past 30 years.

The protests are increasing in strength.

11-17-22, 18:51
At some point they will get murdered by the mullah's .

11-17-22, 18:57
Iranian security forces kill two children.


Two boys were shot dead by security forces during anti-government protests in south-western Iran on Wednesday, sources close to their families say.

State media reported that seven people were killed by gunmen on motorbikes in a "terrorist attack" in Izeh.

But the sources told BBC Persian that security personnel fired the live rounds that killed Kian Pirfalak, 9, and Sepehr Maghsoudi, 14.

The current protests against clerical rule were sparked by the death in custody three months ago of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old woman who was detained by morality police for allegedly breaking the strict rules on hijabs.

But still SILENCE from western progressives / feminists.


All we have seen is tweets, which try and equate abortion laws with women being killed because they didn't wear their mandated tarp.

Rep. Ilhan Omar even had the audacity to say "Banning the hijab is not much different than forcing one on women."

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., who once said about President Donald Trump, “We’re going to impeach this motherf—er,” and after the reversal of Roe v. Wade" but NOTHING like calling for the collapse of the totalitarian government of Iran.

No wholesale condemnation of this police state’s mandate that women wear the hijab and face imprisonment for failing to do so, or for failing to wear it “correctly.” No plea that the Biden administration, at the very least, publicly support the Iranian protesters demonstrating the same kind of courage as have the Ukrainians following the Russian invasion.

Talk about “men telling women what to do with their bodies”! All the elements to make this an Iranian George Floyd moment are present. But the relative silence of "the squad" has been deafening.

11-17-22, 21:46
I have never understood why the leftist always sell out the folks who have real adversities.

Marx was a power hungry, upper class, intellectual who never worked a day in his life. He never cared for the working class, just saw a way to use them to move up to his rightful place as the ruling class.

Now apply that to every single leftist cause, and you will understand why they don’t actually fix anything.

11-17-22, 22:33
Marx was a power hungry, upper class, intellectual who never worked a day in his life. He never cared for the working class, just saw a way to use them to move up to his rightful place as the ruling class.

Now apply that to every single leftist cause, and you will understand why they don’t actually fix anything.

Yep, groups like BLM just kept that money for themselves. Not a damn thing was fixed.

11-18-22, 05:14
Marx was a power hungry, upper class, intellectual who never worked a day in his life. He never cared for the working class, just saw a way to use them to move up to his rightful place as the ruling class.

Now apply that to every single leftist cause, and you will understand why they don’t actually fix anything.

Sounds like Fetterman.

Iran is thinking of mass executions as a way to shock the people off the streets.

11-18-22, 07:25
Sounds like Fetterman.

Iran is thinking of mass executions as a way to shock the people off the streets.

You know… how does it not click with democrats who run soft on the Iranians?

They’ll kill you and not think a thing of it. Every special interest group. You want the anti-LGBTQ? Go to Iran.

Yet they shovel money, power, and compromise to these guys.

ETA: When I say compromise - I mean we compromise to help them. They never compromise. I wonder what they gain from that? Hedging their bets for internal elections and future voters? Money?