View Full Version : Looks like the Opium epidemic has been around a long time.

09-20-22, 22:09
Israeli archaeologists uncover earliest known use of opium in the ancient world.

And those pesky pot heads to.

1st high: Ancient Israelites at Biblical shrine used cannabis to spark ‘ecstasy’


No wonder the Roman's were all like, "Jew low life Jews"

09-22-22, 19:06
I wouldn't call it an epidemic. Only about 10% of drug users are addicts.

09-22-22, 23:16
And those pesky pot heads to.

1st high: Ancient Israelites at Biblical shrine used cannabis to spark ‘ecstasy’


Makes you wonder about Moses and "the burning bush"

09-23-22, 08:24
Humans have been using chemicals for good or ill throughout the entirety of our history. We have even used some things to the point of extinction. We have also lost some things a long the way, soma, which was another chemical utilized for religious reasons. Ain’t nothing new in the world.

09-23-22, 08:30
I wouldn't call it an epidemic. Only about 10% of drug users are addicts.

I'm assuming that's sarcasm. At least I hope it is.

09-24-22, 12:08
Yeah cause they can quit anytime they want. I deal with people who claim to be sober all the time. I ask how long have you been sober and they say 5 days or two weeks. My reply is you are not sober, you're broke and waiting on your next fix.

We have an out of control problem with homelessness now and the majority of them are of an age to still be working. They walk around stealing shit with backpacks and living out of tents behind walmart or on subdivision common grounds and conservation property. They only want help when their belly is empty or they are sick. Other than that they disappear back into the woods doing what they do. Drugs are a real problem and not a disease. They are a choice.

09-24-22, 12:36
Yeah cause they can quit anytime they want. I deal with people who claim to be sober all the time. I ask how long have you been sober and they say 5 days or two weeks. My reply is you are not sober, you're broke and waiting on your next fix.

We have an out of control problem with homelessness now and the majority of them are of an age to still be working. They walk around stealing shit with backpacks and living out of tents behind walmart or on subdivision common grounds and conservation property. They only want help when their belly is empty or they are sick. Other than that they disappear back into the woods doing what they do. Drugs are a real problem and not a disease. They are a choice.

A choice every adult has the right to make just as for alcohol (which kills more people than all the illegal drugs combined by a margin...), the war on drugs has been a total failure by any metric, and availability today easier than ever. Hence, again, prohibition does not work, full stop.

What prohibition does do, it keep the billions flowing to LE agencies that need to go away, private prison systems, etc etc making many wealthy, not to mention the cartels, who exist for only one reason. If you history, you also know the mob became a thing during prohibition and were created due to prohibition thanx again to the gubment deciding it had the authority to dictate what adults did with their own body. They don't.

Drug laws are the problem. It's not rocket science, although some simply can't seem to manage reality there.

Econ 101: where demand exists, supply will follow, and no amount of laws will alter that.

Focusing on the demand side is the only effective way to ever lower drug use in this country. Throwing billions trillions at drug interdiction is a total failure, and everyone knows that.

Those I know who do that job, DEA, etc know it well, and have told me the figure that they prevent 10% of the drugs coming in, is wildly over estimated and a WAG at best it's as high as 10%.

09-24-22, 19:34
I wouldn't call it an epidemic. Only about 10% of drug users are addicts.

not trolling...where did you get that number.

So 90% of addicts are functioning members of society?

09-24-22, 19:40
not trolling...where did you get that number.

So 90% of addicts are functioning members of society?

Users don't = addicts. "Only about 10% of drug users are addicts" is no different then saying "Only about 10% of drug drinkers are alcoholics"

I don't know source of 10%, but point is not all users are addicts as not all drinkers are alcoholics.

09-24-22, 19:53
Users don't = addicts. "Only about 10% of drug users are addicts" is no different then saying "Only about 10% of drug drinkers are alcoholics"

I don't know source of 10%, but point is not all users are addicts as not all drinkers are alcoholics.

The vast majority of people that drink...aren't alcoholics. I'll will agree to that.

The vast majority of people that do meth and opioids...do it all the time...

Lets go to the the typical Christmas party. They have a table of booze. You get what I'm saying. They didn't have a meth/opiate table at the Christmas party.

09-24-22, 23:06
The vast majority of people that drink...aren't alcoholics. I'll will agree to that.

The vast majority of people that do meth and opioids...do it all the time...

Lets go to the the typical Christmas party. They have a table of booze. You get what I'm saying. They didn't have a meth/opiate table at the Christmas party.

It depends on what Christmas parties you’re attending, really.

Drugs is drugs. People who will **** up their lives on heroin, will **** up their lives on weed or alcohol or meth or whatever.

People will Imbibe what they wish regardless of laws- prohibition laws actually cause more use and bigger problems.

The vast majority of people who drink- drink regularly as well, so what’s your point?

09-24-22, 23:41
There are people who have an addictive mind. They tend to indulge in things. They have a propensity to try things without thinking them through. They have a mindset that they can handle anything.

Then there are people who do not have an addictive mind. They can generally stop even with addictive substances before the get deep into the physical addiction. An example of this is Joe Rogan. There are many people like this. Most just do not discuss it openly.

Then you have high functioning addicts. That indulge regularly. However they are able to keep it at bay well enough to hold down jobs. However these people are constantly struggling to keep it at bay. Some do it for years. Some for their entire life.

09-25-22, 06:43
The vast majority of people that drink...aren't alcoholics. I'll will agree to that.

The vast majority of people that do meth and opioids...do it all the time...

Lets go to the the typical Christmas party. They have a table of booze. You get what I'm saying. They didn't have a meth/opiate table at the Christmas party.

Do we have a source on that? It's probably true as one of part of the social fabric, legal, and all that, but I'm not sure we really know considering it's not something that's on the radar unless the person having addiction issues.

09-25-22, 08:14
Start having alcohol drinkers get their alcohol from some dude distilling it(and adulterating it for whatever reason) out in the woods to make it more of an apples to apples comparison.

09-25-22, 08:25
Do we have a source on that? It's probably true as one of part of the social fabric, legal, and all that, but I'm not sure we really know considering it's not something that's on the radar unless the person having addiction issues.

Just depends on the office that is having the party.

Coming from an historically dry option territory it is still rare to have alcohol at Christmas parties.

Used to be a doctor with TV and radio call in shows who mentioned going to high end office parties where there was plenty of drug use with the users having more than enough wealth to buy what they wanted and effectively not having to obey any laws.

09-25-22, 08:37
There are people who have an addictive mind. They tend to indulge in things. They have a propensity to try things without thinking them through. They have a mindset that they can handle anything.

Then there are people who do not have an addictive mind. They can generally stop even with addictive substances before the get deep into the physical addiction. An example of this is Joe Rogan. There are many people like this. Most just do not discuss it openly.

Then you have high functioning addicts. That indulge regularly. However they are able to keep it at bay well enough to hold down jobs. However these people are constantly struggling to keep it at bay. Some do it for years. Some for their entire life.

Had a former boss point out practically everyone is addicted to at least something. That something can be something ingested or an activity and may or may not manifest in a way that is deleterious to the addicted person, but it is an addiction all the same.

09-25-22, 11:01
I'm assuming that's sarcasm. At least I hope it is.

No not sarcasm. There are addicts and there are users and users are the vast majority. Our war on drugs to save people from addiction is a lie.

09-25-22, 11:03
There are people who have an addictive mind. They tend to indulge in things. They have a propensity to try things without thinking them through. They have a mindset that they can handle anything.

Then there are people who do not have an addictive mind. They can generally stop even with addictive substances before the get deep into the physical addiction. An example of this is Joe Rogan. There are many people like this. Most just do not discuss it openly.

Then you have high functioning addicts. That indulge regularly. However they are able to keep it at bay well enough to hold down jobs. However these people are constantly struggling to keep it at bay. Some do it for years. Some for their entire life.


09-25-22, 11:23
Had a former boss point out practically everyone is addicted to at least something. That something can be something ingested or an activity and may or may not manifest in a way that is deleterious to the addicted person, but it is an addiction all the same.

The neural pathways that allow for chemical addiction likely exist for forming habits around behavior with a positive outcome. Hijacking that mechanism through drugs, or even social media dopamine hits, really isn't the same thing IMO and should not be described with the same terminology.

09-25-22, 12:55
When Trump said China didn't have a drug problem. That wasn't actually accurate. Xi said we have quick trial. With quick death sentence. Just where is all that Fentanyl reportedly coming from again?

Well if there was no drug problem. There would be no quick trial. They are suppressing it deeper under ground. Which makes it less apparent.

I am one with the mindset that, it's your life. Do with and make of it what you want. Just don't harm others. Those laws are the ones that need to be enforced.

09-25-22, 13:00
When Trump said China didn't have a drug problem. That wasn't actually accurate. Xi said we have quick trial. With quick death sentence. Just where is all that Fentanyl reportedly coming from again?

Well if there was no drug problem. There would be no quick trial. They are suppressing it deeper under ground. Which makes it less apparent.

I am one with the mindset that, it's your life. Do with and make of it what you want. Just don't harm others. Those laws are the ones that need to be enforced.

Undoubtedly some underground, but there has to be an assumption any quick trials and executions are for the unconnected while others are free and clear to operate.