View Full Version : Police arrest woman and put her in Police car parked on RR tracks.

09-24-22, 13:49
You can't make this stuff up.

09-24-22, 13:57
OK, that might actually be the WORST thing I've ever seen a cop do.

09-24-22, 14:01
I remember when I took Drivers Ed when I was 16. The instructor made it very clear to never stop your vehicle on RR tracks.
I wonder how fast a lawyer contacted the woman in the hospital. Is she going to win the Police lottery?

09-24-22, 14:15
Reminds me of this one in several ways.


Betting the lack of accountability will also be similar.

09-24-22, 15:53
Here is a short version. There is a police vehicle parked on the tracks with a handcuffed suspect in it.
The train is blowing the air horn it's coming. It's called situational awareness.


09-24-22, 15:55
You guys would not believe the stupid stuff us rails see on a daily basis. It’s not just the tweakers and stupid people. People risk there life to save a minute or two off there commute all the time.

09-24-22, 16:58
The person who parked on the tracks, the officer who put the girl in the vehicle on the tracks and honestly anyone at the scene who saw the vehicle on the tracks and failed to realize "that needs to be moved" should all be terminated with cause, the primary violators prosecuted.

Just like it's hard to find quality people to run fast food places, looks like it's getting harder to find acceptable candidates for LE positions. The Sheriff's Department who responded even knew these guys were F ups.

This is going to hurt credibility for LE agencies everywhere. Hard to believe there was ONE LEO who didn't know better than to park on the tracks, how many train incidents do they respond to every year? I'm stunned that there was an entire group of LEOs who f'ed up one every high school kid should know.

09-24-22, 17:20
Sounds like this could make a remarkably demonstrative PSA video for Operation Lifesaver too. "Don't Pick A Fight With A Heavyweight," as we taglined when I worked with them in high school...

09-24-22, 19:05
I remember when I took Drivers Ed when I was 16. The instructor made it very clear to never stop your vehicle on RR tracks.
I wonder how fast a lawyer contacted the woman in the hospital. Is she going to win the Police lottery?

That's a winning lottery ticket if I ever saw one!

09-24-22, 19:27
That's gonna be a lot of zeros. Idiots. Turn a total POS into a victim. Good work.

09-24-22, 22:59
This happened in the town over from me. Holy shit. I thought I knew some stupid cops, but these take the cake. She just earned herself an 8 figure payday.

Coal Dragger
09-25-22, 02:54
Idiots. I hope they get to spend some time in jail.

09-25-22, 04:10
You guys would not believe the stupid stuff us rails see on a daily basis. It’s not just the tweakers and stupid people. People risk there life to save a minute or two off there commute all the time.

Several (35?) years ago, a veteran City Police Officer in the area I patrolled at the time responded to a DUI stuck on the RR tracks. He was too lazy to process the guy for DUI so he decided to transport him to his residence. About halfway there a freight train hit the now abandoned vehicle and the Officer wanted to cite the Train Engineer. The Officer was ultimately fired for some other crap he pulled.

In the video it appeared the original Officers had tunnel vision, trying to make something out of nothing in a case that probably won’t go anywhere anyway. I’d turn a prisoner loose before I allowed them to be hurt. (I’m not some libtard, I just believe that once a person is in custody the Officer is responsible for their safety.) Whatever happened to “To Protect and to Serve”?

09-25-22, 05:09
That's gonna be a lot of zeros. Idiots. Turn a total POS into a victim. Good work.

No reason to think the LE were idiots, just indifferent.

Is Rios-Gonzalez a total POS due to working for TSA?

09-25-22, 06:17
Looks like we've reached that point of: "anyone wanting to be a Cop, has NO BUSINESS being a Cop". Just like effing Politicians.

09-25-22, 10:55
I rarely criticize anyone that's in a dynamic situation. I've been there myself. You get the hyper-focus and can only take in so much situational awareness, but RR tracks???

09-25-22, 11:38

"Rios-Gonzalez sustained multiple injuries, including nine broken ribs, a broken arm, broken teeth and injuries to her head, according to Wilkinson. As of Saturday, she remained in the hospital." Another report says she also has a fractured sternum and other injuries.

09-25-22, 12:09
That was "Reno 911" right?

09-25-22, 12:47
I rarely criticize anyone that's in a dynamic situation. I've been there myself. You get the hyper-focus and can only take in so much situational awareness, but RR tracks???

Didn't seem that dynamic considering the female cop was swatting away insects while the victim was maintaining focus on her assailants.

Rather telling that her initial concern about the train hit was the patrol car instead of the human in the back seat.

09-25-22, 12:48
Idiots. I dont even know what to say about this except they are idiots.

09-25-22, 13:08

"Rios-Gonzalez sustained multiple injuries, including nine broken ribs, a broken arm, broken teeth and injuries to her head, according to Wilkinson. As of Saturday, she remained in the hospital." Another report says she also has a fractured sternum and other injuries.

She is soon to be one of the wealthiest people in town.

09-25-22, 14:30
She is soon to be one of the wealthiest people in town.

Too bad you can’t buy health...

09-25-22, 19:06

"Rios-Gonzalez sustained multiple injuries, including nine broken ribs, a broken arm, broken teeth and injuries to her head, according to Wilkinson. As of Saturday, she remained in the hospital." Another report says she also has a fractured sternum and other injuries.

Amazed she lived. Assume engineer saw flashing blues in time to get the train slowed a little bit.

Coal Dragger
09-25-22, 20:48
You could hear the dynamic brakes on the locomotives and the brake shoes on top he cars. So yeah he had an emergency application on.

I have to admit that If I had to choose anything to hit at a grade crossing, a law enforcement vehicle would be like #1 on the list. Not that I want to have a grade crossing incident, but I could sleep soundly after that knowing 100000% the cop should know better and it’s not my fault.

Full disclosure if I knew for certain it was a vehicle full of FBI or ATF agents I might not plug the train until after impact…..

09-25-22, 20:53
You could hear the dynamic brakes on the locomotives and the brake shoes on top he cars. So yeah he had an emergency application on.

I have to admit that If I had to choose anything to hit at a grade crossing, a law enforcement vehicle would be like #1 on the list. Not that I want to have a grade crossing incident, but I could sleep soundly after that knowing 100000% the cop should know better and it’s not my fault.

Full disclosure if I knew for certain it was a vehicle full of FBI or ATF agents I might not plug the train until after impact…..

And sticking to that because "back up and hit again" would be more trouble than it's worth, right? :P

09-25-22, 21:12
Gee, ya know they ought to come up with some way to tell where the train is gonna travel. Like lane markers or something. Don't even get me started on these crazy locomotive engineers. Driving those trains anywhere they please, over hill and dale, taking any route that might look convenient.

And for hells sake put cowbells on em or something. Damn things are so quiet and stealthy they sneak right up on ya. Worse than electric cars I tell ya.


09-25-22, 21:46
You could hear the dynamic brakes on the locomotives and the brake shoes on top he cars. So yeah he had an emergency application on.

I have to admit that If I had to choose anything to hit at a grade crossing, a law enforcement vehicle would be like #1 on the list. Not that I want to have a grade crossing incident, but I could sleep soundly after that knowing 100000% the cop should know better and it’s not my fault.

Full disclosure if I knew for certain it was a vehicle full of FBI or ATF agents I might not plug the train until after impact…..

Not surprisingly, I'm 100% good with all that. I just feel bad for you guys, the only people who see things as F'ed up as what LEO's see on a regular basis are train engineers. Things made worse by the fact that you know you are just along for the ride, there is no emergency lane to try and switch to. I've seen a lot and done a few things but I probably couldn't do that job, I'm unable to feel that helpless and reconcile it with the way things are. Having spent a bit of time growing up in the midwest I've had opportunity to watch a train try and stop because of an emergency and I know how long it takes. There is only so much the guy at the front can do it and takes longer than most suspect for it to happen.

As with most things, kids are always the worst when it happens.

09-25-22, 21:47
I dont even know even know what to say…

Can every cop involved be sterilized so they can no longer procreate?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-25-22, 21:47
Gee, ya know they ought to come up with some way to tell where the train is gonna travel. Like lane markers or something. Don't even get me started on these crazy locomotive engineers. Driving those trains anywhere they please, over hill and dale, taking any route that might look convenient.

And for hells sake put cowbells on em or something. Damn things are so quiet and stealthy they sneak right up on ya. Worse than electric cars I tell ya.


Ironic part is the amount of shit I've seen LEOs give people (and rightly so) who stop on tracks for whatever reason over the decades.

Coal Dragger
09-25-22, 21:51
And sticking to that because "back up and hit again" would be more trouble than it's worth, right? :P

Well I can only back up (handle cars ahead of the engines) on the main line in most instances under very controlled circumstances. I won’t bore you guys with the rules details, but suffice to say it’s not something you do all Willy-Nilly. Unless you like getting fired.

Coal Dragger
09-25-22, 21:54
Not surprisingly, I'm 100% good with all that. I just feel bad for you guys, the only people who see things as F'ed up as what LEO's see on a regular basis are train engineers. Things made worse by the fact that you know you are just along for the ride, there is no emergency lane to try and switch to. I've seen a lot and done a few things but I probably couldn't do that job, I'm unable to feel that helpless and reconcile it with the way things are. Having spent a bit of time growing up in the midwest I've had opportunity to watch a train try and stop because of an emergency and I know how long it takes. There is only so much the guy at the front can do it and takes longer than most suspect for it to happen.

As with most things, kids are always the worst when it happens.

I’m lucky in that regard, I run in a very low population density area and we don’t have a lot of public crossings at grade. So I have had a few close calls, but no impacts yet. I say yet, because sooner or later it’s going to happen.

My younger brother is also an engineer and has 7 less years on the job, and he’s already hit 2 cars. Luck of the draw, but he works in a more urban area. Fortunately no deaths on his hits, just totaled cars.

09-25-22, 21:56
I’m lucky in that regard, I run in a very low population density area and we don’t have a lot of public crossings at grade. So I have had a few close calls, but no impacts yet. I say yet, because sooner or later it’s going to happen.

My younger brother is also an engineer and has 7 less years on the job, and he’s already hit 2 cars. Luck of the draw, but he works in a more urban area.

Might be because the engineers I knew were from the 60s to 80s and there were fewer safety features around crossings. I've met a few triple aces, they drank a lot off duty.

09-25-22, 22:23
My nephew was killed by a train one night. They think he crossed the tracks behind a train when it had passed and walked/ran into the path of a second one coming from the opposite direction.

Not as dumb as parking a cruiser on the tracks and locking someone inside.


Coal Dragger
09-25-22, 22:41
Always a high risk passing another train at a grade crossing in multiple main track areas. Some people will drive around the gates once they think the train is gone, only to discover too late that another one is coming they didn’t see.

09-25-22, 23:06
Might be because the engineers I knew were from the 60s to 80s and there were fewer safety features around crossings. I've met a few triple aces, they drank a lot off duty.

I know of a former NS guy who had a hit and the doc told him "retire from train crew today, or next one you're gonna have a fatal coronary at the throttle."

09-26-22, 00:26
I cannot imagine the horror of sitting handcuffed in the back of a police car, doors locked and a freight train is bearing down on you and there’s nothing you can do to escape... and after you’re injured, the LEO’s that arrested you are more interested in resuming their search than rendering aid. Deliberate Indifference will ultimately get you fired every time. Break out the checkbook...

09-26-22, 05:22
My nephew was killed by a train one night. They think he crossed the tracks behind a train when it had passed and walked/ran into the path of a second one coming from the opposite direction.

Not as dumb as parking a cruiser on the tracks and locking someone inside.


We had two troopers killed almost the same way, just in a car. Pretty much a case of blue light fever. Tragic but avoidable.

09-27-22, 11:55
It's not like the damn things swerve at you.

09-27-22, 12:23
I know the female officer in the video. She tried to get hired with my agency and did a ride along with me. We were not impressed.

In a way I’m not surprised, and yet I’m shocked at the same time.

Bad time to be a cop in Colorado as it seems some of our brethren are out to convince the country that we are all retarded.

And anyone who parks on a train track after the year 1800 is retarded.

09-27-22, 12:29
Idiots with guns and arrest powers, what a country !

09-27-22, 14:20
I cannot imagine the horror of sitting handcuffed in the back of a police car, doors locked and a freight train is bearing down on you and there’s nothing you can do to escape... and after you’re injured, the LEO’s that arrested you are more interested in resuming their search than rendering aid. Deliberate Indifference will ultimately get you fired every time. Break out the checkbook...

That was very disturbing, they were more concerned with covering their asses than someone they just may have negligently killed. ****ers, all present.

09-27-22, 18:33
That was very disturbing, they were more concerned with covering their asses than someone they just may have negligently killed. ****ers, all present.

Not surprised.

09-27-22, 19:21
I know the female officer in the video. She tried to get hired with my agency and did a ride along with me. We were not impressed.

In a way I’m not surprised, and yet I’m shocked at the same time.

Bad time to be a cop in Colorado as it seems some of our brethren are out to convince the country that we are all retarded.

And anyone who parks on a train track after the year 1800 is retarded.

I’ve sat on LE (applicant) oral boards in which a multitude of qualified people applied for the job and it was tough to find anything bad to say about them but those days are long gone. I’ve seen several people hired that had no business wearing a badge and I did my best to avoid them. Kept my stuff locked up too. It’s really sad...

09-28-22, 06:43
I realized later in life than I care to admit that LE is way more political than it needs to be. As a result you have to work with a lot of leftovers.

Some over sensitive dipstick will cry and moan but I miss the days when law enforcement was overwhelmingly white, male, heterosexual and over 25.
A lot less BS and a lot more efficacy.
And no, there is absolutely no way to get those same results when everyone is a protected species who cannot be offended.

10-28-22, 16:12
A little news on the first male officer.



10-28-22, 19:02
More on the dolt...


10-28-22, 19:35
More on the dolt...


I thought they seemed totally fixated on looking for the firearm and ignoring everything else and the turd even said that on the call.

10-29-22, 07:53
The Platteville Police Department is extremely small and poor. So small in fact, that I have often wondered why the city does not contract with the SO to do their police work. These small towns can't pay competitively, and therefore are forced to hire subpar cops. They would be so much better served by paying for the services of an SO than to employ shitty cops.

The Sgt and the female cop, as well as the cities of Platteville and Ft Lupton, will likely be bankrupt for the rest of their lives.

Idiots all around.

10-29-22, 08:26
The Platteville Police Department is extremely small and poor. So small in fact, that I have often wondered why the city does not contract with the SO to do their police work. These small towns can't pay competitively, and therefore are forced to hire subpar cops. They would be so much better served by paying for the services of an SO than to employ shitty cops.

The Sgt and the female cop, as well as the cities of Platteville and Ft Lupton, will likely be bankrupt for the rest of their lives.

Idiots all around.

This isn't a snub against officers of police departments, but sheriffs should be it. Increase their numbers somewhat to adjust for the difference and if crap like this happens require every campaign ad to mention it.

10-29-22, 09:09
The Platteville Police Department is extremely small and poor. So small in fact, that I have often wondered why the city does not contract with the SO to do their police work. These small towns can't pay competitively, and therefore are forced to hire subpar cops. They would be so much better served by paying for the services of an SO than to employ shitty cops.

The Sgt and the female cop, as well as the cities of Platteville and Ft Lupton, will likely be bankrupt for the rest of their lives.

Idiots all around.

Police departments in small towns exist for one reason only and that’s to generate revenue.

Ricardo China
10-29-22, 18:49
Thanks God the girl survived.
Very pro LE here, but man, come on...

10-29-22, 20:27
This isn't a snub against officers of police departments, but sheriffs should be it. Increase their numbers somewhat to adjust for the difference and if crap like this happens require every campaign ad to mention it.

Makes perfect sense to me, that’s what most of the small towns do in my neck of the woods and it works well. The Sheriff furnishes trained Deputies with take-home cars, no worries about covering training, coverage when annual or sick leave is used, cases tried in (County) District Court.

As tn1911 said, most small departments exist to generate revenue, which is a pretty poor way to do business IMHO.

Coal Dragger
10-29-22, 20:52
More on the dolt...



I had to cringe when doofus there said he got the information from the Conductor.

Sorry LEO’s but in the event you come out to a grade crossing incident, the train crew doesn’t really have to tell you shit. I’m not operating a motor vehicle, so you’re not getting my drivers license. No way you guys are filing a report with DL on it and screwing up my insurance rates.

You’re going to get my faded ****ed up employee ID, and my FRA certification card that is my license to run as an engineer. That’s it. I’ll give you the phone number for my direct supervisor. Then I’ll wait for the State Troopers to show up because in most states they’re the only ones with the appropriate reporting process and forms to record the info and file the report.

10-29-22, 21:40

I had to cringe when doofus there said he got the information from the Conductor.

Sorry LEO’s but in the event you come out to a grade crossing incident, the train crew doesn’t really have to tell you shit. I’m not operating a motor vehicle, so you’re not getting my drivers license. No way you guys are filing a report with DL on it and screwing up my insurance rates.

You’re going to get my faded ****ed up employee ID, and my FRA certification card that is my license to run as an engineer. That’s it. I’ll give you the phone number for my direct supervisor. Then I’ll wait for the State Troopers to show up because in most states they’re the only ones with the appropriate reporting process and forms to record the info and file the report.

Guy was doing everything in his power to deflect and distract anything away from him.

Good for you for knowing the deal. I also wouldn't want that clown to drag me into his sphere of stupidity.

10-29-22, 22:04
Guy was doing everything in his power to deflect and distract anything away from him.

Good for you for knowing the deal. I also wouldn't want that clown to drag me into his sphere of stupidity.

I agree. I don’t know about any other region but out West the Railroad was here first. Motorists complain about trains that stop to change crews (and block city streets) but the Railroad has the right-of-way. (They’ve got their own Police too, one of my best friends was a Railroad Police Officer until he passed away.)

Coal Dragger
10-30-22, 04:59
Guy was doing everything in his power to deflect and distract anything away from him.

Good for you for knowing the deal. I also wouldn't want that clown to drag me into his sphere of stupidity.


Particularly true for any train crew that smokes an emergency vehicle. Here’s my employee ID authorizing me to be on private property belonging to this RR, or another RR that has joint trackage; and here’s my Federal Railroad Administration cert/license. Here’s the number for my supervisor (who will already know what’s up and be on the way). Beyond that nothing, no statements, NOTHING.

Let officer dumb dumb explain to the State Troopers why he wasn’t trained on calling the RR hotline phone number right there on the signage at the crossing. The sign tells you the number to call, the name of the crossing, and usually the milepost. It’s not rocket surgery. Call the number, a phone will ring that must be answered, and someone WILL take the call. Tell them the stuff on the sign. Make everyone’s life easier.

Or better yet don’t park on the RR tracks…

10-30-22, 08:22
First question posed to him should have been why didn't he park on the other side of the tracks where the female back up parked.

10-30-22, 09:05
Does anyone else suspect the Officers were inebriated?

10-30-22, 14:46
Or better yet don’t park on the RR tracks…

There's a revolutionary concept.

10-30-22, 14:48
Does anyone else suspect the Officers were inebriated?

More likely a perpetual state of stupidity.

10-30-22, 15:47
"Remember, freight trains ALWAYS have right of way--the longer and heavier, the more so." See my previous comment about my days with Operation Lifesaver...

10-30-22, 15:53
Lol...lol...lol ...

10-30-22, 16:47
More likely a perpetual state of stupidity.
Exactly. I know one of them personally, she’s an idiot.

10-30-22, 20:02
I cannot imagine the horror of sitting handcuffed in the back of a police car, doors locked and a freight train is bearing down on you and there’s nothing you can do to escape... and after you’re injured, the LEO’s that arrested you are more interested in resuming their search than rendering aid. Deliberate Indifference will ultimately get you fired every time. Break out the checkbook...

They jury will get a long drawn out account of the fear and terror that was felt as the cops locked her in a box to suffer before being hit by the train.

10-30-22, 20:38
Wow that almost made me sick to watch it. Shouldn't those cops be arrested for attempted murder?

10-31-22, 01:00
Wow that almost made me sick to watch it. Shouldn't those cops be arrested for attempted murder?

There are ongoing investigations already.

10-31-22, 18:58
They jury will get a long drawn out account of the fear and terror that was felt as the cops locked her in a box to suffer before being hit by the train.

Well, it was preventable. Once LE takes a person into custody they are responsible for their safety.

11-08-22, 09:41
Our DA released the news release yesterday with the charges. Seems appropriate all around. If you don't like the charges, I encourage you to read the elements of the Colorado Revised Statutes before spouting off about what you THINK it should be.


11-08-22, 11:14
"One count of Parking Where Prohibited"

11-08-22, 17:45
Our DA released the news release yesterday with the charges. Seems appropriate all around. If you don't like the charges, I encourage you to read the elements of the Colorado Revised Statutes before spouting off about what you THINK it should be.


The lack of an arrest seems to be an issue and reminiscent of Brailsford shooting Shaver.

11-08-22, 20:54
The lack of an arrest seems to be an issue and reminiscent of Brailsford shooting Shaver.

Welcome to Colorado. We take very few people to jail and issue many summonses. There would be no point in arresting them based on the current bail structure as they would automatically get PR binds due to no criminal record and likelihood of recidivism/strong ties to community/non DV/ nom alcohol or drug related/ etc.

11-09-22, 06:00
Welcome to Colorado. We take very few people to jail and issue many summonses. There would be no point in arresting them based on the current bail structure as they would automatically get PR binds due to no criminal record and likelihood of recidivism/strong ties to community/non DV/ nom alcohol or drug related/ etc.

Weld County seems to make quite a few arrests and the arrest and mug shot get the ball rolling for others.


12-06-22, 20:12
Just about as bad, stuck a handcuffed guy directly behind the passenger side rear tire. Haven't heard if they brought in a K9 to hit on the adjacent car the officer used for a shelf.


12-07-22, 06:12
Almost took out 2 for 1, not a bad ROI. Don't fret over meth heads, they're unfortunately resilient.

Sent from my SM-A326U using Tapatalk

12-07-22, 09:29
Weld County seems to make quite a few arrests and the arrest and mug shot get the ball rolling for others.


Dang it, I was hoping for pictures?

$1,000 bail for not having your head lights on? I know there were some controlled substances also.

12-07-22, 13:28
Damn, Weld County sounds like a happeneing place. Cop and criminals both doing a lot of shaking and moving.

12-07-22, 18:51
Almost took out 2 for 1, not a bad ROI. Don't fret over meth heads, they're unfortunately resilient.

Sent from my SM-A326U using Tapatalk

Party A being bad doesn't make Party B good.

Quite a few people view alcohol users in the same light and drunks tend to be quite resilient based on their frequently being the only survivors in wrecks they cause.