View Full Version : Box of M16 Weapons Shipped to Couple's Home

09-27-22, 12:14
"'It’s almost surreal to believe something like that happen nowadays. It’s incredible,' said retired Houston police captain and former Marine Greg Fremin. 'It’s unbelievable to think weapons of that grade, military-grade weapons, would be shipped in containers [that] would be shipped across state lines and somebody have access to that. It’s pretty shocking.'"


09-27-22, 12:22
Crazy! I once ordered a surplus ECWS jacket and it had a loaded 30 round mag in it. Lots of IDGAF in the surplus world.

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09-27-22, 12:34
They'll run a check on those serial numbers and track them to their last know disposition......then someone's ass will be in a crack. Methinks someone has cooked the books when they realized a crapload of M16's were missing on their watch.

Would be curious to see the results of the investigation.

09-27-22, 13:42
Always some other guy

09-27-22, 14:00
The bought 100 "empty" cases the one shown had 12 M16A2's in it they are not saying if they found any others. Years ago someone bought a truckload of wooden 2.75 rocket boxes and trucked them to Mexico where they found one came with rockets.

09-27-22, 14:02
Happens waaaaay more than ever hits the media.

09-27-22, 14:09
Some people have all the luck….

09-27-22, 14:09
That's one hell of a fortune in that cookie.

09-27-22, 14:15
I would be so tempted. It would be as if the serpent slithered on round the tree to start whispering into my ear if I opened up on of those crates to discover such treasure.

I hope the folks who discovered all of this will be safe from any over zealous prosecution. Technically they were in receivership of prohibited items, and it takes just one numnut want to add to their stats da office to turn that around and make them prove it was not some conspiracy to obtain illicit goods. I know it is reaching, but I simply do not trust things nowadays.

09-27-22, 14:16
I would have kept the shit out of those and made some homo tiktock videos!

09-27-22, 14:44
They sent them to the Wong House.

09-27-22, 14:45
Do military small arms have a similar tracing system like the civilian market??

09-27-22, 15:00
I sure as heck wouldn’t have said a word about them to anyone, pulled them out of the rack and store them somewhere else so if anyone ever came looking, I’d say “no M4s here, just empty racks, take a look”

09-27-22, 15:12
This is absolutely nuts. Those are M16A2 right ? Are they still in use in the US military ? And enquiring minds need to know : were there 12 or 1200 of those ?

09-27-22, 15:15
It's funny how "they" act like these are super duper deadly weapons... So dramatic.

09-27-22, 15:24
Here's the 10 M16s we found, sir.

09-27-22, 16:27
This is absolutely nuts. Those are M16A2 right ? Are they still in use in the US military ? And enquiring minds need to know : were there 12 or 1200 of those ?

Not many US A2 users those were likely supposed to be shipped to the Taliban.

09-27-22, 17:01
Not many US A2 users those were likely supposed to be shipped to the Taliban.

Yeah, God forbid we let a couple M16's get into the hands of law abiding citizens, but giving billions of dollars of advanced US military equipment to the Taliban is A-OK according to Biden and friends.

C'mon man!

09-27-22, 17:15
I didnt read the entire article, are they full auto?

Those babies would have never been reported, I mean finders keepers


09-27-22, 17:22
A2's would be 3 round burst.

Straight Shooter
09-27-22, 17:48
1. Discover the joy.
2. Put lid back on EXACTLY like it came off.
3. Put crate back in the stack of others & wait 6 months or so.
4. If someone comes looking..act like you dont know WTH they are talking about. "Go look for yourself..WOW I DIDNT KNOW THEY WERE IN THERE"!!
5. If no one comes in 6 months or so....HAVE FUN & PROFIT.
Its what Id do anyway. Yes, one COULD make some homo tic tacs for extra cover & concealment. I WOULDNT...but one could.

09-27-22, 18:30
I definitely would have reported getting a box of M-16 lower receivers.

09-27-22, 19:03
Giving towel headed terrorists $89 billion of advanced weaponry= good.

Law abiding American citizens inadvertently given a dozen M16A2s= bad.

The Dumb Gun Collector
09-27-22, 19:15
YEARS ago I had ordered something from AAC. I think it was an adapter for my Ti-rant. I got home and on my porch were two long boxes. Odd. Opened them up: two brand spanking new bolt action rifles in the trendy new 300 Blackout. Of course, I didn't want that crap because that caliber wasn't going anywhere. I called them up and told them," hey guys, I'll give you these two awesome rifles back if you will send me a t-shirt!" I got my t-shrt and some shipping labels.

09-27-22, 19:58
I definitely would have reported getting a box of M-16 lower receivers.

Five by five.

09-27-22, 20:37
I definitely would have reported getting a box of M-16 lower receivers.

Is that like the part that holds the bullets? I’ve got these parts but it’s not like a whole rifle, I didn’t know what they were at first, just like the long barrel.

09-27-22, 23:32
I would have returned them, I just don’t need the grief that comes with waiting for .gov to figure it out. I couldn’t afford to feed them anyway.

09-28-22, 02:36
Is that like the part that holds the bullets? I’ve got these parts but it’s not like a whole rifle, I didn’t know what they were at first, just like the long barrel.

That's the part that makes it fully-semiautomatic.

09-28-22, 09:03
I would have returned them, I just don’t need the grief that comes with waiting for .gov to figure it out. I couldn’t afford to feed them anyway.

That is what the couple tried to do.
AFT showed up with a warrant and turned it into a circus anyway.

09-28-22, 09:25
"'It’s almost surreal to believe something like that happen nowadays. It’s incredible,' said retired Houston police captain and former Marine Greg Fremin. 'It’s unbelievable to think weapons of that grade, military-grade weapons, would be shipped in containers [that] would be shipped across state lines and somebody have access to that. It’s pretty shocking.'"


OH NO!!!!!! Military grade weapons!?!?!?

Dude who received the case of free M16s is an idiot for opening his mouth. If that were me, they would have been PMCSed, cleaned, and packed away. Then I would have locked myself in the bathroom and feverishly masturbated until dehydration.

09-28-22, 09:36
YEARS ago I had ordered something from AAC. I think it was an adapter for my Ti-rant. I got home and on my porch were two long boxes. Odd. Opened them up: two brand spanking new bolt action rifles in the trendy new 300 Blackout. Of course, I didn't want that crap because that caliber wasn't going anywhere. I called them up and told them," hey guys, I'll give you these two awesome rifles back if you will send me a t-shirt!" I got my t-shrt and some shipping labels.

I'd have sent those back too. Even if they were in a good caliber, that's something they'd have probably figured out at some point. I'd have leverages at least 5 shirts though.

09-28-22, 14:38
That is what the couple tried to do.
AFT showed up with a warrant and turned it into a circus anyway.

This heavy-handed crap needs to stop, this Country is turning into Nazi Germany.

Coal Dragger
09-28-22, 16:53
That is what the couple tried to do.
AFT showed up with a warrant and turned it into a circus anyway.

A nice preview of how ATF will handle the pistol brace amnesty or whatever they want to call it.

09-28-22, 22:27
Hey, law sez you can keep unsolicited merchandise and you don't have to pay for it. ;)

09-29-22, 07:29
Doesn’t the law in the US also says it’s illegal to possess a full auto rifle that is not on the register, and that will land one in jail for some serious time ?

Like this guy with his M14


09-29-22, 07:45
Not many US A2 users those were likely supposed to be shipped to the Taliban.

Some NG unit's leftovers?

I'm reminded of the western rancher's code regarding coyotes & wolves - "Shoot, shovel, & shut up." I'd suddenly be into geocaching!

09-29-22, 11:09
So I'm the only one who would make an ignoramus Rap style video flaunting the merch, and post it all over the tiktoks and snapchats and assface and myspace????

09-29-22, 11:32
Doesn’t the law in the US also says it’s illegal to possess a full auto rifle that is not on the register, and that will land one in jail for some serious time ?

Like this guy with his M14


Yup, and as for the old guy with the M14. How come it took them so long to find that rifle? The man bought it in the 80s at a gun show. It seems odd to me that out of nowhere they would have discovered where it was; especially, when the owner kept it in a case all of the time just to display it privately in his home.

09-29-22, 12:12
I miss the good ‘ole days when I could walk into a hardware store and buy a BAR, Thompson SMG or even a Colt Monitor. Yes, that was real freedom, fellas.


09-29-22, 12:36
That scene in that movie made me weep for lost liberties.