View Full Version : Brett Cooper's fun take on Angry feminists hysterical about new female Italian PM

The Dumb Gun Collector
09-27-22, 18:53
Feminists Angry After Italy Elects First FEMALE Prime Minister. Nearly as bad as Mussolini!


Watch the lady at the end when she does the Chesterton quote. This lady is a badass.

09-27-22, 21:00
Never heard of Brett Cooper before. But if I was inclined to watch 10 minutes of political commentary a day, I could probably watch her channel.

The Dumb Gun Collector
09-28-22, 09:20
She keeps it pretty light. It’s just nice to see a young person who isn’t a pinko commie or pissed off all the time.

09-28-22, 10:29
Everyone wants a female leader unless she's conservative. I'm not a conservative, but that's 100% accurate assessment.

09-28-22, 14:18
Never heard of Brett Cooper before. But if I was inclined to watch 10 minutes of political commentary a day, I could probably watch her channel.
Same with me.

Thanks for posting her video, @The Dumb Gun Collector.

09-28-22, 14:19
Never heard of Brett Cooper before. But if I was inclined to watch 10 minutes of political commentary a day, I could probably watch her channel.

She rocks. Perfect for my teenage kids. Her pacing, use of multiple camera angles and rapid cuts. That is a real win for daily wire…