View Full Version : Army's first trans officer indicted for spying for Russians

The Dumb Gun Collector
09-29-22, 12:03
The Russian freak show continues

Army's first trans officer and “her” Johns Hopkins doctor wife are indicted on SPY charges: Tried to pass medical records to Russians of senior officers at Fort Bragg - the home Army's first trans officer and her Johns Hopkins doctor wife are indicted on SPY charges: Tried to pass medical records to Russians of senior officers at Fort Bragg - the home of Delta Force and special operations of Delta Force and special operations


The Putin vanguard:


09-29-22, 12:12
Are we seriously going to be surprised that the dude that switched teams, switched teams again?

09-29-22, 12:19
I'm sure the General's ulcer is top secret...

I effing hate traitors. Shoot them.

The Dumb Gun Collector
09-29-22, 12:25
Are we seriously going to be surprised that the dude that switched teams, switched teams again?

Hahahah damn

09-29-22, 12:31
That’s dedication! Having a slot installed in your body to stash intel is some serious spy craft.

09-29-22, 12:52
These are the consequences of not hiring the best people for the job. Shocking I tell you, just shocking.

09-29-22, 13:08
Mental illness used to be a disqualifier for the military; now it is lauded. We reap what we sow.

09-29-22, 13:21
I don't get why anyone is surprised? If they can swap genders because they say so, why can't they swap nationalities the same way? Transgender, transnational, is there really any limit now? :(

09-29-22, 13:33
That’s dedication! Having a slot installed in your body to stash intel is some serious spy craft.

Not to mention giving yourself a look that makes people look the other way.

09-29-22, 13:55
Bad decision making and lack of morals generally carries across all aspects of ones life, not just one or two.

09-29-22, 14:00
Twenty years ago this would have been an SNL skit.

09-29-22, 14:30
Sounds like the Army needs tolerance training for those loyal to our enemies. I mean.. it's discriminatory to mistreat this freak based on his allegiance.

09-29-22, 18:49
"Max Klinger" was a TV character - not an aspirational role model!

09-30-22, 09:10
This is totally Orwellian: one story, two screens..



Is it transgendered or not? Not a hint on CNN- I thought it was a different story. Also, did CNN ‘dead-name’ the dude?

10-01-22, 05:50
Mental illness used to be a disqualifier for the military; now it is lauded. We reap what we sow.


The Commies and counter-culture go after the mentally disabled first.

10-01-22, 09:41
I'm so confused.

Born as a male then had its man parts modified to be a female, then married a female.

just a scout
10-01-22, 09:49
I'm so confused.

Born as a male then had its man parts modified to be a female, then married a female.

Well, he thought he was a lesbian, so…

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

The Dumb Gun Collector
10-01-22, 12:17
The hilarious thing is that Russia would have long locked his crazy ass away in an asylum.

10-01-22, 12:37
Is he/she/it guilty of treason or espionage? One of these is actually punishable by death.

10-01-22, 13:57
I he/she/it guilty of treason or espionage? One of these is actually punishable by death.

Is the difference that the first one is actively participating in a activity to bring down the US government, while the second would be mainly sharing information?

10-01-22, 14:07
Is the difference that the first one is actively participating in a activity to bring down the US government, while the second would be mainly sharing information?

Treason is "only in levying War against [the United States], or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.". The bar for what constitutes treason is very high, specifically to prevent its misuse in politically turbulent times. I don't think Russia is currently considered an actual "enemy" legally, as we are not at war with them.

10-01-22, 14:14
FUSA is so far down the rabbit hole at this point, either shoot it or salute it !