View Full Version : What's old is new again (anti-Jewish movement)

09-30-22, 06:51
In such a "progressive" place like Berkeley...

Yeah, it starts with "anti-Zionism" but just like the Nazis they like to call everyone else, that's where it starts. "Oh, it's just not allowing them to speak at our gatherings..."


Nine different law student groups at the University of California at Berkeley’s School of Law, my own alma mater, have begun this new academic year by amending bylaws to ensure that they will never invite any speakers that support Israel or Zionism. And these are not groups that represent only a small percentage of the student population. They include Women of Berkeley Law, Asian Pacific American Law Students Association, Middle Eastern and North African Law Students Association, Law Students of African Descent and the Queer Caucus. Berkeley Law’s Dean Erwin Chemerinsky, a progressive Zionist, has observed that he himself would be banned under this standard, as would 90% of his Jewish students.

This sounds like a serious violation of civil rights that our Justice Department should take issue with immediately even before the campus administration lowered the hammer on the groups.



09-30-22, 07:02
The tolerance is astounding, isn't it?

09-30-22, 07:03
Proving that Fascism/"Democratic Socialism"/Communism are the same Evil, just by another name:

Look at Body Count by Country/Ideology:

Germany/Nazi's: 11M
China/Under Mao: 30-40M
Russia/Under Stalin: 20M (WWll Deaths added-40M)

09-30-22, 07:19
This may ruffle feathers but, things are tough all over.
There are multitudes of other people who get canceled or disinvited or unpersoned or whatever Crucible du Jour eggheads have cooked up.

Israel has some problems and NO they aren’t “God’s chosen people”. And if they were then I would certainly get a new god because that dog won’t hunt. It’s like when I would go into a black home on a domestic and seeing a portrait of white Jesus.

Israel is in fact a corrupt and horrible place government wise and whatever tree of liberty they have could do with some watering. You have even had an IDF soldier (whom I certainly respect) tell you that.

Sometimes pushback is a good thing. People are entitled to their religion and their shot at life but either we outrage for everyone or we outrage for no one.

Let’s keep it real, nobody woke up one day and said “let’s just pick on Jews for no reason”.

09-30-22, 09:01
In such a "progressive" place like Berkeley...

Zero surprise. Looney leftists make EVERYTHING about Race/Religion/Sex. Sane people just go about their lives.

09-30-22, 09:29
This may ruffle feathers but, things are tough all over.
There are multitudes of other people who get canceled or disinvited or unpersoned or whatever Crucible du Jour eggheads have cooked up.

Israel has some problems and NO they aren’t “God’s chosen people”. And if they were then I would certainly get a new god because that dog won’t hunt. It’s like when I would go into a black home on a domestic and seeing a portrait of white Jesus.

Israel is in fact a corrupt and horrible place government wise and whatever tree of liberty they have could do with some watering. You have even had an IDF soldier (whom I certainly respect) tell you that.

Sometimes pushback is a good thing. People are entitled to their religion and their shot at life but either we outrage for everyone or we outrage for no one.

Let’s keep it real, nobody woke up one day and said “let’s just pick on Jews for no reason”.

Bullshit. If it was Islam instead of Judaism, there would be a full blown civil rights investigation.


09-30-22, 09:38
Christian conservatives get cancelled / protests / not allowed to speak to the student body at many of the liberal universities as well...the tolerant left.

Everything woke turns to crap.

09-30-22, 09:52
Christian conservatives get cancelled / protests / not allowed to speak to the student body at many of the liberal universities as well...the tolerant left.

Everything woke turns to crap.

Intolerance for any view not your own is a thing far left or right. Christian conservatives not exactly known for their tolerance. That being said, no one does the hypocrisy / double standard gig like progressive lib left, and that's what bothers me most personally.

09-30-22, 11:59
I have been baffled by this anti free speech movement coming out of colleges in recent years. Especially in a place like Berkeley which once had a pro free speech movement. I was taught that although you may not like what your opponent has to say, you still fight for their right to say it. Because if they can be censored, then you can also be censored, and the free exchange of ideas is essential to a free society. The kids today really can't handle anyone challenging their ideas.

09-30-22, 19:37
I do not think they were ever truly pro free speech. I think they have always been pro their speech, and hid that intention under a so called love of the first amendment. I still recall Tipper Gore trying to ban the music I listened to back then, and Dee Snider pointing that they are all fools. Later on it was Lieberman attempting to do the same to video games. The left always has a hard on for censorship. I admit that the moral majority folks are also into it, and no friends of mine either, but they were not leading that charge.

09-30-22, 21:06
Are offenders issued a yellow Star of David for lapel wear, or are they just tattooing forearms already?

09-30-22, 22:55
I have been baffled by this anti free speech movement coming out of colleges in recent years. Especially in a place like Berkeley which once had a pro free speech movement. I was taught that although you may not like what your opponent has to say, you still fight for their right to say it. Because if they can be censored, then you can also be censored, and the free exchange of ideas is essential to a free society. The kids today really can't handle anyone challenging their ideas.

Berkley was never a bastion for free speech and never promoted such. It was a bastion for Soviet sponsored agitprop.

Here's a news flash.... neither side really cares about freedom, liberty, civil rights, etc.... They're all different flavors of authoritarianism.

09-30-22, 22:57
Bullshit. If it was Islam instead of Judaism, there would be a full blown civil rights investigation.


Leftists back Islam because the Soviets backed Pan-Arabists during the the 60s and 70s. Why? Because Israel originally while backed by the USSR, sided with the West and the Soviets were angry about that.

09-30-22, 23:05
I do not think they were ever truly pro free speech. I think they have always been pro their speech, and hid that intention under a so called love of the first amendment. I still recall Tipper Gore trying to ban the music I listened to back then, and Dee Snider pointing that they are all fools. Later on it was Lieberman attempting to do the same to video games. The left always has a hard on for censorship. I admit that the moral majority folks are also into it, and no friends of mine either, but they were not leading that charge.

Both sides are anti freedom.

The Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said “The idea that these video games that dehumanize individuals, to have a game of shooting individuals ... I’ve always felt that it’s a problem for future generations and others.”

That isn't a pro freedom statement.

Both sides are authoritarian.

09-30-22, 23:20
So with the exception of Aaron Zelman (JPFO) and a like minded minority of the jewish community, the majority of jews in the US worked hard to build the leftist movement from the 1960s forward. This of course does nothing to make "all jews" responsible, but most should not be surprised that the machine they supported and funded would one day become too progressive even for them.

The left, even if you go back decades, was fundamentally about socialism and that means ultimately everyone is fed to the machine.

I will never understand why a group of people who were literally subjected to industrial murder would support any kind of statism, but here we are just the same. And part of the problem is the idea of a community where people are held to come kind of "common standard" and expecting even that idea to turn out ok. So lots of jews accepted lots of BS because they thought it was for the "good of the community" and doesn't that sound awfully familiar?

The good news is THIS generation should be "message received" and hopefully will abandon the left completely and explore real world libertarianism. We could use a few more unincorporated "free citizens" who are politically beholden to nobody.

09-30-22, 23:24
Berkley was never a bastion for free speech and never promoted such. It was a bastion for Soviet sponsored agitprop.

Here's a news flash.... neither side really cares about freedom, liberty, civil rights, etc.... They're all different flavors of authoritarianism.

Ultimately this is the reality.

Group A represents this half of your views and Group B represents that half of your views. Choose are your own peril as they both take turns stripping you of your rights and blaming the other guy for doing it.

Even on guns, the GOP has f'ed us more than a few times. It wasn't Bill Clinton who banned the importation of HK91s, FALs and semi auto Uzis.

10-01-22, 05:20
Leftists back Islam because the Soviets backed Pan-Arabists during the the 60s and 70s. Why? Because Israel originally while backed by the USSR, sided with the West and the Soviets were angry about that.

I think they secretly yearn to be Hitler, who cuddled up to Islam as well.


I am not Catholic fwiw.


10-01-22, 05:56
This may ruffle feathers but, things are tough all over.
There are multitudes of other people who get canceled or disinvited or unpersoned or whatever Crucible du Jour eggheads have cooked up.

Israel has some problems and NO they aren’t “God’s chosen people”. And if they were then I would certainly get a new god because that dog won’t hunt. It’s like when I would go into a black home on a domestic and seeing a portrait of white Jesus.

Israel is in fact a corrupt and horrible place government wise and whatever tree of liberty they have could do with some watering. You have even had an IDF soldier (whom I certainly respect) tell you that.

Sometimes pushback is a good thing. People are entitled to their religion and their shot at life but either we outrage for everyone or we outrage for no one.

Let’s keep it real, nobody woke up one day and said “let’s just pick on Jews for no reason”.
What's happening at Berkley isn't about foreign policy. Your last sentence is ironic.

10-01-22, 06:19
There was a time I would be outraged.
Nowadays I just wish everybody would keep it in church/synagogue/mosque/Sith temple.

Because it all devolves into fanboyism/arguments over Bronze Age fanfiction.

You could force Berkley to host them at gunpoint but if nobody wants to hear it then nobody will go. Outrage and forcing people to accept things is how we ended up with drag queen story time

10-01-22, 08:49
So with the exception of Aaron Zelman (JPFO) and a like minded minority of the jewish community, the majority of jews in the US worked hard to build the leftist movement from the 1960s forward. This of course does nothing to make "all jews" responsible, but most should not be surprised that the machine they supported and funded would one day become too progressive even for them.

The left, even if you go back decades, was fundamentally about socialism and that means ultimately everyone is fed to the machine.

I will never understand why a group of people who were literally subjected to industrial murder would support any kind of statism, but here we are just the same. And part of the problem is the idea of a community where people are held to come kind of "common standard" and expecting even that idea to turn out ok. So lots of jews accepted lots of BS because they thought it was for the "good of the community" and doesn't that sound awfully familiar?

The good news is THIS generation should be "message received" and hopefully will abandon the left completely and explore real world libertarianism. We could use a few more unincorporated "free citizens" who are politically beholden to nobody.

Israel for the most part is a socialist country. Very statist and big on gun control and other forms of control. As a nation, their form of government is not all about civil rights and freedoms. Sure, compared to their neighbors, they're great. But they're about on par with your typical European country on the freedom index.

As for why American Jews support big government? Why does anyone support it? Jews make up a tiny percentage of the US population. The grassroots support for big government statist authoritarianism is your average American. The fact that even small town American WASPs support it is scary. Look at Vermont as an example. They're the most monochromatic state in the Union and they continually vote Bernie Sanders into office.

10-01-22, 08:50
Ultimately this is the reality.

Group A represents this half of your views and Group B represents that half of your views. Choose are your own peril as they both take turns stripping you of your rights and blaming the other guy for doing it.

Even on guns, the GOP has f'ed us more than a few times. It wasn't Bill Clinton who banned the importation of HK91s, FALs and semi auto Uzis.

In my lifetime, Republicans instituted more gun control than Democrats did in my state.

10-01-22, 09:33
Newsflash: Leftists have always been raging racists.

10-01-22, 12:01
. Look at Vermont as an example. They're the most monochromatic state in the Union and they continually vote Bernie Sanders into office.

I lived in Woodstock,VT some years back, in the 2 years I was there I saw a total of 3-4 blacks and maybe 4-5 spanish /asian types. The local populace was isolated and even more clueless and liberal than california types.

10-01-22, 12:12
I lived in Woodstock,VT some years back, in the 2 years I was there I saw a total of 3-4 blacks and maybe 4-5 spanish /asian types. The local populace was isolated and even more clueless and liberal than california types.

That's why I laugh when folks over on the OTS claim that VT is minorities that are solely to blame. Yet Vermont being the most homogenous and white, votes for the most socialist politician in Congress.

10-01-22, 14:19
Berkeley Law’s Dean Erwin Chemerinsky, a progressive Zionist
AKA, "just as much a flaming leftist as anyone else there".

I wouldn't want him or any of his cronies in my group either. The only difference is EVERYONE would call me a natsi and huwite soupereemasis; I wouldn't even have an in-group of people who would understand, let alone support, cutting out people like that.
I am glad they banned them; have a taste of your own bull$#!+ and good day.