View Full Version : Does it really matter if they charge Hunter Biden?

10-08-22, 10:04
His senile old man will simply pardon him. Done deal.

Yeah, it'll make them look bad, yada yada. Won't matter one damn bit. Half this country is gonna vote "D" anyway, doesn't matter who they run.

Much to do about [ultimately] nothing.

10-08-22, 10:17
Does it matter? Yeah, it does.

Will they? No, they won't.

They are in a bit of a pickle: if they don't charge him, the GOP/right will (rightfully) claim further politicization of the FBI; if they do charge him, the GOP/right will use that as election fodder.

Straight Shooter
10-08-22, 10:24
I flip back and forth.
Today Im at charge his ass.

10-08-22, 10:30
I flip back and forth.
Today Im at charge his ass.

Oh I say go ahead and do it, but in the end it won't matter one damn bit.

10-08-22, 10:42
I'm not sure, due to the relationship, how he actually could pardon him.
If Hunter is guilty, then clearly Joe is also guilty.

10-08-22, 10:47
Wait till after Joe is not Pres anymore. Then charge Hunter.

10-08-22, 10:55
Wait till after Joe is not Pres anymore. Then charge Hunter.

Or charge Hunter and impeach Joe at the same time.

10-08-22, 11:43
I think they will hit him with some fines, possibly some house confinement BS. With some community service. Joe will not pardon him.

This will come of as a publicity stunt. About how Joe kept out of the DOJ's business, and his son pays for his own mistakes. That's how up and up ole Straight Shooter Joe is.

10-08-22, 11:56
It’s not really a problem about Hunter, it’s the “big guy” or “chairman”. There will not be any charges or investigation of the family business, of that I’m pretty sure.

So they either don’t change Hunter and continue to rub the corruption right in our faces, or whitewash with minor charges that can be pled down to fines. I lean towards the first, unless the big guy needs to be retired.

10-08-22, 13:53
Wait till after Joe is not Pres anymore. Then charge Hunter.

I believe the POTUS can pre-emptively pardon, can't he? i.e. he is on his way out but knows what's waiting for Crackhead so he pardons him before charges are ever brought. Nixon was pardoned by Ford before any charges could be brought.

Coal Dragger
10-08-22, 14:02
Does it matter if Hunter Biden gets charged?

Charged with what exactly?

1.) Lying about his drug habits on a Form 4473?

I don’t care about that shit. The war on drugs is stupid, only stupid people continue to support it, and only stupid and corrupt people who oppress their fellow citizens act on behalf of the state to enforce those laws pertaining to drug use, possession, or distribution. If that describes anyone reading my post sorry, but at this point you’re part of the problem.

2.) Charged for his corrupt probably illegal business dealings?

Sure, he should absolutely be charged. What will piss everyone off is that if we as a society want to hold him accountable under the law on this one, prepare to do so in a manner consistent with any other white collar dirtbag criminal. That probably means a well negotiated plea deal resulting in virtually no jail time, and if there is any it will not be real jail.

Will either of those things happen? No.

10-08-22, 14:12
Impeach Biden Sr first.
Arrest, try and convict Biden Jr second.
Yeah right, like that is going to happen. :lol:
I guess treason isn't what it use to be.

10-08-22, 14:26
Impeach Biden Sr first.
Arrest, try and convict Biden Jr second.
Yeah right, like that is going to happen. :lol:
I guess treason isn't what it use to be.

Exactly the opposite.
Drag Hunter in and get him talking, use his computer recorde against him and start piling on the time.
Hunter cracks and implicates Joe.

How long does it take for a crack addict to start sweating?

Coal Dragger
10-08-22, 14:36
Hunter Biden can afford excellent legal representation. He’s not going to sweat like some rando with a public “defender”.

Straight Shooter
10-08-22, 19:44
The one thing about this that anyone breathing knows is a FACT- had this been one of the Trump kids...what a show of shows that would be. They already YEARS ago would have been tried and thrown in jail.
That unfairness is really the thing that gets me the most. Before anyone HAS to say it.. I KNOW LIFE AINT FAIR. :rolleyes: But the law IS supposed to be.

10-08-22, 20:16
The one thing about this that anyone breathing knows is a FACT- had this been one of the Trump kids...what a show of shows that would be. They already YEARS ago would have been tried and thrown in jail.
That unfairness is really the thing that gets me the most. Before anyone HAS to say it.. I KNOW LIFE AINT FAIR. :rolleyes: But the law IS supposed to be.

Agreed 100%. The Left proudly carries the "Golden Double Standard Card".....and they don't leave home without it!

Honestly, when there were rumblings about trying nail DJTJ for whatever it was a couple years ago, I firmly believe Orange Man would've pardoned him. Hell, it's his son.....BUT....Crackhead has been caught dead to rights and the DJTJ thing was fabricated bullshit (hmmm.....where have we heard that before in the last couple of years?). Crackhead wouldn't deserve a pardon as his are real charges. DJTJ would've been okay because they were making shit up. Think about it: if Trump's son had legitimately f****d up like Crackhead (forget about HB being a loser at life in general), then the MSM and DoJ would've been all over it.

Straight Shooter
10-08-22, 20:19
Agreed 100%. The Left proudly carries the "Golden Double Standard Card".....and they don't leave home without it!

Honestly, when there were rumblings about trying nail DJTJ for whatever it was a couple years ago, I firmly believe Orange Man would've pardoned him. Hell, it's his son.....BUT....Crackhead has been caught dead to rights and the DJTJ thing was fabricated bullshit (hmmm.....where have we heard that before in the last couple of years?). Crackhead wouldn't deserve a pardon as his are real charges. DJTJ would've been okay because they were making shit up. Think about it: if Trump's son had f****d up like Crackhead (forget about HB being a loser at life in general), then the MSM and DoJ would've been all over it.

There would have literally been jizz running down the camera lens in the news studios...they would have had to hire people to clean them after every story. :lol:

10-08-22, 20:54
Does it matter if Hunter Biden gets charged?

Charged with what exactly?

1.) Lying about his drug habits on a Form 4473?

I don’t care about that shit. The war on drugs is stupid, only stupid people continue to support it, and only stupid and corrupt people who oppress their fellow citizens act on behalf of the state to enforce those laws pertaining to drug use, possession, or distribution. If that describes anyone reading my post sorry, but at this point you’re part of the problem.

2.) Charged for his corrupt probably illegal business dealings?

Sure, he should absolutely be charged. What will piss everyone off is that if we as a society want to hold him accountable under the law on this one, prepare to do so in a manner consistent with any other white collar dirtbag criminal. That probably means a well negotiated plea deal resulting in virtually no jail time, and if there is any it will not be real jail.

Will either of those things happen? No.

Tax BS is all they will likely do. I would be very surprised if they attempted the 4473.

10-08-22, 20:59
I spend a lot of money on lawyers, to make sure we never violate all the stupid laws that Congress has passed.

Charge him and find him guilty and let his old man pardon him. That will piss off even more people but charge him.

I still hate Ford for pardoning Nixon

10-08-22, 23:53
I spend a lot of money on lawyers, to make sure we never violate all the stupid laws that Congress has passed.

Charge him and find him guilty and let his old man pardon him. That will piss off even more people but charge him.

I still hate Ford for pardoning Nixon👍👍👍👍👍

10-09-22, 00:02
I may be all wet as I thought this was bs from the beginning to set a playing field to justify going after trump...Levin covers it in the first 2mins but the whole bit is worth a watch.


10-09-22, 05:08
I tend to agree this is a smoke screen for the Trump indictment, having said that and I believe it Hunter must be charged. If they don't charge Hunter it will not keep them from going after Trump.

If the American people swallow it, then the masses have become so stupid we are going to lose our country minus major blood shed.

10-09-22, 08:09
I tend to agree this is a smoke screen for the Trump indictment, having said that and I believe it Hunter must be charged. If they don't charge Hunter it will not keep them from going after Trump.

If the American people swallow it, then the masses have become so stupid we are going to lose our country minus major blood shed.


10-09-22, 09:17
They ain't gonna charge him with diddly. At most they will announce that "he was very careless about complying with the law".

The establishment (R and D) has no interest in seeing him charged. They are all playing the same games and plying the same trade. Mutual protection mode will rule over party or politics.

All this noise about Hunter us just "playing to the masses". Every single one of them is in it for the power and the loot.

10-09-22, 11:42
I believe he will get charged for the Tax issues. I see him paying some fines. Making a few appearances at some events as community service.

Nothing more than a image put forth that Joe is so straight forward and honest. That he didn't even interfere with the investigation and judgment on his own son.

When in fact it will all be for show.

Remember all those IRS agents are going to be finding lots of fine worthy offenses. Every one is going to have to make up for their short comings.

Also The democrats in charge wouldn't interfere with the DOJ'S prosecution of political advisories.

10-09-22, 12:17
Trump gets charged with espionage for basically late library books, while Hunter is treasoning all over the world, money laundering, whoring, doing drugs and general mayhem, and he gets charged with the eqivilent of a late library book fine…

10-09-22, 18:10
My wife went for a visit with her lib sister and brother in law last week. BIL said Hunter has never committed a crime and he does not understand why they would persecute him.


10-09-22, 18:45
My wife went for a visit with her lib sister and brother in law last week. BIL said Hunter has never committed a crime and he does not understand why they would persecute him.


When this whole thing goes hot. You will have quite a responsibility on your hands.

10-09-22, 18:58
When this whole thing goes hot. You will have quite a responsibility on your hands.

Wife is conservative.


10-09-22, 19:53
My wife went for a visit with her lib sister and brother in law last week. BIL said Hunter has never committed a crime and he does not understand why they would persecute him.

And that is exactly what I refer to when I mention (ad nauseum) on here that half this country has it's head firmly planted up it's ass. Sure, + or - a couple points each election cycle but essentially half this country is the problem. The dipshits they vote for (and in some cases the imaginary/fraudulent votes like in 2020) are directly representative of that.

Call them the "enemy" or not, THEY are the problem. The Demoshits wouldn't be where they are today without their help.....and a little fraud of course.

Remember when Reagan won 49 out of 50 states in 1984? Pepperidge Farms remembers, and it will NEVER happen again.

10-09-22, 19:59
The people who voted for biden & still support this admin owe us reparations for this nightmare...they turn on the tv for 30mins every day and eat up the propaganda & take their orders.

10-10-22, 08:17
What they owe won't be given.

10-13-22, 16:33
I'm a simple man with simple tastes. I want Hunter charged to the max. Not because I believe he'd ever be convicted. No, I just want it to drive him back to the glass pipe with the hope he gets a hot baggy laced with fentanyl. Because his daddy deserves exactly that type of retribution. He needs to know his rotten, corrupt son died in the same way tens of thousands of American families watched their kids die of fentanyl poisoning, while he fiddled and dithered and pretended he was a great man.

10-13-22, 16:59
I'm a simple man with simple tastes. I want Hunter charged to the max. Not because I believe he'd ever be convicted. No, I just want it to drive him back to the glass pipe with the hope he gets a hot baggy laced with fentanyl. Because his daddy deserves exactly that type of retribution. He needs to know his rotten, corrupt son died in the same way tens of thousands of American families watched their kids die of fentanyl poisoning, while he fiddled and dithered and pretended he was a great man.

100% agree