View Full Version : Executive Order 14067 - Bend over here it comes.....no lube

10-08-22, 23:13
"Evaluating the concept of a Central Bank Digital Currency".

They are purposely crashing the corporate bond market. The banks are yelling warnings to the Fed about it but its part of the plan, so it will go unheeded. They are creating this crisis so the sheeple will welcome the CBDC which will be offered to the public as their solution to "save them". It will be accepted with open arms. We will be so screwed.

After that, they won't need a gun registry. It's built in by design.


Coal Dragger
10-09-22, 23:36
So Uncle Sugar wants to get involved in regulating crypto currency Ponzi schemes?


10-10-22, 07:41
So Uncle Sugar wants to get involved in regulating crypto currency Ponzi schemes?

OK.Oh, it's WAY WAY worse than that.

10-10-22, 07:48
Oh, it's WAY WAY worse than that.I agree. It's the beginning of going to a cashless society were they know every dollar you spend and they can penalize you if you are not being a good little citizen. Just make sure you have a good social credit score.

Soli Deo Gloria

10-10-22, 08:44
I agree. It's the beginning of going to a cashless society were they know every dollar you spend and they can penalize you if you are not being a good little citizen. Just make sure you have a good social credit score.

This. It's worth reading up on, and fighting any way you can.

Just "coincidentally," several of the worst major banks are rolling out ESG scores - personal social credit scores - ostensibly for personal info and amusement. Realistically it's a trial run for making it mandatory in a few years. If you're on M4C you can assume you'd be locked out of the banking system to a great extent.

10-10-22, 08:57
You do realize that the Framers would have been killing people and burning things over this, yes?

Crypto was never a Ponzi scheme like some of you Sam Elliott types like to think. The point of Crypto currency was currency that the government couldn’t touch. Have you forgotten already that the Canadian truckers were having to rely on Bitcoin because Trudeau seized and froze all their bank accounts?

That’s why all these “Know Your Customer” laws spawned from the Patriot Act. It all has less to do with stopping Achmed and more to do with stopping YOU!

They track what you buy. What you sell. Any income “discrepancies” to make sure you are “paying your fair share”.

Anybody who got “rich” off crypto was a fluke. It’s not the stock market.

It is the only money you can honestly say you own. What they want to do is make their “own” crypto that they control the valuation and fungibility of.

Again…..The Framers would seriously be killing people and seizing Mints and Servers over this.

Because Crypto’s true beauty is that you aren’t tethered to nationalisation.

1 bitcoin is 1 bitcoin.

10-10-22, 09:10
You do realize that the Framers would have been killing people and burning things over this, yes?

Crypto was never a Ponzi scheme like some of you Sam Elliott types like to think. The point of Crypto currency was currency that the government couldn’t touch. Have you forgotten already that the Canadian truckers were having to rely on Bitcoin because Trudeau seized and froze all their bank accounts?

That’s why all these “Know Your Customer” laws spawned from the Patriot Act. It all has less to do with stopping Achmed and more to do with stopping YOU!

They track what you buy. What you sell. Any income “discrepancies” to make sure you are “paying your fair share”.

Anybody who got “rich” off crypto was a fluke. It’s not the stock market.

It is the only money you can honestly say you own. What they want to do is make their “own” crypto that they control the valuation and fungibility of.

Again…..The Framers would seriously be killing people and seizing Mints and Servers over this.

Because Crypto’s true beauty is that you aren’t tethered to nationalisation.

1 bitcoin is 1 bitcoin.

You seem to know much of this. Most of use just know what we here on the internet. I get a sense that your knowledge gravitates more around Bitcoin and what it's intended purpose is for.

I am interested. Please tell me more about it. Who invented it and how was it actually introduced into existence?

10-10-22, 09:25
I donÂ’t have time for PMs or so on.


This really is the best resource in terms of explaining it. I will tell you to DIVERSIFY. There are other cryptos out there. Some doing better than others.


Remember donÂ’t dump your life savings into crypto. Put in what you are comfortable with FLUCTUATING. REMEMBER REMEMBER REMEMBER that this is REAL TIME values. That the worth fluctuates based on the world economy. ItÂ’s not meant to always go up. DonÂ’t dump 30k and expect to be a millionaire. That was a fluke.

DO invest some money that you donÂ’t want anybody getting their hands on or knowing about. Money that is accessible anywhere in the world. Money that is YOURS

DO use a clean computer preferably Linux OS based and a good Wallet (I will not recommend one over the other just make sure your device is clean)

DO treat this as an emergency fund

DO NOT try to move too much money at once

DO NOT watch for the value every day. It is stable and will go back up again. But you arenÂ’t trying to get rich. Bear in mind the world economy is on borderline depression.

DO NOT use personal credit cards.

10-10-22, 10:25
You do realize that the Framers would have been killing people and burning things over this, yes?

Crypto was never a Ponzi scheme like some of you Sam Elliott types like to think. The point of Crypto currency was currency that the government couldn’t touch. Have you forgotten already that the Canadian truckers were having to rely on Bitcoin because Trudeau seized and froze all their bank accounts?

That’s why all these “Know Your Customer” laws spawned from the Patriot Act. It all has less to do with stopping Achmed and more to do with stopping YOU!

They track what you buy. What you sell. Any income “discrepancies” to make sure you are “paying your fair share”.

Anybody who got “rich” off crypto was a fluke. It’s not the stock market.

It is the only money you can honestly say you own. What they want to do is make their “own” crypto that they control the valuation and fungibility of.

Again…..The Framers would seriously be killing people and seizing Mints and Servers over this.

Because Crypto’s true beauty is that you aren’t tethered to nationalisation.

1 bitcoin is 1 bitcoin.

You can't explain Crypto to a group that uses TiVo to record reruns of The Rifleman.

10-10-22, 12:19
Non regulated crypto will be illegal once they get the CBDC in place. It will also be "for your safety".

Yes, Firefly, the Framers would be seriously killing people over this and rightly so. This sh!t is seriously bad. When "the people" decide to do it will be "too late". Like when the Jews thought they were walking in to take a shower "too late".

10-10-22, 19:45
I agree. It's the beginning of going to a cashless society were they know every dollar you spend and they can penalize you if you are not being a good little citizen. Just make sure you have a good social credit score.

Soli Deo Gloria

Yep, Paypal is already playing ball. This is an email from Ammo2.
Based on the shenanigans that PayPal tried to pull over the weekend, we have decided to discontinue our use of the payment service going forward. In case you haven't heard, PayPal recently updated their Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) to include “misinformation” as an offense they could fine you $2500 for. Yep they really tried to do that.

For anyone that doesn't believe it (I didn’t until I looked at the email PayPal sent me Friday afternoon. Who reads those things anyway?). Here is the actual language they used before retracting it. I got a screenshot before they took it down…

Misinformation Penalized
Luckily there are people that read these things, unlike myself, and alerted the world to these shenanigans.

This action goes way beyond what a financial institution should be doing (or any institution for that matter). Any company that, even briefly, feels like they can exert that much control over your life should be immediately deep sixed. Many people appear to share my thoughts because #deletePaypal is currently trending on Twitter.

Our country was founded on certain principles that have made America the greatest nation on earth. One of these bedrock principles is the ability to speak your mind... without censorship. To have PayPal of all places, think they can somehow be an arbiter of what you can and can't say online is beyond ridiculous.

What PayPal forgot, and the market is now reminding them, is that there are plenty of alternatives to their payment service. Venmo is actually owned by PayPal so that would be a no-go in my book, but there are others. CashApp and Gab Pay are two that come to mind, but so does our own recently announced feature to send ammo to friends like cash.

10-10-22, 21:13
Maybe I'm doing crypto wrong but I just use it for transactions. I have funds in my "wallet" in US dollars. When I need to send crypto I exchange the appropriate amount into crypto and send to the recipient. If I recieve funds I convert back to USD iand nto my little cache.

I know speculating on crypto is what all the cool kids were doing. I don't understand the market and what drives the fluctuations so choose not to play. I just use it as untraceable "cash".

Besides, it just bugs me to see my account balance start with a decimal point. :p ;)