View Full Version : Gun Bans after Bruen: One viewpoint & On-Going Cases

10-10-22, 00:04

I watch Gunsngear, Langely Outdoors, The armed Scholar, and some law form out of DC on guns, but this guy is a lawyer, is on the SCOTUS bar, and he talks fast enough to hold my attention.

I think I get what he is saying and I think it is important, but almost too good to be true. What I think he is saying is that the new way to tell if a gun ban is illegal is if it tries to ban a 'bearable' (what we call rifles and pistols) arm. End of story. They are protected. No need to go looking for laws circa 1791 that might restrict that right. We have the right to keep and bear arms. Don't give the anti's a second bite at the apple to try to find some obscure law from somewhere like they try to do to say abortions were legal and common in the past.

There is more to it, what do you think?

One point he makes that I think is key and should shut down a lot of BS is that just because a gun CAN be used for criminal or nefarious uses, that has no bearing on the ability to ban or restrict them. If they CAN be used for LAWFUL purposes, that ends the conversation. That I think is pretty powerful. Gets back to the old story of the retort that a lady reporter is equipped to be a prostitute.

We really need to get these things straightened out before Thomas kicks the bucket. Roberts will jack this from one end to the other to make nice.

10-10-22, 09:34
We really need to get these things straightened out before Thomas kicks the bucket. Roberts will jack this from one end to the other to make nice.
My inner cynic says Roberts is already jacking it fantasizing about finding a way to overturn Bruen the day after Thomas leaves the bench. Kav is weak and subject to strongarming, ACB seems shaky on too many things other than "single issue pro-life" for my comfort and Gorsuch is a little too Anthony Kennedy 2.0 at times. So unless Thomas holds out to retire in an R presidency with "Thomas The Next Generation" already picked and waiting... well three Leftists, then Roberts and he only needs to bend ONE weakling to side with him and the Donks.

So we need Thomas to hold on, then the replacement needs to be younger but equally adept with strength of argument.

10-10-22, 14:12
There seems to be almost a daily event somewhere about guns and the effect of Bruen. I'm surprised that it doesn't make more news here. I find it fascinating in an intellectual sense- the law of it. Also, because I'm in a state that is trying to become a leader in taking away our civil rights in relation to guns, I'm a bit more sensitive. I'm hopeful based on the law, reason, and facts. But I know that the gun grabbers are reaching a fever pitch over the fact that they have lost the major way that they tried to take away our civil rights. When concerned about gun violence, it is far easier to go after guns than address the actual violence. I'm also concerned that this is going to take years to fully work out. After SCOTUS, the gays got to marry the next day and that was that. The left keeps on clutching at straws and I'm afraid some are going to stick.

10-20-22, 05:53
I find this analysis to be the best. All meat no potatoes.

10-20-22, 20:44
I find this analysis to be the best. All meat no potatoes.

Being part of the SCOTUS Bar I think gives him some interesting perspectives.

11-14-22, 00:42
The Four Boxes Dinner guy at the Federalist Society 2A panel on gun rights post Bruen.


I think the second guy to talk is a Socratic tool for the discussion, and he comes across as a whinny bitch, rather than as a serious counter to Bruen.

As to 2A not applying to private property owners? A house maybe, a store open to the public- To bad, Guns-a-paloooza. The argument that since it is your private property, but is open to the public, went out the window with the civil rights legislation that integrated private businesses. You not feeling 'comfortable' with black people or black guns doesn't trump my inalienable right.

11-19-22, 17:57
A more complete discussion


If applied like this, we are in good shape. That the left can take the 2A and the decisions of the last 15 years AND THEN PASS EVEN MORE RESTRICTIVE LAWS just shows their intellectual bankruptcy, moral weakness, and desire to get what they want by any means necessary..

11-19-22, 18:21
Being part of the SCOTUS Bar I think gives him some interesting perspectives.

I got curious and looked it up and it appears that being admitted to practice befor the US Supreme Court isn’t that hard to do, in fact many law schools and bar organizations help you complete the process.

11-19-22, 19:38
It’s all pretty pointless thinking the SC will save us. Democrats are going to pack the SC as soon as they get 51 seats in the Senate. They talk about it openly and often.

When concerned about gun violence, it is far easier to go after guns than address the actual violence.

This is a MAJOR blind spot of our side, but normal human nature is to assign your values to try to understand other’s motivations.

Trying to meet them in the middle and reduce violence is pointless, because they want violence. Just against you, if you get in their way. People who are against violence wouldn’t be emptying the prisons of violent criminals.

The violence is simply a stepping stone they can use to subjugate you, so the more violence they can introduce to society the better.

11-20-22, 10:24
It’s all pretty pointless thinking the SC will save us. Democrats are going to pack the SC as soon as they get 51 seats in the Senate. They talk about it openly and often.

This is a MAJOR blind spot of our side, but normal human nature is to assign your values to try to understand other’s motivations.

Trying to meet them in the middle and reduce violence is pointless, because they want violence. Just against you, if you get in their way. People who are against violence wouldn’t be emptying the prisons of violent criminals.

The violence is simply a stepping stone they can use to subjugate you, so the more violence they can introduce to society the better.

This ^

11-20-22, 11:18
It’s all pretty pointless thinking the SC will save us. Democrats are going to pack the SC as soon as they get 51 seats in the Senate. They talk about it openly and often.

This is a MAJOR blind spot of our side, but normal human nature is to assign your values to try to understand other’s motivations.

Trying to meet them in the middle and reduce violence is pointless, because they want violence. Just against you, if you get in their way. People who are against violence wouldn’t be emptying the prisons of violent criminals.

The violence is simply a stepping stone they can use to subjugate you, so the more violence they can introduce to society the better.

So much this. These people are not like us; there is a very strong intersect between Radical Left ideology and Narcissistic Sociopath psychopathology. Probably part of why the public school system seems almost purpose designed as an incubator for NS's...

11-20-22, 11:22
It’s all pretty pointless thinking the SC will save us. Democrats are going to pack the SC as soon as they get 51 seats in the Senate. They talk about it openly and often.

This is a MAJOR blind spot of our side, but normal human nature is to assign your values to try to understand other’s motivations.

Trying to meet them in the middle and reduce violence is pointless, because they want violence. Just against you, if you get in their way. People who are against violence wouldn’t be emptying the prisons of violent criminals.

The violence is simply a stepping stone they can use to subjugate you, so the more violence they can introduce to society the better.

1000x this

11-20-22, 11:23
So much this. These people are not like us; there is a very strong intersect between Radical Left ideology and Narcissistic Sociopath psychopathology. Probably part of why the public school system seems almost purpose designed as an incubator for NS's...

Not only schools but the vast majority of media, both traditional and "social".

11-20-22, 16:03
What I really can't understand is why don't Republicans learn what makes up a successful marxist revolution and then open their eyes to what we are going through.

11-20-22, 16:10
What I really can't understand is why don't Republicans learn what makes up a successful marxist revolution and then open their eyes to what we are going through.

Because too many Republicans are ostriches and think after the Revolution they'll be allowed to retain their place as "controlled-opposition kabuki puppets" dancing for scraps at the masters' table rather than joining us serfs in chains or the grave.

Denial ain't just a river in Egypt...

12-07-22, 00:23
Maryland AWB that was remanded back to the 4th(?) Circuit and was re-heard today. Sounds like it will go 2-1 our way. Not sure, but I guess that they try to stall and go en-blanc to delay it getting back to SCOTUS.
