View Full Version : Learning All the Wrong Lessons From America’s Energy Crisis

10-26-22, 18:28

Self-inflicted wounds create teachable moments, but the architects of America’s current energy crisis are learning all the wrong lessons.

Skyrocketing energy costs are one of America’s harsh post-Covid realities. And with one in four American households struggling to pay for their energy needs before Covid, policymakers should have set their sights on making energy more affordable for more Americans.

Instead, as Joseph Toomey points out in his new report RealClearEnergy report, Energy Inflation Was by Design, policymakers squeezed supply everywhere they could, so it would become impossible to meet demand.

From the beginning, the Biden administration has prioritized restricting access to the fuels that power nearly 80% of America’s economy and roughly three-quarters of American homes. Revoking permits for the long-embattled Keystone XL Pipeline was one of President Biden’s first executive orders, making it harder and more dangerous to transport Canadian fossil fuels to American refineries. This decision was all the more hypocritical when, weeks later, President Biden gave his approval of Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline to Germany.

In a like manner, the Biden administration is helping speed up the closure of the refineries that turn oil into gasoline. Escalating biofuel mandates are signaling to refineries to close up shop, as blending levels are reaching unsustainably high levels. Moreover, the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) revoking of biofuel waivers for small refineries will only cause more refining capacity to buckle under those mandates’ costly weight. Gasoline and diesel refining capacity has been declining for decades, and is in no position to reverse course.

The Biden administration is simultaneously cracking down on drilling for the fuels that power everyday life. One quarter of America’s oil and gas is produced from federal property by way of leasing drilling rights to companies. However, the Biden administration recently cut onshore drilling leases by 80%, as well as notably curtailing offshore drilling. For the leases that were not cut, the Interior Department significantly increased royalty fees, making federal lands a less attractive drilling option, as well as allowing lawsuits to delay several already-purchased leases based on environmentally and economically squishy climate change metrics.

Here’s hoping this is still fresh in the minds of voters in less than two week. Once we’ve got control of both houses of Congress we can at least stop the funding of these anti oil policies or just let president pudding pop shut the whole thing down.

My wet dream would be us winning the house handily then by some miracle of God in heaven we decimated the Dems in the Senate with enough seats to successfully impeach puddin pop and the ho. Then let our newly appointed republican speaker become president.

Yeah I know fantasy... yeah.

10-26-22, 19:10
Even if we win EVERYTHING we aren't gonna impeach Biden.

10-26-22, 19:24
If only the republicans along with taking everything with a majority enough to impeach Biden and the ho.

They don't have the balls

10-26-22, 22:03
They don't have the balls

Also they are all about appeasement and keeping their seats at the money trough. The "fighting GOP" is a thing of the past like the "fighting NRA." I can remember seeing them both, but it's been a long...long time.

10-26-22, 22:45
Even if we win EVERYTHING we aren't gonna impeach Biden.

Hell no don't impeach Biden. Americans need a full dose to get the full effect. In order to learn something. This is a teaching moment.

10-26-22, 22:55
Are we still playing the “Dems are just stupid, they aren’t doing it on purpose” game?

10-27-22, 00:06
The crucial component of this election is dethroning Pelosi. That way she can’t hide 2,000+ page bills till the day before voting on them. As a matter of fact, she’ll never get another piece of legislation passed again. Another key task is removing Schiff and Swalwell from all their committee assignments.

It would be nice to see Schumer lose his bully pulpit too, but that’s gonna be icing on the cake if we get it. Then spend the next 2 years hunting Bidens and FBI double agents.

Straight Shooter
10-27-22, 00:14
Hell no don't impeach Biden. Americans need a full dose to get the full effect. In order to learn something. This is a teaching moment.

Thats about where Im at with mid-terms. SURE..I hope we get both Senate & House, with maybe even good majorities. BUT- in the event we lose or the cheaters win again and we dont- GOOD. America will definitely get what it deserves.

10-27-22, 02:44
Are we still playing the “Dems are just stupid, they aren’t doing it on purpose” game?

I think more than anything, the Dems are simply playing "the customer is always right." In commercial sales, it might be true, in politics it usually leads to only bad things. We need to have grown ups who say "But we can't do that"...and when when children ask "buy why" they can reply "because of the First, Second and Fourth Amendments and we aren't allowed to change them so you are just gonna have to find a way to change society instead of the government."

Of course that will also never happen and it's been the Dems who have been working on changing society for almost 100 years so they can get past some of those pesky political roadblocks.

10-27-22, 17:27
Even if we win EVERYTHING we aren't gonna impeach Biden.
Impeach him for what exactly? People throw the word around so much it's starting to lose meaning.

10-27-22, 17:39
Are we still playing the “Dems are just stupid, they aren’t doing it on purpose” game?


10-27-22, 18:11
Impeach him for what exactly? People throw the word around so much it's starting to lose meaning.

Sort of the point I was making.

10-27-22, 18:29
Biteme invented the cure for inefficient windmills YEARS ago!


10-27-22, 20:50
Impeach him for what exactly? People throw the word around so much it's starting to lose meaning.

Starting to?

Some of you really have no idea what time it is.

10-27-22, 23:02
Some of you really have no idea what time it is.


10-28-22, 10:04
"Wind Farm in Germany Is Being Taken Down for Expansion of Coal Mine"
I can't decide if this is sad or funny.
Interesting decision to build your wind farm over your coal deposit.

10-28-22, 10:17
Impeach him for what exactly? People throw the word around so much it's starting to lose meaning.

When the Repubs decided to impeach Bill Clinton for lying about a blowjob during a sexual harassment lawsuit... it completely diminished the weight of impeachment.

Not withstanding joes mental health problems.

But what Joe is doing to this country can be easily described as willful and intentional economic and financial terrorism aimed at destroying the oil and natural gas industry as well as encouraging inflation to consume the middle class.

The risks of Bidenomics go beyond inflation
