View Full Version : Paul Pelosi home invasion

10-28-22, 09:55
Paul Pelosi, husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, was “violently assaulted” by a suspect who broke into the couple’s San Francisco home early Friday, the speaker’s spokesperson said in a statement.


10-28-22, 10:27

Beat with a hammer.

10-28-22, 10:33
He was probably already hammered before getting hammered.

10-28-22, 10:38
The Royal Elite of American Society had their home violated by a violent criminal!

The schadenfreude is thickly delicious!

Let this sink in.... the home of the #3 person in line for the presidency had their home invaded and they were violently attacked. The message this will send to the common person is huge!

Gun Control doesn't work!

Straight Shooter
10-28-22, 11:04
Bad stuff happening to bad people. I only wish Nance was there. GOBLINS, the both of them.

10-28-22, 11:09
Doesn't the speaker of the house have security details at their house?

Gaston Glock was attacked by a hired hitman with a hammer. Except old Gaston was tougher, he pummeled his attacker who was much younger.

10-28-22, 11:14
How come Nancy just so happens to never be anywhere around her husband when stuff hits the fan. Must be luck.

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10-28-22, 11:54
I ain't gonna celebrate someone being a victim of a violent crime. In this case I'm willing to bet the perp DOESN'T get ROR/$0 bail.

All violent criminals should get the treatment this guy is gonna receive.

10-28-22, 12:02
Nancy was in DC, the protective detail is for her, not her drunken screw up of a husband. When she's not there, they're not there.

Supposedly, according to police, the attacker was specifically looking for her.

10-28-22, 12:03
I ain't gonna celebrate someone being a victim of a violent crime. In this case I'm willing to bet the perp DOESN'T get ROR/$0 bail.

All violent criminals should get the treatment this guy is gonna receive.

He'll have the book thrown at him. If he attacked the common plebs that Nancy spits upon. He'd get ROR and a key to the city so he could shoot up smack and shit in the streets.

10-28-22, 12:14
How convenient this happened right before midterms... those poor Super wealthy Democrats sure need your vote now

10-28-22, 12:17
Reporting he's undergoing brain surgery.

10-28-22, 12:20
Seems fishy, almost too fishy.

10-28-22, 12:37
I’m sure they’ll release some info shortly that the suspect is some crazed “MAGA” right-wing extremist/Jan.6 type… conveniently before the midterms…

10-28-22, 12:44
I’m sure they’ll release some info shortly that the suspect is some crazed “MAGA” right-wing extremist/Jan.6 type… conveniently before the midterms…

Which means he's probably a recent convert to the religion of peace and not the race one usually associates with the MAGA types, and that will be ignored once exposed.

10-28-22, 12:45
Hopefully the people of CA are kind enough to let the old bat retire, so her husband has protection, and she can care for him.

10-28-22, 12:46
So two things:

One- Politically motivated violence needs to be condemned. Beat them with ideology not a hammer. Now IF this was political then the guy is just a loose nut. Hammer attack doesn't exactly scream "organized political hit".

Two- "Assault Hammer Bill" inbound in 3, 2, ...

10-28-22, 12:57
So two things:

One- Politically motivated violence needs to be condemned. Beat them with ideology not a hammer. Now IF this was political then the guy is just a loose nut. Hammer attack doesn't exactly scream "organized political hit".

Two- "Assault Hammer Bill" inbound in 3, 2, ...

I'm just glad a gun was not used in that event as it would have been a massive PR event for the gun grabbers. Now had he had a gun and shot the guy with the hammer, imagine the PR win that would have been for the pro 2A side. We do need to hear where the security was at the time. No doubt they follow her around most, but not even one protecting the house? Cameras? Alarms? Hmmm...

10-28-22, 13:08
Egads. I’ve seen some heinous shit done with a hammer, and would generally like to avoid being smoked with one. Pretty intense choice of weapon.

I don’t like the guy, but I wouldn’t wish that on him.

10-28-22, 13:12
Nancy probably send him and is pissed he not only didn't get the job done but got caught. His "suicide" in his cell will confirm it.

10-28-22, 13:47
I would expect an 82 year old to sustain very serious injuries if attacked in this manner. He had only minor swelling, bruises. Too early to be sure....but my bullshi@ detector has been activated. Need more details.

Less than 2 weeks to midterms. Might be the same Maga hat wearing dudes that attacked Jesse Smolet

10-28-22, 13:59
Suspect named by police as David Depape, a far-left Castro supporting transient from Berkley, CA.


I guess the assault was still in progress when the police came on scene, as the two were struggling over the hammer. Not a fan of either Pelosi, but props to an 82-year-old man to stay in the fight!

10-28-22, 14:54
Suspect named by police as David Depape, a far-left Castro supporting transient from Berkley, CA.


I guess the assault was still in progress when the police came on scene, as the two were struggling over the hammer. Not a fan of either Pelosi, but props to an 82-year-old man to stay in the fight!

The guy sounds like your run of the mill schizophrenic who finally popped to me.

10-28-22, 15:46
Suspect named by police as David Depape, a far-left Castro supporting transient from Berkley, CA.
I don’t know where you got that from the article. Every description of him in the article painted him as a right wing Q follower. The only Castro reference had the guy naked and protesting Castro.

10-28-22, 15:52
He'll have the book thrown at him. If he attacked the common plebs that Nancy spits upon. He'd get ROR and a key to the city so he could shoot up smack and shit in the streets.

Absolutely this.

And their residence will no doubt become a walled in, armed, compound-at Tax Payer expense.
I’ll add I’m sickened Ms. Pelosi wasn’t home too.

Bob Reed
10-28-22, 16:31
The schadenfreude is thickly delicious!

Ja, Ja, Ja!

10-28-22, 18:05
So sad! This had such potential.

They say the motivation is unknown. My guess is..... PELOSI!

10-28-22, 18:07
Well he got the hammer and missed the sickle.

10-28-22, 18:11
And their residence will no doubt become a walled in, armed, compound-at Tax Payer expense.

Willing to bet it already was. Which at the end of the day shows you can't stop motivated crazy people / criminals. Let's not forget the crazy dude with a knife who got all the way inside the White House when Obama was president.

This is why ordinary folks who live in ordinary homes who must rely on ordinary police protection, more than anyone else need the ability to defend themselves with the best options available.

10-28-22, 18:34
I'm sure Kamala and the squad will post his bond for him like they did for so many that burned this country down.

10-28-22, 18:58
Paulie P. sure is in the news a lot lately for being hammered.

The Dumb Gun Collector
10-28-22, 19:20
Let me tell you, If I was as rich as them and my wife was as big a deal as NP I swear I would have my own security detail. That being said, I don't get the endless conspiracy stuff around here. Some crazy dude who lives with a nudist activist turned out to be crazy. Nothing mysterious, just another symptom of our dumb world.

10-28-22, 19:21
Most likely a lovers spat that got out of control between them...

10-28-22, 20:37
Most likely a lovers spat that got out of control between them...

My first thought. Guy is a jerk buddy or something.

He was a welcome guest. NO WAY a person of this fame and massive wealth doesn't have SS protection OR local protection OR even private security.

The broken glass outside is probably how cops got in.

10-28-22, 21:35
I think the whole lovers quarrel angle is going to take root...gotta admit this clown show can get entertaining at times.


10-28-22, 22:44
I think the whole lovers quarrel angle is going to take root...gotta admit this clown show can get entertaining at times.


Police dispatch to Paul Pelosi home:

"RP (reporting person) stated there's a male in the home and that he's going to wait for his wife. RP stated that he doesn't know who the male is but he advised that his name is David and that he is a friend.”


10-28-22, 22:53
My first thought. Guy is a jerk buddy or something.

He was a welcome guest. NO WAY a person of this fame and massive wealth doesn't have SS protection OR local protection OR even private security.

The broken glass outside is probably how cops got in.

Cops knocked on front door and another person opened door. Third person in the house.

“Scott said when officers arrived at the home they knocked on the front door and “the door was opened by someone inside,” though he didn’t clarify who that person was.

Officers then stood at the threshold and watched as Pelosi and another man struggled over control of a hammer. They shouted for both men to drop the weapon, but the intruder wrestled the weapon away and hit Pelosi in the head with it at least once, Scott said.“


Straight Shooter
10-28-22, 23:05
I think the whole lovers quarrel angle is going to take root...gotta admit this clown show can get entertaining at times.


Know what? Look at the shit the left does..theyve made up more crap than anyone on Repubs. Im spreading it whether its true or not. Good for goose..good for gander.

10-29-22, 02:03
Know what? Look at the shit the left does..theyve made up more crap than anyone on Repubs. Im spreading it whether its true or not. Good for goose..good for gander. Think about what you just said. This is why nobody can believe jack shit about anything anymore. Everyone is ok with clicking “share” or “send” or “post” without consideration for accuracy. Its like magdumping into the berm, and it harms credibility.

Straight Shooter
10-29-22, 03:43
Think about what you just said. This is why nobody can believe jack shit about anything anymore. Everyone is ok with clicking “share” or “send” or “post” without consideration for accuracy. Its like magdumping into the berm, and it harms credibility.

I aint the only saying this by a damn sight. And to your point- FVCK EM.

10-29-22, 06:59
Here is what really happened:

Paul Pelosi staggered out of his favorite bar after last call and drove home, where he neglected to close the front door. Planning to eat some of Nancy's ice cream, Paul headed for the kitchen but in his drunken stupor, fell through his back door head first.

A local crazy weirdo heard him from the backyard. Its unclear whether the weirdo was in the yard to poop or peeping into windows and masterbating, but he came to Paul's assistance.

Being a crazy weirdo who was also stoned and had the munchies, the stranger's first reaction to Paul's slurred explanation of events was to ask where Nancy's ice cream was. "Where's Nancy's ice cream?, where's Nancy's ice cream?" he cried. Paul showed him the freezer where they were stymied by the lock Nancy had installed to keep her alcoholic husband out.

Being drunk and entitled, Paul called 911 and demanded the send someone to break into his wife's freezer. Due to Paul's head injury and high level of intoxication, the 911 operator could only make out "do you know who this is?", "f#ck Trump", "ice cream" and "help". The 911 operators replayed the tape a few times before she managed to stop giggling and asked a patrol to make a welfare check.

Frustrated by 911's slow reaponse, Paul retrieved a hammer from the junk drawer to break the freezer lock. He and his new found crazy weirdo pal were arguing over who would bash their way into the freezer when the police arrived at the house.

Hearing but unable to understand the argument, the officers walked through the open front door to see two men who appeared to be fighting for a hammer. One officer recognized Paul from his DUI mug shot and tacked the stranger. The officers called an ambulance for Paul, who was still bleeding from the head injury sustained when he fell through the back door, before calling the Chief of Police.

The Chief, knowing full well the bread was buttered on the left side in San Fran and having political asperations herself, crafted a masterful story made more believable by the rising crime rates and homeless crisis in the city. The icing on the cake was discovering the man they had in custody was well known and commonly ranted about stolen elections and the vaccine conspiracy.

In Washington, Nancy was delighted to hear her ice cream was safe and realized there may be political gain to be had from the story as reported. After calling her hair dresser for an appointment (no sense wasting the unavoidable trip back to Cali), Nancy called Brandon's handlers and MSNBC. The rest is history.


P.S. Yes there are spelling errors, I get credit for typing the story on my phone with one thumb though.

10-29-22, 08:19
Here is what really happened:

Paul Pelosi staggered out of his favorite bar after last call and drove home, where he neglected to close the front door. Planning to eat some of Nancy's ice cream, Paul headed for the kitchen but in his drunken stupor, fell through his back door head first.

A local crazy weirdo heard him from the backyard. Its unclear whether the weirdo was in the yard to poop or peeping into windows and masterbating, but he came to Paul's assistance.

Being a crazy weirdo who was also stoned and had the munchies, the stranger's first reaction to Paul's slurred explanation of events was to ask where Nancy's ice cream was. "Where's Nancy's ice cream?, where's Nancy's ice cream?" he cried. Paul showed him the freezer where they were stymied by the lock Nancy had installed to keep her alcoholic husband out.

Being drunk and entitled, Paul called 911 and demanded the send someone to break into his wife's freezer. Due to Paul's head injury and high level of intoxication, the 911 operator could only make out "do you know who this is?", "f#ck Trump", "ice cream" and "help". The 911 operators replayed the tape a few times before she managed to stop giggling and asked a patrol to make a welfare check.

Frustrated by 911's slow reaponse, Paul retrieved a hammer from the junk drawer to break the freezer lock. He and his new found crazy weirdo pal were arguing over who would bash their way into the freezer when the police arrived at the house.

Hearing but unable to understand the argument, the officers walked through the open front door to see two men who appeared to be fighting for a hammer. One officer recognized Paul from his DUI mug shot and tacked the stranger. The officers called an ambulance for Paul, who was still bleeding from the head injury sustained when he fell through the back door, before calling the Chief of Police.

The Chief, knowing full well the bread was buttered on the left side in San Fran and having political asperations herself, crafted a masterful story made more believable by the rising crime rates and homeless crisis in the city. The icing on the cake was discovering the man they had in custody was well known and commonly ranted about stolen elections and the vaccine conspiracy.

In Washington, Nancy was delighted to hear her ice cream was safe and realized there may be political gain to be had from the story as reported. After calling her hair dresser for an appointment (no sense wasting the unavoidable trip back to Cali), Nancy called Brandon's handlers and MSNBC. The rest is history.


P.S. Yes there are spelling errors, I get credit for typing the story on my phone with one thumb though.

Highly probable except the only change I would make is that drunken Paul picked up the psycho weirdo at the bar and was getting frisky when he fell down and cracked his skull. Still doesn’t explain the mystery third person who was there, though.

10-29-22, 08:28
I don’t know where you got that from the article. Every description of him in the article painted him as a right wing Q follower. The only Castro reference had the guy naked and protesting Castro.

Yeah, talk about flipped reality or simple not-reading.

10-29-22, 10:00
Lest we forget, after Rand Paul was attacked, Christine Pelosi tweeted "Rand Paul's neighbor was right"


10-29-22, 10:36
Just a gay lovers fight. Mr. Pelosi was also with a guy the night he wrecked and got charged with drunk driving.


"The Awful Truth: Paul Pelosi Was Drunk Again, And In a Dispute With a Male Prostitute Early Friday Morning."

10-29-22, 11:28
I aint the only saying this by a damn sight. And to your point- FVCK EM.
Everyone else is doing it! Thats not a real defense.

Credibility is easier to lose than to regain, and out there among the voters that can go either way, or the moderates, or whatever, there is a perception among some that we have a credibility problem because of conspiracy theorists and wild takes on things just like this. Yeah, sure, “they” have that problem, too, but that doesn’t make it better. We’re not going to win by just looking crazier. Or stupid, or dishonest.

I mean, your username is “Straight Shooter”, and you are telling me that you want to deliberately spread crooked info? You don’t think that would erode trust in anything you say here?

10-29-22, 11:52
Just a gay lovers fight. Mr. Pelosi was also with a guy the night he wrecked and got charged with drunk driving.


"The Awful Truth: Paul Pelosi Was Drunk Again, And In a Dispute With a Male Prostitute Early Friday Morning."

It would explain a few things, and I don't buy for a second a random person with a hammer could easily enter the home of the third most powerful politician in the US. No cameras, secure doors, impact glass and or no security detail? I call BS.

What ever happened, a rando nut with a hammer is not believable. Can they cover it up like a Kennedy? Much more difficult to pull off these days, but with major media, FBI, etc in their/her pockets, possible.

10-29-22, 12:19
It would explain a few things, and I don't buy for a second a random person with a hammer could easily enter the home of the third most powerful politician in the US. No cameras, secure doors, impact glass and or no security detail? I call BS.

What ever happened, a rando nut with a hammer is not believable. Can they cover it up like a Kennedy? Much more difficult to pull off these days, but with major media, FBI, etc in their/her pockets, possible.

Add the fact that all information being reported has the hammer in Paul’s hands when the police arrive. The two are wrestling over it with the nut job coming out on top.


10-29-22, 14:22
Add the fact that all information being reported has the hammer in Paul’s hands when the police arrive. The two are wrestling over it with the nut job coming out on top.


To which nut job are you referring? Paul, or David?

10-29-22, 14:51
I'm sure they will release the 911 recording and body camera footage.

10-29-22, 15:28
I'm sure they will release the 911 recording and body camera footage.

Guarantee they are trying to have that blocked under "national security" or some other BS, and some group will have sue to get it. Hopefully it gets leaked before that happens.

10-29-22, 15:35
More details that don't make a lot of sense. He "tricked" the attacker:


10-29-22, 15:41
It would explain a few things, and I don't buy for a second a random person with a hammer could easily enter the home of the third most powerful politician in the US. No cameras, secure doors, impact glass and or no security detail? I call BS.

What ever happened, a rando nut with a hammer is not believable. Can they cover it up like a Kennedy? Much more difficult to pull off these days, but with major media, FBI, etc in their/her pockets, possible.


I get her security detail would he with her, but to think there’s never something in place at all for him except calling 9-11, is hard to believe.

I guess I misfired on my earlier post and my following comments on “early reporting” and “more to follow” we’re not Included so Mea Culpa.

10-29-22, 15:57
More details that don't make a lot of sense. He "tricked" the attacker:


It was reported that a different person opened the door and let the police in. Who was that?

Straight Shooter
10-29-22, 16:22
Everyone else is doing it! Thats not a real defense.

Credibility is easier to lose than to regain, and out there among the voters that can go either way, or the moderates, or whatever, there is a perception among some that we have a credibility problem because of conspiracy theorists and wild takes on things just like this. Yeah, sure, “they” have that problem, too, but that doesn’t make it better. We’re not going to win by just looking crazier. Or stupid, or dishonest.

I mean, your username is “Straight Shooter”, and you are telling me that you want to deliberately spread crooked info? You don’t think that would erode trust in anything you say here?

I for one absolutely believe theres FAAAAR more than whats being told. I actually DO think it was lovers spat. So, Im "spreading" what I think happened. Brother- people gonna believe what theyre gonna believe. We HAVE GOT to stop playing fair. The MANTRA of the "gun world" is THERE AINT NO FAIR FIGHT..am I wrong or right? So..until we CLENCH these goblins out of every office..Im gonna do whatever I can. Again- I DO think they were doing some faggy shit that got outta hand, so on that point I aint lying..Im telling MY opinion. I aint playing nice anymore. We are fighting literally SATAN & his demonic minions. FVCK HIM AND THEM. ALL bets are off-and ALL's fair in love, war, and politics.
Youre a mensch- and I know youre a hardcore muther. But on this subject...Im at war with these bastards, and thats just it. IF I gotta BE THEM to BEAT
THEM, so be it.

https://i.postimg.cc/1RbctySP/Pelosi-9.jpg (https://postimg.cc/7bMTt8bQ)

10-29-22, 16:30
It was reported that a different person opened the door and let the police in. Who was that?

Story just gets stranger and stranger. Maybe details will be similar to this other winner from the Dems we almost had for FL Gov:

"This is the gay escort found overdosed on meth in a South Beach hotel room with top Florida Democrat Andrew Gillum - a married father of three who says he was just drunk at a wedding"


10-29-22, 16:59
So old Paul got violently assaulted and hammered. I wonder how many people got violently murdered in Chicago and other Democrat controlled and run cities across our nation last week ? The ** fake news ** media never says anything about that. Why ? Because they own it and are 100% the cause of it and they absolutely don’t care about those people at all.

10-29-22, 21:20
I for one absolutely believe theres FAAAAR more than whats being told. I actually DO think it was lovers spat. So, Im "spreading" what I think happened. Brother- people gonna believe what theyre gonna believe. We HAVE GOT to stop playing fair. The MANTRA of the "gun world" is THERE AINT NO FAIR FIGHT..am I wrong or right? So..until we CLENCH these goblins out of every office..Im gonna do whatever I can. Again- I DO think they were doing some faggy shit that got outta hand, so on that point I aint lying..Im telling MY opinion. I aint playing nice anymore. We are fighting literally SATAN & his demonic minions. FVCK HIM AND THEM. ALL bets are off-and ALL's fair in love, war, and politics.
Youre a mensch- and I know youre a hardcore muther. But on this subject...Im at war with these bastards, and thats just it. IF I gotta BE THEM to BEAT
THEM, so be it.

https://i.postimg.cc/1RbctySP/Pelosi-9.jpg (https://postimg.cc/7bMTt8bQ)

Are those anal condylomas on his face?

10-29-22, 22:48
From catturd on twitter: Remember ... if two guys in their underwear get into a hammer fight at 2am - it's Trump's fault.

Straight Shooter
10-30-22, 01:18
Are those anal condylomas on his face?

The pic isnt real brother. But it came from others who believe ole boy is gay...hence monkeypox.

10-30-22, 10:37
I was going to say the picture is fake.

10-30-22, 10:59
Hillary posted on Twitter that this was the result of maga extremism.

Elon musk responded that there appears to be much more to the circumstances with a link to an article asking all the right questions regarding the so-called friend, why in underwear, known liberal drug addict, etc.

Pretty interesting when Hillary gets called out by a gazillionaire for fake news.

10-30-22, 11:20
Musk also "fact checked" Biden's recent tweet regarding big business, this is going to be interesting to watch

10-30-22, 13:38

Wouldn’t be surprised if it was a battery operated vibrating “hammer” that Paul and his “friend” were struggling over.

10-30-22, 15:18
In fairness to Pappa Pauly Pelosi, I'd rather get reamed in the creamed-corn by some nutter than have to service that ugly, drunken-sot wife of his.

10-30-22, 16:51

10-30-22, 17:01
This story is all but going to disappear if they can't control the narrative...it's going to be interesting to see how the msm / swamp works together for the sheep who get their 30mins of nightly gospel.


Two Far-Right Websites Attributed to David DePape to Smear Conservatives Were Scraped Friday and Deleted Saturday


Police Change Story: Now Claim Only Attacker David DePape and Paul Pelosi in Home

10-30-22, 17:09
Pauli PP does like to drink and hangs out in Napa... he could be a cork soaker.

10-30-22, 18:02
From the pundit article “ David DePape, as you alluded to, 42, no known address, no recent employment that we’re aware of, was able to get into the Pelosi bedroom, where Paul Pelosi was. All of that according to District Attorney Brooke Jenkins….”

Invited into bedroom more likely. Why do I get the feeling that EVERYONE reporting on or responding to this incident is lying through their teeth? Oh, that’s right.

10-30-22, 18:16
This story is all but going to disappear if they can't control the narrative...it's going to be interesting to see how the msm / swamp works together for the sheep who get their 30mins of nightly gospel.


Two Far-Right Websites Attributed to David DePape to Smear Conservatives Were Scraped Friday and Deleted Saturday


Police Change Story: Now Claim Only Attacker David DePape and Paul Pelosi in Home

If the door the officer entered in was open. Then they may have made a statement that it was opened by someone inside the home. What door did they make entry at front, side, back?

10-30-22, 18:24
Brother, we will likely never know...between LE body cams & what was recorded at the residence / neighborhood, there would have already been a 60 minutes special with detailed timeline / blurry photos two dudes in their skibbies if this happened to someone in the trump family.

You know damn well the truth is out there, just like the other gay date he had on the night of the dui they are hiding...maybe even the same vato.


10-30-22, 18:42
They didn't take long, but the WH is now actually connecting the attack to Jan 6th. Not that Fox is the paragon of balanced journalism, but coverage of the WH press secretary making the claim. Un real:


10-30-22, 18:58
https://i.postimg.cc/prbqzQGt/Screenshot-20221030-185232.png (https://postimg.cc/ftCchdQH)

Door opened by a 3rd party. Offender allegedly made entry from rear of home but glass was broken from inside...

I smell bullshit

10-30-22, 20:24
"Armed" with zip ties? Really?

10-30-22, 22:03
"Armed" with zip ties? Really?

To those afflicted with TDS, this means he’s inextricably linked to J6 protesters who were supposedly carrying zip ties.

Straight Shooter
10-30-22, 23:39

Wouldn’t be surprised if it was a battery operated vibrating “hammer” that Paul and his “friend” were struggling over.

It was..they found it.

https://i.postimg.cc/fLHG1DGL/HAMMER.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

10-31-22, 00:19
A crazy guy breaks into a famous persons house. They'd like to make it that the attacker must be far right because it is Nancy, but in SF, Nancy is in the middle of the Overton window- plenty of people to the left of her- and we know that's where the real crazy lives.

Of course they have to go Jan 6, they couldn't be responsible journos and bring up Kavanaugh this summer or the Congressional Republican shootings...

Crazy did what crazy does....

tomme boy
10-31-22, 05:24
There are high res cameras all around the house. You can see them in the aerial views from the news footage. The foot has probably already been deleted.

10-31-22, 05:28
I'm just wondering if the guy has a record for Male prostitution and where was he the night Paul Pelosi got his DUI?

"His name is David and he is a friend."

10-31-22, 05:37

10-31-22, 07:10

10-31-22, 09:18
More details that don't make a lot of sense. He "tricked" the attacker:


Yea, he told him he dropped his soap on the shower floor.... ;)

https://i.postimg.cc/prbqzQGt/Screenshot-20221030-185232.png (https://postimg.cc/ftCchdQH)

Door opened by a 3rd party. Offender allegedly made entry from rear of home but glass was broken from inside...

I smell bullshit

There was a rear entry made, but it wasn't the house..... ;)

The whole story really stinks. You think that some nut case can just walk into Pelosi's house like that? Not. I'm sure he would have some sort of SS security detail, not to mention all the other house security. Not only the glass looks like it was broken from the inside, but the blinds are bent and broken outwards. It might be one of those double paned doors that have the blinds on the inside, so there might be glass on both sides of the doorway, but the blinds and trim being bent outward would tell me that the force was from the inside out.

How many other stories have been out there over the years about the rich and famous getting caught "slummin'" around. I guess since Epstein Island isn't an option these days, those folks have had to fenagle things around a bit and improvise until they can find another more private romping ground.

10-31-22, 11:49
They didn't take long, but the WH is now actually connecting the attack to Jan 6th. Not that Fox is the paragon of balanced journalism, but coverage of the WH press secretary making the claim. Un real:


Oh I'm sure he forced entry into a rear door, but not the one on the home!

Yeah this entire story is BS. Anyone who's worked a tenderloin type district has seen these 3am disputes between some dude on the DL, and some rent boy they picked up when the itch couldn't be scratched any other way. Rent boys are notoriously erratic grifters who invariably wind up trying to turn a hookup into a score for money or drugs. Some do it before the expected deed is consummated, some after. This fits the profile to a "T".

All you have to do is look at who he is, where and how he lives and who he associates with. This kook is 180 degrees out of plumb to be even remotely considered a right wing MAGA type. He's a sexual predator who lives off others like a leech. Anyone who thinks this attack has anything to do with politics is a mark.

10-31-22, 12:32
There is no way they will let this go to court. Any takers on how long before Paulie's "friend" hangs himself?

10-31-22, 13:41
Oh no’s! Mega MAGA right wing extremism is everywhere! I better go vote Commiecrat to stop this awful threat to democracy! Well, I guess that is what the ComDems and their propaganda wing MSM is hoping to get out of Paul’s midnight rendezvous that went bad.

10-31-22, 13:57
There is no way they will let this go to court. Any takers on how long before Paulie's "friend" hangs himself?

Mentioned this to wife yesterday. Mustn’t leave any pesky loose ends.

Coal Dragger
10-31-22, 14:09
There is no way they will let this go to court. Any takers on how long before Paulie's "friend" hangs himself?

He won’t hang himself.

He’ll make bail somehow. Then he’s going to disappear.

10-31-22, 14:23
This guy "David" who Pelosi said was a "friend" on the 911 call, has surely talked to the Police and Fed investigators.
What is he telling them, can you imagine?

Coal Dragger
10-31-22, 15:57
Probably all sorts of details about how Paul likes to watch while he pounds out Nancy after they finish off a couple bottles of wine.

10-31-22, 16:20
This guy "David" who Pelosi said was a "friend" on the 911 call, has surely talked to the Police and Fed investigators.
What is he telling them, can you imagine?



"If Nancy were to tell DePape the 'truth,' he would let her go, and if she 'lied,' he was going to break 'her kneecaps'," the complaint states.

"DePape articulated he viewed Nancy as the 'leader of the pack' of lies told by the Democratic Party.

"DePape also later explained that by breaking Nancy's kneecaps, she would then have to be wheeled into Congress, which would show other members of Congress there were consequences to actions."

"DePape stated that he broke into the house through a glass door, which was a difficult task that required the use of a hammer," the complaint reads.

"DePape stated that Pelosi was in bed and appeared surprised by DePape. DePape told Pelosi to wake up. DePape told Pelosi that he was looking for Nancy."

Not that the FBI or DoJ would ever lie, right? :rolleyes:

10-31-22, 16:28
This guy puts some thoughts in your head!! Kinda interesting for sure.

10-31-22, 17:06
Fox is now reporting that DePape was an illegal immigrant from Canada.

10-31-22, 17:18
Everyone Is Laughing at the Ridiculous Pelosi Big Lie


10-31-22, 18:40
Paul drank too much and brought home a Male escort.
Having a different opinon about exactly what "Fun and Games" were going to be they fought, (Both in their tighty whitey's) someone called the Cops and the fight escalated when they got there. Paul got hit in the head.
Now, why is this so hard to figure out?

10-31-22, 19:05
Paul drank too much and brought home a Male escort.
Having a different opinon about exactly what "Fun and Games" were going to be they fought, (Both in their tighty whitey's) someone called the Cops and the fight escalated when they got there. Paul got hit in the head.
Now, why is this so hard to figure out?

Well said,,, and more than likely the real story as I search around the world wide web, I just wasn't gonna be the 1st to say it.;););)

10-31-22, 20:04
Well said,,, and more than likely the real story as I search around the world wide web, I just wasn't gonna be the 1st to say it.;););)

I would bet that Paul was so full of Viagra he rattled all the way to the Police Station.

11-01-22, 09:19
Probably all sorts of details about how Paul likes to watch while he pounds out Nancy after they finish off a couple bottles of wine."House of Cards" in real life?

11-01-22, 11:11
"House of Cards" in real life?

Exactly !

11-01-22, 11:35
I would bet that Paul was so full of Viagra he rattled all the way to the Police Station.

Which is fine by me if that's what helps you get your freak on at 80, just don't lecture me on how to get mine on or be a sanctimonious hypocritical POS in the process. That goes for either party and either political POVs, but the progressive left excels in being sanctimonious hypocritical POS these days that even classic Libs (capital L) are rejecting them now.

This event, they are trying to get their spin in early and fast as possible before the facts come out that portray something very different, and few seem to be falling for it from what I'm seeing. They'd probably been better off with their base being honest about it and would call him a hero for it.

As a libertarian type, I really don't care either way and that's between he and his wife, it's the hypocrisy and double standards and 24/7 lying that is what bothers me most.

11-01-22, 12:38
tried to edit.. failed.. f' it.. 69119

11-01-22, 14:00
I just love all the talk from the MSM and libtard scumbag politicians how this "attack" is the fault of/tied to Trump, MAGA, Jan 6th, QAnon, Republican campaign ads calling the dims out on their bullshit, etc., etc., etc. :rolleyes:

This is another Juicy Smooyay trip and I hope the truth eventually oozes out into the open.

11-01-22, 14:56
I really don't care. I'd rather people talk about real issues, but the MSM and DEms have tor realize that on some level, all the lying they do around all this stuff makes it so that a lot of people don't care and will run with almost anything.

When the MSM says that it isn't a sex thing, but then in the next sentence blames Fox NEWs, the GOP, and how racist they are- and a threat to democracy.... uhm- I know the second isn't true, so maybe they are lying about the first not being true.

11-01-22, 17:46
When the MSM says that it isn't a sex thing, but then in the next sentence blames Fox NEWs, the GOP, and how racist they are- and a threat to democracy.... uhm- I know the second isn't true, so maybe they are lying about the first not being true.

This story had so many holes in it when it was first told.
An Old Guy in his underware wrestling with a younger guy in his underware? Glass clearly broken outside from the inside? An unnamed third person who answers the door who lets the Cops in just as Paul gets whacked in the head?
My goodness the spin patrol have been busy trying to sweep as much of this as possible under the rug.What we've got here is an 80 year old alcoholic, who has impulse control issues and might be bisexual.
But rather than just letting the chips fall where they may and allow the general public to make their own minds up, they spin and spin.
I'll tell you what, I kinda feel sorry for the guy.

11-01-22, 18:19
A rainbow flag waving nudist prostitute wakes up at 2am to create two random websites with hundreds of posts about him being mega maga in the dead of night.

He then strips down to his skivvies & jogs down to the pelosi's with a hammer & miraculously breaches the 3rd most powerful person in the world's multi layered security systems avoiding all cameras...he then SHOUTS 'where's nancy' while hammer smacking pablo in the noggin in front of the cops & avoids getting riddled with bullets.

This guy is obviously jason bourne but can't confirm if nancy is in DC??

Sounds totally legit!!

11-01-22, 18:23
Double tap

11-01-22, 18:23

11-02-22, 08:05
This is Funny !

11-02-22, 08:08
Daring to even question what happened has been labeled a conspiracy theory by CNN etc all. They're not even pretending anymore. They are the dangerous ones.

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11-02-22, 12:16
Daring to even question what happened has been labeled a conspiracy theory by CNN etc all. They're not even pretending anymore. They are the dangerous ones.

Sent from my SM-A326U using Tapatalk

Good to see the new direction CNN is headed under their latest leadership change. :sarcastic:

11-02-22, 12:44
Conveniently, all discussion of insider trading is gone. Mere coincidence I’m sure.

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11-03-22, 02:07

11-03-22, 16:19
Wow, wasnÂ’t really expecting this.


Washington(CNN) David DePape, the man accused of violently attacking Paul Pelosi last week, was in the United States illegally and may face deportation, the Department of Homeland Security said late Wednesday.

"U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) lodged an immigration detainer on Canadian national David DePape with San Francisco County Jail, Nov. 1, following his Oct. 28 arrest," the department said.

ICE issues so-called immigration "detainers" to federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies to inform them that the agency intends to take custody of an individual and requests that ICE be notified before that individual is released.

11-03-22, 16:39
Let's see if nephew Newsom steps in to make sure that Depape is not picked up by ICE as he has made California a sanctuary state. Then again, that may be why Depape was still in the country...

11-03-22, 18:58
This is probably a world record for talk of deportation, especially for libs. They didn't even get this excited to throw Elian Gonzalez out of the country. Wonder why?

Sent from my BE2028 using Tapatalk

11-03-22, 19:30
When they were gathering evidence, did they bring the black light in and wave it around a bit?
Including Paul and the Canadian gay hooker, see what that leads to?

11-04-22, 16:46

It just gets stranger and stranger...
Paul let the Cops in the House, then walked back in and got hit in the head. When he answered the door, if he was in trouble, why didn't he walk outside?
This guy was an invited guest, Paul wasn't concerned and tried to talk the Cops down.
Sounds like a Sauage Party got interrupted.

11-04-22, 16:50
I also find it amusing how they’re painting an illegal Canadian who lived in Berkeley and made hemp jewelry while nude protesting, a right wing extremist.

11-04-22, 22:21
I also find it amusing how they’re painting an illegal Canadian who lived in Berkeley and made hemp jewelry while nude protesting, a right wing extremist.

Pauly Smoulete.

11-05-22, 16:05
This story was pulled by NBC, the Reporter was pretty clear about what happened.
It just doesn't tell a very nice story about Nancy and Paul.
Of course they're going to try and cover it up, of course they'll try and blame Conservatives. Then this giant steaming load of crap explodes in their faces, haha!

11-05-22, 16:23
What no social media links?

11-05-22, 18:21
This story was pulled by NBC, the Reporter was pretty clear about what happened.
It just doesn't tell a very nice story about Nancy and Paul.
Of course they're going to try and cover it up, of course they'll try and blame Conservatives. Then this giant steaming load of crap explodes in their faces, haha!

Good stuff from Tucker. Can all be solved very easily: where's the security cam and body cam footage? Problem solved. Odd, neither has been release to easily support the story being told. Longer that takes, more obvious it is it will not support their story. They'd be rushing to show it if it supported their story knowing it would make it go away.

My guess is, they will delay it as long as possible until after the next election and years of court battles and or FOIA requests to finally see it, will be old news by then and not able to harm her or the Dems.

11-08-22, 11:10
"DA Brooke Jenkins won't turn over illegal alien who allegedly attacked Pelosi's husband to ICE, claiming San Francisco is a 'sanctuary city'."

"According to the San Francisco Chronicle, DePape registered as a member of the Green Party, unlawfully declaring that he was a U.S. citizen. He subsequently partook in liberal politics and advocated for public nudity.
After nearly 20 years of feigning American citizenship, DePape allegedly attacked Paul Pelosi on Oct. 28." https://www.theblaze.com/news/da-brooke-jenkins-wont-turn-over-illegal-alien-who-allegedly-attacked-pelosis-husband-to-ice-claiming-san-francisco-is-a-sanctuary-city