View Full Version : HOT MIC! FL's GOP 2A Committee Chairman says Constitutional Carry is bad.

11-03-22, 18:08

George Gasparini is a Republican Party of Florida State Committeeman, member of the Critus County Republican Executive Committee Board, and according to his own statements, he is the chairman of the RPOF's Second Amendment Committee.



On November 2, 2022 in Crystal Oaks, FL at the Citrus County Republican Executive Meeting. George Gasparini, speaking in an official capacity as the Chairman of RPOF's Second Amendment Committee made the following statement to the crowd attending the monthly Citrus County Republican Executive Meeting. Audio of that statement was provided by a trusted source that Gun Owners of America wishes to keep their identity private and anonymous for that person's own security.

Below is a transcription of that audio recording.

The position I have in the state of Florida and the Republican Party. The Republican Party Chairman of the state is Senator Joe Gruters. And we all respect Joe, *inaudible*, Joe, the legislators, and he's a great legislator. Mike and I, we all know him.


And he appointed me the chair the Second Amendment committee of the state of Florida. Now, I wasn't chairman until six months ago.


But the former chairman was *inaudible* by different organizations, like Gun Owners of America.

And Gun Owners of America was definitely trying to destroy state statute, and actually, they had a state legislator who wrote up *inaudible*, which replaced 790.

Now, these are just words to you, 790 is the state statute that protect guns, gun ownership, concealed weapons, how you think the statute - *inaudible*.

And, you to know [meaning, know Chapter 790] if you're going to be sitting on a committee, well, they actually tried to destroy this.

I've had quite a few battles with them at the state level at our meetings, quarterly meetings. Uh he ended up resigning [meaning Ben Paris, the former 2A Chair], these people no longer come there and I am the chairman of that committee right now and the reason why is because the legislators in the past have put together a very, very good bill in the state of Florida.

They're trying to pass a bill for Open Carry [he confuses Open Carry for Constitutional Carry]. Open Carry for Gun Owners of America was saying that it is a Second Amendment right.

Anyone can carry a gun, any time, any place with no training in the state of Florida.

As an NRA instructor, as a retired law enforcement officer for 40 years, and as a current special law enforcement officer, which I am. And as a certified pistol instructor, I don't believe in that.

This is not the first time that George Gasparini has openly spoken against the Second Amendment rights of Floridians in an official capacity for the RPOF. At a previous RPOF Quarterly Meeting (March 25, 2022 in Orlando), he chaired the meeting since the previous Chairman was not there.
George Gasparini openly stated that he is against Constitutional Carry and that Gun Owners of America is wrong in supporting Constitutional Carry. This was after Governor Ron DeSantis made statements supporting the passage of Constitutional Carry and defending the Second Amendment.


To put a one hour meeting into a quick summary.

George Gasparini stated the following.

1. Florida doesn't need Constitutional Carry and there needs to be a continued permitting system in place to control who can and can't exercise their rights.
2. Government grants you your rights, you're not born with them
3. He's retired New Jersey police officer and is covered under the Law Enforcement Officer Safety Act (Federal Law that allows retired cops to carry nationwide, even in restrictive locations like New Jersey and New York) and since he is a special deputy with one of the Sheriff's Offices in FL, that makes him more qualified to own and carry firearms than the common citizen.
4. That what stops bad guys isn't a good guy with a gun, it is judges and penal institutions after the fact a crime happened.

Remember, the national Republican Party supports Constitutional Carry and it is part of their platform.


11-03-22, 18:51
"I support the second amendment, but..."

11-03-22, 19:04
Once again explain the logic to me.

With a carry permit, I and other non prohibited persons may conceal and loaded firearm on my person. Everyone seems to be ok with that.

BUT if exactly the same people have exactly the same gun but it is VISIBLE, then somehow it's a problem.

Isn't this almost exactly like "don't ask, don't tell" and all the other gay issues? So I'm allowed to roll down a public street in my underoo's during a pride parade and people better CHEER for me because of my bravery BUT don't let anyone see my gun if I'm fully clothed?


I think we need an "armed fisherman beach day" once a month, with the entire OC crowd on a public beach (rather than politicizing somebodies private fast food joint) until the message gets sent.

11-03-22, 19:07
George Gasparini stated the following.

1. Florida doesn't need Constitutional Carry and there needs to be a continued permitting system in place to control who can and can't exercise their rights.
2. Government grants you your rights, you're not born with them
3. He's retired New Jersey police officer and is covered under the Law Enforcement Officer Safety Act (Federal Law that allows retired cops to carry nationwide, even in restrictive locations like New Jersey and New York) and since he is a special deputy with one of the Sheriff's Offices in FL, that makes him more qualified to own and carry firearms than the common citizen.
4. That what stops bad guys isn't a good guy with a gun, it is judges and penal institutions after the fact a crime happened.

5. Needs to GTFO and go back to Jersey.

11-03-22, 19:20
And another example of why exemptions and immunities need to go away.

11-03-22, 19:59
Once again explain the logic to me.

With a carry permit, I and other non prohibited persons may conceal and loaded firearm on my person. Everyone seems to be ok with that.

BUT if exactly the same people have exactly the same gun but it is VISIBLE, then somehow it's a problem.

Isn't this almost exactly like "don't ask, don't tell" and all the other gay issues? So I'm allowed to roll down a public street in my underoo's during a pride parade and people better CHEER for me because of my bravery BUT don't let anyone see my gun if I'm fully clothed?


I think we need an "armed fisherman beach day" once a month, with the entire OC crowd on a public beach (rather than politicizing somebodies private fast food joint) until the message gets sent.

Open Carry fishing events have been happening somewhat regularly across the state for a while now.

11-03-22, 20:51
An elitist… with a badge, who flaunts his perceived power and authority over the masses… color me shocked.

If you have to beg for permission to exercise a God Given Right… there is something wrong.

11-03-22, 21:00
People throwing NRA instructor as any type of authority is hilarious.

11-03-22, 21:11
An elitist… with a badge, who flaunts his perceived power and authority over the masses… color me shocked.

If you have to beg for permission to exercise a God Given Right… there is something wrong.

Back in April, he whipped out his retired badge and LEOSA creds like Elias from Clerks II whipping out his "precious" (Lord Of The Rings joke). He was crowing all about having LEOSA. I just looked at him, showed him that I have LEOSA too and that it doesn't matter one damn bit.

Constitutional Carry is what is needed. Just because I had a piece of tin in my wallet because of my prior career doesn't mean I'm any better than other people.

He fumed at that. Because it was done in front of a room full of people and they all boo'ed him for it.

11-03-22, 21:25
What an assclown.

11-03-22, 21:26
Open Carry fishing events have been happening somewhat regularly across the state for a while now.

Excellent. Hope they are organized in large numbers at the most popular tourist beaches. Snowbirds need to know what is what.

11-03-22, 21:42
Back in April, he whipped out his retired badge and LEOSA creds like Elias from Clerks II whipping out his "precious" (Lord Of The Rings joke). He was crowing all about having LEOSA. I just looked at him, showed him that I have LEOSA too and that it doesn't matter one damn bit.

Constitutional Carry is what is needed. Just because I had a piece of tin in my wallet because of my prior career doesn't mean I'm any better than other people.

He fumed at that. Because it was done in front of a room full of people and they all boo'ed him for it.

That’s pretty much all you need to know about his intentions 😂

11-03-22, 22:09
"He's retired New Jersey police officer"

Shocker. Want's to keep and instill the NJ values on FL gun owners.

11-03-22, 22:10
Ship his gungrabber ass back to Nazi Jerseymany where it belongs.

11-03-22, 22:41
"He's retired New Jersey police officer"

Shocker. Want's to keep and instill the NJ values on FL gun owners.

The real shocker is that he's chairing the Second Amendment Committee and was a known anti-gunner before he was appointed to the position. Yet the State Party Chairman placed him in that position even after he was informed of what was happening with him. That tells you where the Party Chairman is on Constitutional Carry.

11-04-22, 00:41
The real shocker is that he's chairing the Second Amendment Committee and was a known anti-gunner before he was appointed to the position. Yet the State Party Chairman placed him in that position even after he was informed of what was happening with him. That tells you where the Party Chairman is on Constitutional Carry.

Hope you can help clean house. Let's not forget the NRA gave Harry Reid an A+ rating and he was strongly pro gun, until he wasn't, then he went after an AW / Hi cap ban...TWICE.

How these Quisling get through in the first place is beyond me.

11-04-22, 03:56
People throwing NRA instructor as any type of authority is hilarious.

GOPtards love that shit.
Kinda like when you see a "sportsmen for [insert candidate]" you just know their stance is "we need to keep all our current regulations, and maybe even add some more if it makes us look bipartisan enough".

11-04-22, 04:51
Jersey cops are known for arresting out of state cops that were carrying in the past.

That is just to help people understand the level of retard this idiot is.

Now I for a long time agreed with his position. Why because I had the cop mind set. from being a cop in the USA for about 9 years. I looked at as a tool that could be used against career criminals.

But a good friend of mine over time helped change my mind a G-D given right should be just that. Also if a guy has done time, then in theory he has paid his due to society.

Here is where the problem is, in a recent case post SCOTUS recent ruling a judge made a split decision he threw out the charge of a firearm without a serial number but upheld the charge of convicted felon in possession. He stated in the court that he found historical evidence in the USA pre Constitution and post Constitution in the original 13 state of towns and cities removing guns from the possession of people that had show a trait of violent behavior. So he upheld that charge.

I wonder if somewhere in the middle might be the correct answer. I will put it out for others to think about. Person does a violent felony and when they get out of prison they still have ALL of their rights. But if that same person is convicted of a second violent felony at that time they lose rights since they have shown themselves to be unrepentant and a danger to the general welfare of society.

11-04-22, 05:36
5. Needs to GTFO and go back to Jersey.

Yup...the Jersey cop mindset and Hugo Boss styled uniforms for certain depts...

11-04-22, 06:51
30 years MIL/LE, my stance is open carry, constitutional carry-no problem. Folks are on a different planet if they think having a permit process in place or the fact that you served makes you proficient and safe. The cold hard fact is 99 percent of folks who "get their permit, safety class" are just after the paper and treat the gun as a talisman they throw in a purse or glove box(don't need one for the glove box by the way) fact is these clowns aren't going to survive first contact anyhow.

Having said that, a good number of folks do care and train out of necessity and/or desire and would do so with or without a permit. People used to ask me about guns, I don't care-it's not rocket science to know who is the threat and who isn't. Ran into plenty of folks with CCP (Va.) usually was interest in what they had and a very rare occasion had to take it.

New Jersey-yeah long ago NJSP would visit Blackwater for training. One of the trainers told me even as LE-do not state you have a gun, they(the brass) didn't care and you would be disarmed and taken in until they felt you were "allowed" to have it. The admin reviewed audio and video from the troopers and they would be in it if they didn't do as instructed. The best approach was say nothing and don't identify yourself or discreetly show and don't speak. That was a bit ago, who knows what brainwashed punk is at the door.

11-04-22, 09:02
I don't even hate to say it. It is a typical LEO/retired LEO attitude and especially true of those from certain areas of the US. He's a transplant that moved to FL with his pension money. He should be removed from his position and run out of the state. I'm sure he has uttered the phrase sometime in the past "I support the 2nd Amendment but..."

11-04-22, 10:26
I don't even hate to say it. It is a typical LEO/retired LEO attitude and especially true of those from certain areas of the US. He's a transplant that moved to FL with his pension money. He should be removed from his position and run out of the state. I'm sure he has uttered the phrase sometime in the past "I support the 2nd Amendment but..."


Crooked name tag.

One star on the shoulders, but two on the collar on one side only.

No hat device.

Tie not aligned with the gig line.

Yeah, that falls in line with what you'd expect from him.


11-04-22, 15:17
This seems to be our major problem. Too many double agents at high levels that just replace people with more double agents.

11-04-22, 15:30

Crooked name tag.

One star on the shoulders, but two on the collar on one side only.

No hat device.

Tie not aligned with the gig line.

Yeah, that falls in line with what you'd expect from him.

A LOT OF HOT AIR & EGO.Ate up from the plate up

Sent from my BE2028 using Tapatalk

11-04-22, 18:00
Yup...the Jersey cop mindset and Hugo Boss styled uniforms for certain depts...

Nicely played.

11-04-22, 20:10

Crooked name tag.

One star on the shoulders, but two on the collar on one side only.

No hat device.

Tie not aligned with the gig line.

Yeah, that falls in line with what you'd expect from him.


If that’s not a poster boy for authoritarianism, I don’t know what is. :(

11-04-22, 20:29

Crooked name tag.

One star on the shoulders, but two on the collar on one side only.

No hat device.

Tie not aligned with the gig line.

Yeah, that falls in line with what you'd expect from him.


Guy looks like a soup sandwich. What an idiot.

11-04-22, 20:45
Nicely played.

I usually swing and miss...nice to get a double for once...lol

11-04-22, 20:54

This article goes into extreme detail about the year long fight we've been having with the anti-gun establishment-loving RINO swamp.

11-04-22, 21:51
If that’s not a poster boy for authoritarianism, I don’t know what is. :(

Needs a sash, like what hall monitors used to have.

11-04-22, 21:58

This article goes into extreme detail about the year long fight we've been having with the anti-gun establishment-loving RINO swamp.

Keep getting the word out. Floridians need to completely defund EVERYTHING until the "pro 2A" part of the FGOP starts acting like it.

Thank you for keeping their feet to the fire.

11-04-22, 22:00
Keep getting the word out. Floridians need to completely defund EVERYTHING until the "pro 2A" part of the FGOP starts acting like it.

Thank you for keeping their feet to the fire.

Speaker of House Paul Renner, President of Senate Kathleen Passidomo, Agriculture Commissioner Wilton Simpson, Lt. Governor Jeannette Nunez, and RPOF Chairman Joe Gruters all voted for the 2018 Parkland Gun Control bill.

The Swamp has completely surrounded Ron DeSantis.

11-04-22, 22:14
Speaker of House Paul Renner, President of Senate Kathleen Passidomo, Agriculture Commissioner Wilton Simpson, Lt. Governor Jeannette Nunez, and RPOF Chairman Joe Gruters all voted for the 2018 Parkland Gun Control bill.

The Swamp has completely surrounded Ron DeSantis.

Quick question, has the GOA issued a state alert about RPOF chairman Sen. Joe Gruters appointing George Gasparini to chair the Second Amendment Committee?

I haven't seen anything yet and they really need to jump on it. It's been my experience that phone calls don't amount to much.

11-04-22, 23:03
Quick question, has the GOA issued a state alert about RPOF chairman Sen. Joe Gruters appointing George Gasparini to chair the Second Amendment Committee?

I haven't seen anything yet and they really need to jump on it. It's been my experience that phone calls don't amount to much.

I have the alert getting ready to come out. We just have soooo much in the pipeline due to elections, that some alerts take priority over others and we don't want to flood folks' inboxes.

11-04-22, 23:26
I have the alert getting ready to come out. We just have soooo much in the pipeline due to elections, that some alerts take priority over others and we don't want to flood folks' inboxes.

I should have known you were on top of things.

11-05-22, 02:00
This thread just got flashed to the Florida members of my politics chat. :)

11-05-22, 02:03
Oh just boomers booming.

11-05-22, 12:03
Yup...the Jersey cop mindset and Hugo Boss styled uniforms for certain depts...

Oh just boomers booming.

It is worse than that....

I've dealt with plenty of Florida Crackers, old school Southerners from the "Old Florida" and they were just as anti-gun as Gasparini.

Heck, at the March meeting, there was a younger Cattle Guy from the Panhandle that agreed with Gasparini because as he put it; "I can't have my wife go to the Piggly Wiggly and see a Black guy with a gun!"

Guy had a southern drawl thicker than properly made grits and was proud of being a fifth generation Floridian.

The Cattle Guy supported Gasparini because he's a stereotypical racist and bigoted southerner at heart. Just because Southern Democrats became Republicans, doesn't mean they stopped being Southern Democrats at heart.

Gun control is rooted in racism and plenty of Republicans back gun control because they don’t like the idea of people they dislike exercising their rights.

Some older folks think like that as do some younger Southern folks.

11-05-22, 13:04
An elitist… with a badge, who flaunts his perceived power and authority over the masses… color me shocked.

If you have to beg for permission to exercise a God Given Right… there is something wrong.

AND no training and no license means less money for the state.

11-05-22, 16:34
AND no training and no license means less money for the state.

If they were smart, they'd simply allow those with CCWs to open carry as an option. Everyone with a firearm does a BG check and life moves forward.

11-05-22, 17:57
If they were smart, they'd simply allow those with CCWs to open carry as an option. Everyone with a firearm does a BG check and life moves forward.This was GA's approach until recently. (May still be)

11-06-22, 01:29
Well, this has finally been brought up in the other site, and my God, are the RINO loving simps in GD are defending the hell out of Gasparini.


Because they don’t like me since I said bad things a few years back. What were those bad things? Oh, nothing much, just me pointing put that Trump enacted gun control via executive edict and bypassed Congress.

Seriously, GD over there has become the Right Wing version Democratic Underground. An echo chamber of canceling culture brain addled troglodyte numbskulls.

Dare question their Orange Spray Tan Messiah on anything, and they screech like a pack of coked up baboons getting their hands caught in bear traps.

11-06-22, 01:34
This was GA's approach until recently. (May still be)

GA and AL are Constitutional Carry states now.

11-06-22, 03:25
Seriously, GD over there has become the Right Wing version Democratic Underground.

It was getting there when I was still a member. It's a shame all the freshmen members from day one had to conform or die.

11-06-22, 05:08
Well, this has finally been brought up in the other site, and my God, are the RINO loving simps in GD are defending the hell out of Gasparini.


Because they don’t like me since I said bad things a few years back. What were those bad things? Oh, nothing much, just me pointing put that Trump enacted gun control via executive edict and bypassed Congress.

Seriously, GD over there has become the Right Wing version Democratic Underground. An echo chamber of canceling culture brain addled troglodyte numbskulls.

Dare question their Orange Spray Tan Messiah on anything, and they screech like a pack of coked up baboons getting their hands caught in bear traps.

Most shooting and hunting forums will pile on anyone pointing out republican candidates they love exhibiting the exact same behaviors they claim is their reason for hating democrats.

Pointing out issues with NRA used to result in the same till Wayne's clothing fetish came out and your being part of GOA undoubtedly triggers some.

Decent chance part of the hate stems from opposing gasparini due to his being a heavy handed LE member too. Fair number of arf indicated they wanted Amber Guyger to be able to murder Botham Jean with no legal consequences and fairly sure that was the venue where a few felt she should not have been fired.

11-06-22, 17:51
Perhaps people are a little suspicious when threads criticising Republican dedication to the second ammendment magically appear right at election time.

Sure, stay home, don't vote for those R Fudds, that will show them. Their demorat challengers will be much more concerned about preserving our 2nd ammendment rights, surely.


11-06-22, 18:31
Perhaps people are a little suspicious when threads criticising Republican dedication to the second ammendment magically appear right at election time.

Sure, stay home, don't vote for those R Fudds, that will show them. Their demorat challengers will be much more concerned about preserving our 2nd ammendment rights, surely.


How was he supposed to know to bring it up prior to it happening? What good would it do to bring it up post election?

How is a given act committed by democrats different than the same act committed by republicans?

Why do republicans committing the same acts as a democrat deserve votes that democrats shouldn't get due to committing the same acts? Why does someone not committing those acts not deserve votes?

11-06-22, 19:11
How was he supposed to know to bring it up prior to it happening? What good would it do to bring it up post election?

How is a given act committed by democrats different than the same act committed by republicans?

Why do republicans committing the same acts as a democrat deserve votes that democrats shouldn't get due to committing the same acts? Why does someone not committing those acts not deserve votes?

My comment was rather obviously not calling out the subject of the thread.

As to the second 2 questions - a vote for a Demorat senator or congressman is a vote to continue the sh!t show of the last two years. At least a Repub candidate will not vote lock step with the progressive leaders.

Not voting is a vote, in a way.

We need to have these discussions prior to and during the primaries, not the general election. Heck, I would love to discuss possible Presidential candidates from December on.


11-06-22, 19:16
The guy is an imbecile and needs to move back to NJ

Still not voting against any GOP candidates though.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-06-22, 19:20
My comment was rather obviously not calling out the subject of the thread.

As to the second 2 questions - a vote for a Demorat senator or congressman is a vote to continue the sh!t show of the last two years. At least a Repub candidate will not vote lock step with the progressive leaders.

Not voting is a vote, in a way.

We need to have these discussions prior to and during the primaries, not the general election. Heck, I would love to discuss possible Presidential candidates from December on.


George Gasparini is a RUBLICAN PARTY OF FLORIDA COMMITTEE MEMBER. He isn't a State Representative or Senator.

Gasparini is far more dangerous than a simple elected official because he is part of the REPUBLICAN PARTY and is the guy elected officials go to for advice on how to vote on bills. Gasparini is a party man and he runs the Party's Second Amendment Committee.... the Committee that drafts the Party's official stances and policies. That is what guides lawmakers.

He whispers into legislators' ears and says "vote for this, vote against that. Don't worry, the party has your back."

He can't be primaried because he doesn't hold public office!

He is dangerous, because less than a week before the election, he told Republicans that Constitutional Carry is bad. Something Governor DeSantis fully backs. Gasparini is sabotaging Ron DeSantis. He was appointed to head the RPOF's Second Amendment Committee by the State Party Chairman, Sen. Joe Gruters.

Gruters is a State Senator and outside of that, he is also the Chairman of the Republican Party of Florida.

Only the Party can remove a Party Member from any position in the Party.

And you have a Party Member, acting as an official representative and speaking for the Party. Telling voters that Constitutional Carry is bad.

Gasparini is literally the swamp that is fighting DeSantis.

11-06-22, 19:34
My comment was rather obviously not calling out the subject of the thread.

As to the second 2 questions - a vote for a Demorat senator or congressman is a vote to continue the sh!t show of the last two years. At least a Repub candidate will not vote lock step with the progressive leaders.

Not voting is a vote, in a way.

We need to have these discussions prior to and during the primaries, not the general election. Heck, I would love to discuss possible Presidential candidates from December on.


These incidents occurred right at election time and got brought up because that's when the wrongs were committed.

Quite a few republicans are in lock step with progressives and vote accordingly.

I never mentioned not voting. I asked, "Why does someone not committing those acts not deserve votes?"

Someone decent is in just about every race.

If a candidate does something good a week before a general election should that news be suppressed until the next primary season?

Just to be honest, I don't recall many minions wanting anyone discussing their favorite politicians wrong doings at any time.

11-06-22, 20:09
Perhaps people are a little suspicious when threads criticising Republican dedication to the second ammendment magically appear right at election time.

Sure, stay home, don't vote for those R Fudds, that will show them. Their demorat challengers will be much more concerned about preserving our 2nd ammendment rights, surely.


F' em all. If you aren't with me, you are against me.

We used to laugh at minority groups who lock stepped and voted D because they were being played. How come it's my responsibility to get played and vote R when the Rs who claim to represent me do not?

That's the kind of BS that makes them think, hey let's nominate Romney AGAIN.

11-06-22, 21:31
A good example of what this crap fuels.


11-07-22, 06:52
Just be aware this forum is one of many similar echo chambers.

Be careful not to let your purity and sanctimony get in the way of stopping evil.

Do I disagree with him? Hell yes. But he too is entitled to his opinion. There is no perfect candidate that 100% aligns with your world view.

They’ve already started cheating so prepare to be let down on Wednesday regardless.

11-07-22, 10:09
Just be aware this forum is one of many similar echo chambers.

Be careful not to let your purity and sanctimony get in the way of stopping evil.

Do I disagree with him? Hell yes. But he too is entitled to his opinion. There is no perfect candidate that 100% aligns with your world view.

They’ve already started cheating so prepare to be let down on Wednesday regardless.

He's entitled to his opinion as a private person. He is not entitled to speak as the official representative of the RPOF and go against the RPOF's own position on Constitutional Carry.

In June, the RPOF passed a resolution outright supporting Constitutional Carry, which means all office holders within the Party must abide by it.

This would be like me, as GOA's Florida Director, telling GOA members that I'm against Constitutional Carry and I think my own organization's stance on the issue is wrong.

That's literally what he's doing. Plus, he isn't an elected official. He is a Party Man.

11-07-22, 11:23
Lottsa Republicrats are obviously really ill conceived Demoncrats in disguise,,,, works for Cops and " GASP "
Politicans who administer and craft pro CCW statutes .
No surprise there , Trojan Horses ect, ect !

11-07-22, 12:28
Politicians are shit. All of them. They're all shit. And Repubs are just as garbage as Dems. Just different shit sides of the same garbage coin.

Whatever. It's all a big show. I DGAF anymore. Gonna take what I can get and enjoy the collapse.

11-07-22, 13:54
He's entitled to his opinion as a private person. He is not entitled to speak as the official representative of the RPOF and go against the RPOF's own position on Constitutional Carry.

In June, the RPOF passed a resolution outright supporting Constitutional Carry, which means all office holders within the Party must abide by it.

This would be like me, as GOA's Florida Director, telling GOA members that I'm against Constitutional Carry and I think my own organization's stance on the issue is wrong.

That's literally what he's doing. Plus, he isn't an elected official. He is a Party Man.


11-10-22, 05:21
A good example of what this crap fuels.


And more on this "open carry" Florida incident.


11-10-22, 05:54
And more on this "open carry" Florida incident.


Blind man is arrested because Sheriff Deputy believes his folded walking cane is a gun. If FL had open carry, it wouldn't have been an issue, because the entire reason for the encounter was that open carry in FL is illegal and law enforcement used that as the reason to initiate the stop.

11-11-22, 06:49
Blind man is arrested because Sheriff Deputy believes his folded walking cane is a gun. If FL had open carry, it wouldn't have been an issue, because the entire reason for the encounter was that open carry in FL is illegal and law enforcement used that as the reason to initiate the stop.

Based on Sheriff Hunter's BS response to this, DeSantis should be pushing to remove the sheriff like he did with Israel in Broward.

11-11-22, 07:19
Based on Sheriff Hunter's BS response to this, DeSantis should be pushing to remove the sheriff like he did with Israel in Broward.

Hunter endorsed DeSantis. I don't see Hunter being removed.