View Full Version : "The big one is coming..."

11-06-22, 08:30
"'This Ukraine crisis that we’re in right now, this is just the warmup,' the admiral stated. 'The big one is coming. And it isn’t going to be very long before we’re going to get tested in ways that we haven’t been tested in a long time.'"


11-06-22, 08:50

11-06-22, 09:28
This might have been posted on a thread here a while back. It’s a leaked speech from a Chinese general in 2005. It seems some in China’s ruling class believe that a large conflict is inevitable and necessary.


11-06-22, 10:14

The Dumb Gun Collector
11-06-22, 11:37
Absolutely Captain Obvious stuff. Our enemies are planning to kick our ass, we need to make ourselves so frightening they don't dare F with us.

11-06-22, 12:20
Absolutely Captain Obvious stuff. Our enemies are planning to kick our ass, we need to make ourselves so frightening they don't dare F with us.

We need another Curtis LeMay!

The Most Notorious General You’ve Probably Never Heard Of. The man who called himself a war criminal.

The results of LeMay’s strategy were devastating. On March 10, 1945, the United States carried out Operation Meetinghouse, an air raid of Tokyo that killed more than 90,000 Japanese, most of them civilians, and displaced over a million people. While later operations were more successful at hitting their much larger targets, the firebombing of Japan resulted in hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths. (March 10, 1945 was the single most destructive air attack in human history, according to the U.S. Department of Energy.)

When asked later about his role in the air raids, LeMay said:

“There are no innocent civilians. It is their government and you are fighting a people, you are not trying to fight an armed force anymore. So it doesn’t bother me so much to be killing the so-called innocent bystanders.”


11-06-22, 12:55
Not terribly concerned about China right now. Their economy is worse than ours, they're having industrial issues, agriculture issues, they can barely feed their people. Maybe in a few years, but not now.

11-06-22, 13:09
The Most Notorious General You’ve Probably Never Heard Of. The man who called himself a war criminal.

It's sad an article exists that thinks everyone has forgotten LeMay. Besides bombing Japan into rubble, he was the savior of the M-16.

11-06-22, 13:18
It's sad an article exists that thinks everyone has forgotten LeMay. Besides bombing Japan into rubble, he was the savior of the M-16.

And the father of the strategic air command

The Dumb Gun Collector
11-06-22, 14:21
Not terribly concerned about China right now. Their economy is worse than ours, they're having industrial issues, agriculture issues, they can barely feed their people. Maybe in a few years, but not now.

I certainly agree with you that the Chinese economy is a POS (and much smaller than we thought). But the Soviets were a basket case too and even their retarded son is causing us hassle currently with it's adventure in the Ukraine. We need to get ready for these fools.

11-06-22, 14:26
I'm reading WT Sherman's memoir and he may be part of the inspiration behind LeMay's understanding of war. War is a terrible thing and innocents suffer because of the actions of their government. That war must be total seems to be something our leaders have forgotten.

11-06-22, 15:31
We need another Curtis LeMay!

The Most Notorious General You’ve Probably Never Heard Of. The man who called himself a war criminal.


“When this war is over the Japanese language will be spoken only in hell!”- Admiral Halsey, a fighting admiral that understood how to fight a war.

11-06-22, 18:28
When asked later about his role in the air raids, LeMay said:

“There are no innocent civilians. It is their government and you are fighting a people, you are not trying to fight an armed force anymore. So it doesn’t bother me so much to be killing the so-called innocent bystanders."

You would NEVER get a flag-ranked U.S. officer to openly admit this in 2022. I think we should obviously avoid engaging in that kind of warfare if we can. That said, a fanatical enemy 80 years ago wouldn't be far from a fanatic enemy today. If U.S. civilians were hit I'd have ZERO problems with a similar attack at them. In warfare the "Moral High Road" can be deviated from, as long as it is in response to such a deviation from the enemy in the first place.

11-06-22, 18:41
The moral high road’s pavers are cemented in mortar made from the blood of the vanquished dead evil…

11-06-22, 20:03
When asked later about his role in the air raids, LeMay said:

“There are no innocent civilians. It is their government and you are fighting a people, you are not trying to fight an armed force anymore. So it doesn’t bother me so much to be killing the so-called innocent bystanders."

You would NEVER get a flag-ranked U.S. officer to openly admit this in 2022. I think we should obviously avoid engaging in that kind of warfare if we can. That said, a fanatical enemy 80 years ago wouldn't be far from a fanatic enemy today. If U.S. civilians were hit I'd have ZERO problems with a similar attack at them. In warfare the "Moral High Road" can be deviated from, as long as it is in response to such a deviation from the enemy in the first place.

Well back then we used to have a Department of War rather than a Department of Defense and their is a rather significant difference.


You cannot win anything by defense only.

11-06-22, 21:30
I had a Soldier in my unit a few years ago who was related to Gen LeMay, I don’t think he ever met the Gen as he’s a young guy.

I think MaCathur was right, we should have dropped a line of canned sunshine all along the entire Chinese coast and the border between them and Korea.

11-06-22, 23:24
I had a Soldier in my unit a few years ago who was related to Gen LeMay, I don’t think he ever met the Gen as he’s a young guy.

I think MaCathur was right, we should have dropped a line of canned sunshine all along the entire Chinese coast and the border between them and Korea.

There was a legit concern that it could draw Russia into a larger, now nuclear, conflict. One only needs to look at how an assassination in Serbia snowballed into WWI to see that you have to be careful with such things.

11-07-22, 08:00
Not terribly concerned about China right now. Their economy is worse than ours, they're having industrial issues, agriculture issues, they can barely feed their people. Maybe in a few years, but not now.

Actually, that makes me more concerned about China. Tyrants often get sporty when their failure at home manifests.

I mean we need look no further than Ukraine for proof of that. Just cause they ain't "ready" doesn't mean they they won't schedule an away game.

11-07-22, 09:45
Not terribly concerned about China right now. Their economy is worse than ours, they're having industrial issues, agriculture issues, they can barely feed their people. Maybe in a few years, but not now.Friend who has lived and worked in China for a couple of decades is confident the saber rattling from Xi was just that... With the intent to position himself as strong so he could lock in another term.

It worked, so he has backed off.

Her view:
- China would gain nothing and lose everything if they attacked the US.

Their economy is dependent on our trade and would crash

They hold much of our national debt, we would stop payment with immediate economic impact as well.

They're dependent on us and the rest of the world for many resources (good & oil), so if isolated would crash.

The above would also be true if they attacked Taiwan, with the additional impact of losing Taiwan's chipmaking capacity which China is totally dependent on. (S Korea would not sell to China in this scenario)

She has radio products made in China to her spec. Keeps an apartment in Hong Kong and floats between there and the US. So is very familiar.

Her positioning comment: "the Chinese army just made a big celebratory announcement that they were able to provide at least one daily serving of meat to each soldier, the first time since the revolution."

"They are not ready to take us on"

I hope she is right!

11-07-22, 11:29
Not terribly concerned about China right now. Their economy is worse than ours, they're having industrial issues, agriculture issues, they can barely feed their people. Maybe in a few years, but not now................................................................................................................!

Maybe that is when they are the most dangerous !

11-07-22, 12:12
Not terribly concerned about China right now. Their economy is worse than ours, they're having industrial issues, agriculture issues, they can barely feed their people. Maybe in a few years, but not now................................................................................................................!

Maybe that is when they are the most dangerous !

Then they'd get their ass kicked....

11-07-22, 12:54
Absolutely Captain Obvious stuff. Our enemies are planning to kick our ass, we need to make ourselves so frightening they don't dare F with us.

You're joking, right? :rolleyes:


11-07-22, 13:28
You're joking, right? :rolleyes:


A senile old man with nukes is pretty frightening. I imagine him naked under an open bath robe hitting the red button screaming “I’ve fallen and can’t get up”.

11-07-22, 13:47
Then they'd get their ass kicked....

I don't really see China wanting to go head-to-head with us and I think making a play for Taiwan is very unlikely. I can see them going hot over territorial disputes with India or over some of their claims in the South China Sea. I can especially see them willing to get handsy and playing rough with say PI, Vietnam, or Malaysia.

I mean such moves would solidify Xi as a "tough guy" at home and abroad while getting his military some OJT without much in the way of "high stakes".

Just speculating. I don't think it's at the top of Xi's to-do list but it could happen.

11-08-22, 06:16
When asked later about his role in the air raids, LeMay said:

“There are no innocent civilians. It is their government and you are fighting a people, you are not trying to fight an armed force anymore. So it doesn’t bother me so much to be killing the so-called innocent bystanders."...

After 9/11/01 I think this has become the reality of warfare…

11-08-22, 07:59
This has always been obvious to me.

Bombing infrastructure is one of the first targets before a ground assault. Roads, bridges, communications, water, etc.

Yet all we here about Russia is that they are hitting civilian areas.

11-08-22, 08:37
I don't really see China wanting to go head-to-head with us and I think making a play for Taiwan is very unlikely. I can see them going hot over territorial disputes with India or over some of their claims in the South China Sea. I can especially see them willing to get handsy and playing rough with say PI, Vietnam, or Malaysia.

I mean such moves would solidify Xi as a "tough guy" at home and abroad while getting his military some OJT without much in the way of "high stakes".

Just speculating. I don't think it's at the top of Xi's to-do list but it could happen.

China is playing chess while the west is playing checkers... The ccp influence through out the world is gaining ground. They have been doing infrastructure projects in various countries in Africa, South America, etc. The only thing is that their projects aren't for free. Those nations are now in debt, aka pretty much servitude... to China now and will be under their sphere of influence for the foreseeable future. All the while, the influence of the west is in decline.

11-08-22, 14:02
China is playing chess while the west is playing checkers... The ccp influence through out the world is gaining ground. They have been doing infrastructure projects in various countries in Africa, South America, etc. The only thing is that their projects aren't for free. Those nations are now in debt, aka pretty much servitude... to China now and will be under their sphere of influence for the foreseeable future. All the while, the influence of the west is in decline.

That is all true until war breaks out. Then a bunch of middle fingers come up.

11-08-22, 15:25
China is playing chess while the west is playing checkers... The ccp influence through out the world is gaining ground. They have been doing infrastructure projects in various countries in Africa, South America, etc. The only thing is that their projects aren't for free. Those nations are now in debt, aka pretty much servitude... to China now and will be under their sphere of influence for the foreseeable future. All the while, the influence of the west is in decline.

China can't get past the first square of a chess board right now. A lot of their international projects are borderline unfunded. If China tries to call debt all they have to do is show their finger.

11-08-22, 21:03
This has always been obvious to me.

Bombing infrastructure is one of the first targets before a ground assault. Roads, bridges, communications, water, etc.

Yet all we hear about Russia is that they are hitting civilian areas.

The reasons Russia did NOT take that stuff out first ought to be obvious but the peanut gallery here still insists it is a sign of weakness and that they 'can't take that stuff out'.

They got pretty quiet now that Russia has started taking the gloves off and begun to do just that didn't they?

Ukraine is screwed. Us pumping them up with a false belief that they can 'win' this only made sure to make it worse for them (and Europe) in the end.

You hear or read anything about the 'progress' of the Ukrainian offensive here lately? Anything about how much 'ground' they 'took back' in the last few days???

What we most certainly will NOT hear about is the body count of the Ukrainian cannon fodder being sent to the front lines. Does not at all meet the narrative they are pushing here...

11-08-22, 21:08
China can't get past the first square of a chess board right now. A lot of their international projects are borderline unfunded. If China tries to call debt all they have to do is show their finger.

If that were true many would already be doing it or trying to do it.

I am positive that this debt is not at all like unsecured credit card debt. It is definitely tied to 'something' that can be taken in the event of default.

11-09-22, 08:07
If that were true many would already be doing it or trying to do it.

I am positive that this debt is not at all like unsecured credit card debt. It is definitely tied to 'something' that can be taken in the event of default.

I think the middle finger is the last option, not the first. By that time every country will be on an island and won't have a whole lot to lose. You would not do that to the bank now with a CC with a $1,000 balance when you have $500K in assets, either.

China is not a paper tiger, nor are they an awful dragon. Right now they are in no position to start a war with anyone. Their country is an effing mess.

11-09-22, 20:36
You would not do that to the bank now with a CC with a $1,000 balance when you have $500K in assets, either.

If it were me -

I would max out every card I could get my hands on, borrow as unsecured as possible to pay off the house and spend the 500k to buy a single horse. ( a really good horse - a champion...)

THEN give them all the big Chapter 7 middle finger.

Old laws still on the books in my state clearly state they can't take my home or my horse so they would get nothing from me but that middle finger when all was said and done... :)