View Full Version : DeSantis for President?

11-10-22, 11:34
I hear a lot of talk about DeSantis in 2024 but besides using common sense during the COVID scam and having a smoking hot wife (this is a major plus) what do we know about him, what are his core beliefs and life before politics?

11-10-22, 11:53
He told the Xiden regime to FOAD when it came to COVID, took on Disney, served his country, doesn't like illegal aliens, doesn't take any shit......what's more to like? If Lord Cheeto would just STFU and honorably step away (yeah, I know) then DeSantis will win the nomination if he decides to run.

11-10-22, 12:15
If Lord Cheeto would just STFU and honorably step away (yeah, I know) then DeSantis will win the nomination if he decides to run.
Hear, hear!

I’m afraid for the Republican party and its future if Trump goes after DeSantis the way he has already threatened.

I am also done with Trump … he had his chance, and I am still WICKED PISSED at him for not being able to keep his goddamn mouth shut, especially when it would benefit us, the taxpayers who supported him. To me, he lost the vote of the independents and soccer Mom independent women with his vain, pompous and childish ‘shenanigans’.

If he had been able to exercise even any reasonable extent of control, he would still be in office, and we would still be an energy exporter, would have lower energy bills, lower food prices and lower inflation (if any at all) and none of the woke agenda that is so prevalent nowadays.

Thanks Don … for nothing!

11-10-22, 12:23
It's like his stand on ""ASSAULT WEAPONS "" is reportedly a mixed bag of nuts.

11-10-22, 12:26
It's like his stand on ""ASSAULT WEAPONS "" is reportedly a mixed bag of nuts.

He said this in June of this year:

"DeSantis didn’t exactly call for a return to these institutions but he warned: “If you’re one of these nut jobs, just know: If you try that you’re going to end up on your ass and it’s not going to end up being pretty and you’re not going to walk out of there alive.”
He added: “But when you’re dealing with it [gun crime], what you do is, you focus on the criminal. You focus on the lunatic. You don’t kneecap the rights of law-abiding citizens.”

11-10-22, 12:27
Between Trump and DeSantis, I know where I stand.



Straight Shooter
11-10-22, 12:29
Can someone explain, without any hyperbole..what is the deal between Trump & DeSantis? For the life of me I dont know. Did DeSantis cross Trump or something? Why does Trump not like him?
I like Trump a lot...I remember GOOD ASS TIMES for a few years under him, especially related to guns/ammo...and I really like DeSantis, but this shit Trump is doing has GOT to stop. NOW. Please, any info on this is appreciated.

11-10-22, 12:32
Can someone explain, without any hyperbole..what is the deal between Trump & DeSantis? For the life of me I dont know. Did DeSantis cross Trump or something? Why does Trump not like him?
I like Trump a lot...I remember GOOD ASS TIMES for a few years under him, especially related to guns/ammo...and I really like DeSantis, but this shit Trump is doing has GOT to stop. NOW. Please, any info on this is appreciated.

DeSantis doesn't take any shit and he won't kiss the ring. Trump sees him as a threat.

11-10-22, 12:51
DeSantis doesn't take any shit and he won't kiss the ring. Trump sees him as a threat.

Probably more so this than your first statement.

11-10-22, 13:04
Can someone explain, without any hyperbole..what is the deal between Trump & DeSantis? For the life of me I dont know. Did DeSantis cross Trump or something? Why does Trump not like him?
I like Trump a lot...I remember GOOD ASS TIMES for a few years under him, especially related to guns/ammo...and I really like DeSantis, but this shit Trump is doing has GOT to stop. NOW. Please, any info on this is appreciated.

The bump stock people don't care much for Trump. I think bump stocks are stupid, but that's not the point, it's still an infringement. He caved on that immediately after the Vegas shooting.
His best points were that he didn't take any shit, appointed good constitutionalist judges, and wasn't Hillary. For the good of the GOP he needs to stand down.

11-10-22, 13:09
The bump stock people don't care much for Trump. I think bump stocks are stupid, but that's not the point, it's still an infringement. He caved on that immediately after the Vegas shooting.
His best points were that he didn't take any shit, appointed good constitutionalist judges, and wasn't Hillary. For the good of the GOP he needs to stand down.

If he banned 30rd magazines, would you think they're stupid too?

I am glad that you point out an infringement is an infringement.

11-10-22, 13:38
If he banned 30rd magazines, would you think they're stupid too?

I am glad that you point out an infringement is an infringement.

Maybe explain what you posted has to do with what I posted? I see no correlation at all. I thought bump stocks were stupid before they were banned, what Trump did has nothing to do with it. He immediately caved. He did nothing really big for the gun community outside of appointing judges that will take up for our rights. If I forgot something, please remind me.
I think carrying a .25 auto is stupid, but I don't advocate for them to be banned.
I don't open carry, but I'm not asking for it to be banned.
I love my 30 and 40 round magazines, I have a lot.

Are you just running through here like a bull with a chip on your shoulder trying to alienate everyone who is on your side? If someone doesn't agree with you 100% do you feel the need to criticize them?

11-10-22, 13:57
Can someone explain, without any hyperbole..what is the deal between Trump & DeSantis? For the life of me I dont know. Did DeSantis cross Trump or something? Why does Trump not like him?
I like Trump a lot...I remember GOOD ASS TIMES for a few years under him, especially related to guns/ammo...and I really like DeSantis, but this shit Trump is doing has GOT to stop. NOW. Please, any info on this is appreciated.

Trump is Trump. He’s a narcissistic a-hole who is in it for himself. You can argue against that, but he went after Desantis BEFORE the current election was over. It’s not that I’m not appreciative for what he’s done for the party. He killed off the Bush/Romney/McCain establishment mindset that conservatives are an opposition party lucky to win POTUS once a generation and suffer the slings and arrows of the MSM/DNC. If he didn’t fundamentally change US politics, he saw that it could change and did it. Ironically, for someone that catalyzed that change, he stagnated and wasn’t able to pivot when the left caught up to his frenetic social media and messaging pace. He was perfect for 2016 against HRC. But by 2018 and definitely 2020 he hadn’t stayed current.

If you take anything from this election it is that people want stability and competent governance. That the Dems jacked everything up and still seemed to convince a lot of moderates that they are more competent kind of scary..

Desantis is just what Trump SHOULD have been, and could have been if he had been able to change.

11-10-22, 13:57
Maybe explain what you posted has to do with what I posted? I see no correlation at all. I thought bump stocks were stupid before they were banned, what Trump did has nothing to do with it. He immediately caved. He did nothing really big for the gun community outside of appointing judges that will take up for our rights. If I forgot something, please remind me.
I think carrying a .25 auto is stupid, but I don't advocate for them to be banned.
I don't open carry, but I'm not asking for it to be banned.
I love my 30 and 40 round magazines, I have a lot.

Are you just running through here like a bull with a chip on your shoulder trying to alienate everyone who is on your side? If someone doesn't agree with you 100% do you feel the need to criticize them?

I'm saying that I'm glad you agree that an infringement is an infringement. I'm just pointing out that claiming Bumpstocks are stupid isn't the right idea, because replace Bumpstocks with 30rd Magazines or AR-15s, and that statement is exactly what a anti-gunner would say.

But Bumpstocks weren't stupid, they were a legal accessory owned by hundreds or thousands of Americans and Donald Trump folded on gun rights faster than a $20 suit. His actions opened up pandora's box and gave the anti-gunners a laid out plan on how to bypass Congress and use chevron deference to defend their gun control. Furthermore, Trump congratulated turn-coat Republicans in Florida for passing the state's biggest gun control bill in our history. Trump also attempted to appoint "Chuck" Canterbury to head BATFE. If you don't know who he is, he is the former head of the FOP and one of the biggest anti-gun cops in the country. The BATFE White Paper about deregulating Suppressors, he threw that in the trash too. Instead, Trump said after Las Vegas that he'd look at going after suppressors too.

Trump was not pro-gun in any sense of the word. Prior to running for office, he backed the Clinton AWB and backed UBC. After he was in office, he did nothing for gun owners. His famous 2A Advisory Committee that he claimed to have formed prior to winning the election never met. And it wasn't a pie in the sky thing either, people that I personally know in the industry were reached out by the campaign and tapped to staff it before the election. Then after the 2016 election, *poof*, dead silence from the campaign.

Luckily, the Federalist Society is who advised Mitch McConnel and Donald Trump for SCOTUS picks. They weren't his own picks out of the blue. The Federalist Society gave him an approved list and said "pick from here".

11-10-22, 13:58
Trump is Trump. He’s a narcissistic a-hole who is in it for himself. You can argue against that, but he went after Desantis BEFORE the current election was over. It’s not that I’m not appreciative for what he’s done for the party. He killed off the Bush/Romney/McCain establishment mindset that conservatives are an opposition party lucky to win POTUS once a generation and suffer the slings and arrows of the MSM/DNC. If he didn’t fundamentally change US politics, he saw that it could change and did it. Ironically, for someone that catalyzed that change, he stagnated and wasn’t able to pivot when the left caught up to his frenetic social media and messaging pace. He was perfect for 2016 against HRC. But by 2018 and definitely 2020 he hadn’t stayed current.

If you take anything from this election it is that people want stability and competent governance. That the Dems jacked everything up and still seemed to convince a lot of moderates that they are more competent kind of scary..

Desantis is just what Trump SHOULD have been, and could have been if he had been able to change.

He attacked DeSantis before the election


It is a post of him agreeing that he can beat DeSantis.

And attacked DeSantis after the election too.



11-10-22, 15:06
Let's compare Desantis' 2024 number to Trump's 2020 numbers.., especially in the EC...

11-10-22, 15:48
DeSantis doesn't take any shit and he won't kiss the ring. Trump sees him as a threat.

You can bet your ass that McConnell sees DeSantis as a threat too. That’s my biggest beef. I am 100% unequivocally over ANY Republican that wastes a single second attacking any other Republican. I don’t care if you hate Trump with a purple eyed passion. I don’t care if you think DeSantis doesn’t have enough name recognition or charisma. I don’t care if you think Rick Scott’s economic plan is stupid. I don’t care if Lindsey Graham’s national abortion legislation is idiotic.

If you’re gonna run in 2024, then I don’t want to hear one negative comment about any other Republicans. Just say what YOU are gonna do and what you’re gonna fight against. Let every other GOP candidate do the same. When the first moron goes negative, simply say that’s not beneficial to anyone except the person making the attack, then double down on who you are, what you’re about and what your plan is.

Trump hasn’t even announced his candidacy yet and he’s already attacking his presumed primary opponent. I’m not gonna accept that and refuse to waste another word on him. He might as well not exist as far as I’m concerned. I just need to check myself and hope for DeSantis to ignore him and not rise to the bait. Just keep forging ahead and make plans to put McConnell in a box he can’t get out of unscathed, if he so much as thinks about doing anything other than freely writing checks and supporting the very best candidates that can actually win races.

11-10-22, 16:08
He might as well not exist as far as I’m concerned.

Trump don’t care, he’s the biggest narcissist on this planet and if he don’t win the Republican nomination he’s going to run third party and Ross Perot the shit out of this election.

If he can’t have the presidency no one on the right will.

He’s the best thing to happen to the Democratic Party since FDR.

11-10-22, 16:20
Trump don’t care, he’s the biggest narcissist on this planet and if he don’t win the Republican nomination he’s going to run third party and Ross Perot the shit out of this election.

If he can’t have the presidency no one on the right will.

He’s the best thing to happen to the Democratic Party since FDR.

Then everyone in the GOP needs to say stuff like “Unlike Donald Trump, who is supporting Joe Biden in the 2024 election, I will continue to run on my ideas, principles and accomplishments.” Every time someone disagrees with that statement, just keep repeating it over and over. Donald Trump supports Joe Biden for 2024. We don’t and here’s why, then focus on what you’re doing, not what Trump and the Democrats are doing.

11-10-22, 17:29
You can bet your ass that McConnell sees DeSantis as a threat too. That’s my biggest beef. I am 100% unequivocally over ANY Republican that wastes a single second attacking any other Republican. I don’t care if you hate Trump with a purple eyed passion. I don’t care if you think DeSantis doesn’t have enough name recognition or charisma. I don’t care if you think Rick Scott’s economic plan is stupid. I don’t care if Lindsey Graham’s national abortion legislation is idiotic.

If you’re gonna run in 2024, then I don’t want to hear one negative comment about any other Republicans. Just say what YOU are gonna do and what you’re gonna fight against. Let every other GOP candidate do the same. When the first moron goes negative, simply say that’s not beneficial to anyone except the person making the attack, then double down on who you are, what you’re about and what your plan is.

Trump hasn’t even announced his candidacy yet and he’s already attacking his presumed primary opponent. I’m not gonna accept that and refuse to waste another word on him. He might as well not exist as far as I’m concerned. I just need to check myself and hope for DeSantis to ignore him and not rise to the bait. Just keep forging ahead and make plans to put McConnell in a box he can’t get out of unscathed, if he so much as thinks about doing anything other than freely writing checks and supporting the very best candidates that can actually win races.


11-10-22, 17:33
I think Trump cost us seats this week.

If Trump gets beat in the primary and then runs third party, he is an idiot. He would not win as a 3rd party and I must say I really don't think he could win the general, for one reason. His big ego runs his big mouth.

I really believe in spite of himself he was a great President that shot himself in the foot. Time to move on

11-10-22, 17:38
Trump Statement...anyone really think he's not gonna run??


11-10-22, 17:43
Trump Statement...anyone really think he's not gonna run??




11-10-22, 17:48
Trump Statement...anyone really think he's not gonna run??


Trumps statement is rather disgusting to me. But yes he will run. I just hope if he is not the Republicans choice he goes home and not third party the election thus giving a victory to the marxist

11-10-22, 17:55
Dis Gonna Be Good!

I can't wait to see how this turns out.

11-10-22, 17:55
Now that midterms are over, and a success…

A success for who, the democrats?

Are y’all sure he’s not a democratic Manchurian Candidate?

11-10-22, 18:05
Yeah, fuk Trump. He's only in it for himself and the attention.

Sure, I'll vote for him if he's the nominee... but bruh, it's not about you (but to him, it is about him).

11-10-22, 18:27
Trump is a cult of personality. It is all he ever was. He is not our friend … he is his own friend.

11-10-22, 18:34
Trumps a bully. The dems learned how to play him on the right. Frankly, Trump leaves plenty of room on his right for a primary challenger. Desantis can keep his head down for another year and let Trump make all kinds of noise. Then come out against the ‘old guys’ Biden and Trump- Sleepy and Sleazy. And watch the tepid defense that Trump is going to get from a GOP House. What is Trumps 2024 pitch? Remember those 3 weeks in 2016 when I was awesome…

Just let him run his mouth and ignore him. The dems are going to ease off of him because they realize that if he is relevant to an election, they do well.

Desantis in the meantime needs to work on his Trump impersonation. That’s how you defeat Trump: you mimic his odd speech and vocal pattern as he spins things- and then you ‘over-spin’ them- as you insert adverts for Trump properties.

11-10-22, 18:36
Trump is a cult of personality. It is all he ever was. He is not our friend … he is his own friend.

And his own worst enemy…

11-10-22, 18:36
A success for who, the democrats?

Are y’all sure he’s not a democratic Manchurian Candidate?

Trump is the best Democrat out there. Pushed gun control Obama couldn't. Spent more money than Obama, gsve Congress to Democrats, and is now attacking legit Constitutionalists.

11-10-22, 19:42
I think Trump cost us seats this week.

If Trump gets beat in the primary and then runs third party, he is an idiot. He would not win as a 3rd party and I must say I really don't think he could win the general, for one reason. His big ego runs his big mouth.

I really believe in spite of himself he was a great President that shot himself in the foot. Time to move on

And if he ran third party so would anyone who voted for him. :mad:

I voted for him twice. That's all he's getting from me. If the cultist sycophants and idiots make him the primary winner then they can eat shit and die*.

*this assumes DeSantis runs for POTUS of course, otherwise I would VERY reluctantly hold my nose and choke back my vomit for Lord Cheeto, but ONLY if Ron doesn't run.

11-10-22, 21:25
I hear a lot of talk about DeSantis in 2024 but besides using common sense during the COVID scam and having a smoking hot wife (this is a major plus) what do we know about him, what are his core beliefs and life before politics?

Everything you need to know.


Actual quotes and relevant voting record.

11-11-22, 00:03
I dont like Trump i ****ing love Trump! He was a great President and got a ton of shit done despite being constantly attacted by the dems, the press, and the republicans.
I didnt like the bumpstock ban, (i love the simulated FA). But lets be honest Trump allowed the NRA to set his firearm policy and the fooked him and us.

That being said, Trump is a old man and i would consider Desantis if he runs in 2024.

11-11-22, 00:51


I dont like Trump i ****ing love Trump! He was a great President and got a ton of shit done despite being constantly attacted by the dems, the press, and the republicans.
I didnt like the bumpstock ban, (i love the simulated FA). But lets be honest Trump allowed the NRA to set his firearm policy and the fooked him and us.

That being said, Trump is a old man and i would consider Desantis if he runs in 2024.


Trump also let Fauci and his ilk lead him around by the nose. There were also a lot of other swamp creatures he promised to get rid of and never did. It wasn’t as much about the bump stock ban itself as him caving to the mob of “doing something!” and giving the ATF more power. When if he’d asked any reputable Constitutionalist, they’d told him hell no.

His failures were picking the wrong people, never listening to the right people, making bull headed decisions and sticking to them after failure. He’s still whining about 2020. It’s time for him to shut up about it but he won’t. He’s blaming his wife for supporting Wizard of Oz. LOL

I voted against Trump in the 2016 primary but held my nose and voted for him. I loved the good economy and mostly agree with the SC justices he appointed but I will eat my crow at this time. This crosses the line even for him.

Do you still f’ing love Trump after the garbage he posted above?

11-11-22, 01:19
Trump is the best Democrat out there. Pushed gun control Obama couldn't. Spent more money than Obama, gsve Congress to Democrats, and is now attacking legit Constitutionalists.

Supreme court appointments were pretty important. Only gun control I'm aware of is the continued ban on Russkie stuff and bump stocks but Obama would have done the same. Hard to believe he spent more money than Obama, but the important question is how it was spent and on what.

I don't think anyone believes Trump is Reagan 2.0, but worse than Obama is a hard sell. But the alternative was Hillary and we shouldn't forget that. If you think you disproved of Trump, after four years of Hillary even you would be begging for Trump.

11-11-22, 01:20
Do you still love Trump after the garbage he posted above?

More than Hillary? Hell yes.

11-11-22, 02:17
More than Hillary? Hell yes.

That’s not really a valid comparison though. Anybody not insane hates Hilary but yes, I’m glad he got elected in 2016. It’s hard not to like a person for beating her. I’m just saying this new attitude is the Rubicon for a lot of people.

11-11-22, 03:49
I think Trump cost us seats this week.

If Trump gets beat in the primary and then runs third party, he is an idiot. He would not win as a 3rd party and I must say I really don't think he could win the general, for one reason. His big ego runs his big mouth.

I really believe in spite of himself he was a great President that shot himself in the foot. Time to move on

Agree, completely.

11-11-22, 04:28
That’s not really a valid comparison though.

That's the MOST valid comparison, that is who he actually ran against, that is why he became president. If the Dems had run some half ass moderate who wasn't gonna shut down oil production, mandate gender testing in preschool and was gonna leave guns the hell alone Trump wouldn't have stood a chance.

But for 2024 I hope he doesn't even run. First we need somebody who can actually win, not the guy who lost to Biden the last time and second I think he's all out of useful things he might actually accomplish. Being president isn't like buying real estate. If he actually ends up being the nominee, we will be screwed. Most of us will probably vote for him, but not enough and even if he wins...I don't think we will really win.

11-11-22, 04:44
I got into an discussion with a good friend that is Trump do or die.

My friend lives in Florida and used to like DeSantis now he thinks he is a back stabbing SOB, my friend thinks Trump should be given the Republican nod to run in 24.

My position was that Trump or any candidate is made sharper by a primary and then he said I was ungrateful and didnt deserve Trump,

So I asked him if Trump lost the primary and then ran third party if he would support him and he said yes. I then tried to show him how that would result in a marxist victory and he told me I was crazy because over 75 million voters would sweep Trump into office.

So he is pissed at me and his insanity may cost us a friendship.

Life in the USA 2022, too crazy

11-11-22, 05:09
Supreme court appointments were pretty important. Only gun control I'm aware of is the continued ban on Russkie stuff and bump stocks but Obama would have done the same. Hard to believe he spent more money than Obama, but the important question is how it was spent and on what.

I don't think anyone believes Trump is Reagan 2.0, but worse than Obama is a hard sell. But the alternative was Hillary and we shouldn't forget that. If you think you disproved of Trump, after four years of Hillary even you would be begging for Trump.

Heck, man, after 2 years of Brandon anyone with a brain should be begging for Trump.

That being said, we need a different candidate in 2024.


11-11-22, 06:17
I got into an discussion with a good friend that is Trump do or die.

My friend lives in Florida and used to like DeSantis now he thinks he is a back stabbing SOB, my friend thinks Trump should be given the Republican nod to run in 24.

Your friend must listen to Trump a lot. I see how 'backstabbing Trump' is literally not blowing him on social media 24/7.

DeSantis is smart, because he understands Trumps strengths today ($$$) and weaknesses (running his mouth) - and he's not taking the bait to get into a pissing contest with him. He's keeping his head down and focusing on HIS JOB, Florida. Let Trump run out of piss and vinegar in the next year plus when the Ds indict him / drag him through the mud over and over again - let previous Trump supporters (me included) see that Trumps vanity and mouth cost us a lot in '22.

Trump did more than I could imagine possible by beating Hitlery and getting us THREE Seats on SCOTUS. I thank him for that, but his time is up - he won't win another election. But he should be happy, he's batting .500; he went 1 for 2 with his first a Grand Slam.

Whether DeSantis runs for Pres in '24, I don't know. But I know he's a great Governor.

11-11-22, 07:22
I dont like Trump i ****ing love Trump! He was a great President and got a ton of shit done despite being constantly attacted by the dems, the press, and the republicans.
I didnt like the bumpstock ban, (i love the simulated FA). But lets be honest Trump allowed the NRA to set his firearm policy and the fooked him and us.

That being said, Trump is a old man and i would consider Desantis if he runs in 2024.



Trump told Lawmakers to not be afraid of the NRA (meaning gun owners) and that he has no problem ignoring them.

11-11-22, 07:24
Supreme court appointments were pretty important. Only gun control I'm aware of is the continued ban on Russkie stuff and bump stocks but Obama would have done the same. Hard to believe he spent more money than Obama, but the important question is how it was spent and on what.

I don't think anyone believes Trump is Reagan 2.0, but worse than Obama is a hard sell. But the alternative was Hillary and we shouldn't forget that. If you think you disproved of Trump, after four years of Hillary even you would be begging for Trump.

Hillary is garbage. Of course he's better than her. But that isn't a high bar.

11-11-22, 07:27
I got into an discussion with a good friend that is Trump do or die.

My friend lives in Florida and used to like DeSantis now he thinks he is a back stabbing SOB, my friend thinks Trump should be given the Republican nod to run in 24.

My position was that Trump or any candidate is made sharper by a primary and then he said I was ungrateful and didnt deserve Trump,

So I asked him if Trump lost the primary and then ran third party if he would support him and he said yes. I then tried to show him how that would result in a marxist victory and he told me I was crazy because over 75 million voters would sweep Trump into office.

So he is pissed at me and his insanity may cost us a friendship.

Life in the USA 2022, too crazy

You friend sounds like he can't think for himself.

11-11-22, 07:52
The dems looked at Trump supporters with disdain and hatred. We need to have Trump supporters to move on by seeing that while great, the greatest ever, really no one like him- ever, we need to move on. We’ve got time, and ironically, Trump on our side since I think it is just a mean-time to cringe with Trump. He eventually says or does something that makes people wonder what is really going on.

Getting Trump to realize that one-term by itself isn’t going to really change anything, and that to truly be remembered as one of the greatest, you have to have a strong follow on. John the Baptist versus Jesus- you got to have the apostles spreading the word…

11-11-22, 08:22
More than Hillary? Hell yes.

Well I would still take Bush over Gore or Kerry, but that ain't sayin' much.

11-11-22, 08:26
I got into an discussion with a good friend that is Trump do or die.

My friend lives in Florida and used to like DeSantis now he thinks he is a back stabbing SOB, my friend thinks Trump should be given the Republican nod to run in 24.

My position was that Trump or any candidate is made sharper by a primary and then he said I was ungrateful and didnt deserve Trump,

So I asked him if Trump lost the primary and then ran third party if he would support him and he said yes. I then tried to show him how that would result in a marxist victory and he told me I was crazy because over 75 million voters would sweep Trump into office.

So he is pissed at me and his insanity may cost us a friendship.

Life in the USA 2022, too crazy

And we knock the Left for being looney-tunes! Jeez.....that type of sycophant is gonna screw us all. There are just enough of them out there, blindly up Trump's ass that in our usual 50-50 [+/- 1] electorate we'll end up with another Marxist.

11-11-22, 08:27
Heck, man, after 2 years of Brandon anyone with a brain should be begging for Trump.

That being said, we need a different candidate in 2024.


I am seeing a recurring theme here......

The Dumb Gun Collector
11-11-22, 08:31
People need to be nice to the former Trump or die people. I have gotten text messages from friends who were borderline suicide cultist for Trump who probably would’ve kissed him full on the mouth if he asked them and they are saying “he did a lot for the party but it’s friggin time for him to step aside.” I’m keeping my fingers crossed that we may be on the edge of moving on. That could be the silver lining of this midterm. If it is The Democrats will deeply regret spending all that money back and Maga candidates during this term the same way they came to regret pushing Trump in 2016.

11-11-22, 08:37
Trump is now attacking Gov. Youngkin of Virginia.


11-11-22, 09:00
This just shows you our Country is full of brain dead, easily deceived and manipulated suckers and fools. IMHO, the only thing worse than a traditional deep state spineless Republican is an extreme Socialist Democrat, and the only thing worse than them are scum of the earth RHINO Republicans and Democrat voting gun owners on a gun forum. That is absolutely undeniable and undebatable.

11-11-22, 09:13
This just shows you our Country is full of brain dead, easily deceived and manipulated suckers and fools.

Well, that’s what got us Bill Clinton, Shrub, Obama, Trump and now Biden...

11-11-22, 09:55
I'm really not concerned who gets the nominee...let them knuckle it out & let the strongest win. I feel both men love our country & will implement good policy. Trump is gonna Trump & doing nothing different than he did against opponents in 2016 that people mostly applauded.

Biden has all but formally announced he is going to run again...we could shave an orangutang & dress it up in striped prison garb & beat that idiot. My concern is nothing more than another steal. Nobody can convince me Trump didn't win 2020 as I stayed up all night & saw it with my own eyes. Who gets the nominee isn't the issue to winning 2024.

11-11-22, 10:11
Nobody can convince me Trump didn't win 2020 as I stayed up all night & saw it with my own eyes.

Please do take this as an insult, but...

The problem is that folks like you and yes there’s an army of them, simply cannot and will not believe that the country was completely fed up and pissed off with trump by 2020 and just like the vote that swept him into office, it swept sleepy Joe into office.

In 2016 people were voting against Hillary, not for trump. In 2020 people were voting against trump not for sleepy Joe.

I know it’s hard for the trumpets to get but had they ran anyone but Hillary they would’ve beat the brakes off trump in 2016.

Trump Set to Ignore GOP Advice to Delay Presidential Announcement


Donald Trump is set to ignore GOP advice to hold off on announcing his presidential candidacy until after a Georgia runoff election that could potentially decide the Senate, with the announcement now expected on Tuesday.

11-11-22, 10:41
5 States went offline at the same time around 3am with Trump clearly on his way way to victory...only to come back with a mathematical / statistically impossible biden lead. That famous blue / red graph line with the blue going from 6 to 12 o'clock tells the story. I'm no fan of trump's character or style but he didn't lose.

Obama: 69mm votes / won 873 counties / won 18 of 19 bellwethers / won Florida ohio iowa / won house seats

Trump: 74mm votes / won 2497 counties / won 18 of 19 bellwethers / won Forida ohio iowa / won house seats

Biden: 81mm votes (GTFO) won only 477 counties / won only 1 bellwether / lost Florida ohio iowa / lost house seats

You have to be delusional to not understand what happened.

11-11-22, 10:41
DJT won't get my vote again. If he is the R nominee, I stay home on election day and F the down ballot candidates too.

Just my $50 (.02 adjusted for bidenflation).

ETA; For 2024 I expect to be back in AZ.

11-11-22, 10:45
You have to be delusional to not understand what happened.

Ok, I’ll bite.

So in your opinion who pulled off what can only be described as the greatest crime in the history of the planet?

Yet somehow left no evidence of it...

11-11-22, 10:48
Please do take this as an insult, but...

The problem is that folks like you and yes there’s an army of them, simply cannot and will not believe that the country was completely fed up and pissed off with trump by 2020 and just like the vote that swept him into office, it swept sleepy Joe into office.

In 2016 people were voting against Hillary, not for trump. In 2020 people were voting against trump not for sleepy Joe.

I know it’s hard for the trumpets to get but had they ran anyone but Hillary they would’ve beat the brakes off trump in 2016.

Trump Set to Ignore GOP Advice to Delay Presidential Announcement


That's a point I have been making since the election happened. Anyone could have beaten Trump but HC. The Dems allowed her to ordain herself front runner, and most Dems I know could not stand her. They held their nose and voted for her, or didn't vote, because she was not Trump.

What I'd really like to see was a poll as to what % of people voted for Trump because he was not HC and what % voted for HC because she was not Trump. I think the numbers would stun some people. Trump did and does have some legit core followers to be sure, but his win was as much due to not being HC as anything. I think she had very few legit core followers and got most of her voted due to not being Trump.

I think the numbers would be lower on that score for Biden/Trump but still a high % voting for Biden because he was not Trump.

I don't see good polls really examining the "lesser of two evil" voting that seems to have gotten more and more extreme over past decades.

While it's very clear the media, Dems, FBI, etc did every single under handed, some times illegal, scummy move they could to prevent Trump from winning the first time, and more so the second, I have yet to see a smoking gun they actually altered the election results. HC also claimed the election was "stolen" from her too and GOP "stealing" elections now. Why is she wrong yet Trump was correct? Meh.

Trump needs to STFU and go away already. Desantis is the future, and with a solid VP (Paul would be my choice), would win solidly. Anyone who thinks Trump cares about anything but Trump is suffering hard core cognitive dissonance.

What I liked about Trump most was that the TDS he created exposed the utter hypocrisy and loony tunes of the Dems and progressive left. He hurt their feelz with mean tweets and such. They no longer even pretended to not be unhinged lunatics.

11-11-22, 10:52
What I'd really like to see was a poll as to what % of people voted for Trump because he was not HC and what % voted for HC because she was not Trump. I think the numbers would stun some people. Trump did and does have some legit core followers to be sure, but his win was as much due to not being HC as anything. I think she had very few legit core followers and got most of her voted due to not being Trump.

Honestly I don’t think any amount of evidence would convince them, they not only drank the orange koolaid they drank all of it.

11-11-22, 10:57
The swamp...a combined effort on all fronts. Hard to prove if no court will even accept the cases on what is basically treason. Start with day one of Tump taking office & the dossier...anyone been held accountable for all the BS to get him out of office??

The harder question is explaining the facts of what I posted.

Ok, I’ll bite.

So in your opinion who pulled off what can only be described as the greatest crime in the history of the planet?

Yet somehow left no evidence of it...

11-11-22, 10:59
DJT won't get my vote again. If he is the R nominee, I stay home on election day and F the down ballot candidates too.

Just my $50 (.02 adjusted for bidenflation).

ETA; For 2024 I expect to be back in AZ.

I think best thing people can do if they want send the message they are done with the candidates the two party power sharing monopoly offers is to vote third party, or even write in a candidate. If we don't send the message we want to vote, we just don't want to vote for the garbage candidates running, nothing can ever change. That less people show up to vote at all, just gets put down as people being lazy, not motivated, etc. The fastest growing "party" is the Independent as people try to send the message they can't support either party, and it's ignored by the media and machine.

Voting your conscience is never a wasted vote. Not voting is always a wasted vote. They want you to stay home and not vote and target the zealots and divisions they created to carry them.

11-11-22, 10:59
The swamp...a combined effort on all fronts. Hard to prove if no court will even accept the cases on what is basically treason. Start with day one of Tump taking office & the dossier...anyone been held accountable for all the BS to get him out of office??

The harder question is explaining the facts of what I posted.

So you’re telling me that a deep state government that couldn’t break into a hotel room and keep it a secret has managed to pull off the impossible?

11-11-22, 11:03
I think best thing people can do if they want send the message they are done with the candidates the two party power sharing monopoly offers is to vote third party, or even write in a candidate. If we don't send the message we want to vote, we just don't want to vote for the garbage candidates running, nothing can ever change. That less people show up to vote at all, just gets put down as people being lazy, not motivated, etc. The fastest growing "party" is the Independent as people try to send the message they can't support either party, and it's ignored by the media and machine.

Voting your conscience is never a wasted vote. Not voting is always a wasted vote. They want you to stay home and not vote and target the zealots and divisions they created to carry them.

Good points, I'll take your words under advisement. I've voted since I was 18 (though not always well). I'd hate to break a streak.

11-11-22, 11:09
The swamp...a combined effort on all fronts. Hard to prove if no court will even accept the cases on what is basically treason. Start with day one of Tump taking office & the dossier...anyone been held accountable for all the BS to get him out of office??

The harder question is explaining the facts of what I posted.

I agree with all of that. That's very different than the claims votes were physically altered and more people actually voted for Trump then Brandon. HC claimed that's how she lost to Trump. Was she right too? I'm also in agreement our voting system needs to be hardened up if for no other reason than to improve people's faith it's fair and accurate as if people don't have that faith, no democracy can stand for long.

The level the swamp stooped down to prevent the reelection of Trump was one of the most disgusting things I have witnessed in my life time. They decided the end justified the means as he represented an existential threat to their power base, and I include many in the GOP for that. But, claims of actual vote tampering that could have altered the outcome? Yet to see any smoking gun for it and seems very one sided as HC claimed same, we all told her to STFU and take the loss.

11-11-22, 12:04
So you’re telling me that a deep state government that couldn’t break into a hotel room and keep it a secret has managed to pull off the impossible?

That wasn't deep state, those were flunkies

11-11-22, 12:30
That wasn't deep state, those were flunkies

So Nixon was a flunkie?

He might not have been the one picking the lock but the approval for that and the subsequent coverup went all the way to his desk in the Oval Office. I guess you have forgot the part of history where this all mushroomed into a constitutional crisis that led to the resignation of Nixon?

Flunkies, really?

11-11-22, 13:16
I agree with all of that. That's very different than the claims votes were physically altered and more people actually voted for Trump then Brandon. HC claimed that's how she lost to Trump. Was she right too? I'm also in agreement our voting system needs to be hardened up if for no other reason than to improve people's faith it's fair and accurate as if people don't have that faith, no democracy can stand for long.

The level the swamp stooped down to prevent the reelection of Trump was one of the most disgusting things I have witnessed in my life time. They decided the end justified the means as he represented an existential threat to their power base, and I include many in the GOP for that. But, claims of actual vote tampering that could have altered the outcome? Yet to see any smoking gun for it and seems very one sided as HC claimed same, we all told her to STFU and take the loss.

I'm not interested a back & forth engagement on the topic as it's done...like stated, I know what I witnessed with my own eyes & the facts I posted in #57 cannot be explained. The media portion of the swamp is just as complicit & not even Fox touched the 2000 mules doc. proving a part of the shenanigans.

We have big problems & my whole point is I have zero faith in the current election system & way more worried about it than who gets the nod...I predict 2024 is going to be fireworks.

11-11-22, 13:29
Ok, I’ll bite.

So in your opinion who pulled off what can only be described as the greatest crime in the history of the planet?

Yet somehow left no evidence of it...

Oh here we go, no evidence. Artos saw the same things I saw on election night. Then there's "2000 Mules". How about "discrepancies" in AZ (which seems to be not exactly fixed as of 2022 either). Then there's Alito ordering PA to separate ballots postmarked after election day, but they flipped the bird and ignored it. Of course PA SoS taking it upon himself to switch to mail-in voting "'Cause muh COVID", when in fact the U.S. Constitution allows state legislatures (of which the SoS is NOT) to set election law. That didn't happen. But all of that stuff is okay right? 'Cause that brain-dead potato-head fvck Biden really got more votes than anyone in U.S. history.

Yeah, right. I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell ya.

11-11-22, 13:33
Honestly I don’t think any amount of evidence would convince them, they not only drank the orange koolaid they drank all of it.

You're right, I will NEVER believe FJB honestly won in 2020. Never. But before you arrogantly wave your hand with dismissiveness pay attention to what just about everyone in this thread (myself included) has said about Trump in 2024. Our comments aren't going to fit your narrative of "orange kool-aid".

11-11-22, 13:35
So you’re telling me that a deep state government that couldn’t break into a hotel room and keep it a secret has managed to pull off the impossible?

No, they completely ignored what happened (with their butt-buddies in the MSM) because they hated Trump. Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you.

11-11-22, 13:38
Over at the THE OTHER SITE, which was a Trump.Echo Chamber,.Trump lost his support there by attacking Youngkin and DeSantis.


11-11-22, 13:40
I agree with all of that. That's very different than the claims votes were physically altered and more people actually voted for Trump then Brandon. HC claimed that's how she lost to Trump. Was she right too? I'm also in agreement our voting system needs to be hardened up if for no other reason than to improve people's faith it's fair and accurate as if people don't have that faith, no democracy can stand for long.

The level the swamp stooped down to prevent the reelection of Trump was one of the most disgusting things I have witnessed in my life time. They decided the end justified the means as he represented an existential threat to their power base, and I include many in the GOP for that. But, claims of actual vote tampering that could have altered the outcome? Yet to see any smoking gun for it and seems very one sided as HC claimed same, we all told her to STFU and take the loss.

You can't even compare election night of 2016 to that of 2020. I watched both. And no one said Trump got more votes that FJB......shenanigans in key areas that played well into the Electoral College scheme of electing a POTUS took place though. That's all that had to happen. No nationwide cheating, just very targeted tom-foolery. Trump won TN by 23 points. FJB won Kali bigly. No need to try and cheat in those areas. But "swing states," ah yes those beautiful swing states.......

11-11-22, 13:41
2016 was a perfect storm.

1. Everyone hated Hillary.
2. Everyone was tired of Profesional Career Establishment Politicians.
3. Trump wasn't 1 or 2.

2018 and 2020 showed his gaffs, screw ups, egotism, and narcissistic issues. He spent more than Obama, he pushed gun control, he literally pushed the shutdown and welfare, when he previously criticized it.

I'm the end, in 2016, people didn't vote for Trump, they voted against Hillary. In 2020, folks didn't vote for Biden, they voted against Trump.

Remember, Trump didn't win the popular vote in 2016. He won the electoral vote. Trump is not a popular as he promotes himself to be.

11-11-22, 13:43
Over at the THE OTHER SITE, which was a Trump.Echo Chamber,.Trump lost his support there by attacking Youngkin and DeSantis.


A thread I posted here months ago asking the same question had almost exactly the same results. IIRC 75% wanted DeSantis in 2024, not Lord Cheeto. This was before Trump shooting off his mouth about Ron.

11-11-22, 14:03
Our comments aren't going to fit your narrative of "orange kool-aid".

I want nothing more than to be proved completely wrong. But even as Miami JBTs post shows about 20% of folks are still slurping up that orange koolaid and those are the ones who’ll happily vote for trump as a third party candidate handing the election in 24 to Joe or Kumquat or worse...

11-11-22, 14:16
I want nothing more than to be proved completely wrong. But even as Miami JBTs post shows about 20% of folks are still slurping up that orange koolaid and those are the ones who’ll happily vote for trump as a third party candidate handing the election in 24 to Joe or Kumquat or worse...

This is what's going to happen!
Either Trump wins the nomination and Liz runs against him 3rd party and breaks us up or DeSantis get the nomination and Trump runs 3rd party to be a spoiler.
We have almost no chance unless Trump drops dead IMO

11-11-22, 14:18
I want nothing more than to be proved completely wrong. But even as Miami JBTs post shows about 20% of folks are still slurping up that orange koolaid and those are the ones who’ll happily vote for trump as a third party candidate handing the election in 24 to Joe or Kumquat or worse...

I don't disagree with that. The poll I put on here was roughly 25% Trump. That is more than enough, in a close election (considering my 50-50 +/- 1 theory of the electorate) to royally fvck things up for those on the Right and hand it to another Marxist.

11-11-22, 14:38
I don't disagree with that. The poll I put on here was roughly 25% Trump. That is more than enough, in a close election (considering my 50-50 +/- 1 theory of the electorate) to royally fvck things up for those on the Right and hand it to another Marxist.


That’s how we ended up with Bill Clinton in 92. Ross Perot got over 19 million votes, about 19% of the vote. Bush Sr. Lost by about 4 million votes.

11-11-22, 14:48
Heck, man, after 2 years of Brandon anyone with a brain should be begging for Trump.

That being said, we need a different candidate in 2024.


I hope to god we do a LOT better than Trump. There's a lot that needs to be actually fixed.

11-11-22, 14:51

That’s how we ended up with Bill Clinton in 92. Ross Perot got over 19 million votes, about 19% of the vote. Bush Sr. Lost by about 4 million votes.

You know how many people don't know that (or forgot it)? Klinton won in '92 with 43% of the vote! Hell, he won with 49% in 1996 (thanks again to Perot). Douchebag never broke 50%. I'll bet there are a LOT of people who don't know that, because until Mocha Jesus came around a decade later Herr Klinton was seen as the Second Coming.

11-11-22, 15:18
This is what's going to happen!
Either Trump wins the nomination and Liz runs against him 3rd party and breaks us up or DeSantis get the nomination and Trump runs 3rd party to be a spoiler.
We have almost no chance unless Trump drops dead IMO

I don't see Trump running 3rd party. There is no chance of winning, and he'd look like a HUGE loser.

Now, if you can get AOC or some other crazy lefty to run from the left also, and you have a 4 way race, that might be interesting, but I think the two main parties have so much inertia that they end up getting all the EC votes, and the other two just shape what direction states go.

Trump doesn't appeal to the middle like Perot did.

11-11-22, 15:35
I don't see Trump running 3rd party. There is no chance of winning, and he'd look like a HUGE loser.

Trump doesn't appeal to the middle like Perot did.

Sure he will, he and Perot are cut from the same narcissistic whole cloth in fact trump ran in 2000 on Perots Reform Party ticket...

Donald Trump 2000 presidential campaign


Trump focused his campaign on the issues of fair trade, eliminating the national debt, and achieving universal healthcare as outlined in the campaign companion piece The America We Deserve, released in January 2000. He named media proprietor Oprah Winfrey as his ideal running mate.

11-11-22, 16:31
Sure he will, he and Perot are cut from the same narcissistic whole cloth in fact trump ran in 2000 on Perots Reform Party ticket...

Donald Trump 2000 presidential campaign


Trump has eaten at the big kids table, he's not going back....

11-11-22, 23:03
A thread I posted here months ago asking the same question had almost exactly the same results. IIRC 75% wanted DeSantis in 2024, not Lord Cheeto. This was before Trump shooting off his mouth about Ron.

The other site was hard-core Trump echo Chamber. To the point that it was the Trump version of Democratic Underground.

11-11-22, 23:07
I don't see Trump running 3rd party. There is no chance of winning, and he'd look like a HUGE loser.

Now, if you can get AOC or some other crazy lefty to run from the left also, and you have a 4 way race, that might be interesting, but I think the two main parties have so much inertia that they end up getting all the EC votes, and the other two just shape what direction states go.

Trump doesn't appeal to the middle like Perot did.

Trump could easily run third party and recruit Tulsi as a VP. He won't win, but that won't be his goal. Fleecing his supporters will be his goal.

I remember his "stop the steal" donation page stated that only eight cents of every dollar went to fight election fraud. The rest went to his pocket, the RNC's pocket, and his campaign creditors.

11-12-22, 07:18
So Nixon was a flunkie?

He might not have been the one picking the lock but the approval for that and the subsequent coverup went all the way to his desk in the Oval Office. I guess you have forgot the part of history where this all mushroomed into a constitutional crisis that led to the resignation of Nixon?

Flunkies, really?

Yes, flunkies.
Do you want to hire a professional or just round up some friends and break in to the DNC?
They got caught because they turned on the lights in an Office that was closed and it was well after hours.
Not only that, but Nixon was such a dummy that he sent them in there to commit a crime to ensure his Presidency. That big dummy would have won without the Watergate burglary, people told him he was leading and he did it anyway.
Yeah Nixon, Liddy, Hunt, all of them. Masybe they were good at the CIA, or FBI pushing paper, but no one brought a flashlight and kept the Office lights turned off?
They define Flunky.

11-12-22, 09:12
GOP Reportedly Looking to Snub Trump for DeSantis in Herschel Walker Runoff: Trump ‘Would Go Ballistic’


Trump has to go!

Trump in 'self-destruct mode', becoming increasingly isolated as he fumes over midterm results


Trump Ready To 'Burn It All Down' If He Doesn't Get His Way With GOP


Looks like Ann Coulter has had it with trump too.


Trump voters are ‘done’ with ex-president: ‘He needs to disappear’


11-13-22, 06:51
GOP Reportedly Looking to Snub Trump for DeSantis in Herschel Walker Runoff: Trump ‘Would Go Ballistic’


Trump has to go!

Trump in 'self-destruct mode', becoming increasingly isolated as he fumes over midterm results


Trump Ready To 'Burn It All Down' If He Doesn't Get His Way With GOP


Looks like Ann Coulter has had it with trump too.


Trump voters are ‘done’ with ex-president: ‘He needs to disappear’


Trump threw his most loyal and faithful to the wolves. On January 6, he riled up his supporters to riot and on January 7 he told the entire world the book should be thrown at them. One of his faithful died for him and it was all for naught..

With the last remaining days in office, instead of issuing a blanket pardon for them, he let them stay in prison.

Who did he pardon? Convicted murders, drug dealers, and corrupt Democrat politicians instead.

And after all of that, he raised $250 million off the idea that the election was stolen from him. The very same idea that spurred his most faithful to riot, die, and get arrested.

Has he spent a single penny to support their legal fees?

No, not a one. He doesn't give two damns about them. Hell, just recently he said IF HE'S ELECTED BACK TO OFFICE, he'll pardon them.

He didn't say he'll support them NOW, he said he'll only do it as a quid pro quo if the voters put him back into office.

That tells you who Trump is and what he cares about.

11-13-22, 08:40
"Midterms a success"?!? I'd hate to see a disaster in that case.

11-14-22, 07:41
He is now attacking the Virginia Lt. Governor.



11-14-22, 12:52
Now is the time to go hard against Trump.

11-14-22, 15:59

11-14-22, 16:41
Uh oh, DeSantis is now polling higher than Trump, in Texas!


TEXASGOP.ORG (https://t.co/NtoBjWXJPu)


11-14-22, 22:14
Uh oh, Spaghettios.

Club For Growth (https://www.clubforgrowth.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/CfGAction_2024_Primary_PollSummary_221114.pdf)



YouGov Poll (https://docs.cdn.yougov.com/pkxui0qzo6/crosstabs_2022%20Election%20-%20What%20Is%20Next.pdf)


11-15-22, 18:34
Some of you guys turned on Trump real quick like.

11-15-22, 19:10
I believe polls. They are always spot on!

11-15-22, 20:47
Some of you guys turned on Trump real quick like.

Not really. I never really liked him at all. Voted Libertarian in 16 as a protest (I'm in UT it wasn't gonna matter). Grudgingly gave him my vote in 20 and that's the only one he's ever gonna get from me.

11-15-22, 20:51
Not really. I never really liked him at all. Voted Libertarian in 16 as a protest (I'm in UT it wasn't gonna matter). Grudgingly gave him my vote in 20 and that's the only one he's ever gonna get from me.

This was my story too, WA's EV's were locked for Hitlery even before she announced.

11-15-22, 21:32
Some of you guys turned on Trump real quick like.

I can't believe how these people have done it. With friends like them, who needs enemies. I like DeSantis. He will make a great present after Trump finishes his work.

The liberals negative campain has worked on the weak here. Maybe he has terrible bedside manors, but as the best surgeon. He's the one you should want repairing the bad heart of the country.

11-16-22, 05:20
I can't believe how these people have done it. With friends like them, who needs enemies. I like DeSantis. He will make a great present after Trump finishes his work.

The liberals negative campain has worked on the weak here. Maybe he has terrible bedside manors, but as the best surgeon. He's the one you should want repairing the bad heart of the country.

Oh give me a break. I voted for him twice. What the hell else do you want? I voted for Cruz in the 2016 primary but Lord Cheeto in the general elections. Now it is time for a change. I was never a Trump sycophant nor was I a Never Trumper. In 2024 we need someone else. DeSantis is the most likely.

DeSantis leads Trump in the most polls. Soon Trump will resume his childish name-calling with his stupid fvcking nicknames. If DeSantis wins the primary, are all you Trump sycophants gonna take your toys and go home or vote for DeSantis? Maybe hope Trump runs third party so we can definitely have a Marxist for another four years? SMH

11-16-22, 08:34
Trump has officially announced he will run in 2024.

11-16-22, 09:47
hard agree with @abnak reply.

11-16-22, 10:17
Oh give me a break. I voted for him twice. What the hell else do you want? I voted for Cruz in the 2016 primary but Lord Cheeto in the general elections. Now it is time for a change. I was never a Trump sycophant nor was I a Never Trumper. In 2024 we need someone else. DeSantis is the most likely.

DeSantis leads Trump in the most polls. Soon Trump will resume his childish name-calling with his stupid fvcking nicknames. If DeSantis wins the primary, are all you Trump sycophants gonna take your toys and go home or vote for DeSantis? Maybe hope Trump runs third party so we can definitely have a Marxist for another four years? SMH

Agreed on all fronts and mirrors my positions. Trump needs to move on, but we all knew his ego and narcissism assured he would not, and now he may be responsible for another term of Brandon or something even worse. Trump cares about Trump, and that will be more and more clear as we get closer to the elections as all but the most die hard MAGA types tell him to step aside and allow someone like Desantis to lead the party to a win. Yes, if it was to actually come down to Trump or Brandon again, I will unhappy vote for Trump knowing what a total chit show that will be.

Desantis, will pick up people on the fence disgusted with the current admin who may have voted Dem or not at all, Independents like me, etc, where as Trump will not, and many will simply stay home, handing Brandon the win.

Me, I'm not a conservative, don't agree with Desantis on all topics, but he's been solid for FL, rejects the woke/progressive agenda, not a flip flop type like Trump etc, smart, takes no BS from the press, and the Dems would be willing to work with him, where as they will make sure nothing gets done at all if Trump gets re elected.

11-16-22, 10:39
I support Trump and Desantis. I will support whoever wins the primary.

I believe Trump will as well, despite people here who think he will run as independent.

The question is.
If Trump wins the primary will the newly not Trumper's step up and support him?

11-16-22, 12:37
I think ‘not support’ as in not vote or show up for events. He isn’t gaining popularity and fans…

11-16-22, 13:40
Oh give me a break. I voted for him twice. What the hell else do you want? I voted for Cruz in the 2016 primary but Lord Cheeto in the general elections. Now it is time for a change. I was never a Trump sycophant nor was I a Never Trumper. In 2024 we need someone else. DeSantis is the most likely.

DeSantis leads Trump in the most polls. Soon Trump will resume his childish name-calling with his stupid fvcking nicknames. If DeSantis wins the primary, are all you Trump sycophants gonna take your toys and go home or vote for DeSantis? Maybe hope Trump runs third party so we can definitely have a Marxist for another four years? SMH

This needs the like button.

11-16-22, 15:56
This needs the like button.

Yep. This is exactly where I am. I’ve remained exactly the same since early 2016. I wanted Trump to destabilize the GOPe RINO kleptocracy, didn’t necessarily want him to win the primary, didn’t vote for him in the primary, recognized his many flaws then and now, voted for him in both general elections and will vote for him again in the 2024 general election if he’s on that ballot, but I don’t want him on that one.

I’d have much preferred he not run again, but knew he would. Doesn’t matter, I’m on the DeSantis train right now. Again the crucial question is whether all the actual pro-Trump supporters, will announce right now that they’re gonna vote for DeSantis in the general election if he wins the 2024 primary?

Make your positions be known.

11-16-22, 16:26
Yep. This is exactly where I am. I’ve remained exactly the same since early 2016. I wanted Trump to destabilize the GOPe RINO kleptocracy, didn’t necessarily want him to win the primary, didn’t vote for him in the primary, recognized his many flaws then and now, voted for him in both general elections and will vote for him again in the 2024 general election if he’s on that ballot, but I don’t want him on that one.

I’d have much preferred he not run again, but knew he would. Doesn’t matter, I’m on the DeSantis train right now. Again the crucial question is whether all the actual pro-Trump supporters, will announce right now that they’re gonna vote for DeSantis in the general election if he wins the 2024 primary?

Make your positions be known.

""I wanted Trump to destabilize the GOPe RINO kleptocracy, didn’t necessarily want him to win the primary, ""

How was that going to work? If he didn't win the presidency. How was he to destabilize the GOPe RINO kleptocracy? He would have been nothing more than a failed contestant that would have made no impact.

11-16-22, 16:35
""I wanted Trump to destabilize the GOPe RINO kleptocracy, didn’t necessarily want him to win the primary, ""

How was that going to work? If he didn't win the presidency. How was he to destabilize the GOPe RINO kleptocracy? He would have been nothing more than a failed contestant that would have made no impact.

Because he shot Jeb down in flames, along with several other GOPe candidates who nose dived before the primaries were over. He didn’t have to then go on to be president. Because let’s face it, of all the campaign promises he did deliver on, “draining the swamp” was definitely not one of them.

11-16-22, 17:39
Because he shot Jeb down in flames, along with several other GOPe candidates who nose dived before the primaries were over. He didn’t have to then go on to be president. Because let’s face it, of all the campaign promises he did deliver on, “draining the swamp” was definitely not one of them.

Jeb didn't have a chance in hell. I was hoping for Teddy, but Trump was the right one for the job.

As for draining the swamp. That swamp was a lot deeper and wider than he knew. He tried to be bipartisan. He received a lot of swampy references. Hell do you think he knew Comey and so many others would protect the swamp the way they did? He was not an insider. Hell even the insiders backstab one another. It's what they do. I don't think people appreciate the amount of corruption he was up against.

One would hope more people would stand with them when trying to do what is right for the country. He found out the only way you can. By jumping into the swamp with both feet. People seem to think the president can do anything he wants. When our system is a slow bureaucratic muck.

Most people would not have accomplished as much as he did. Let alone came through it as well as he did. He not only had a sea of liberal politicians. He also had a super majority of media and corporate liberal suport. Then the Republican rhinos and swamp creatures. Anyone who has encountered the amount of hell he has endured for as long as he has, and come through it. Is a very strong and resistant person. Not to mention diving back in the way he is. Gets my respect.

11-16-22, 19:47
I can't believe how these people have done it. With friends like them, who needs enemies. I like DeSantis. He will make a great present after Trump finishes his work.

The liberals negative campain has worked on the weak here. Maybe he has terrible bedside manors, but as the best surgeon. He's the one you should want repairing the bad heart of the country.

“The liberals negative campain has worked on the weak here.”

The liberal media didn’t have to help. Trump is perfectly capable of shooting himself in the foot with Conservatives. Stop with the cognitive dissonance and let the blame land where it belongs.

The Dumb Gun Collector
11-16-22, 21:12
Dear Lord let it be DeSantis. Now, if Trump somehow )(*#)# gets it I will have to vote for the dumb bastard again because I believe Democrats have become Satanic in their policies (Abortion not as a necessary evil, but as an actual good, promoting bizarre mental illnesses like gender dysphoria on children, again, not out of tolerance but as an actual good, etc). But Trump CANNOT win, and will continue to drag down the party. DeSantis can win and win big. We need to start winning again because Clarence Thomas can't live forever.

11-16-22, 21:57
"Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) on Wednesday requested the architect of the U.S. Capitol replace a statue of a Confederate general with one of a civil rights leader.

The statue of Gen. Edmund Kirby Smith will be replaced with one of Mary McLeod Bethune as one of Florida’s two statues in the National Statuary Hall and elsewhere in Washington, D.C."


11-16-22, 22:22
"Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) on Wednesday requested the architect of the U.S. Capitol replace a statue of a Confederate general with one of a civil rights leader.
I wo
The statue of Gen. Edmund Kirby Smith will be replaced with one of Mary McLeod Bethune as one of Florida’s two statues in the National Statuary Hall and elsewhere in Washington, D.C."


Thats the thing, we know nothing about Desantis but we will blindly vote for him. Obviously the people of florida love him but that doesnt mean he would be a good POTUS? Personally i feel Trump is too old but he was the greatest president of my generation. Sadto see so many of my fellow citizens turn against him. Shows how powerful propaganda truly is.

The Dumb Gun Collector
11-17-22, 01:26
"Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) on Wednesday requested the architect of the U.S. Capitol replace a statue of a Confederate general with one of a civil rights leader.

The statue of Gen. Edmund Kirby Smith will be replaced with one of Mary McLeod Bethune as one of Florida’s two statues in the National Statuary Hall and elsewhere in Washington, D.C."


read the article....

Legislation to replace Smith with Bethune was first proposed in 2016 and then signed into law by then-Gov. Rick Scott (R) in 2018. The statue is expected to be completed and moved to the hall next year, according to a release.

YES, Rick Scott, Trump's boy...

Trump endorses Rick Scott for Senate majority leader, says DeSantis run for president would be a 'mistake'


11-17-22, 02:33
It’s too hard to read the whole thing. We just like to read the parts that we like. Stop being smart.

11-17-22, 20:28
Yep. This is exactly where I am. I’ve remained exactly the same since early 2016. I wanted Trump to destabilize the GOPe RINO kleptocracy, didn’t necessarily want him to win the primary, didn’t vote for him in the primary, recognized his many flaws then and now, voted for him in both general elections and will vote for him again in the 2024 general election if he’s on that ballot, but I don’t want him on that one.

I’d have much preferred he not run again, but knew he would. Doesn’t matter, I’m on the DeSantis train right now. Again the crucial question is whether all the actual pro-Trump supporters, will announce right now that they’re gonna vote for DeSantis in the general election if he wins the 2024 primary?

Make your positions be known.

Someone can be appreciative of Trump’s accomplishments that have been listed in this thread but that doesn’t extend to him being my own personal savior. It’s like there’s some litmus test among the rabid supporters that if you’re not with him you’re against him, and that comes top down from the leader himself.

11-17-22, 20:52

First DeSantis Presidential advertisement.

11-17-22, 20:54
read the article....

YES, Rick Scott, Trump's boy...


Folks blame DeSantis for Scott's actions. I see it with red flag laws.

11-17-22, 21:20
It’s too hard to read the whole thing. We just like to read the parts that we like. Stop being smart.

Hell yeah!!!

trumpets gonna rise again!!!


11-17-22, 22:12
It’s too hard to read the whole thing. We just like to read the parts that we like. Stop being smart.

I tried to find the part where Desantis overturned RS ban on southern war heroes but i couldnt find it.

11-17-22, 22:13
Folks blame DeSantis for Scott's actions. I see it with red flag laws.

Will Desantis overturn the BS red flag law? Everything ive read says he supports it.

11-17-22, 22:44
Will Desantis overturn the BS red flag law? Everything ive read says he supports it.

He can't overturn it with a handwave. A bill to repeal it must pass the legislature and the legislative leadership will never do that since they all voted in favor of it.

It is a game of quid pro quo. Something for Something. He has to have something the legislature is willing to trade foe repeal. The Disney bill for example was a quid pro quo deal. They pushed the bill, he endorsed them, including Wilton Simpson.

Which for those who don't know, Simpson and DeSantis hate each other.

11-17-22, 22:53
I tried to find the part where Desantis overturned RS ban on southern war heroes but i couldnt find it.

DeSantis made it a felony for someone to destroy a Confederate Monument/Memorial when he signed the ‘Public Disorder’ Law back in 2021.

As for replacing Kirby Smith with Mary Bethune, Rick Scott signed that into law in 2016.

It was FL Republicans who pushed to replace Kirby Smith. Which, part of the reasoning was that Kirby Smith, while growing up in FL, as an adult didn't live in FL.

11-18-22, 01:27
Trump had his moment, and it has long past. The big myth about Trump is that he is as popular in reality as he is in his own mind. He barely squeaked past one of the most hated people in politics in 2016, and it's been downhill since. While he managed some worthwhile accomplishments that we should look to build on, it's time for new blood.

On top of that, the wild card out there is the possibility of a federal or state indictment. While it would make my blood boil knowing that Trump got indicted or impeached for the same security breaches that Hillary skated on, the facts aren't in his favor. That potential case is hanging over his head. Obviously good incentive for him to win, but if he doesn't win the primary contest, he's got a strong incentive to want to be on good terms with whoever does. In the past he hasn't been one for overly logical moves, preferring the random and instinctive, but he does seem to have a nose for survival. Maybe he will think more than act like a dumbass this time. Hard to say.

As it stands, I would support DeSantis for president. Not 100% on policy, but he has hardly put a foot wrong the past few years. Good policy first, and then only engaging in the obvious and winnable culture battles, and all without sounding like a circus ringleader when he speaks. But I thought Scott Walker was going to be a strong candidate in 2016 based on his ability to put his finger in the face of public sector unions in WI, and he flamed out like a bottle rocket.

Whoever it is had better be more electable than the tangerine menace, I am not sure the country can deal with 4 more years of Bidenflation.

11-18-22, 07:43
Trump's evangelical backers are dropping him.

Key Evangelical Figures Turn On Trump: 'He Used Us' (https://news.yahoo.com/key-evangelical-figures-turn-trump-092100813.html)

“Donald Trump can’t save America,” Mike Evans said. “He can’t even save himself.”

“He used us to win the White House. We had to close our mouths and eyes when he said things that horrified us,” Evans told the newspaper. “I cannot do that anymore.”

Who Mike Evans is (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Evans_(author)).

Trump would act ‘like a little elementary schoolchild,’ former spiritual adviser says (https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/11/17/trump-spiritual-adviser-criticism-child/)

James Robison of Life Outreach International, said in a speech this week that Trump’s ego is getting in the way of the agenda.

“If Mr. Trump can’t stop his little petty issues, how does he expect people to stop major issues?”

He said he told Trump: “Sir, you act like a little elementary schoolchild and you shoot yourself in the foot every morning you get up and open your mouth! The more you keep your mouth closed, the more successful you’re gonna be!”

Who James Robison is (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Robison_(televangelist)).

But this isn't surprising because Trump is anything but evangelical or spiritual. He only got evangelical support because of Jerry Falwell Jr, an alcoholic philandering cuck that made a quid pro quo deal with Trump back in 2015/2016. He'd endorsed Trump for some legal help.

God Forbid: The Sex Scandal that Brought Down a Dynasty

Hulu had an excellent documentary on Jerry Falwell Jr's sex scandal and how it was connected to Trump. A quid pro quo agreement was made between them. Falwell endorsed Trump ro convince others he was evangelical.

Yup, a fake evangelical is what got real evangelicals on board to back Trump.

11-18-22, 07:51
I will never understand the level of TDS here. Desantis is a much better candidate, IMHO. So what? Don't roll over like a bitch and parrot every leftist Donald Trump talking point, and if you have to roll over like a bitch and repeat everything you heard on MSM, do it in the Trump thread.


11-18-22, 08:06
I will never understand the level of TDS here. Desantis is a much better candidate, IMHO. So what? Don't roll over like a bitch and parrot every leftist Donald Trump talking point, and if you have to roll over like a bitch and repeat everything you heard on MSM, do it in the Trump thread.


So, showing that Trump is shedding key supporters due to his egotistical and narcissistic actions is bad because it makes Trump look bad?

Look, I am not an evangelical in any sense of the word and I can admit that. I drink, smoke, swear, listen to rock 'n roll, my wife and I got it on before marriage, etc.... I barely go to church as a catholic unless it is a wedding, a baptism, or a funeral.

But even I can see the issues.

How did a guy who cheated on his wives with mistresses, who then divorced his wives to marry said mistresses, who went through it again, including banging a skanky porn star and paid her hush money, get endorsed by evangelicals and proclaimed to be Christian?

11-18-22, 08:45
How did a guy who cheated on his wives with mistresses, who then divorced his wives to marry said mistresses, who went through it again, including banging a skanky porn star and paid her hush money, get endorsed by evangelicals and proclaimed to be Christian?

He’s no more Christian than he is Republican....

He’s changed parties more than most folks trade cars in his lifetime. He appealed to the low information TL;DR crowd and ran against the most hated woman in politics...

11-19-22, 07:33
So, showing that Trump is shedding key supporters due to his egotistical and narcissistic actions is bad because it makes Trump look bad?

Look, I am not an evangelical in any sense of the word and I can admit that. I drink, smoke, swear, listen to rock 'n roll, my wife and I got it on before marriage, etc.... I barely go to church as a catholic unless it is a wedding, a baptism, or a funeral.

But even I can see the issues.

How did a guy who cheated on his wives with mistresses, who then divorced his wives to marry said mistresses, who went through it again, including banging a skanky porn star and paid her hush money, get endorsed by evangelicals and proclaimed to be Christian?

To answer your question - perhaps he accepted Christ into his life and was saved? Heck, we have a false president and a soon to be ex-speaker of the House who both support the murder of unborn children and claim to be Catholic...

More to my point - this is a thread about Ron Desantis running for president and I would very much like to learn more about him. If I want to hear bad things about Trump, I can read the Trump VP thread. Maybe its all good things there, I don't know because I don't support or care about Trump's candidacy.


11-19-22, 17:15
Trump is a last place vote option, eff him.
I hope he just goes away before causing more problems.
I won't vote for him in a primary election, and will have to hold my nose to vote fore him in the general.

11-20-22, 10:59
I just watched a Desantis press conference on youtube, the reporter asked Desantis what he thought about Trumps verbal attacks on him. Desantis turned it around on the press it was a beautiful thing. He is a class act.


11-20-22, 12:57
I just watched a Desantis press conference on youtube, the reporter asked Desantis what he thought about Trumps verbal attacks on him. Desantis turned it around on the press it was a beautiful thing. He is a class act.


DeSantis is not taking the bait.

11-20-22, 13:02
I happened to catch Elon's reinstatement of Trump's twatter account late yesterday & thought maybe it was a joke with only 19,000 followers...turns out they removed them all.

This AM when I checked he had 84 million & now up to over 86 million followers...Desantis has 3mm.



11-20-22, 14:31
To answer your question - perhaps he accepted Christ into his life and was saved? Heck, we have a false president and a soon to be ex-speaker of the House who both support the murder of unborn children and claim to be Catholic...

More to my point - this is a thread about Ron Desantis running for president and I would very much like to learn more about him. If I want to hear bad things about Trump, I can read the Trump VP thread. Maybe its all good things there, I don't know because I don't support or care about Trump's candidacy.


During g the tail end of his administration, he walked out of the White House with a Bible. When specifically asked if it was his. He refused to answer it ans basically said, "it is a bible". He had never been evangelical. Neither have I, but I can admit it.

11-20-22, 16:11
Nikki Haley hints at 2024 presidential run during Republican Jewish Coalition speech: 'I've never lost'


Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley hinted she could seek a bid for the presidency in 2024 during a speech at the Republican Jewish Coalition Annual Leadership Meeting, potentially setting up a challenge with former President Donald Trump for the Republican nomination.

Haley, also a former U.S. Ambassador in the Trump administration, has been considered a potential presidential candidate for years and became an outspoken critic of Trump after leaving his administration.

DeSantis Haley would be a formidable team!

11-20-22, 22:00
Nikki Haley hints at 2024 presidential run during Republican Jewish Coalition speech: 'I've never lost'


DeSantis Haley would be a formidable team!

Haley was not that great of a Governor.

11-20-22, 22:07
Nikki Haley hints at 2024 presidential run during Republican Jewish Coalition speech: 'I've never lost'


DeSantis Haley would be a formidable team!

I envision zero debates between Kamala and Haley…..

11-21-22, 17:31
If he does run, who can he trust in his cabinet?
As we saw with POTUS Trump, half of the folks he had working with him, were working against him. How does an incomming Conservative POTUS deal with the Swamp, the Alphabet Agencies, and traitorous Liberals?
Because you know if it ever happens again the immeadiate reaction will be arson, robbery and murder.

11-21-22, 19:21
If he does run, who can he trust in his cabinet?
As we saw with POTUS Trump, half of the folks he had working with him, were working against him. How does an incomming Conservative POTUS deal with the Swamp, the Alphabet Agencies, and traitorous Liberals?
Because you know if it ever happens again the immeadiate reaction will be arson, robbery and murder.

I think DEsantis is a lot better at having access and knowing political talent. If nothing else, he has all his state cronies to bring along and keep an eye on things. Sure, Trump had bought a lot of it in the past, but that is different. I think the biggest difference would be that Desantis would have a better grip on congress. Paul Ryan treated Trump like a smelly diaper.

11-22-22, 07:28
Hell no on Desantis running for President in 2024. He needs to finish out his four year term here in Florida. We almost got the former mayor of Tallahassee who would have fvcked Florida. Yes I agree he would do very well as president.

Trump exposed DC politics for what it was. He needs to shut up but it is not his nature.


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